Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!

Chapter 176 Tell me more about everything you know

In the bottomless black hole, Kaguya Otsutsuki sat up and vomited blood. She looked very miserable at this moment.

Half of her head was broken by the blow, and the piercing pain that came from there made her terrified and furious. .

That child is not only amazing in flying speed, but also terrifying in strength.

If you only look at it from the physical aspect, I am afraid that even Jubi is not as good as this ten-year-old Nohara Yuu.

Thinking that he still has a "light" ninjutsu that even Qiu Daoyu could not absorb, she couldn't understand where this child came from, how could such a person appear in her nursery?

Could it be that this person named Nohara Yuu is an outsider in this world like her? No, it shouldn't be, the boy said that this person is a native human being.

With the chi chi sound, the part of her head that was broken by Yu Yu quickly healed and was completely restored.

"Hui Ye, it's said that you won't die, I'm going to try!"

Listening to the voice coming from the ground, she looked and murmured, "I won't die!"

As the ancestor of Chakra, she will not admit defeat easily, let alone feel that she will die in the hands of this child.

Seeing the light above the hole above the head rapidly approaching here, Kaguya opened the time and space, and quickly left this place through "Yellow Spring Hirazaka".

The next moment, Kaguya appeared in the night sky of the moon, and quietly appeared in the space behind Yu Yu, she got out half of her body, seeing that Nohara Yu Yu was unaware of this, she was immediately happy,

She pushed her right palm forward, and a gray stick-like bone in her palm quietly attacked You Yu, "Let's kill the ashes together!"

"Boom!" The child seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he shot several light bullets towards her with his backhand, and the ashes exploded under the bombardment of these light bullets.

She quickly hid again, however, she saw a spinning disc issued from Nohara Yuu's hand, which actually cut open the space in front of her eyes, cutting her right down the middle.

After Kaguya connected to her body, she saw dense light bombs bombarding the space she was in, directly bombing her out from inside.

"!!" Hui Ye was forced to show up, she was shocked, she felt that she still underestimated the child.

She didn't care about recovery, she just wanted to plan after staying away from here, but it was too late.

"Prince's tactics!!" You Yu yelled lightly, and a dense rain of light bombs burst out from her body, bombarding her quickly.

"Bang bang bang..." The kid fired too many light bullets, Kaguya couldn't dodge it, and was hit by several bullets in a row, causing serious injuries immediately.

However, she still didn't take this level of injury to heart, and she recovered quickly with her strength.

She backed away quickly, sneering in her heart, this person was just wasting her strength.

"Bang!" She looked down at the long wave of light penetrating her chest, and was horrified. She found a terrifying force spreading from her chest and burning her body quickly.

Moreover, this light wave was getting bigger and thicker, seeing that it was about to engulf his body, Kaguya roared in his heart, his body swelled up in an instant, and turned into a tailed beast.

Her tail beast transformation was completed quickly, transforming into a round rabbit-shaped behemoth with several heads.

However, even if she turned on the Tailed Beast, her body changed into a size of hundreds of meters, and her defensive strength against attacks increased several times, the burning of light waves penetrating her chest still continued.

The center of her body was quickly burned into ashes and fell.

There was also a pain that made her unconscious. It was hitting her.

Kaguya tried her best to stay awake, but she found that she still couldn't get rid of this light wave with her strength.

"Oops! This Nohara Yuu is actually capable of killing me!"

Seeing his huge body being burned quickly, Hui Ye was terrified in his heart, knowing that he would really die if this went on, he had no choice but to look at Nohara Yuu begging for mercy.

"..." Yuyu put away her Kameha Qigong wave at the right time, seeing that this big Tsutsuki finally put away her arrogance, she didn't attack her again, but he frowned and asked,

"Kaguya, does your ability to 'immortality' come from the chakra fruit you ate? Or is it your ability to grow to this level?"

"It's a chakra fruit..."

The beast-tailed Kaguya's four heads were panting violently. She said, "Eating the chakra fruit of this world has established a connection with this world, and I can draw power from the world to replenish my body."

"Oh, that's how it is." Yuu nodded, he remembered that people like Datong Mutaoshi and Pushi in the original time and space would die as soon as they said they would die, but Kaguya couldn't be beaten to death no matter what, there must be a reason.

