Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!

Chapter 166 Infinite monthly reading in the Pure Land!

It should be more than enough to deal with this level of attack with the strength of the fourth generation of Raikage and Maitkai. However, this kind of monster can read people's hearts and know how the opponent acts. Under its attack, the fourth generation of Ai and Kai can only Running around in embarrassment.

Those twenty people were just standing in the distance watching the battle, and had absolutely no intention of going to the rescue.

Their thoughts coincided with each other. These two people were reckless. It is a good thing to suffer a little loss now, so as to save big troubles later.

While observing the black monster, these people also thought about what Yu Yu said.

Is it the box of bliss? Some of them have heard the name of this weapon. It is said that it is the ultimate weapon used by the Sage of the Six Paths... According to legend, the box of bliss can fulfill the wish of the person who opened it. In the era of the Sage of the Six Paths, Caoyin Village almost passed it got the whole world...

They don't know the truth of the legend.

However, one thing can be confirmed, they will certainly not naively think that with this weapon, any wish can be realized.

What is the relationship between the Box of Ultimate Bliss and the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss... Can the Box of Ultimate Bliss connect to this world of Pure Land?

"What is the purpose of the Sage of the Six Paths in creating this weapon?"

When everyone was thinking about this question, the Fourth Raikage and Matt Kai became more and more embarrassed under Wu's attack, and the others were still watching quietly. No, as the fourth Raikage's father, the Third Raikage Ai saw his son He looked like he was laughing heartlessly.

"Are you kidding me!" The Fourth Raikage burst into a strong Lightning Escape Chakra mode, and he approached Satoru like lightning, but was forced back by the sharp feathers flying out of it that could penetrate rock walls.

"This place lives with enlightenment, moves with enlightenment, and ends with enlightenment!" Wu opened his huge mouth and shouted arrogantly, "Are you afraid? Fear is right!"

"This monster even devoured his companion!" Onoki frowned, he flew over, folded his hands together and then pulled away, Chen Dun attacked but was still quickly avoided by Wu Wu.

"Third Tsuchikage, don't make a move." Hashirama stopped him and said, "Your Dust Dungeon is too destructive, and it might collapse here."

He looked at the other people who had been reincarnated and resurrected from the dirt, "You all have noticed the abnormality."

Those people all nodded. After they flew here, they noticed the abnormality in their bodies. After their dirty bodies used up their chakras, their recovery speed was greatly reduced by several times... How did this happen? thing.

After You Yu finished observing this place, he rushed towards the monster violently, knocking the monster into the air with one blow, causing it to slam into the rock wall heavily, vomiting blood and falling to the ground with serious injuries.

"..." Everyone was a little speechless. Nohara Yuu sprinted fast, but he easily defeated Wu. This shows that he was not read by this monster at all—he didn't have any weaknesses?

Compared with "Enlightenment", some people think that this child with a somewhat innocent and cute face is as strong as a monster.

They also came in front of Wu. After the monster Wu was seriously injured, his body turned back into a human. Shisui approached. His Sharingan turned to cast illusions on the boy in front of him, and asked:

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I... I am... I, Wugou, the son of the lord of the Ghost Lamp City in the village of Grass Ninja, was devoured after assisting his father in opening the Box of Bliss."

Kusanagi Village, the box is still in that village?

Zhishui asked again: "Who is behind you?"

"A one with strange eyes—"

The boy named Wugou didn't go on talking, everyone saw that the illusion created by Zhishui was broken.

Wugou's eyes changed instantly, he stared at everyone coldly, as if he was looking at a group of juniors who were not polite, Yu Yu frowned and said, "You are the one behind Manipulating Wu, who are you?"

"This is not where you should come!" "Wugou" looked at Yuyu, "Yuhara Nohara, you are challenging the order of our world, do you know the consequences of the collapse of order?"

Youyu knew that he would not get any useful information from this person, so he flicked his finger, and a light bullet popped out and exploded his head.

"Let's go!" After killing this obviously hopeless person, everyone embarked on the journey again to explore the world here. On the way, they were surprised to find that the number of monsters like "Wu" was far more than one, and there were a lot of them. "Enlightenment" appeared to block their way, but fortunately, Yu Yu would not be read by those "Enlightenment", and under his guidance, it was easy to pass all the way.

