Technical High School, training ground.

Maki, Gojuku, Panda, White Zetsu, and Yuta Otsutsuki who looks a little melancholy

"Everyone! All eyes on me!"

Bai Jue tore off the red cloud and black robe on his upper body under the speechless gazes of several people.

"This is my newest little brother!"

"You can call it a caterpillar."

Bai Zetsu showed off the reptile curse spirit wrapped around his waist.

"Bai Zetsu, what are you crazy about!"

"According to the rules of the high school's spells, all curses will be exorcised!"

Maki stepped forward quickly with a training stick in hand and shouted angrily:"For you to stay safely in the high school, Future Brother must have made a promise to the top management!"

"You don't stay still and you dare to bring other cursed spirits to the high school, are you really looking for death?!"

Seeing that Maki was about to swing the stick to kill his relatives, Panda hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Yes, White Zetsu, Maki is right."

"If you are so willful, the school leaders will not sit idly by."

After spending many days together, Panda has a good understanding of Bai Jue's curse.

Except that he is a bit arrogant, loves to brag, loves to show off, and loves to show off.... other...

At least it doesn't hate humans as much as other curses.

The pandas themselves are cursed corpses created by the moths.

If Gojo Satoru hadn't intervened, not only the pandas themselves, but also the moths that created them would have been cursed....

It is estimated that he has been secretly captured by the high school.

White Zetsu's situation is quite similar, but the boss behind him is different.

Goju nodded and agreed:"Mentai!" Otsutsuki looked at the angry Maki on the left and the grinning White Zetsu on the right, raising his hands in panic.

Household affairs...Is it not good to be advised by outsiders?

"All right, all right~"

"This is the spoils that the future kid got after killing Geto Xiayou. The senior leaders knew about it yesterday."

Looking at the people making a fuss, Bai Zetsu patted the squirming curse spirit's head.

"This guy's curse power is not even at level 4, let alone hurting people, he could easily be stepped on by a magician if he were to fall to the ground."

Bai Zetsu raised his head with a proud look on his face:"Don't look at my little brother's weak strength, his inherent abilities are quite impressive!"

As he was speaking, the scarlet reptile curse spirit opened its mouth wide, and Bai Zetsu reached his hand in.

"This guy's stomach is an alternate dimension, storage is quite convenient"


Bai Jue directly took out a three-section staff that was nearly two meters long from the mouth of the cursed spirit that was less than half a meter long.

"Look, this is the special curse tool Youyun that Xia Youjie used yesterday."

Bai Zetsu held the nunchaku in his left hand and squeezed the head of the reptile curse spirit with his right hand. The squirming curse spirit shrank visibly, and then was swallowed by Bai Zetsu.

"My little brother can also shrink in size, making it easier for users to carry!"

Bai Zetsu grinned with a serrated look on his face,"How is it?"

"My little brother is really powerful!"

The White Zetsu, who was showing off, stumbled and almost fell to the ground due to the huge force coming from his left hand. After all,

White Zetsu was only level 4. He didn't even have time to react when Maki dodged.

"Yes, this cursed tool belongs to me now."

Maki swung up Youyun with a look of treasure on his face, ignoring the roaring White Zetsu.

Since the top management knew about this, Maki would not worry anymore.

"Bastard! Maki you're a bandit!"

"Be careful or I'll curse you!"

Bai Zetsu pushed the panda's thick arm with all his strength:"Panda, don't stop me!"

"Today, I, Bai Zetsu, will sacrifice my own family for the greater good!"

Panda put his arm around Bai Zetsu's shoulders and repeatedly advised,"Don't be impulsive, Bai Zetsu. It's just a curse tool, you should just give it to your niece."

Glancing at Maki who had already started practicing Youyun, Panda lowered his voice and said,"The most important thing is that we let you go now...."

"You can't beat that vicious woman either."

Bai Zetsu, who was playing with a few people, didn't notice that his cell phone was buzzing in the pocket of his fading uniform.......

"Future teacher, are you really that afraid of death?"

Gojo Satoru looked at the future in front of him and said with a smile:"It's not enough for me to agree, I actually need to set up a bond."

"It seems that future teachers are really afraid of accidents in their field."

"Isn't this good?"

Weilai stood up and straightened his black robe:"I don't have to worry about you doing anything in the field."

"You don't have to worry about me coming out and continuing to bring up the issue of Hui."After the bond is established, anyone who violates it will be punished horribly.

Just like the contract signed by Ryoumen Sukuna and Itadori in the comics in the field of life.

The bond established by both parties must be observed!

Ryoumen Sukuna cannot violate this, and the same is true for Gojo Satoru.

Mirai is not afraid of death.

If he needs to achieve his intention, he cannot resist in the field and needs to passively bear the damage.

During this period, there is the blessing of the field's sure-hit effect. If Gojo Satoru suddenly has a nervous breakdown,...

That would be the end of the game.

The two sides put the restraints in place, and Gojo Satoru immediately showed a sly smile on his face. Just as Gojo Satoru pulled off the bandage on his forehead, Mirai twitched his mouth, and his black pupils instantly turned into blood-red figures!

This guy is really petty....

Putting two fingers together in front of his chest, Gojo Satoru's eyes flashed with a hint of teasing.

""The field expands, the infinite space."

Instantly, a powerful spell surged out!

The black spherical barrier suddenly expanded, covering Gojo Satoru and the future.

And the house in the future was like tofu dregs, turning into powder in the blink of an eye.......

The undulating black and white piano keys, the shattered light bulbs, the speeding subway, the burning forest, the thunderstorm rainy night, the gorgeous starry sky...

Endless information fragments surged like a flood, pouring into the mind of the future and taking root.

There was no way to refuse, no way to avoid!

The fragmented information poured into the mind in an extremely brutal manner, and it kept pouring out.

In the field, the future could not move and its pupils trembled.......

""What's going on?!"

The people who were training in the playground turned their heads suddenly.

There was a sudden loud noise and a flash of terrifying magic power.

The people who had just experienced a big battle yesterday tensed up instantly.

"That direction...Future brother?!"

Looking at the direction where the smoke and dust were rising, Maki's expression tightened and he rushed out with Youyun.

Panda and the others hurriedly followed:"Maki, can Future teacher open his domain?"

Panda asked anxiously.

Maki and the others had never seen him since they entered school, but Panda, who had been following Ye Moth, recognized him.

It was Gojo Satoru's domain!

If Maki's brother did not control the domain, or could not escape from the domain.

Then by the time they got there, it might be too late!

Maki, who was running at full speed, paused. She didn't want to expose the information about her future brother casually.

But looking back at the seriousness on Panda's face, Maki paused and said:"Several years ago, an ancient tree with a strange shape suddenly appeared in the Zenin family."

"It seemed like a huge figure connecting heaven and earth, but it disappeared in just a few seconds."

The panda nodded,"That should be the initial awakening of the future teacher's domain, so you can see the embodiment of the domain."

""Wait for me~"

Bai Zetsu hurriedly picked up the clothes on the ground and chased after him.

Bai Zetsu was very happy to join in the fun.

He took a moment to glance at the phone in his pocket....

Bai Jue, who had just run out of the playground gate, suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes.

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