"Nohara Yuu." Kaguya recovered quickly, and said, "I can provide you with information about our family, and even help you fight against the people in your family, but—"

She changed her words and said, "As a 'man of heaven', the dignity of Aijia prevents me from being an object to be manipulated and studied at will in your hands! This is my bottom line!!"

"Huh? Isn't it just to cooperate with some experimental research? What are you talking about?"

Yuu didn't continue talking, because Kaguya used "Huangquan Hirasaka" again and left.


He concentrated his energy perception, frowning and looked towards the distance of the moon.

The moon is hundreds of kilometers away.

Madara waited for a group of people to sit or lie on a hill on the moon.

Kakashi counted the number of people, because Madara and Hashirama blocked the explosion, and no one died in the explosion just now.

At this time, Fuyue and Zhishui's group also arrived.

This made him feel a little more at ease.

At this time, Kakashi noticed the fluctuations in space, looked up, and found that the time and space above their heads had been broken.

A white behemoth appeared above their heads.

While Kakashi stepped back quickly, his kaleidoscope pupil technique was activated, "Kamui!!"

It's just that this giant beast is too big, and his divine power can only distort a little head of the giant beast in time.

After the white giant rushed out of the space, a force of space pulling covered it down, and with a swish, they disappeared on the ground together with Madara.

"..." Kakashi looked around, and saw that there were more than 30 people on their side, almost all of them were taken away, and only he and Fuyue and Shisui who were guarding around remained where they were.

The three looked at each other, and immediately looked at each other.

Shisui said: "Is that thing just now Otsutsuki Kaguya?"

Fu Yue nodded: "It should be her."

Kakashi was evaluating the odds of those thirty people fighting against Kaguya in his heart.

It stands to reason that there are not only Madara and Hashirama in that group of people, but also the second and fourth generations, and a few people who are comparable to "kage" like Orochimaru, so there is no danger, but the other party is Teru night···

At this time, Yu Yu teleported into the night sky here, and he stood in the air and took a glance to understand what happened.

His power in controlling the space is also very good, Kaguya's "Sky Control" can't take him away, but they can still take Hashirama away.

"Your Excellency!"

"Yu Yu!"

You Yu looked at the three of them, and said angrily, "Look, I just said that I can come alone, but you all want to come."

"..." Kakashi felt even more helpless, he didn't know how strong Yuu was, why didn't you tell him, can you blame him.

Shisui said: "Yuha, Senior Kakashi is worried—"

"Okay, I know."

You Yu interrupted him, "Actually, the outcome of the battle just now has already been decided."

"That Otsutsuki Kaguya——"

"Kaguya has roughly succumbed, but she still can't figure it out. I guess, she didn't want to kill them by robbing Hashirama, but just to increase the bargaining chip with me..."

While Youyu was speaking, she put her index finger and middle finger together on the center of her eyebrows, concentrating on her spirit perception, and said in her mouth,

"What's more, judging from the battle just now, Kaguya has greatly underestimated the current development of the ninja world. She may not be their opponent of Hashirama."

"..." You Yu felt the quietness for a moment, her eyes lighted up slightly, and she said, "I found it! Let's go!"

Swish, the four of them disappeared on the hill.


Kaguya did not attack these people after he brought them to his "Starting Ball Space" with "Sky Control".

She broke away from the tail beast and returned to the human body.

"Mom." Hei Jue, who was also brought back, was crawling towards her.

"It's Aijia who wrongly blamed you."

After Kaguya sighed softly, he caressed his third son who was like a puddle of black mud, "You didn't betray your mother, you just had good intentions. Nohara Yuu really can't match even the Ai family."

Heijue rubbed against Kaguya's heels: "Mother, Nohara Yuu may really be able to lead the ninja world to destroy the clan you hate. It is entirely possible to consider cooperating with him."

Kaguya caressed him: "What is cooperation... Which one is stronger, Nohara Yuuha or Otsutsuki God?"

She shook her head slightly, feeling that she couldn't judge.

"Otsutsuki Kaguya! Are you going to take us hostage?"