"The Bliss Box has existed for more than a thousand years, so it's not hard to understand why so many 'enlightenments' have been created."

Everyone thought about this question and realized that this trip was more dangerous than expected.

However, they came out of the cave sooner than expected.

A group of people came to the wild with dense vegetation. After walking for a while in the wild, they found a village where normal people lived.

The village is very strange. All the items in the village are very old for their era. At this time, there is smoke in the village, and the invisible "Wu" will go to inquire about the news, and tell everyone when they come back. The information that the people there know Very limited, even the outside world where they live is unknown, and their farming and life are in the most primitive state.

These people claim to live under the leadership of the head of the Ninja sect.

Yu Yu frowned and looked at the distant village, thinking, how could a primitive village appear here, making him think that he had traveled to the ancient ninja world.

"Why do these strange people appear here, it must be related to the Sage of the Six Paths,"

The Fourth Raikage Ai looked into the distance, and there was a white mountain covered with heavy snow in the distance. He asked Yu Yu, "Hokage, I remember that the village where the Six Paths Sages used to live was called the head mountain of Ninzong? going there now?"

Youyu pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "If it's Zongben Mountain, it's equivalent to the enemy's lair there, maybe they'll be waiting for us there."

He looked at the others, "Let's act separately, I will go to Ninzong Mountain alone to check the situation, and you continue along the route we have determined."

These people did not object to Yu Yu's bold plan. After Yu Yu left, the group traveled north along this strange land. After walking for a while, the light on the land became less and less.

The space here became very dim, and those black mist that was harmful to the soul reappeared.

After they walked north for a while, they were blocked by a barrier they had never seen before, but they couldn't stop them, and Onoki and Wu shot to break the barrier.

After stepping into the barrier, they saw a shining sea in the distance shrouded in black mist.

There is a beautiful sea in such a bad environment? It's just that the color of the sea seems very wrong.

They speeded up and headed there.

On the other side, Yu Yu quietly came to the front of the Ninzong head mountain, stared at the mountain for a while, and then teleported away.

More than 20 people waiting for Qianshouzhujian arrived in front of the sea not long after. They looked at the "sea" with expressions of horror. What kind of sea is there? It looks more like a huge and boundless sea. The bloody big pool, and there are countless figures wandering in the red pool, is it their human souls? !

When they looked carefully, the souls of these people were all asleep with their eyes closed.

Forget about the living, those who were reincarnated from the dirt and resurrected are all ashen-colored.

After they died, they just slept here. What about the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?

There must be someone who controls this place... They looked over and saw this bridge extending to the distance of the blood mist on the sea of ​​blood.

Led by Hashirama, they walked onto the black bridge and headed for the distance.

When they left in front of the blood pool, Yu Yu went back and forth. He teleported to the front of the Ninja sect's main mountain, and the invisible power on his body covered the mountain village. After his power distorted the layout inside, the scene in front of him The rapid change, the white snow turned into a pile of bones.

This is a dark barren mountain of bones and decay...

"This is the first time I have seen this illusion."

Youyu whispered, after leaving this desolate mountain, the figure appeared in front of other villages, after being distorted by his power, the ancient villages showed their prototypes, they were all gloomy places full of bones.

Not long after, this weird land returned to its spooky and terrifying original appearance.

"There seems to be a lot of space here."

After Youyu noticed something, he concentrated his mind and unfolded his super large range of perception ability. After a while, he left, and when he reappeared, he unexpectedly came to a beautiful place full of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

After careful observation, he knew that this place was no longer that strange illusion, but a real place.

He looked up to the sky, and there were several huge celestial bodies in the distance.

The difference here is that those celestial bodies are not covered by vegetation and buildings.

He looked thoughtful.


"here it is?"

After stepping over the head of the long black bridge over the blood pool, Hashirama and his party came to an island, and several towering blood-colored buildings stood on the island, and there were a lot of strange creatures floating in and out of the buildings.

Two of the creatures they recognized.

It is the "death god" and "evil god" recorded in the classics.

"Reaper" is wearing a big white robe, white hair shawl, two horns on his forehead, four or five meters high.

"Cthulhu" was dressed in a black robe, also had white hair, dark skin, and some white bones were exposed.

In addition, there are a large number of strange people walking, are they all puppets?

No, it's a robot.

How could such a thing exist in such a place?

