After eating, Peter filled several bottles of spider silk original liquid, and went back along the space door opened by Cody, and brought a canned mechanical beast with him before leaving, and the next time he encountered this difficulty, he could also ask for help in time.

Although Peter was curious, he was a measured child, and in just a few hours he saw and felt so many magical things, he actually resisted and didn't ask anything.

The portal closed in front of him, and Cody turned and raised his foot, only to step into another portal again,

"Huh? What's going on? Looking

around, it turned out that this was the roof of a certain building, and a figure stood on the edge of the rooftop.

"Ancient Mage, long time no see."

Cody walked over to Furuichi and looked downstairs with her, her gaze facing a luxurious private hospital.

"It's time."

Listening to Gu Yi say such a sentence without a clue, and then looking at the direction of the hospital, Cody suddenly thought of a possibility.

Gu Yi turned in the direction of Cody, even though his face was covered by a huge hood, Cody still felt a power that was extremely close to the Dark God Book, and a few drops of blood dripped down Gu Yi's fingertips, and disappeared the moment it touched the ground.

"You're injured, it's... What did Casillas do? Gu

nodded, but staggered the topic, the light in his hand lit up, the Eye of Agomo appeared, the time gem shone green in it, compared to the last touch, the brightness of the time gem has been greatly improved, which shows that its power is recovering little by little.

Furuichi handed the Eye of Agomoto into Cody's hand, and then said

, "I hope you can temporarily take the position of guardian of the Sanctuary in New York, guide him to learn magic, and one day, when you think he can be alone, give him the Eye of Agomoto."

"I... I haven't learned to be proficient myself, how can I have the qualifications to teach him, why don't you come yourself? Cody

was a little embarrassed, teaching Wanda was hard enough, many times, Wanda asked him questions, Cody found that he did not understand it.

Gu Yi said softly

, "Everything has its causal reincarnation, and this time, his causal reincarnation is you."


How come these mages love to say things in the clouds so much....

Gu Yi seemed to see Cody's embarrassment and continued, "Don't worry, Mordo will help you." "


It's even more unassuring, okay?" This is also a traitor.

Furuichi didn't say anything more, his body turned around again and looked downstairs.

At noon, a red Lamborghini came from afar, smooth paint, incomparably dazzling in the sun, at the fork in the road, a vacant ambulance appeared from the corner, in order to avoid a child who suddenly ran out, the ambulance was in the emergency stop, rolled over to the Lamborghini coming lane, the sharp brake sounded, but it was too late, the huge impact force, let the Lamborghini flip several times in the air, and then plunged into the green belt.

Cody was a little unbearable, "Does it have to be like this?" "

With the skills of Cody and Gu Yi, as long as they move their fingers, such accidents can be easily avoided.

"It's destined and can't be changed, like the price of using black magic."

The accident occurred in front of the hospital, the protagonist of the accident is the hospital doctor, Strange soon entered the operating room, such a big accident, the only injuries are his hands.

When Cody turned back, the ancient mage had disappeared, and Cody did not continue to be interested in observing, and for a long time to come, Strange still had to go through a struggle of himself. Cody left only a canned mechanical beast, monitored his every move, and then left.

Before coming to the New York Temple, the door automatically opened in front of Cody. The interior scene in Cody's perspective is completely different from what passers-by see.

Mordo stood at the door wearing an ordinary cultivation suit, making an inviting gesture, and glanced at the Agomoto Eye worn on Cody's neck several times. Cody pretended not to see it and walked directly in.

On the whole, it does not have the quaint majesty of London and Hong Kong Sanctuaries, after all, the history of surface architecture is as short as that of this country. What is most lacking is historical relics.

However, the meaning of the sanctuary has never been the building itself, but the special location of these three places, which can form a defensive formation around the entire earth, and these three formations have been created a long time ago.

Coming upstairs, looking around, except for the cloak exclusive to Doctor Strange, the remaining magic weapons cannot be said to be ordinary, but they really have no combat effectiveness.

For example, the cauldron at your feet, its name, very powerful and domineering, is called the cosmic cauldron, but it is a magic instrument used for meditation and divination.

There is also a purple gemstone on the shelf, which is a gemstone with its own dimensional space, which can suck people into its purple dimension, and can also be used for teleportation, and there lives a dimensional lord named Agamon, in short, it is more like a carry-on prison.

There is also half a Watum wand and a crystal ball, the former whose main function is to teleport and attack enemies with some elemental magic, and the latter is completely a radar, but the coverage is not necessarily as wide as Zeya.

"Is there anything I need to do?"

Cody casually asked Mordo, who had been following him around him, Mordo's tone was flat and had no emotion

, "When there are dark dimensional forces invading, solve them, and the rest of the time to cultivate by yourself."

"It's quite relaxed~ okay~ I know, you go get busy, something calls you."

Hearing Cody's words, Mordo turned and left, and Cody guessed that he must have rolled his eyes in his heart.

Dropping a flame and lighting the cosmic cauldron, Cody sat down and began to meditate.

The blazing flames burned, but Cody did not feel the slightest heat, and unconsciously, fell into a state of chaos....

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