Journey to the witch world

Chapter 987 Taking advantage of the situation

"That loser, the Night Demon King, is not qualified to rule the world on the 857th level of the abyss!"

A trace of fanaticism appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flami, and he loudly said, "I am the one who should be the master of this abyss!"

"But unfortunately, your plan did not succeed." Enzo said expressionlessly.

"Ha! So what?"

A trace of disdainful sneer appeared on the face of Crimson Duke Flami, and he said faintly: "As long as I can keep you here, I will have plenty of opportunities to deal with the Night Demon King."

After hearing the words of Crimson Duke Flami, Enzo looked thoughtful.

After a while, he raised his head and said quietly, "Your plan is indeed very smart, but there seems to be one thing you have overlooked."

Crimson Duke Flammy frowned slightly.

"You left a cursed mark on me at the cost of your life and soul."

Enzo slowly raised his arm, the blood-red curse mark on it flashed slightly, and said, "This means that you have integrated your soul into the curse!"

"What if I do this?"

As he spoke, a hint of coldness appeared on Enzo's face.

The next moment, he whispered syllables in his mouth and activated the sealing technique in Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits, and his body spread out as if it had turned into thousands of Phantom Crows.

Suddenly, countless crows flew towards the blood river below.

"Is this... a sealing technique?"

Crimson Duke Flami exclaimed, seeming to be aware of the danger of the sealing technique, his eyes flashed with fear, but he still roared angrily.

"It's no use, wizard!"

"The blood river under me has been connected to the world on the 875th level of the abyss. I am the incarnation of the blood river!"

"If you want to seal me, you must seal this river of blood!"

Hearing the words of Crimson Duke Flami, a sneer appeared on Enzo's face.

"You're right, that's what I meant!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and countless phantom crows flew towards the direction of Crimson Duke Flami.

As Crimson Duke Flammy said.

In order to obtain the ability of immortality, Crimson Duke Flami has merged himself with the blood river, and then the blood river runs through the entire 857th layer of the abyss. If Enzo wants to seal Crimson Duke Flami, Then this river of blood must be sealed together.

And this is obviously not an easy thing.

However, as a fifth-level Holy Soul Wizard, Enzo's strength has almost reached its peak when blessed by the power of the Eighteen Realms.

Therefore, if Crimson Duke Flammy was in his prime, it would be difficult to seal him.

But now, in order to keep the power of the curse on Enzo, the other party has sacrificed his soul and body, leaving only the immortal ability of the blood river.

In a sense, the current Crimson Duke Flami is in the weakest state.

Therefore, Enzo wants to seal him, and sealing the Crimson Duke Flami now seems to be the best opportunity.

Over the Blood River, countless crows circled continuously.

Crimson Duke Flami also seemed to be aware of the danger, a hint of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and he quickly turned into a pool of blood and merged with the blood river.

Enzo looked around, but the expression on his face was unmoved.

Now that the blood river has become the true form of the Crimson Duke Flami, if you want to completely seal it, you must naturally seal the entire blood river.

Immediately, Enzo exerted his power to the extreme.

But in the sky, countless black crows seemed to turn into black torrents, whistling and circling to form a huge whirlpool, and then swallowed up the blood river below, and the rushing red river water surged towards the whirlpool. And go.


The scene of the blood river flowing backward looked both strange and spectacular. The crimson Duke Flami finally felt panicked at this moment.

He tried his best to escape from the river of blood, but failed.


The crimson Duke Flami let out a desperate wail. This time, he was completely sealed and turned into a crimson crow together with the blood river, landing in front of Enzo.

In mid-air, Enzo slowly raised his arm.

The curse mark on the skin once again emitted red light, and the blood crow also got into it, merging with the power of the curse.

On the arm, the blood-red curse brand twisted.

That was the unwilling struggle of Crimson Duke Flami. However, Thousand Illusions Seal has been formed. No matter how unwilling Crimson Duke Flami is, he can no longer change the world.

