"As you guessed, I am indeed not a life form born in the spiritual world!"

In the distance, a glimmer of light flashed in the vertical pupils of the silver-scaled giant snake, and it said faintly, "I used to be a living being in the multiverse just like you!"

"It's just that it's different from the wizarding world you live in."

"My hometown is just a remote small plane. Due to the constraints of the plane's rules, no existence above the fourth level of life can be born!"

An extremely complicated luster flashed in the eyes of the silver-scaled giant snake.

"I used to be just like you."

"I think that after absorbing the power of the world's gifts and becoming a god, I will be an eternal existence that can control everything."

"However, it wasn't until I saw the vastness of the multiverse that I realized how stupid I had been!"

"At the same time, the vastness of the multiverse and the laws of the dark forest frightened me. In order to seek a higher breakthrough, I left the world where I was."

"After that, the wandering journey of fifteen thousand years began..."

Perhaps it was trapped in the spirit world for too long. When Enzo asked, the silver-scaled snake seemed to have opened a chatterbox and started to talk.

"A whole fifteen thousand years!"

"I finally broke through to the limit of the fourth-level life form. However, I never got the chance to break through to the fifth level, and I couldn't even see a glimmer of hope!"

Speaking of this, a hint of resentment flashed in the eyes of the silver-scaled giant snake.

"Perhaps this is the sadness of the small world? A being like you who comes from a top civilization will never understand!"

Hearing the words of the silver-scaled giant snake, Enzo couldn't help but fall into silence.

As the other party said, the special rules in the multiverse are obviously a great tragedy for the races and life forms in the small world. Most of the indigenous gods cannot break the restrictions of the rules for their entire lives.

Before they understand the vastness of the multiverse and the truth of the laws of the dark forest, they think they are immortal gods and can enjoy everything eternal. However, when these frogs at the bottom of the well jump out of the well for some reason, they will feel deep despair. .

The entire multiverse is a dark forest.

Small worlds that cannot break the restrictions of rules often end up being annexed by powerful civilizations, and they have to pay a huge price to survive.

Obviously, the silver-scaled giant snake quickly understood this after discovering the vastness of the multiverse.

Therefore, he chose to leave the world where he was and seek a higher-level breakthrough, which he spent fifteen thousand years on.

However, the rules of the distant universe are like shackles that cannot be broken.

Even though the silver-scaled giant snake left its own world and wandered in the multiverse for many years, it still failed to break through the last step and become a fifth-level life form.

"You will never imagine how desperate I was when I understood the shackles of the rules!"

An inexplicable sadness flashed across the vertical pupils of the giant silver-scaled snake, and he faintly said: "At that time, I was willing to pay any price in order to break through the boundaries of a fifth-level life form."

"However, even so, I still failed to achieve my wish."

"Until that day comes..."

A complicated luster flashed through the vertical pupils of the giant silver-scaled snake, and he continued, "During my wandering journey across the multiverse, I have been looking for a way to break through the fifth level, and one day, I met the Moon Goddess. "

"In order to fight for a treasure, I started a fierce battle with the other party."

"It's a pity that I lost."

"Even after fifteen thousand years of growth, I still failed to become a truly strong person. In the end, my body was destroyed by that damn Moon Goddess."

"With only a trace of my soul left, I thought my life was coming to an end."

"But at this moment, a voice called me..."

When the silver-scaled giant snake said this, he let out a faint sigh, as if mocking himself, and murmured, "At that time, I thought that good luck would finally favor me."

"To have a chance to survive, I answered the call."

"Of course, all this is a helpless choice. With my body completely destroyed, I have no chance."

"Of course, the moment I answered the call, I realized that everything was the beginning of a nightmare!"

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of the silver-scaled giant snake, and he said faintly: "That is the call of the will of the spirit world to the dead. In the multiverse, only some lives can feel it when they are about to die!"

"Some lives reject the call of the spiritual world, while others choose to accept it!"

"I do not have any choice!"

