Seoul Life Lab.

Helen Zhao extracted all the fragments from the cradle of life, and after careful observation, pushed the substance inside into the dormant cabin

, "The initial cultivation of somatic cells has been completed, Mr. Jarvis, as long as your vibranium skeleton is made, you can carry out package cultivation, have you thought about how close the appearance is to Mr. Stark?"

"Can it be modified?"

Helen Zhao nodded

, "Of course, we just need to add some extra internal support when shaping your facial bones, and you can change your appearance, but the overall will still be close to your genetic provider, Mr. Stark."

Jarvis thought for a moment before saying

, "It's okay, it's better to be close to Mr. Stark."

Hearing Jarvis's words, Helen Zhao took off her gloves, today's work came to an end, and her words were a little more casual

, "Mr. Stark is really powerful, I never thought that chatting with an artificial intelligence like you would not have any sense of violation at all, your words are much more natural than the Shumagea AI in the laboratory."

Jarvis smiled in agreement

, "Of course, Mr. Stark is the best person." Without him, how could there be me.

"There is one point, though, that I need you to tell Mr. Stark." Helen Zhao said with some hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

"According to the design plan you provided, after calculation, the vibranium material you brought may not be enough to make an alloy. At most, you can only make two-thirds of your body, and it is only a basic skeleton, somatic fusion experiments with vibranium materials, and the fine customization you want, which is unlikely.

For a long time, Helen Zhao did not wait for Jarvis's reply, and looked up to see that Jarvis closed his eyes and his body was in a state of stagnation.


"Jarvis, Jarvis?"

"I'm here, sir."

"What's going on with you? When I call you these days, there is always a delay in answering.

"Sorry sir, since the home planet guard program went online, the traffic from the universe accounts for 99% of the computing in my data center, in order to achieve efficient monitoring, I changed the priority of your response to passive triggering, which will have a reaction time of about 1 second." Need me to change it back?

"Well, forget it, what interesting information did you find?"

"No, more than 98 percent, useless information generated by cosmic radiation."

"Okay, then I'll find Zeya first if I have something to do, and I'll find a way to expand your capacity later."



Opening his eyes, Jarvis looked at Helen Zhao,

"Was it Mr. Stark just now?" Seeing Jarvis recover, Helen Zhao asked.

"Well, yes, I just told Mr. Stark about the situation, and he told me that the Avengers have found a black market arms dealer named Ulysses Crowe, who has been active on the African coast for a long time, and in two days they are going to secretly ship something into Busan, you think about what they are transporting, what it will be, and at the same time, they have what we need on board." Solve them, you can kill two birds with one stone.

"But, wouldn't that be very dangerous?" Can't I buy it with funds?

Jarvis shook his head, "Vibranium is too precious, even in Mr. Stark's hands, it is extremely rare, and the rest is given to me, it is simply not enough for me to make a body, moreover, Mr. Stark also has other uses, this vibranium arm is Mr. Stark's private collection, this is already the most amount he can provide us." We ignore attrition and experimentation, which is our problem.

"I see, do you need me to help you do something?"

Jarvis nodded

, "When that cargo ship approaches Busan Port, just give me the temporary permission to repair Magia in the institute, and I will solve it as soon as possible."

"Well, okay."


"Tony, hi, I'm still Hank Pym, don't you know if there's news from Kamen Rider?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Dr. Pym, I told him the other day, but he said that he needed to think about it, and he didn't reply to me in the past few days, and you know, his actions are vague, and I can't find him."

"Then I can rest assured, when I went to observe Godzilla in the past two days, I didn't find his signal, I thought he was hiding."

"No, no, maybe he has something to do, he just didn't come."

When Tony hung up the phone, Cody, who was sitting on the couch, asked,

"When are you going to hang him?" In the past two days, the old man has become more and more courageous, and the closer the boat gets, the closer and closer it is, it is about to hit Godzilla's foot. In two days, people will not want me directly.

"How come, I know him very well, when he came to my father for help, at that time Stark industry was booming, who had time to take care of him, I waited for half a month before my father had time to see him." With his device for communicating with ants, maybe how much of the technology came from my father. But he is a knowledgeable person, Stark Industries has a lot of biological patents, which he gave to my father, you know, Stark Industries has never been involved in the biological field. It's just that there was no contact for a long time afterwards.

"What is that kind of thing you are talking about?"

Cody actually had a guess in his heart, just to confirm it from Tony.

"That's something that involves quantum physics, and I found clues from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s database before, but what exactly it is, even S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't found out."

It seems that the Pym particle did not run.


Cody looked at the bracelet

, "Godzilla has appeared again, I went to play with it first."

With a leap, Cody fell straight into the waves from the balcony of Tony's seaside villa.

Since the flying Golem in the sky will be discovered, then Cordis will dive instead.

Three blue coins were inserted into the belt,

"Shachi! Unagi! Tako! (

Tiger shark, electric eel, octopus)

"Sha, Sha, ShaUTa!"

The octopus foot turns into a spiral thruster and swims quickly in the direction of Godzilla.

The location where Godzilla appeared today is somewhat different, usually staying in the Pacific Ocean, but today it appears in the Atlantic.

"Its state seems to be a little wrong."

Cody slowly approached it, and Godzilla did not rise to the surface as usual, lying peacefully .

Instead, it was running around in the sea with a radius of ten miles, constantly floating up and down, not knowing what they were doing.

The muddy waters were muddy and close to Godzilla, the tiger sharks in the ocean group, allowing Cody to smell an unusual smell in the seawater.

Fishy, but not bloody.

Godzilla's eyes glowed red and looked a little bloodthirsty.

Suddenly, something, at a very fast speed, whistled past Cody, and Cody subconsciously threw out the electric whip in his hand and bound it.

A crackling sound of electricity came.

"Hey~ you actually compare electricity with me?"

The arms flicked suddenly, and an even stronger electric current returned to the thing with the electric whip.

Feeling it not moving, Cody pulled it over,

which was... Electric eel people?

The creature in front of him is indeed an electric eel, and because of this, it can discharge to attack Cody, and his body size is only the size of an ordinary electric eel, but the difference is that his body actually has human arms and legs. It looks more like it was forcibly stitched.

Thinking of what had happened here in the Atlantic, Cody suddenly had a bad premonition

, "Phoenix, come out, it's time to work."

A fiery red ball emerged from Cody's belt and turned into a human form.

Cody took out his belt and shoved it into his hand

, "You should be able to use a dragoon belt, right?"


"Okay, then, help me bring Godzilla back to the mirror world first." I'll dive down and take a look.

"Then you be careful."


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