However, the opponent's constant struggle still caused some trouble for Enzo.


Enzo frowned slightly, and felt a pain in his arm, but he saw that the skin seemed to be torn, as if something was about to come out.

"All right!"

Enzo shook his head, took a deep breath, then bit the tip of his tongue and squirted out a mouthful of bright red blood at the seal on his arm, and then suppressed the crimson Duke Flami.

"It's not a bad thing."

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, sealing Crimson Duke Flami and Styx. Although Enzo was restricted to a certain extent, it was not completely without benefits.

You must know that the reason why Crimson Duke Flami is so powerful is because he has absorbed the power left by the vampire ancestor. Now, Enzo has sealed it in his body. As long as he can digest it completely, it is equivalent to getting the power of the vampire ancestor. strength.

As the ancestor of the vampire clan, he possesses the strength of a sixth-level life form.

Moreover, it is not a rubbish sixth level like the Night Demon King, but the sixth level ancestor who is more powerful than the Gluttony Demon and even Lady Moon. He is only a thin line away from the seventh level life form. Even though the ancestor of the vampire has been destroyed now. Flame Supreme obliterates.

But just his remaining power was enough to benefit Enzo a lot.

"It seems that I will stay on the 857th floor of the abyss for a while."

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The curse mark on his arm prevented him from leaving the 857th level of the abyss for a short period of time.

Therefore, Enzo needs to stay here at least until the curse brand disappears.

In mid-air, Enzo suddenly raised his head.

He could feel the Night Demon King getting closer and closer to him, as if he could appear in front of him in just a few breaths.


Immediately, without any hesitation, Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared.

No matter how useless the Night Demon King is, he is still a sixth-level life form. He is in the abyss world, and fighting against him does not seem to be a wise choice.

Soon, Enzo turned into a shadow and escaped.

Then, after a few breaths, a figure appeared in the sky. With his appearance, the entire sky seemed to be plunged into endless darkness.

On the earth, even the most powerful demon fell to his knees and surrendered the moment he was shrouded in darkness.

The wings that cover the sky, the black horns, and the dark pupils all symbolize the identity of the ruler of the world on the 857th floor of the abyss.

The King of Night Demons, Gomora!

In the world of the 857th layer of the abyss, the only sixth-level life form is worthy of being looked at, and it is also the oldest existence. When the Night Demon King became the Lord of the Abyss, the wizarding civilization had not even been born, and the war between gods and demons had not yet begun. Still in its most intense state.

Three eras have passed.

The king of the Night Demon clan still survives on this land. Even though he has failed many times, the Eternal Night Demon behind him still gives him great trust and makes the King of Night Demon become the leader of the Abyss 850. The ruler of the seventeenth level world.

Above the sky, the figure of the Night Demon King emerged.

Gomora looked down at the earth below, looking at the dried blood river and the blood city that had turned into broken walls. A thoughtful expression appeared on her ferocious face.

"The City of Blood was destroyed?"

The eyes of Gomora, the King of Night Demons, flickered slightly, a strange luster flashed in his pupils, and he said faintly, "Even the river of blood has dried up."

"Could it be that that idiot Flami has fallen?"

As he spoke, the Night Demon King looked around, feeling the remaining aura around him, and murmured, "It really smells like a wizard."

"It seems that Flammy has not cheated."

Not long ago, the Crimson Duke Flammy fought with Enzo. After seeing Enzo's strength, he chose to send a signal for help to the Night Demon King Gomora.

According to Flami, as long as the Night Demon King is willing to help him this time, he will surrender to the Night Demon King in the future.

Gomora, the Night Demon King, sneered at such conditions.

He knew very well that the crimson Duke Flami was an extremely ambitious being. He even coveted his position as the lord of the 857th floor of the abyss for more than a day or two. With the blood river, he was almost immortal in this abyss world. The existence of destruction.

Under such a premise, how could Crimson Duke Flami give up his freedom in exchange for his help.

Therefore, Gomora, the King of Night Demons, guessed that this was a conspiracy from the beginning.

