Kakarot, the strongest Hokage in history!

Chapter 105 How much is Jiaodu’s corpse worth (5800)

After receiving Payne's order, Jiaodu and Loquat Juzang immediately set off to destroy this military stronghold. They did not expect that after they arrived at their destination, they would see such an extremely strange scene in front of them.

The four grudges were using the ninjutsu that his Jiaodu often used to destroy and kill people wantonly.

At the same time, they laughed arrogantly from time to time.

Both of them stared, who is pretending to be Jiaodu and Xiaonan? What is the purpose? !

Moreover, that character is actually instructing Xiao Nan to search for valuables on the battlefield—is the fact that even the character loves money accurately imitated?

Jiaodu said in a strange voice: "If another duo came here, they might be deceived by them." He changed his words, "Actually, I also think that it is best to put all the money on the dead person's body. Take it away, but I dare not direct Xiaonan like this."

Loquat Shizang added: "Also, your Di Yuanyu doesn't smile like that."

"... about this, let Payne know first!"

Kakuzu said that he was shocked and angry that someone impersonated him to make trouble, but after seeing the power of those ninjutsu, he forced himself to calm down and contact Payne through the ring on his finger.

"Someone pretending to be you and Xiao Nan?"

After Payne learned of the situation here, he also felt weird.

He asked Jiaodu to observe carefully before proceeding with the next action. It would be best if he could make these impostors reveal their identities. Of course, it would be best if he could directly kill the impostors before completing the task assigned to him. But that's all.

"No way!! They are actually two of Akatsuki!!"

Hyuga Homon, who was searching for the corpses and belongings, was shocked when he saw the two people outside. He watched the figures in the distance through the thick rain and fog. One has short black hair, no eyebrows, and a cross scar on the right cheek.

It was indeed Akatsuki's Kakutsu and Pipa Juzang. The latter was just a group of ninja swordsmen in front of Wuyin Village, but Kakutsu, known as an immortal ninja, also appeared!

So, he yelled in his heart: "It's over! It's over! Did you run into the right owner when you were doing things with a counterfeit! This is too bad luck!"

"Yu...Kakuto, look over there!!"

Hyuga hurried over to Huomon, grabbed the "false Kakudo" who was playing happily, and said in a low voice, "The real Kakudo is here!"

"Oh? Really!"

You Yu looked in the direction he pointed, and saw two figures in the rain and fog outside, and it was indeed the horns.

Although he was also surprised, he was not too surprised. His shadow clone had already met Didara and the others at this time, and the shadow clone sent back a message through the method of shadow clone disappearance. He already knew that Payne was in action.

"What should I do, Lord Yuu?"

Hyuga Homon has long heard that the members of Akatsuki are all "monsters". He has no confidence in these people at all, and at this time he panicked like Uchiha Tomoki, "If Akatsuki knows that we Konoha Some people are pretending to be them, will there be any accidents? Let's leave while they don't come in?"

"Leave? Are you kidding me!"

Youyu glanced at him, and comforted him, "Huomen, don't panic - we were the ones who appeared first, so we are the ones who are really Akatsuki, and those two who came out later are fakes, you have to keep in mind at this point!!"

Hinata Fire Gate: "!!!"

He couldn't "remember" at all, and he didn't understand the logic of his leader's words.

You Yu added: "The two of them are fakes, they may not dare to come in, if we dare to come in, let's kill them."

After that, he rushed over again and wreaked havoc in the stronghold.

Hinata Himono looked very messy from the side, he felt that Yu Yuxiong's side appeared again, looked outside, and thought, maybe these two people dare not come in, but one of these two is called Undead ninjas, the other is the former seven ninja swordsmen of Wuyin Village, would they really dare not...

At this time, outside the stronghold.

"The earth grievance secret technique used by this person seems to be very strong—"

Loquat Shizang hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Jiaodu. He sneered and said, "Shizang, you read it wrong! This person didn't use Di Yuanyu at all. After I take it away, I am the only one who knows this secret technique in the entire ninja world, and there is absolutely no other person who knows it!

He paused and said, "As for why this happened, there is a high probability that they are five people!!"

"Five people? That's how it is!"

Loquat Shizang suddenly realized what he heard, and snorted, "Let me just say, even if he was transformed from a shadow clone, how could he have five chakra attributes! And he can use these ninjutsu so proficiently! If not One person, but five people, that's easy to explain!"

"If there are five people, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Kadotsu looked in, with cold eyes, "It's not like I haven't killed that kind of ninja before—these five people have five attributes, so here's my chance! After I kill them, I can replace them." A stronger heart! Go!!"

