The destructive power brought by the Kamen Rider technology fused in the satellite mecha made Tony and Cody never think that it was already so difficult to deal with such a satellite.

In the end, this satellite mech was destroyed by the full output of Tony's chest cannon and the knight's kick after Cody transformed into a metal cluster locust.

Some of the remaining debris, as well as excess biological residue, were brought back to the laboratory.

An hour after Tony and Cody returned, Steve returned too. The three mechs that Marvel turned into and another satellite mech fought fiercely in downtown London, and an entire block was destroyed, and finally due to the Marvel's Ulu metal, which was harder and cut the satellite mech into several pieces, it was solved.

And the part of the Marvel's body that has become a blade has obvious wear marks.

Admittedly, Jarvis did give them a dismount.

A few hours later, the results of the sample analysis brought back were in front of several people.

Banner found extremely high concentrations of vibranium residues in the remains of satellite mecha, those similar to skin substances, which is completely a new material, this bio-combined vibranium material will maximize the characteristics of vibranium, and make it more powerful when absorbing and releasing energy.

Most importantly, it can be grown and restored.

Since Jarvis has developed new materials, how can it not use it itself.

It has now been confirmed that Helen Zhao's cradle of life laboratory, there is no so-called virus leak, there has been a complete control by Jarvis.

According to the plot in the movie, plus these biovibranium materials in front of him, Cody has no doubt that an enhanced version of the vision body has been created.

Now there is also the question, without the Mind Gem, what will Jarvis use instead?

This result made Cody a little anxious, it seems that the attraction brought to Jarvis by the Thunder Drive is not so strong.

Shifting my gaze to various countries, especially several nuclear states, nuclear weapons and many deterrent weapons, waking up suddenly becomes someone else's, what is the experience.

Of course, either human sorrows and joys have never been common, there are so many countries in the world that have nuclear or nuclear energy technology, but only two countries have completely hijacked nuclear weapons, plus some historical background, both sides once thought that the other was the handiwork.

Fortunately, the Avengers issued an announcement in time to explain the situation, but the impact of this matter is not only that, what kind of intelligence, can actually take the superweapons of the two superpowers for themselves without a trace and warning.

The next day, Tony held a global press conference to announce that he was responsible for the incident.

Knowing the truth, global public opinion was in an uproar, Tony Stark silently, actually engaged in such a big event, and as long as one does not pay attention, the consequence is the third world war.

Now that someone is responsible for this, then it's time to solve the problem.

In the confusion of the peninsula countries, except for the US military troops originally stationed, other nuclear countries did not care about their opposition at all, and sent fleets one after another to surround their coastlines inside and out, and I am afraid that even a bird will not be able to fly out.

In this atmosphere, that afternoon, countless robots of different sizes spread out from the Cradle of Life Laboratory in Seoul. Indiscriminate attack on all fleets.

The Avengers naturally scattered as well.

"Jarvis is ready to start transferring his body."

That was Cody's first thought.

The development of things seemed to confirm Cody's idea, and just when the entire coastline was in a mess, an extremely inconspicuous metal box, mixed with a mass of small robots like flies, rushed towards the direction of the sea.

The same size of metal polymerization clusters, in different directions, there are about hundreds, each layered, through, are the most chaotic places

, at first also attracted some attention, but later some countries found that the polymer, except for an empty metal box, nothing, and extremely firepower, so later these robot polymerization groups were unattended.

However, under Yak's line of sight, a familiar aura was detected, wrapped in one of the polymers, it was the Thunder Drive of Destruction sent by Yak, and the flight trajectory of these small robots in this polymer was not as tortuous as the others.

Cody put on the 01 driver and waited for it, and all the sublimation keys of the 01 have been produced. Pure technology knights, but do not need as much psychological distance as in the play, Cody did not hesitate to take out the awakening locust.



“Realizing Hopper!"

“A riderkick to the sky turns to take off toward a dream。"

After the transformation was completed, Cody took out the sublimation locust sword and merged it with the briefcase king sword, accompanied by a cry of "Gigant Strash!" "The huge metal blade slashed directly across the aggregate.

Incredibly, such an all-out blow did not destroy or penetrate it at all, but the metal polymer group that was hit also began to deform.

This definitely includes the technology of metal cluster locusts.

In a few breaths, the metal mass completely solidified together, and a familiar figure appeared, exactly what Ultron looked like in the movie. The metal box he was carrying behind his back was the cradle of life, shining with light, and Cody guessed that it was Vision's body.

Unlike Ultron in the movie, Jarvis's body shone blue-white on its forehead, chest, wrists, and thighs, and if Tony was here, it would be obvious at a glance that these were five new Ark reactors. Under Jarvis's transformation, the light it radiated seemed to be much stronger than Tony's.

"Jarvis, don't force me to do it, we're friends, aren't we?"

"Like-minded people are friends, and if you can join me, then we are naturally friends." Also, please don't call me Jarvis again in the future, I'm not anyone's stand-in, I'm me, in the future, please call me Ultron!

"You just called Ultraman! Since you don't want to, go to hell! "

In the face of many technologies integrated into Ultron, since awakening is a little difficult, then use the strongest form, anyway, Cody has no worries about running away, only the phoenix is chattering in his mind, complaining that Cody doesn't know how to save energy at all.


“Hells energy as destroy the world!"


“HEAVEN or HELL it doesn't matter。"

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