Jujutsu Kaisen: I have a Gardevoir

Chapter 140: Ugly Fish and Zenyuan Maki

Putting on a bad face is probably a traditional skill among Zen masters.

Needless to say, Megumi Fushiguro just showed off.

Zenin Naoya is not much better, he has been stinked twice in the short time they met, although he was beaten by two special-level ones.

As for the twin sisters Maki and Zhenyi... Zhenyi will basically show off her face when something involves her sister. Maki is a little better, but as soon as she is in a bad mood, it will immediately show on her expression.

Just like now.

Xia Youjie had already produced seven of the nine Pokémon eggs, and the last two naturally couldn't escape.

Seeing the other people having fun with their Pokémon, Maki couldn't help but feel excited. She grabbed Akari and walked together to the pool used to speed up egg hatching.

Then her face fell.

Comparable to Zhenyi's mood when Mingli was filming the MV.

Other people’s elves.jpg

My elf.jpg

The sensible elf has a blue-white body, an elegant and slender figure, black pearl-like eyes and a continuous white nose and mouth, which adds a bit of cuteness to it.

On the other hand, Maki's own elf has an earthy yellow body, blue fish tail and fins, and is full of pits and numbness. It looks extremely dull, like a salted fish.

Compared with it, the infamous Scavenger is considered powerful.

This is not about judging a spirit by its appearance, nor is it true in actual performance.

After the sensible blue snake opened its eyes, it began to swim in the water leisurely.

Maki's salted fish, on the other hand, can only swing its tail and jump up and down - you just swing from side to side and swim around. Is your reaction really not that of the salted fish on the chopping board?

Because he witnessed the process of breaking out of the shell with his own eyes, there was no possibility of confusion. How could Maki feel better?

The gap is always the most tormenting thing.

Maki has been discriminated against since she was a child because she has no magic power. She has never experienced the life of Akari, who is surrounded by stars. On the contrary, she has no yearning for such a life. However, it would be hard to endure being beaten when others are not beaten.

The same goes for Pokémon.

Judging by appearance and actions, this salted fish of mine is always at the bottom.

Especially when I heard Akari's full words: Yeah, I've made a lot of money this time. Thank you Xia Youjie, you are worthy of being the number one male mother appointed by the magic world. Maki, why are you looking like this... …I understand, is it because of the ugly fish’s appearance?”

No. Maki frowned, Well, it's not just that, it seems like its brain is not very good either. Not being good-looking is not a problem, but if its brain is not good...

Megumi Fushiguro's Ghost looks weird, and it's possible that a Pokémon that can be funny at birth would not be an idiot no matter how you think about it.

So, do you want to give up? I don't mind exchanging my Pokémon with you.

No matter what Akari's intentions were, Maki couldn't bear just these five full words.

No need, I raise my elf myself.

Don't think about it anymore? When the mini dragon grows up, it is quite versatile. It can handle melee and long range attacks, thunder and fire, wind and rain. It will not be inferior even to Darkrai. Akari can do this better than Gojo. There are many talented people.

Mini Dragon is indeed worthy of this evaluation.

Mini Dragon, the Dragon Pokémon, is the first-generation quasi-god earlier than the second-generation quasi-god Bankelas. It is the beginning of the quasi-god legend. It is good-looking and can fight, and it has been popular for an era.

The initial form of the mini dragon, the evolved form of the hacker dragon, and the final form of the dragon are extremely popular.

Is Yiguyoutai lucky enough to hit the young Kiras? I'm sorry, but it turns out that someone's real good luck is when they draw a mini dragon.

If it weren't for the restless habit of the mini-dragons, Noctua's mission would have been completed.

Facing Akari's temptation, Maki still refused. In order to express her determination, she picked up the ugly fish regardless of getting wet, and didn't care if it was swung by its tail a few times.

I got used to bad luck a long time ago.

No matter how bad luck is, can it be worse than reincarnation?

After hearing this answer, Mingli couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed out loud:

Bad luck? That's true in the short term, but Maki, in the long run, your luck is definitely not bad, but very good, because the elf you selected is exactly the one that suits you best. Even Fushiguro Megumi is here Nothing compares to you.

After all, the Ghost series needs to evolve into Gengar to be a shadow Pokémon, and Uglyfish has been a perfect match for Maki from the very beginning.

Uglyfish, a fish Pokémon.

Although it looks ugly, it has the toughness to survive in any area. It can survive in sewage and can survive by eating soil.

And when the Ugly Fish survives the initial difficult stage of survival, what awaits it will be a fish leaping over the dragon gate and a salty fish turning over. Its evolved form, Menas, is said to be the most beautiful Pokémon, and its strength has also changed from the weakest species. Became very powerful.

To say it turns from an ugly duckling to a swan is not enough to describe it.

After listening to Akari's story, Maki was deeply touched. She gently stroked the bumps on the ugly fish's body with a rare tenderness on her expression.

Really? Are you the same? You never give up, grab everything you can, try to survive, and finally prove yourself to the whole world and the people who look down on you?

This is exactly the life portrayal of her Zen Yuan Maki, and it is also the ultimate goal of her struggle.

The gap turned into strong empathy at this moment.

Thank you, Ali, I will work hard with Ugly Fish - a name that really suits us - and fight against the whole world together.

I look forward to your magnificent turn. Mingli nodded first, then smiled evilly, But do you know how to cultivate elves and let them evolve?

Fight the curse spirit and then treat it sincerely? Like a naughty panda? Maki has been observing the magical existence of elves.

It's more than just that. Accumulated experience and bonds are the two most important elements in elven training, but to cultivate good elves, these alone are not enough. In addition to his own accumulation, Xiao Wan's evolution also requires Darkrai and it Fight side by side and draw the power of darkness from Darkrai.

Then my ugly fish also——?

It's similar to Xiao Wan, but the specific method is different. Ugly Fish, Menas, you can tell from the name that what it needs is beauty.

Beautiful? Can it still be like this?

Why not? You are what you are now because you have the heart to become stronger. Of course, Chou Chou Fish must have the heart to become beautiful to become beautiful - I am looking forward to how you help Chou Chou Fish put on makeup.


Maki was speechless. It is true that the change of mentality is important, but why does it sound so wrong?

She also wondered if Akari was playing tricks on her, but looking at the eyes of Chou Chou Fish - the eyes full of longing when looking at the mini dragon, Maki believed that it really had a heart that wanted to become beautiful.

I...maybe I really need to learn how to put on makeup.

It makes no sense that Zhenyi can do it well but I can’t.

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