Chapter 28

October 2nd.

The second day of the National Holiday.

Chen Xiao received another call from Guan Zhenghai in the morning.

“Brother Xiao, when are you going back to Zhongzhou?”

“Fuck! Didn’t I just called yesterday, what the hell is going on, so anxious?”

“Hehe, I don’t have a chance to make money now, I want you to participate too!” Guan Zhenghai said with a smile, “Well, it’s not bad, buddy, the first thing that comes to mind is you!”

“Do you think I will believe it?”

Chen Xiao sneered, “I think your project is not enough money, right?”


Guan Zhenghai gave a dry laugh, and Chen Xiao was indeed right,? “Anyway, anyway, will you come?”

“All right, I’ll go over.”

Chen Xiao sighed and agreed.

No way, who would have thought that Guan Zhenghai, who made Lu Chenghao so scared to death, could actually turn into a dog skin plaster?

Chen Xiao hung up the phone, thought for a while, and called Liu Yin again.

“Sister Yin, when do you plan to go back to Zhongzhou, do you need me to take you there?”

Chen Xiao asked on the phone.

“Back to Zhongzhou?”

Liu Yin’s voice was lazy, “Heh—when did I say I want to go back?”

“not going back?”

Chen Xiao was very surprised, “Why don’t you go back? School will start in a few days!”

“I’m not going to work at CUHK.”

Liu Yin said lazily.

“Really not going?” Chen Xiao asked, “If you don’t go, the boys of CUHK will cry! You are the goddess of the boys in the school!”

Liu Yin scolded with a smile: “Smelly boy, poor mouth! I have only been there for a few days, so few people at Zhongda know me.”

Chen Xiao saw that Liu Yin was not going to CUHK, and after a few casual conversations, he hung up the phone.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Chen Xiao arrived in Zhongzhou.

Boom boom boom!

McLaren lt roared and stopped in front of a bank.

“I’m looking for Manager Sun.”

Chen Xiao walked into the lobby and said directly to the banker.

Although Chen Xiao is young, he has extraordinary momentum, and he came here in a sports car.

So no one dared to take him lightly and took him directly to the VIP room.

The bank’s manager Sun heard his report that a young man driving a McLaren sports car was looking for him and rushed over.

“Hello sir, I am Sun Guodong, investment manager, what do you call it?”

Sun Guodong smiled and greeted Chen Xiao.

“Chen Xiao.”

Chen Xiao and Sun Guodong shook hands and said lightly: “Is Guan Zhenghai here? We have an appointment.”

“Are you waiting for the manager?”

When Sun Guodong heard Guan Zhenghai’s name, his figure was three points shorter.

Especially when he heard Chen Xiao dared to call Guan Zhenghai’s name directly, his attitude became very humble.

“Mr. Guan should be coming soon, Mr. Chen, you have a cup of coffee first!”

Sun Guodong personally served Chen Xiao coffee, a little regretful in his heart.

I had known that I had respected Chen Xiao a little bit earlier!

Fortunately, Chen Xiao doesn’t seem to be such a caregiver!

“Mr. Chen, do you have any investment plans recently?”

Manager Sun sat next to Chen Xiao and chatted with him, waiting for Guan Zhenghai to come by the way.

Chen Xiao nodded: “Yes, does Mr. Sun have any recommended projects?”

Manager Sun smiled and said: “We have a lot of projects here, of course, I believe Mr. Chen should also know that the higher the so-called profit, the greater the risk.”

“How about I do an investment risk test for Mr. Chen first?”

Chen Xiao waved his hand and said lightly: “No need.”

Manager Sun had a boring discussion, smiled, and shifted the topic to another place.

While chatting casually with Manager Sun, Chen Xiao opened the system panel in his mind.

“System, use investment card!”

‘Ding! ’

‘The investment card is successfully used! ’

‘The host gets a piece of financial information for the next three days, precious metals futures market: copper, three-day price trend chart! ’

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows.

It’s actually a futures!

He thought it was stocks, gold prices or something, or Bitcoin, which was very hot recently.

I didn’t expect it to be futures!

It’s so exciting to play as soon as you come up?

However, although the futures are very risky, there is no risk at all for Chen Xiao.

Copy homework!

“Manager Sun, can you start a futures account here?”

Chen Xiao asked.

“Futures, yes, but…”

Sun Guodong was a little surprised.

Zhongzhou Futures Exchange is the earliest futures exchange in China.

Earlier than the magic capital.

Therefore, most banks in Zhongzhou are eligible for futures trading.

However, most people open an account with a specialized futures trading company, and few of them trade futures through banks.

But Chen Xiao doesn’t care about these.

“If you have one, you can open a futures trading account for me.”

Chen Xiao took out his ID card.

Seeing that Chen Xiao didn’t look like a joke, Sun Guodong had no choice but to open an account for Chen Xiao.

“Brother Xiao!”

At this time, the door of the VIP room was suddenly pushed open, and Guan Zhenghai walked in with a red face beauty on her arm.

“Sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road, it was delayed for a while!”

Guan Zhenghai smiled and sat beside Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao shrugged and said he didn’t care, and then greeted the net red-faced beauty.


“Ahem! What is that, what you asked me to ask, I have already asked for you, but there is no news yet, let’s talk about it later!”

Guan Zhenghai suddenly coughed twice and blinked frantically at Chen Xiao.


Chen Xiao suddenly remembered.

This net red-faced beauty next to Guan Zhenghai is not the Wenwen he saw the day before yesterday! .

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