After he ran for 100 meters with Loquat Shizang, he rushed into this stronghold that had been destroyed by most of it.

After the two entered, they untied their black robes and threw them into the rain.

The four masks behind Kadotsu squirmed, and quickly split into four monsters covered in black lines. These monsters fell to the ground and stood in a row. The "false Kadotsu" who stopped attacking also stood in a row with the four masked monsters. , facing each other.

There are still many ninjas of Yuyin Village surviving in the stronghold at this time, watching this scene in surprise.

No way, here comes another Akatsuki corner! !

Moreover, this horn can actually split those black masked monsters from the body! ! "

At this time, Jiaodu opened his mouth, looked at the "false Jiaodu" and said with a sneer, "Although, I don't know your purpose, but your heart—"

Youyu interrupted him, and said coldly: "You can also complain, and you look like me too! Then it's easy to handle, I can take your body to exchange for gold, my 'Jiaodu' The corpse can also be exchanged for a large bounty! It seems to be 50 million, right? If Payne knows that I, the treasurer of Akatsuki, not only completed the task perfectly, but also brought back tens of millions of money for Akatsuki, it will definitely be a big plus. Appreciate me!"


Is the one that came first real?

A group of people in Yuyin Village analyzed in their hearts that those who came later were concerned about the "heart" of the other party, while those who came first were full of money, which was very consistent with the information they recently received about the corner capital of Akatsuki, greedy for money!

Jiaodu glanced at him, seeing that Xu people at the scene regarded him as a fake Jiaodu, he was even more angry in his heart, and said: "Your tone of speaking of yourself as real is really disgusting——Ten Zang, these five people, I Deal with three, you deal with two, I will help you after I kill three!!"

Loquat Shizang nodded slightly, and clenched the beheading sword in his hand.

You Yu said: "Xiao Nan, these two fakes are not worth your shot! Whether it's a fake horn or a fake Loquat Ten Zang, I'll kill them all!"

Hinata Himono: "..." He stepped back quickly, looked at the boss in front of him, and said in his heart, You Yu, I almost believed it myself.

"You're so annoying!"

Jiao Du said slowly, his eyes raised, looked at the "five" of them, and said in a cold voice, "You five are finished!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground on Yu Yu's side was breaking open in large numbers, and many black threads flew out from the ground quickly, wrapping around Yu Yu and his shadow clone, binding them tightly!

"That'll be fine!"

Loquat Shizang grinned, showing his sharp teeth, and said, "I thought these people would be difficult to deal with, but it turns out that's all there is to it. It's true that a counterfeit can't have all the abilities. This move is enough—"

But before he finished speaking, he saw the five people on the opposite side moving their limbs and tearing off the black thread on their bodies.


Seeing this, Kakuzu quickly formed seals with his hands, trying to make his Di Renyu body perform ninjutsu and attack when the opponent's actions had not recovered. However, the opposite monster moved faster than he imagined. The hands turned into "strange" black lines are also forming seals, it seems that only one seal has been formed, and then spit out a thunder and lightning gun from the mouth, sweeping from far to near!

Is it "Thunder Escape · Pseudo-Darkness"? !

It's just that the power is much stronger than what he displayed! !

In a critical moment, Jiaodu lets a head of grudges stand in front of him.

It was a Thunder-attribute Earth Resentment Yu. It had a certain ability to resist Thunder Tunnel Ninjutsu. However, after eating the Thunder Tunnel forcefully, it fell to the ground with a plop, and its body also had swelling. Lots of black smoke.


Jiaodu and Loquat Shizang were amazed to see that they reversed their disadvantage all at once.

But the others present were not so surprised, especially the ninjas of Yuyin Village.

"The corners that came first are indeed true."

"It doesn't matter who they are, they are all going to kill us, find a chance to kill them!"

"Let's go!"

Many ninjas in Yuyin Village saw that people on both sides of Zhen and Xiaoxiao were attacking each other, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity, so they divided into two groups and rushed towards the real and fake sides. The stronghold was even more chaotic than before.

"Xiao Nan! How much is Jiaodu's body worth? Do you know?"

After Yu Yu killed a group of ninjas from Yuyin Village who rushed over, he and his four avatars Xiangjiao and Loquat Juzang went there. Is this staged?

Seeing Yuuha rushing towards him, Hinata Homon stared closely.

He was still a little flustered at this moment, thinking, if You Yu loses by one against two, then he has to expose his identity and take him away.