"I really have no choice..."

"The fear of death is like sea water, weighing me down. In order to survive, I can only accept the call from the spirit world!"

There was a hint of inexplicable fear and sadness in the silver-scaled giant snake's voice, as if he was being summoned by the spirit world, which was far more terrifying to him than death.

"In the end what happened?"

Hearing the words of the silver-scaled giant snake, Enzo also frowned slightly. What kind of punishment made the other party so afraid.

"You don't know how it feels!"

Suddenly, the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils flashed with a crazy luster, shouting: "If I can choose again, I would rather die by myself!"

"All the tragedies I have now are caused by the Moon Goddess!"

"Although I don't know what the relationship is between you and that bitch, but since you appear in front of me now, it's up to you to bear the anger of me being trapped in the spirit world for countless years!"

As he spoke, the giant silver-scaled snake suddenly opened its bloody mouth.

The strong energy like a wave swallowed up the blood moon in the sky in just an instant. As a sharp pain came in Enzo's mind, the shadow of the blood moon slowly disappeared.

In place, Enzo groaned.

"So...were you killed by Ms. Yue?"

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Enzo's mouth, and the luster in his eyes flickered slightly. The silver-scaled giant snake in front of him may have been trapped in the spirit world for too long, so his mental state seemed a bit chaotic.

However, Enzo still got a lot of useful information from the other party's chaotic words, such as the origin of the silver-scaled giant snake.

Just as the other party guessed, the silver-scaled giant snake was indeed not a creature born in the spiritual world. It was originally an indigenous god of a small world.

Because on the verge of death, he was summoned by the will of the spirit world and eventually became a part of the spirit world and possessed the characteristics of the native creatures in the spirit world.

The existence that killed the silver-scaled giant snake was none other than Ms. Yue many years ago. At that time, Ms. Yue had obviously not yet died in the hands of the Fallen King. Therefore, the silver-scaled giant snake that was killed by Ms. Yue was pregnant with There is deep hatred.

This hatred became stronger the longer he was trapped in the spirit world.

In mid-air, a trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face.

Through the conversation with the silver-scaled giant snake, he obtained a lot of information, but it didn't seem to be of much help in getting rid of the predicament at hand.

Now, the enemies Enzo faces are the sacred tree and the silver-scaled giant snake.

Both of them already have the characteristics of the spirit world. In this area, they can be called the incarnation of immortality. However, Enzo, who is also a fifth-level life form, is always constrained by the rules of the spirit world, and his strength is suppressed. In comparison, it is naturally difficult to fight against.

Suddenly, Enzo raised his head suddenly.

Just when he was in trouble, a familiar breath suddenly appeared in the distance. Although it was very weak, it was as clear as a firelight in the dark night.


Enzo's heart moved. He could feel the aura of a similar person coming from the distance. It was a wizard like Enzo.

Unlike wizards like Hughes and O'Callen, who have been trapped in the spiritual world for countless years and have exhausted their energy, this wizard, like Enzo, has obviously just arrived in the spiritual world, and he still exudes a kind of spiritual energy. Very strong energy fluctuations.

"Could it be...a supporter?"

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, and the appearance of the wizard's aura seemed to give him hope. If the other party had the same strength as himself, perhaps the two could get out of the predicament by joining forces.

However, Enzo is still not sure yet.

"If that's the case, then just hold on!"

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with determination. He could feel that the wizard was heading towards his area.

Therefore, he must persist for a while longer.


At this time, the silver-scaled giant snake seemed to feel the presence of the wizard, and a strange luster flashed in its vertical pupils.

"It seems that your companion is here."

There was a trace of ridicule in the tone of the silver-scaled giant snake, and he said faintly, "But, what's the point? If you are in the spirit world, no one can escape the fateful ending that the spirit world has set for you!"

After saying that, the silver-scaled giant snake opened its bloody mouth.

I saw it facing the blood moon in the sky, suddenly spitting out a wave of energy, and the blood moon, which was originally extremely illusory, completely disappeared this time.