They looked at the huge buildings they entered and exited at this time. The buildings were made of blood-colored rocks, and the buildings were filled with blood-colored mist. There were a large number of crows circling around the buildings... In addition, they saw the dark place by the sea in the distance , there is a tall creature looming in the blood mist.

"What to do? How to act?"

While everyone was discussing in low voices whether to wait for Yu Yu to join them, or to break into one of the buildings now to find out.

An old voice sounded: "What you see is not the truth."

After they followed the sound, their eyes widened in an instant. There was an old man sitting cross-legged in the air a few meters away. The old man had two horns on his forehead. He was wearing a big white robe with black hooks and his beard was very long. dropped to his chest.

Around him, there is a row of black seeking Tao jade slowly rotating.

"It's the Sage of the Six Paths!"

Zhu Jian's voice was extremely solemn, and the others stepped back when they heard the name, keeping distance from him.

Uchiha Madara saw Liudao appeared, and walked in front of everyone without fear. He looked at this place, frowned and asked, "Sage of Six Paths, what is going on here, explain to us?"

"Why do you need an explanation?"

The Sage of the Six Paths said calmly, "This is not the place you should have come to."

"You don't want to tell me, but I know."

Yu Yu appeared at this time, and he walked up, "Otsuki Hagoromo, you appeared on the ground to Hashirama and Madara's spiritual world to give them strength, and you want to use their hands to seal me as a threat. One of the reasons must be It’s because I’m afraid that I’ll discover the secret here.”

"No." The Immortal of the Six Paths was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "As I told you, what you are doing is too dangerous, and your behavior is equivalent to destroying the stable order of the world."

"The stable order of the perennial war? I'll just pretend you're not joking." Yu Yu shifted his gaze to the sea of ​​blood here, "Liu Dao, you are just the first human being in our world to awaken the eyes of reincarnation, you Make this place your own paradise?"

He looked at Madara Uchiha, "Madara, do you think these things are similar to Samsara eyes?"

Madara looked at him: "Yes, somewhat similar, what do you mean?"

You Yu said: "What is the ability of the Samsara Eye?"

Madara said: "The owner of the reincarnation eye can absorb chakra, control the soul, transform the body of the dead into a puppet, read minds, extract memories, manipulate repulsion and gravity, psychic, and summon Yama... ·”

Everyone was startled when they heard that the Eye of Samsara has so many abilities, but most of these abilities are not suitable for fighting, why didn't they see it in today's battle?

Yuu nodded: "Hamamaru told me that as the first person to awaken the eyes of reincarnation and master the power of life and death, Otsutsuki Hagoromo took over the management of the Pure Land with his own power, and also greatly remodeled the place,

He looked around, "Obviously, this place has undergone the transformation of the eyes of reincarnation, absorbing the body and chakra of the dead is what we have seen just now, as for manipulating the soul..."

His gaze shifted to the sleeping soul wandering in the sea of ​​blood,

"I found that the sleeping souls here are basically ninjas. My guess is that he did this to guard against the aliens in the starry sky. Once the aliens invade on a large scale, the souls here will be awakened and reincarnated to resist the resurrection?

"And the so-called Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is not here, it's outside the building."

"Your guess is right." The Immortal of the Six Paths said at this moment, and he pointed to the reincarnated and resurrected people here one by one, "You, you, and you, you are all awakened every once in a while and enter the Pure Land of Bliss, why? You don't know? Because, after you come out of the paradise, the relevant memories will be washed away and fall into a deep sleep again."


If so, it is not unacceptable.

Some people thought, but they quickly realized that there must be a problem.

Otherwise, You Yu wouldn't have said just now that this is just the Sage of the Six Paths' own paradise.

At this time, the appearance of the colossal creature walking from the coast was seen clearly by everyone. It was actually a huge headed creature with reincarnation eyes. The creature had a big "king" character on its forehead. Is this Yama from the Pure Land?

But Yan Luo opened his mouth wide, and spit out a large amount of soul from his mouth and threw it into the blood pool in front of him.

"Look at the sky again!"

Reminded by Youyu's voice, their gazes looked at the sky over the blood sea, and when they looked through the thick blood mist, their faces quickly became frightened. There was a big red full moon hanging in the sky, and the huge In the blood moon, there are nine hook jades spinning slowly! !

Unlimited monthly reading? ! !

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