Chapter 54

When Bentley Mulsanne stopped in front of Patek Philippe, everyone in the store was already waiting.

The sales manager personally came out to help open the car door.

“Welcome to Patek Philippe!”

The manager bent down slightly and said respectfully.

After Chen Xiao got out of the car, he waited for a while and asked Lin Jiayue to take her arm.

The manager couldn’t help but froze for a moment.

On the one hand, it’s because of their youth.

On the other hand, he couldn’t help feeling in his heart, this is too much for young people!

The boys are handsome and handsome, and the girls are even more beautiful and outrageous.

“Welcome, I am Liu Hong, the manager of our store. I am very honored to serve two distinguished guests.”

Manager Liu did not despise them just because they were young.


The younger the guests who came with Bentley Mulsanne, the better they are!

One more thing, even Manager Liu himself didn’t notice it.

Chen Xiao faintly exudes a temperament that people dare not look directly at.

People can’t help but bow their heads in front of him, with three-point respect.

System talent: the temperament of a superior!

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, and brought a curious Lin Jiayue into the store.

Manager Liu took the two directly to the VIP reception room.

Many people don’t know that this kind of luxury store has this kind of reception room.

But it is only open to the most valued customers.

Chen Xiao and Lin Jiayue, in the eyes of Manager Liu Hong, are undoubtedly the most valued customers.

“Sir, what do you call it?”

Liu Hong personally served coffee for the two of them, and asked cautiously.

“Chen Xiao.”

“Mr. Chen, what kind of watch do you want to choose when you come here today?”

“I heard that the Patek Philippe 5002p is the most expensive watch of Patek Philippe?”

Chen Xiao asked after taking a sip of coffee.

Liu Hong was a little surprised.

The Patek Philippe Super Complication Chronograph 5002p platinum watch, at a price of 17.6 million yuan, is indeed the most expensive Patek Philippe.

However, generally few people ask this watch as soon as they come up.

After all, it is a watch worth more than ten million!

Can buy a mansion in the magic city.

Can afford Patek Philippe, at least some are self-aware.

Not everyone has the courage to ask this watch.

Liu Hong swallowed and said, “Mr. Chen is right. The 5002p is indeed the most expensive of Patek Philippe’s cash, but…”

“Just what?”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and said.

Liu Hong continued: “It’s just that this watch needs to be reserved. There is no stock in the whole country.”


Chen Xiao frowned slightly, “How much is the deposit and how long will it take?”

“A 30% deposit, time will probably take…”

Liu Hong gritted his teeth and said, “I can guarantee it will be delivered to you within two weeks!”

Chen Xiao nodded slightly.

Two weeks, it is relatively fast.

“That’s fine.” Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, “By the way, which one of the most expensive watches you have in stock?”

The most expensive?

Liu Hong was taken aback for a moment.

How can such a question be asked?

Generally, don’t you always ask the cheapest or the most cost-effective?

But since the customer asked, Liu Hong must answer.

“Mr. Chen, there are the 6104g and 6104r of the super complication chronograph series at relatively high prices.”

“Both watches are diamond-encrusted galaxy star dials, the price of 6104g is 2.94 million yuan, and the price of 6104r is 2.85 million yuan.”

Liu Hong said: “The difference between the two watches is the color of the dial, 6104g is a blue dial, 6104t is a black dial. They are all made of special materials, but the colors are different and the materials used are different, so the price There are also differences.”


Chen Xiao nodded slightly, noncommittal.

Lin Jiayue was not interested in mechanical watches, and could not understand what Liu Hong was talking about.

However, she can still understand the price of a watch in the millions.

But although the price is expensive, in Lin Jiayue’s view, this amount of money is not a big deal to Chen Xiao.

Liu Hong was secretly surprised when he saw that both of them looked calm.

“What is the origin of this young couple? Millions of watches don’t seem to be taken seriously!”

“No wonder you ask for the most expensive 5002p as soon as you come in! But this one is not in stock, otherwise you might be able to make a deal!”

Liu Hong felt a little regretful, and then heard Chen Xiao speak again.

“Mr. Liu, what you just said were men’s models, how about women’s models? Can you also introduce them?”

“There are female models!”

Liu Hong hurriedly said: “We now have a twenty-1540r, 18k rose gold material. The bezel, dial and strap are all set with diamonds. There are 351 broken diamonds in total. They are very beautiful and can be said to be a masterpiece of Patek Philippe ladies’ watches!”

“What about the price?”

Chen Xiao doesn’t care about anything else, he just wants to know how much.

“The price is ten thousand yuan.”

Manager Liu said.

Chen Xiao thought for a while, took out his phone and calculated it, and said something in his mouth:

“Ten thousand! It’s more expensive than the male model 6104g, why didn’t you say it earlier! By the way, plus 294, the total is 612!”

Chen Xiao put down his mobile phone and looked at Manager Liu and said, “It’s only 6.12 million yuan, it’s okay, just need these two dollars first!”


Liu Hong was stunned.

These two pieces?

Where… two yuan? .

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