On the opposite side, Jiaodu, after killing some ninjas of Yuyin Village, managed to let the thunder attribute Yu Yu stand up again.

Seeing the other party rushing towards him, he quickly asked the two earth grudges to unite and perform compound ninjutsu. One used fire escape head hard work, and the other used wind escape pressure damage. This move created a large area of ​​flames, burning to death There are many ninjas in Yuyin Village in front of him.

However, after the sea of ​​flames swept past, it was canceled out by the opposite masked monster with a "Fire Escape Head Hard".


Jiao felt that he had underestimated these five people.

Loquat Shizang also felt that he was in crisis at this time, when he was considering whether to discuss with Kakuzu to leave.

But seeing that fake horn was rushing towards him at an accelerated speed, he had already rushed in front of Jiaodu, his right hand turned into a knife, and he stabbed ferociously towards Jiaodu, the latter only had time to make a seal with one hand: "Earth Dun·Earth Spear!" The body hardened rapidly, trying to block this person's physical skills.


However, his hardening technique, which can usually block all physical techniques, has no effect on this person.

The man's palm pierced directly through his heart.

The horns pierced through the chest stared at the man in front of him in severe pain, and he said intermittently: "You, you know that my heart is a weak point? Is this a ninjutsu of the thunder attribute?"

Youyu pulled out his palm, looked at the dead Kakuzu on the ground, and said, "Think too much, it doesn't matter to you." After he killed Kakutsu, he saw that the rain and fog thickened quickly at this time, and the surrounding Visibility decreased rapidly.

Is it Loquat Shizang's "Mist Concealment Art"?

"Want to escape? It's not that easy! I'll give you a surprise."

He looked around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he made seals with his hands, and with a bang, four shadow clones were separated. These shadow clones were transformed into black earth grudge masked monsters with the "transformation technique". One of the masks Guaijieyin used Wind Escape, blowing away the mist here at once.

And in a short period of time.

Loquat Shizang has successfully taken away the body of Jiaodu, and one of Jiaodu's resentful Yu quickly re-entered, and he was revived again. After the fog cleared, they saw a scene that made them collapse.

In front of them, stood a total of eight resentful masked monsters.

The eight masked monsters were all grinning, and their smiles were terrifying to them.

"This is!!"


"How could there be eight!!"

Not only Jiaodu and Loquat Juzang collapsed, but also the other ninjas of Yuyin Village in the stronghold completely collapsed!

They were powerless to deal with the four grievances, and now, there were four more? Open, what are you kidding! !

"Escape!!" "Run away!!" "Akatsuki's horn is indeed a monster!!"

But at this time, the real character didn't care about these anymore, he and the ninjas of Yuyin Village fled in a panic, but, how could Yu Yu let him go, and rushed over together with the eight masked monsters... ·

After a while, this military stronghold was completely quiet.

Hyuga Homon jumped out of the ruins of a collapsed building.

He took a glance, and there were only two living people in the stronghold, he and Yu Yu, and the two members of Akatsuki, Jiaodu and Pipa Shizang, were dead.

He ran over and came in front of Yu Yu. At this time, Yu Yu was still in the appearance of Kakutsu. He looked down at the bodies of Kakutsu and Loquat Juzo who were drenched in the rain on the ground, and said to Hyuga Homon: "You can only Said that they were unlucky, met my real body, and after killing them, we will be the real ones—Huomen, you come to impersonate Loquat Shizang,

"Well, no, we are the real ones, we just killed two fakes."

He picked up Loquat Juzo's beheading sword and threw it to Hyuga Homon.

After Hyuga Homon received the beheading knife, he smiled and said, "Yeah...that's pretty good, I don't need to pretend to be a woman anymore."

He changed his appearance, from Akatsuki's Konan to Akatsuki's Loquat Shizang.

Next, Yu Yu took out the sealing scroll, and sealed the corpses of Kakuzu and Loquat Ten Zang in it.

He looked at the rings on the hands of the two people again, and after thinking for a while, he also sealed them in.

In a certain rain tower in Yuyin Village, Payne stood on the tongue of the idol, and he looked into the distance. At this time, his brows were slightly frowned, and a different message was received on his ring. Died one after another—Jiaodu and Pipa Shizang, the duo died.

At this time, the real and false Didara's stronghold.

What happened before Didara met Scorpion was too weird, so he was still outside the stronghold at this time.

Didara was not idle during this time, his super explosives were ready, he looked at the white doll with wings in his hand, and said to the scorpion underneath: "Brother Scorpion, this is my most proud work One of them, it’s powerful enough to blow up a village, it’s called C3 Shibafan!!”