Uchiha Madara and others saw that she was slow to do it, just chatting with her children, they quickly guessed her intentions, how could they do what she wanted, especially Uchiha Madara, he summoned a huge Susan can, said coldly,

"I, Uchiha Madara, will not be reduced to the point of being used as a threat to others!! Hostage? Wishful thinking!"

boom! ! He, Susan, slashed at Kaguya with a sword!

Hui Ye hugged Hei Jue and retreated sharply, glanced at the huge crack on the ground in Shiqiu space, and then at his own child, seeing that the injury on its body was serious, he was furious immediately.

"Boom..." The battle broke out in the first ball space.

Kaguya always believed that in this world, there were only her two sons, Yuyi and Yumura, and now Nohara Yuu was added, and these three could make her see her well.

She is one against many, but she doesn't pay attention to these people in front of her at all.

However, the more she fought, the more surprised she became.

All kinds of weird ninjutsu emerged one after another on these ninjas, some of which frightened her.

For example, ninjutsu that transfers space through symbols, fairy arts that her body cannot absorb, etc...

"Has ninjutsu in this world developed to this point? It seems that it will not be too easy to deal with these people."

Hui Ye secretly thought in his heart, and quickly shifted the space.

instigate! When Yu Yu brought the three of them to the first ball space, he found that the space here was full of potholes due to the war, and there were a few large earth and rock balls made by Skybursting Star floating in the sky.

"Let's go!" You Yu quickly left after sensing it for a while.

The moment the four of them appeared in another space, the three of Kakashi collapsed on the ground here in an instant.

"This is... the space of supergravity!" Kakashi and the others struggled to hold themselves up, looking ahead of them, and saw that Madara and Hashirama were also here.

On the opposite side was Otsutsuki Kaguya who was also struggling to get up, Kaguya's palm was slowly protruding ashes, she sneered,

"As long as you touch my thing, you will turn to ashes..."

She looked at the cold man with a snake face in the crowd, and thought to herself, this is the person who wants to use her body for research, if she kills him here, will she just——

Orochimaru felt the clear killing intent, he was sweating wildly, and thought, why is she going to kill me with so many people here? I'm clearly hiding behind.

When Kaguya was about to shoot the ashes out, she saw the four people who broke into her place, she couldn't believe it, "Nohara Yuu, how did you get in here!"

And what surprised them even more was that Yu Yu walked in this space with an unknown number of times of gravity, like strolling in the courtyard, as if there was no gravity on him.

Yu Yu looked at the supergravity environment and said, "Kaguya, this is a good place!"

Hui Ye's face was ugly: "Is it because you don't have gravity restraint on you?"

You Yu shook his head, he naturally has the same super gravity as everyone else, but for his body, even if it is more than a hundred times the gravity, he can still easily bear it.

Moreover, the supergravity environment is an excellent cultivation environment for a Saiyan like him.

In the past few years, because he has become stronger and stronger, he has become more and more worried about how to better cultivate and promote integration.

Isn't the supergravity environment in front of him exactly what he was looking for?

"Kaguya! It's over!!" Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Yu Yu quickly ran towards her, "I don't care if you can figure it out or not, you must obey us!!"

"Boom!" Kaguya couldn't dodge the fist that was attacking her quickly, and fell to the distance.

She got up from the ground and roared angrily: "Who the hell are you, Nohara Yuu!!" She left quickly and moved to another dimension.

You Yu immediately followed her Qi and teleported away.

After the two left, the entire space shook violently.

Everyone was shocked, their battle over there was so fierce that there was movement here?

Just a moment later, the movement from several other spaces ended.

"Shua!" Yu Yu reappeared, holding a person whose whole body seemed to be scorched by flames in his hand.

Half of that person's body was burned, and from the appearance, one could barely see that she was the Chakra ancestor Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After throwing Kaguya to the ground here, Yuyu looked at Otsutsuki Kaguya who was recovering, and said coldly: "Kaguya, this is your last chance. If you resist again, you know exactly what is waiting for you!"

Seeing that Hui Ye had already recovered more than half, he said again,

"You don't have to wait until we go back, since our people are here, now, Kaguya, tell us everything you know!"

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