Chapter 96

Just when Guan Zhenghai and the others were shaking when they received Chen Xiao’s message.

Chen Xiao received a call.

“Hello, Brother Xiao, this is Du Fei, Brother Hao asked me to contact you.”

Chen Xiao said: “Well, hello, Brother Du, I have something for you, how can it be more convenient for you? I am in Zhongzhou.”

“Is it in Zhongzhou?”


“I’m in Qingzhou City, Shandong Province. About two hours later, I can arrive in Zhongzhou at 10 o’clock and wait for my call.” Du Fei said.


The phone hangs up.

Chen Xiao felt a strong military style from Leng Zhenghao and Du Fei.

This is not the quality that an ordinary mercenary group can possess.

Could it be that Leng Zhenghao and the others were all from regular army?

The corner of Chen Xiao’s mouth was slightly upward.

One and a half hours later.

Chen Xiao received Du Fei’s call on time.

Du Fei said on the phone: “Brother Xiao, I have arrived in the city.”

“Where, shall I pick you up?”

“Is 06 things in your hands?”

“In my friend’s hands, I haven’t read the specific content yet.”

“In this case…” Du Fei groaned and said, “Brother Xiao shouldn’t meet with me anymore, just let your friends give me things directly.”

Chen Xiao asked in surprise: “Why?”


Du Fei said in a deep voice: “Brother Hao explained that the safety of Brother Xiao is the first.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Du Fei continued: “We cannot know the target information for the time being, so everything is done in accordance with the highest safety standards.”

“That’s all right, you wait for my call.”

Chen Xiao did not insist.

Although he felt that Leng Zhenghao had made some fuss, Chen Xiao chose to respect professionals in this regard.

Afterwards, Chen Xiao fought Guan Zhenghai over.

“Brother Hai, is it convenient now?”

Guan Zhenghai was a little vague, “It’s convenient, you want to come to play? We are at Genting No. 8, and I will arrange some good projects for you!”

Chen Xiao was a little bit dumbfounded and said, “I’m talking about business!”

“Business…er, oh! What you said was…”

Guan Zhenghai woke up in shock, his voice was full of surprise: “So fast!”

Chen Xiao said: “Well, about half an hour, someone will call you later, copy the information with a USB flash drive, and hand it to him directly.”

“Fuck, I still need to use a USB flash drive, what am I… okay, I’ll let someone go downstairs to buy one later.”

Guan Zhenghai said.

Chen Xiao was speechless.

He now feels even more that Leng Zhenghao and Du Fei are so professional!

After hanging up, Chen Xiao sent Guan Zhenghai’s number to Du Fei.

Du Fei returned a text message.

“Received. This number will be discarded after one hour. If you need to contact, please contact Brother Hao.”

Genting No. 8 Clubhouse.

“Is Chen Xiao calling?”

Zhang Luwei asked.

Guan Zhenghai put down the phone and said, “Yes, he said he would find someone to come over to get the information of Hu Lijun and Sun Bin. Chen Xiao is so efficient, right?”

“Get someone here? Who is it?”

“I don’t know, he said he would call me. By the way, I have to find a USB flash drive and say it is a copy of the information.”

Guan Zhenghai said helplessly, “It’s too much trouble, I said I could just send it to him directly!”

“Don’t post it, just do what Chen Xiao said.”

Zhang Luwei and Zhao Yunfeng looked at each other, and then said: “Go find a USB flash drive, and wait for me to go with you.”


Guan Zhenghai’s phone rang again.

Guan Zhenghai glanced at Zhang Luwei and Zhao Yunfeng, and connected the phone with the speakerphone.

“I’ll get a copy of it. It’s at the gate of Genting No. 8.”

“Okay, I’ll…”



Guan Zhenghai was dumbfounded, and the phone was directly hung up.

Entrance No. 8 of Genting.

A sturdy, but unremarkable man dressed up, hung up the phone and turned off the card directly.

Then fold the sim card into two sections, throw one section into the sewer, and put the other section into the pocket. After getting off the plane, find a place to throw it away.

He is Du Fei.

Two minutes later.

Two young men came out of Genting No. 8 and looked around.

The eyes of the two swept over Du Fei several times, but they subconsciously ignored this person.

If Du Fei hadn’t walked over to the two of them, Zhang Luwei and Guan Zhenghai would never have thought that Chen Xiao had said that it was this unremarkable person who came to get things.

Du Fei walked to the two of them, took out a note and asked, “Do you know this phone number?”

Guan Zhenghai was stunned for a moment, and looked at the note subconsciously, feeling that the number was a bit familiar.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in my mind, I opened the phone address book, checked it and said, “It’s Chen Xiao’s…”

Du Fei confirmed the identity of the other party, nodded and said, “I’m here to get the USB flash drive.”

“It’s you?”

Guan Zhenghai’s eyes widened suddenly, “It’s true, or I’ll call Chen Xiao…”

“give him.”

Zhang Luwei suddenly interrupted Guan Zhenghai and said.

Guan Zhenghai subconsciously took out the USB flash drive and handed it over.

Du Fei took the USB flash drive without saying a word, turned and left.

“Huh? You…”

Guan Zhenghai was dumbfounded.

Zhang Luwei directly hugged Guan Zhenghai’s neck and entered the clubhouse.

“Viagra, what…what’s going on?”

Guan Zhenghai asked.

Zhang Luwei said in a deep voice, “Go in and talk about it.”

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