Jujutsu Kaisen: I have a Gardevoir

Chapter 18 Maki’s efforts

Zenin Maki, a Zenin family member from the Gosan family, was even worse off than the former Kamo Notsuna.

Kamo Notsuna lived a good life until he was eight years old, but Maki had never had a good day since she could remember. The fact that she couldn't see the cursed spirit directly sentenced her to death in her career as a conjurer.

What's worse is that the Zen Yuan family is the most extreme among the three royal families in terms of supremacy in magic. You can imagine Maki's treatment.

One of the two Zen masters who are the target of Maki is Maki.

According to the tradition of the Zen family, Maki should have been oppressed like this until she died, but she refused to admit defeat.

Who said you can't be a magician without magic power, magic, and even if you can't see the magic spirit?

I just want to pretend that if I don’t have the power of magic, I will use magic tools to make up for it.

The Chanyuan family wouldn't tolerate me, so I left and ran away to prove myself on a bigger stage.

Her ultimate goal is to become the head of the Chanyuan family, change the outdated and conservative atmosphere in the family, and make everyone look at her with admiration and resent her.

This kind of courage makes Mingli ashamed.

Although it is very inefficient, looks a bit silly, and has nothing to do with choices such as best and optimal, this foolishness is indispensable to those who have achieved great things throughout the ages.

You have chosen the most difficult path. Mingli said with emotion.

No, at least it's better than giving in without making any effort.

Maki casually threw away the long handle that Akari had broken, and used the front part as a flying prop to throw towards Akari.

Mingli made a catching, turning backhand, catching the weapon and turning it away.

Then, you should know that you need more effort and less error tolerance than others. First of all, don't use this child's play weapon.

After saying that, he used force on the remaining half of the wooden handle and broke it into two pieces.

The long-handled glaive itself is fine, every inch longer is stronger.

It’s no problem to use a wooden handle. It can effectively control the weight and combine strength and softness. This is why it is worthy of the title of “The Thief of Hundreds of Soldiers”.

But this is for ordinary people, not for conjurers.

A skilled conjurer can produce tonnage-level physical output, and ordinary materials themselves cannot bear the high load caused by high-intensity spell power.

I understand. The master who taught me martial arts is not a magician. I didn't take this into consideration.

Maki nodded. She was easily defeated by Akari not because of her lack of skills, but because her weapon was too fragile.

Are there any others?

Yes, and quite a few.

College students are all straightforward and good people, and they have nothing to say that is inconvenient.

Because you have no magic power, you must work hard on equipment and props to ensure that you will not be helpless in any situation. For large magic spirits, small magic spirits, fast ones, and large numbers.

Also, for spell casters, because it is not as invisible and intangible as dealing with spell spirits without magic power, there are more methods to choose from when it comes to people. You should consider triple the suggestion I just made to Gojuan.

This... Maki hesitated.

Ming Liruo pointed out: Why, are you still thinking about the so-called fairness? Don't forget your position and innate conditions.

No. Unexpectedly, Maki shook her head, I was just thinking about how to respond when I meet such a person. Let's just say this. Even the technological creations you despise can't stop it, and the so-called spells can't stop it. It’s nothing special—what do you think?”

Mingli made a classic tongue flick: Nice! Remember to beat the person down before talking, and break his hands and feet if possible.

Hahahahaha. Gojo Satoru has become a laughing machine and can't stop at all, Segao, you guys, just get together and overthrow the Yusan family.

Your Gojo family is also the Gosan family. Akari complained.

It doesn't matter. If you can surpass me, I will be very happy.

Gojo Satoru tossed his hair and almost carried the speaker to play Invincibility is so, so lonely...

Make a couple?

Pang Da's eyes lit up and he started to pika pika.

Maki didn't think much about it: This is what you said, assistant teacher, do you think this is possible for me?

The possibility is extremely low, but not zero. If you are fully prepared, Mingli said sadly, First develop your physical abilities to the extreme, and then prepare corresponding tactics, such as invalidation spells, confrontation areas, and extreme confrontations. Fan, prevent escape, etc...

As long as it's not zero. Maki was eager to give it a try.

I'm here to help, too. Panda raised his paw.

Salmon, mentaiko. Gojuan said, OK (count me in), be careful.

Then let me give you some more motivation. Gojo Satoru also joined the ranks of those who were thinking about how to defeat Gojo Satoru. Those examples that Ali cited all have corresponding spells. I have also been beaten to the point of death. If he had been more ruthless and hadn't given me time to use the reversal technique, you wouldn't have seen me anymore.

Is there such a person? Maki was shocked, What kind of monster is he?

A person who has no magic power like you. The expression on Gojo Satoru's face was complicated and obscure. Maki, when you applied for admission, you told me that I didn't need sympathy. I said it wasn't sympathy. I really liked you. , that’s why.”

Who is he and where is he? Zhenxi asked.

I've been dead for almost ten years. It's all in the past. I'll tell you again when I get the chance. I still have something to do, so I'll leave today's class to the teaching assistant.

Gojo Satoru waved his hand covertly, turned and left.

Although Maki was curious, she couldn't ask more questions without Gojo Satoru.

As for Akari, of course he knew who Gojo Satoru was referring to.

That was the second person from the Zen family that he was targeting, and he was also the only one who pushed Gojo Satoru to the point where he needed to gamble his life. All the suggestions given to Maki were based on this person.

However, the relationship between this person and Gojo Satoru is rather complicated. Gojo Satoru doesn't speak, and he doesn't get too involved.

He knows very well what should be said and what should not be said, what jokes can and cannot be made.

He said: Ignore an incompetent teacher. Maki, the second suggestion I give you is to learn to sense the curse. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you can't sense it. Vision is only one of the five senses of human beings. In addition to the five senses, there are also You have a sixth sense. If you can 'see' the cursed spirit without relying on glasses, your understanding of the cursed spirit, your control of yourself and all related conditions will be improved to a higher level.

It was another thing that Maki had never thought of. She confirmed: Can it really be done?

Of course, I have seen more than one example. Mingli looked determined.

One is the one who almost beat Gojo Satoru to death.

The other one was a mediocre waiter with no talent as a conjurer and didn't even deserve a name.

The only thing known is that he has four adopted sisters.

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