However, he still came here. Gomora, who has the strength of a sixth-level life form, will not be afraid of the machinations of the Crimson Duke Flami. No matter what the opponent's plan is, he dares to face it.

At this moment, Gomora, the King of Night Demons, has arrived over the City of Blood.

Feeling the remaining wizard aura around him and the messy traces of battle below, Gomora, the King of Night Demons, speculated that the news of the wizard's appearance should be true, and that the other party had powerful strength and was definitely not an ordinary existence.

"It seems that he is an incredible person!"

In mid-air, Gomora, the King of Night Demons, had a look of thought on his face.

The wizard who appeared in the Blood City not only destroyed the Blood City, but also swallowed up the entire Blood River. Even the Crimson Duke Flami was missing.

All signs are enough to prove that the wizard has great strength.

Even the crimson Duke Flami was no match at all, which made the Night Demon King feel a little interested, and his thoughts began to spread throughout the 857th layer of the abyss.

As a sixth-level life form, the Night Demon King has ruled the world on the 857th level of the abyss for many years.

Even though his strength is not very strong at the same level, the Night Demon King has been in business for many years, and his control over the 857th floor of the Abyss is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. In just a moment, he used his ability to control the 857th floor of the Abyss. Pairs of eyes on the one hundred and fifty-seventh level searched for traces of Enzo.

It was in a forest.

The tall trees are connected together, as if all the light projected from the sky is blocked, so that the depths of the forest appear extremely dark. A huge ancient red dragon is entrenched in the forest, and next to it is a man with a mask on his face. wizard.

"It seems that it's you!" Gomora, the King of Night Demons, eyes twinkled slightly.

After finding Enzo through his own eyes and ears, Gomora, the Night Demon King, turned into a black shadow without any hesitation and headed straight towards the forest.

At the same time, in the forest.

In the abyss world, even if it is just a forest, there is a strange atmosphere here. The surroundings are silent, as if no living things exist. However, Enzo knows that this seemingly peaceful forest is full of threats.

However, these threats are meaningless to Enzo.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, just a faint breath from him was enough to make all the demons in the entire forest tremble.

In the same place, Enzo was sitting cross-legged and resting.

Suddenly, his eyelids trembled and he felt a hint of spying, so he slowly opened his eyes, only to see in the direction not far away, on the trunk of a big tree, what seemed like a human face was slowly disappearing. It was obviously it that was spying on Enzo. With the ancient red dragon.

"Master Wizard, these tree demons seem to be spying on you."

Next to him, the size of the ancient red dragon has shrunk countless times, but it still looks a bit huge in this forest, he said hesitantly.

"Ok, I know."

Enzo nodded. Even without the ability to use the chip, he could detect abnormalities around him with just the perception ability of a fifth-level holy soul wizard.

There are many tree monsters living in this forest.

And the reason why they all disguised themselves as ordinary big trees was because they were afraid of the aura that Enzo exuded, but they didn't expect that there were some unscrupulous guys who dared to spy on Enzo secretly, which was like asking for death.

Enzo remained expressionless.

The next moment, a flash of fiery red flashed in his eyes, and then he saw the trees in front of him burst into flames. The dryad, which was originally disguised as an ordinary tree, suddenly let out a shrill scream, and the roots of his lower body seemed to be burning. It turned into two feet and pulled out the soil.


Enzo sneered and looked around. In an instant, the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the dryads screamed.

Then, Enzo came to the back of the ancient red dragon Tazmi.


Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, but saw the ancient red dragon flying directly, and then went straight away, leaving only the burning forest below.

The moment the tree demon spied on him, Enzo noticed it.

He could deduce that it was the pursuit of the Night Demon King, so he decisively chose to leave here and move to another area ahead.

At the same time, the Night Stalker King came to the forest.

Looking at the forest that had been plunged into a sea of ​​flames, the Night Demon King only took a second to understand that Enzo had noticed his existence and now he no longer knew where to flee.

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