Chapter 40

Jiang Mengying was in a trance for a moment, and she could not help embracing Chen Xiao’s waist with her hands.

I don’t know how long it took.

The two separated.

Jiang Mengying panted a little, did not dare to look up, so she could only bury her head in Chen Xiao’s arms.

Chen Xiao felt the body in his arms gradually start to get hot.

In this case, how can Chen Xiao’s hands be honest?


Jiang Mengying made an inaudible sound from her nose.

Just when Chen Xiao’s hand was about to move further, suddenly Jiang Mengying’s cell phone rang.

Jiang Mengying was violently excited, and quickly broke free of Chen Xiao’s embrace and connected the phone.

“Mom? Uh…I’m home, I’m at the gate of the community!”

“Well, I’ll go up right away!”


Jiang Mengying hung up the phone and glanced at Chen Xiao with a shy look, “My mother…she has already arrived home, urge me to go back!”

“She…Let’s say it during the day. She taught me a few yoga moves and asked me to go to school to practice every day…”

As Jiang Mengying spoke, her voice became quieter, and in the end it was almost inaudible.

Although Chen Xiao was a little regretful, he smiled slightly when he heard Jiang Mengying’s words.

Good to learn yoga!

Strong support!

Exhausted all your energy to support!

“It’s okay, go back early, don’t worry auntie.”

Chen Xiao said.

Jiang Mengying whispered: “Well, I…I will go back to school tomorrow.”

“Hehe, Zhongzhou is very close to Chang’an. I will find you when I have time.”


“Do you want to pull the hook?”

“Hehe, no, I believe you! Then I will go up.”


Chen Xiao waved his hand, watching Jiang Mengying’s back disappear in the corner, and walked towards McLaren lt parked on the side of the road.

Chen Xiao just opened the door of the car to get into the car, and suddenly felt like he looked up at a window on the middle floor of a building in the community.

It seems that the curtains are shaking slightly?

Is it Song Qiangwei?


Behind the curtains.

Song Qiangwei was holding her chest in shock.

“He… won’t see me, will he?”

“How is it possible, at a distance of nearly a hundred meters, it’s so dark at night, it must be invisible!”

“But he… why did he look this way?”

There was waves in Song Qiangwei’s heart, feeling a little guilty.

She saw Chen Xiao holding her daughter downstairs and couldn’t help but call.

Young man, what should I do if I become impulsive?

At this moment, the sound of closing the door came from outside.

“Mom, why didn’t you turn on the lights?”

Jiang Mengying asked suspiciously.

Song Qiangwei quickly walked out of the room and gave her daughter a complicated expression.

“Hey, I really don’t blame Chen Xiao! Who makes my daughter so beautiful!”

“Don’t blame Mengying, Chen Xiao is indeed a good boy! I don’t think I was…”

Song Qiangwei sighed in her heart with a hint of pride.

Chen Xiao got into the car and was considering whether to go home or go back to school.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

‘Ding! ’

‘The system releases a temporary task: continue to write the legend! ’

‘Note: The host has left a legendary story on a live broadcast platform, please continue this legend! ’

‘Task objective: Help anchor Lin Jiayue win the championship of the live event! ’

‘Task Reward: One special draw! ’

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows.

I have been busy making money for these two days, but I forgot the little anchor!

I don’t know how the little anchor is now.

However, since the system has released this task, it means that the small anchor has not been eliminated.

The little anchor is fine!

Chen Xiao took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Lin Jiayue.

“Participating in a live event?”

As soon as Chen Xiao sent it out, he received a reply immediately.

Lin Jiayue: “Well, it’s over soon.”

It’s over soon?

I will be eliminated immediately!

Chen Xiao: “Why didn’t you notify me in advance?”

Lin Jiayue: “I don’t want the general to give me gifts anymore!”

Chen Xiao: “…”

How can I not brush?

You are preventing me from completing system tasks!

Chen Xiao did not continue to send WeChat anymore, and directly opened the Xiaopozhan client on his mobile phone and entered the “Song of September” live broadcast room.

“It’s over, it’s over! Xiao Jiu must be over this time! But it’s too miserable to lose like this!”

“It’s normal. Xiao Jiu’s victory in the last game was all luck. The matching opponent was a rookie anchor. In the first few rounds, his strength was exhausted, so Xiao Jiu can win!”

“Where is the general?”

“That’s right, why didn’t the generals come, the last one didn’t come, and this one won’t come either?”

“If the general doesn’t come again, Xiao Jiu will be over!”

“Xiao Jiu, please contact the general! Otherwise, you will lose!”

In the live broadcast room, full screen barrage.

Chen Xiao looked at it for a while and understood.

It turns out that this is already the second round of the knockout round.

The little anchor is amazing!

Actually relying on his own strength to win a round.

Although only luck can win, luck is also part of strength!

But the second round was not so lucky.

The opponent is a relatively well-known technology zone anchor.

【Installation Ape】

Girls generally don’t know this anchor, but those who like electronic products, especially those who are interested in computer installation, will watch the video of the installation ape more or less.

Last year’s top 100 up hosts, absolute top anchors.

At this time, the firepower value of both sides is 763510:125643!

760,000 to 120,000!

The gap is too big!

Moreover, Chen Xiao believes that this is still a situation where the installed apes are preserving their strength. .

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