After that, he threw the fat doll bird over.

The doll Asuka flew obliquely towards the stronghold.

And Yu Yuying's avatar who was destroying the stronghold in the distance was also paying attention to the two of them. When he saw the thing appear, he threw a Kunnai with lightning at the bird-Raikier Kunai.

puff! !

Kunai was extremely fast and penetrated the fat white bird.

After blue lightning flashed from Asuka's body, he fell straight down from the sky and landed on the rain-watered ground without any movement.

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion originally looked at it expectantly, but when he saw this scene, the scorpion tail behind his Fei Liuhu stretched out in front of him, covering his face, looking very ashamed.


Didara's face was extremely ugly.

He was furious in his heart, and when he was considering what kind of explosion to save his face, he heard the leader transmit a voice to them through the ring:

"Scorpion! Didara! Xiaonan! Ah Fei!! Akatsuki's actions are suspended! Come back now—something went wrong, Jiaodu and Pipa Shizang are both dead."


Scorpion jumped onto Didara's white flying crane and said to Didara who was unwilling to leave: "Obey the leader's order!"


Didara glanced at the fake Didala in the distance, and then manipulated Feihe to leave with him.

At this time, in another military stronghold, the real Xiaonan and the masked man A Fei stood on the branches of a big tree outside the stronghold. To wreak havoc, one is Hooligan and the other is Jue.

"Senior Xiaonan, why don't you stop those two impostors?"

"What about you, Ah Fei, someone is pretending to be you."

"Senior, I'm just an intern, I can't beat them."

Xiao Nan glanced at Ah Fei, she was upset and puzzled by this "Blade" who was pretending to be a clown, she shook her head, not wanting to talk to him.

At this time, the two heard Payne's voice transmission.

"Jiaodu and Loquat Shizang are both dead?"

"Tsk tsk, if the two seniors die, can I be a full member?"

Xiao Nan frowned and glanced at him, then turned and left.

"Hey! Senior Xiaonan, I was just joking! Don't be angry!!"

He yelled in his mouth and quickly followed.

"Did those two cautious people go away just like that?"

The two "Akatsuki people" here are Uchiha Shisui pretending to be A Fei, and Yu Yukage's avatar pretending to be Jue. At this time, it was Shisui who spoke, and Yu Yu said: "Probably because My main body killed Kakuzu and Pipa Juzang over there."

"Oh, I see—wait, you killed two members of Akatsuki?"

"Why are you surprised, these two people are not very strong in Xiaoli, right? Let's continue!!"


At this time, in a dim room with flickering candles in Yuyin Village, Sanshoyu Hanzo was sitting in the room, listening to his subordinates reporting outside the door. His breathing was a little unsteady. After news of the attack on the military stronghold, he was completely anxious. The three military strongholds attacked by Xiao's people were the three most important places in his village.

There are a large number of loyal ninjas stationed there or secondly.

The excellent location made those three strongholds the three key points for him to guard the village.

Once those three places were destroyed, a rebellion in the village would definitely plunge him into a huge crisis.

It's Akatsuki again! !

"What do you think?"

Hanzo was anxious and angry, but he still cautiously asked his subordinates outside the door for their opinions.

"Hanzo-sama, those three places are quite crucial to Yuyin Village, and there is no room for loss!"

"Master Hanzo, Akatsuki's people are dispatched, but they are still acting in groups of two as before. Then, this gives us a chance to break through—you are the one who stands at the top of the ninja world, Konoha The three hundred Anbu's are all destroyed in your hands, and Xiao's duo is no problem at all!"


Hanzo was thinking calmly while listening to these voices that tended to please him.

After a long while, he got up, his face was covered with frost, and he said in a cold voice: "The Xiao organization is pressing us Yuyin Village every step of the way! If you keep giving in to them, Yuyin Village will be destroyed soon! I am an old man!" But it’s not something these people can bully! Take all of you and follow me out!!”

"Yes, Lord Hanzo!!"


Yuuha, who was still pretending to be Kakutsu, and Hinata Firemon, who was pretending to be Loquat Juzo, walked slowly on a barren mountain after they came out of the military stronghold. When they were yawning boredly, they suddenly saw, in the distance The heavy rain and fog were broken by a group of people, and a large number of people galloped here.


The two of them looked into the distance in surprise.

When the group of people got close, they realized that the leader of the group was an old man wearing a snorkel——

"Sanjiao Fish!!"

Hinata Himono's voice trembled slightly, "Hanzo is here!"

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