According to Zea's guidance, the last place where Cody came was the National Forest Park in Los Angeles.

But this time, there were no vicious cases here, but Zeya monitored the same type of mutants.

Replaced by a cat lineage, the ability of cheetahs allows Cody to flexibly shuttle through the forest.

Perhaps it was the talent of the big cat, and soon Cody's sense of smell told him that his prey had appeared ahead.

Carefully peeling away the branches, a large, furry tail appeared in Cody's field of vision.

"What a fat squirrel!"

Of course, although Cody has changed into a big cat form, it does not mean that he will have an appetite for squirrels, but the urge to step forward and stroke makes Cody quickly pounce on the squirrels.

The sudden change made the squirrel unable to react and unable to escape, and the feeling of being rubbed vigorously on the head and tail immediately came.

Stunned for a moment, the squirrel screamed from his mouth, probably meaning,


The thin call soon made the other squirrels hidden in the forest poke their heads out, and everyone was frightened by this yellow-colored humanoid beast, and wanted to step forward, but they couldn't help.

Suddenly, Cody was alarmed in his heart, very simply put down the squirrel in his hand, quickly jumped away from the place, and in the smoke, walked out of a squirrel with a height, no, she was wearing clothes, this is a... Squirrel Man?

"Who are you? What do you want to do to Kiki?

"Kiki? Is there another one named Titi? Hearing

Cody's words, the squirrel man couldn't help but glance at one of them, and Cody followed her gaze and found that the squirrel called Kiki just now was hugging the other one at this time, and his body trembled, and the other only heard his own name and also trembled.

"Yes and how? Do you want to hurt them? "

I'm not worried about you, being accused of infringement by the strongest legal department on the surface, wait, you seem to be a family now~"

Listening to the inexplicable words in Cody's mouth, the squirrel man was a little angry, and when she turned around, her tail flicked towards Cody, so fast that Cody could not avoid it with the reaction speed of the cat bonus.

"Don't! I'm not a bad person, I have no malice. Actually, I came to you. Ask you a few questions and I'll leave.

"You ask!"

The squirrel man was still vigilant, and under her command, the squirrels all hidden.

"Are you from Sokovia? How did you acquire your abilities?

"No, I'm a native of Los Angeles, and as for my abilities, I have had them since I was a child, and I don't know how I got them."

"Since childhood?"

Indeed, from the beginning, this squirrel-like girl, her consciousness was very clear, she showed a protective attitude towards those animals, and she was still very close, not at all like other humans who had been transformed by the Supreme Evolution.

Thinking of this, Cody was relieved, so he lifted his transformation

, "Hello, my name is Cody, you can also call me Kamen Rider."

"My name is Doreen Green, everyone calls me Squirrel Girl, I've heard of you, Kamen Rider. But I've been here most of the time, and I haven't seen you as you really are. "

Squirrel girl? Doreen Green?

Oh! Cody buzzed in his head, there has been a lot of contact with mutants in the past few days, and his brain actually didn't think about it for a while.

Who is Squirrel Woman? In the comics, a BUG girl who punches Thanos, kicks and swallows stars, can be called the strongest humanoid artifact, with her, Thanos is a ball!

The squirrel girl looked at Cody's shiny eyes and muttered in her heart, this person won't be a plush controller, right? It won't be my tail, right? The tail wagged slightly.

A pinecone fell from the tree and smashed on Cody's head, allowing Cody to wake up, wiped the non-existent saliva, Cody took out a can of locusts and handed it to the squirrel woman

, "This is a communication tool, the world has not been peaceful recently, we need your help, or, if you have any needs, you can also find me." Then, I'll go first. Have a nice day。 Cut

open the space door, and Cody left here.

The squirrel woman stood in place and patted the can of locusts, the can deformed in her hand, the squirrels poked their heads out, saw that the stranger was gone, and ran down to see the strangeness, and soon played with the squirrel woman.


The space door closed from in front of him, Cody turned around, the smile on his face was suffocated, and his hand immediately lit up red, at this time, if he wanted to transform, I was afraid that it was too late.

The passage that Cody opened just now was obviously leading to the home, but at this time, what he was in was a white space, and he tried to use the Kuhn rune to open the passage, but it didn't help.

The power of chaos and crimson spread, and in the field formed around Cody's body, Cody clearly felt all his power, the feeling of being suppressed, and the realm became precarious, and what really made Cody feel terrifying was that through the induction of the psychic gem, he was now not in any danger at all. Such a contradictory perception is what Cody feels most terrifying.

While trying to calm himself and maintain the realm, Kodi began to mobilize the power of the Celestial God Clan, gradually, Cody's waist, purple gemstones emitted, Ajituo's belt slowly emerged its own real image, in the Ajituo space, black and white energy flowed out of the belt and merged into the crimson realm.

Immediately where Cody was, as if a red sun had risen, a huge force burst out, impacting in this space, the space barrier was blown out of cracks, and began to grow larger and larger, and finally fell apart.

Cody was overjoyed, but before he could breathe, he continued to impact, and the space debris just now wrapped in space, like the power of the great sun and the sun, poured into the gem of the Yajituo's belt, directly invading the space of Ajituo, and in addition to black and white, split into a third position belonging to the flame.

At the intersection of the three powers, a round cocoon was born.

Cody suddenly opened his eyes, and at this moment he was standing in his room, and there was still the sound of Alfred pruning branches in the yard, there was no trace of destruction, and there was no magic fluctuation around.

"What was that just now? Hallucinations? "

Cody flashed, his real body entered the knight space, walked to the door of the Yajituo space, and on the symbol of Yajituo, the pattern of fire appeared, and the color also changed to orange.

Try to push open the door, try to walk in, did not feel any resistance, you know, these knight spaces that were opened separately before, but can only enter it through consciousness.

In the space, the cocoon that just appeared in the memory was floating at the junction of the three forces of black, white and red, and the translucent silk thread allowed Cody to see the situation inside, and there was a person lying inside.

Nervously approaching and looking at the man's face, Cody suddenly covered his mouth.

That is, past lives, one's own body.

Isn't he a soul piercing?

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