On the spot, Enzo groaned and used the power of the Scarlet World Heart several times, but was eventually destroyed by the silver-scaled giant snake.

Therefore, not only was Scarlet World harmed, but Enzo himself also suffered severe backlash.

"Dark Water!"

However, Enzo did not lose his fighting power because of this. A faint light flashed in his eyes, and black rain suddenly fell from the sky.

That is the power of the heart of the dark water world.

"Hell Bone Prison!"

At the same time, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the soul bone wand in his hand suddenly penetrated the ground, and white bones like endless thorns broke out of the ground one after another.

In an instant, the land that was originally shrouded in shadow turned into a purgatory of bones.

However, an attack of this level makes no sense either to the immortal tree or the silver-scaled giant snake.

If you can't kill them, you can only create some restrictions.

"Delay time and wait for support!"

The thoughts in Enzo's mind flickered slightly, and he had already made up his mind. He must block the attacks of the sacred tree and the silver-scaled giant snake before the supporters arrived.

On the other side, the sacred tree twisted its body like a devil.

The black vines waving all over the sky were like black tentacles, frantically destroying the surrounding bone thorns. In almost a moment, most of the bone thorns on the surrounding ground had been destroyed.

The next moment, the earth shook again.

Something like roots suddenly grew out of the ground, turned into an extremely huge hand, and grabbed Enzo's direction.

"Wings of Shadow!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flashed. Facing the sudden attack from the Divine Tree, he did not feel the slightest panic. Instead, he decisively used the wings of shadow and flew into the air.

At the same time, Enzo waved his wand.

"The power of dark water!"

As Enzo whispered the syllables, he saw the black water falling from the sky, as if converging into a black torrent, heading straight for the sacred tree in the distance.

The black water, like ink, turned into chains.

"The power of ice crystals!"

At the moment when the chains gathered by the dark water rushed towards the sacred tree, Enzo once again used the power of the heart of the ice crystal world.

Suddenly, the endless cold current seemed to turn into a storm.

In an instant, the cold wind swept away, and everything around him instantly turned into ice crystals, including the sacred tree that was bound by dark water chains.

However, it was only for a moment.

The moment the sacred tree was frozen, the silver-scaled giant snake opened its mouth and breathed out a burst of energy at the ice crystals, destroying everything that bound the sacred tree.

Enzo was not too surprised by this.

After the confrontation just now, he has seen the power of the silver-scaled giant snake and the sacred tree, so he has no extravagant hope that he can use the power of the heart of the world to deal with them. Everything he does is just for the sake of Just delaying time.


In the distance, black liquid suddenly gushes out from the surroundings of the sacred tree that has just broken free, as if it is alive, transforming into a hooded figure holding a sickle.

"Death?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

The hooded figure in front of him, holding a scythe, seemed to have a very similar appearance to the legendary God of Death.

However, the aura exuded by the other party is obviously very different.

In mid-air, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. After arriving in the spiritual world, he had too many doubts and puzzles. Why did the power of the God of Death appear here, and the spiritual world and death What is the relationship between the gods and kings?

"Could it be...that it's really what the giant silver-scaled snake said?"

Enzo's heart suddenly moved, followed by an inexplicable feeling of fear.

The previous communication with the silver-scaled giant snake allowed Enzo to learn the origin of the other party. Just as Enzo had guessed before, the silver-scaled giant snake was not a native creature of the spiritual world. It originally came from a different world. Because of certain It was only for special reasons that he was absorbed into the spiritual world.

According to the silver-scaled giant snake.

The spirit world is the source of the multiverse. In the entire multiverse, once a powerful life dies, it may be summoned by the spirit world and gain a chance to be reborn. However, the price is to become a part of the spirit world forever.

At this moment, part of the authority of the God of Death appeared in the spiritual world.

Could this mean that after the battle at Heaven Mountain, the fallen God of Death was also summoned by the spirit world?

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