Jujutsu Kaisen: I have a Gardevoir

Chapter 95: The Shaking of Kamo Constitution (900 monthly votes for additional updates)


Kamo Xianji Zuoer Kangshou.

Mingli ignored him, and he wanted to chase him, but was thrown away by Gardevoir's Psychic Power move. He could only watch Mingli's figure drifting away, carrying the voice he cared about most.


Gentle mother.

Beautiful mother.

Strong mom.

A mother who picks herself up when she falls.

A mother who taught herself to be kind to others.

Even though she was expelled from the family, she still said to herself: Mom is fine, she will always be watching you from afar, so you have to be well.

Damn, why didn't I find out sooner?

Although my mother never took the initiative to mention her last name before getting married, the pendant left to her had the character 明 engraved on it.

And this Akari is my younger brother who was also expelled from the family, and his true legitimate son, Kamo Notsuna.

That's why I have such a deep understanding of the Red Blood Exercise and the Kamo family, and that's why I say so many things to myself.

He obviously has that impatient attitude toward others, including the stronger Todo Aoi.

But doesn’t he have any spells? What's going on with this Elf Manipulation (the name recorded in the file)?

No, it doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that his name is Akari now, and he is the son of Kamo, no, Akira Mei.

The identity that he covets can also be regarded as a reflection of his mother's will to a certain extent.

He said he was disappointed.

Is the disappointment here in his own mind, or is he disappointed for his mother?

Have I become a child that my mother hates?

If true, this would be a bigger blow than all the pressures I've endured before, all the failures I've encountered before combined.

That was a fundamental denial of his eight years of hard work and struggle, and a fundamental denial of his entire life plan.

This is a fact more difficult to accept than losing ten times or losing a hundred times in exchange meetings.

In a daze, Mingli had returned to the stands around the training ground and found a seat to the side to sit down.

Gojo Satoru was the first to move over and said, What do you mean in the individual competition? No more competition?

Mingli waved his hands indifferently: No more fighting, what needs to be done is done, and the show is done. Panda, Maki, I leave it to you, no problem.

He doesn't have a strong desire to show off his strength, so Ola's stupid brother can stop once his goal is achieved.

If Kamo Kenki had been ranked higher, he would have ended earlier.

Are you okay? Panda asked with concern. Not even a fool can see Ming Li's abnormality.

This is not something that can be said, idiot. Maki's emotional intelligence rarely gained the upper hand.

It's not convenient to say, but it's limited to me. People who want to know can find out by themselves.

Qi Kuo only takes effect on yourself and cannot control others.

You have the final say. Someone who knew made an OK gesture, grabbed a white towel and held it up, Mingli abstains, and the second person will be replaced.

Leave it to me. Panda agreed loudly.


The domineering panda stood behind his brother as usual, but he could no longer lie down like before and could only wave his fists to show support.

Of all the Pokémon under Mingli's command, he has the most pronunciation skills, which is related to Panda's teachings.


Panda also raised his fist, and the two brothers touched each other with bear paws.

Although the physical difference has changed, the relationship is still very good, and the ability to live well is still the same.

After high-fiving, the two pandas swung their huge buttocks at the same time.

Hearing DUANG's sound, both hips hit each other. The domineering panda's body remained motionless, but Panda bounced high like a huge ball and fell into the training ground.

Relying on the characteristics of the puppet to ignore the impact, Panda bowed politely:

Tokyo School, Pangda, come on! Please give me some advice, Senior Kamo.

Only then did Kamo Kenki wake up from his chaotic thoughts: I may disappoint you. I have nothing to teach you, so I'm rude.

After saying that, he went straight back to the spectator seats, exactly the same as Ming Li a few minutes ago.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Panda shrugged.

Others had no objections. Akari's strength was obvious to all. If he hadn't suddenly entered preaching mode, Kamo Kenki would have been lying down long ago.

Even if he didn't go there, he would still have very little blood pack storage and fighting left. He would still get beaten if he stayed, so it would be better to leave the game with dignity.

Soon, the female singer on the opposite side also raised a white towel: Kamo Kenki abstains, and the next one will be substituted.

After that, like Gojo Satoru, he sat next to the student and asked the same question: Are you okay?

It's okay. Kamo Kenji also shook his head.

It's really okay? Don't be brave. With the attentiveness and experience of the singer, the students' shortcomings and advantages have long been understood.

I'm not trying to be brave. Kamo Kenki shook his head for the second time. On the contrary, I want to thank this exchange meeting for making me realize my shortcomings. I'm very sorry, Teacher Diva, I was a little too ignorant before.

As soon as this statement came out, the students turned their attention, whether they were in the same grade or senior and junior grades.

In their minds, Kamo Kenki is a typical heir, an elite figure. Although he is calm and dignified in his dealings with others, he always unconsciously carries a sense of superiority, and naturally assumes the position of a leader in collective actions.

People who like him will think that he has a leadership aura. People who don't like him will think he's pretending. Would such a person apologize for such a natural thing?

What kind of drug did that man named Mingli give him? So effective?

In this case, Todo Aoi also has a passionate fight with Akari, will he——

Oh, you look good now. Maybe you can understand the charm of XP now. Let me ask again, Kamo Noriki, what type of woman do you like?

Everyone: ...

This hasn’t changed at all. We are idiots for expecting something from him.

Kamo Kenki shook his head decisively: I'm sorry, let me refuse, it's too shameful.

That's why you've always been so boring and unable to become as powerful as me. Todo Aoi shook her head regretfully.

It's okay to be strong, just like you.

Kamo Kenki replied lightly, which was also the sentiment of all the students at Kyoto School.

This is what the real C position should do.

When everyone's attention returned to the arena, Yoshinobu Leganji, the oldest person in the audience, walked over with a cane and said, Xianji, that Akari——

Kamo Kenki was not surprised by this. Being accustomed to being a good boy in the eyes of his superiors is not without any rewards. He knows what everyone above him thinks, better than Mingli, and he also knows how to deal with them.

I'm sorry, Principal Leyanji, that's not something I can reveal.

I understand. Leyanji Jiashen did not ask any more questions.

Things that even the heirs of the Kamo family cannot tell must be internal secrets of the Kamo family. If I really want to know, I will either become an enemy of the Kamo family, or find a boss who is higher than the heir, the current head of the Kamo family.

Looking at the back of the old man coming and going, Kamo Kenji felt so relaxed and happy for the first time since he entered school.

Obviously what I do is no different from usual, but my mentality is completely different.

It was all about obedience and compromise. He once viewed it as a result, but now he views it as a process and a means.

The Constitution is right, we need to distinguish the root from the bottom.

PS: I finally came out and kept my word. The same goes for the author. But some people just don't keep their word and go back on what they promised. It's a pity that a piece of my business was poached. It's too bad that one's own people are fighting for one's own, and the left hand is fighting for the right hand. What happened today took three hours of urgent processing, otherwise this chapter would have come out faster. Tomorrow, we have to go to the client's unit to collect materials. Life is not easy.

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