Journey to the witch world

Chapter 945 Twisted Creature

"How's it going, Hughes?"

In the distance, the spider-like monster made a harsh sound and said faintly, "My current body looks good, right?"

Wizard Hughes' expression changed.

Enzo also looked forward, only to see that the head of the Soca wizard had merged with the giant spider monster at some point.

And to be more precise, it's not just Sokka Wizard.

On the body of the giant spider monster, in addition to the head of the Sokka wizard, there were many heads, which looked like human lanterns.

"Stitch monster? Biochemical beast?"

Enzo frowned slightly, looking at the giant spider-like creature in front of him, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind and used the chip's scanning function to analyze the flesh-and-blood spider monster in front of him. However, the conclusion he got surprised him.

Information obtained from wafer scanning.

The flesh-and-blood spider monster in front of me does not belong to an independent life form, but is a fusion of different lives, and it retains its own will.

Under such circumstances, the chip cannot analyze the level of the creature in front of you, because different individuals have different levels of life.

For example, Wizard Sokka's head, according to chip analysis, has a level close to that of a fourth-order life form. But now that he is fused with a flesh-and-blood spider monster, it is impossible to determine the level of life.

"Your Excellency Sokka..."

Opposite me, wizard Hughes flashed a hint of complexity in his eyes and murmured, "Why did you become like this?"


Sokka's wizard head chuckled and said faintly, "How is it? What's wrong with looking like this now?"

"What a stupid guy!"

"Having been trapped in the spirit world for such a long time, don't you understand that from the very beginning, from the moment we stepped into the land of nothingness, neither you nor I were destined to have a chance to leave!"

As he said this, Wizard Sokka laughed strangely.

"Since we are destined to perish in this place of nothingness forever, why not change our way of life?"

The head of the Soca wizard looked at Hughes and Enzo with malicious eyes, and said faintly: "Become one with me!"

"Only in this way can you feel the beauty of the spiritual world!"

While Wizard Sokka was speaking, another human head next to him suddenly interrupted him.

"That's enough, one, seven, nine, two!"

It was a bald man who said impatiently, "Don't waste any more time. I finally met two new bodies. I can't wait!"

After saying that, the bald man opened his bloody mouth.

From his mouth full of fangs, venomous snakes quickly emerged and headed straight for Wizard Hughes and Enzo on the ground.

"be careful!"

Enzo frowned slightly, with a solemn look on his face, shook his head and said, "This monster is not weak, you hide behind me!"

"Okay! I understand!"

Wizard Hughes nodded. At such a critical moment, he was not polite to Enzo. In his current state, it was indeed difficult to deal with the flesh-and-blood spider monster.

"Shadow Realm!"

On the spot, Enzo paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the endless shadows suddenly spread. In an instant, the black flames burned all the small snakes around him to ashes.

Then, Enzo's eyes flashed.

The power of the Three Realms of Flame was subsequently released. Although he was in the spirit world, even the Conqueror Wizard's power would be limited, but as a fifth-level Holy Soul Wizard, Enzo could still control part of the power of the world.

However, compared to its heyday, the power of the Heart of the World is only about one-tenth.


The power of the three realms of flame seemed to converge into a heat wave, heading straight towards the flesh-and-blood spider monster on the opposite side, and the fiery momentum swept across it.

However, facing the attack of flames, the flesh-and-blood spider monster was not afraid at all. Instead, each of its heads let out weird laughter.

The next moment, a head stuck out its tongue.

The tongue, like a blood-red whip, instantly pierced the billowing heat waves, and then swallowed up all the breath of the flames.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh-and-blood spider monster screamed.

"Come out, my little birds!"

The voice of the flesh-and-blood spider monster was emitted by the heads on its body. It was extremely harsh and made people feel sick.

However, following the voice of the flesh-and-blood spider monster, the fog in the distance surged.

The next moment, there was another harsh sound.

"Sir Enzo, be careful!"

Next to him, a solemn expression appeared on the face of Sorcerer Hughes. Although his strength was greatly limited in the spiritual world, as a fourth-level all-spirit wizard, Hughes's perception ability was still very strong.

Therefore, he could clearly feel the strange aura emanating from the mist.


Immediately afterwards, he saw red birds flying out from the depths of the mist, making shrill sounds like bats.

"It's Blood Bird!"

Next to him, Wizard Hughes said in a deep voice, having been trapped in the land of nothingness for thousands of years, he had dealt with many undead creatures in the spiritual world.

Therefore, Sorcerer Xius recognized this group of blood birds.

Both undead creatures in the spiritual world, blood birds and wolf demons have similar combat capabilities. However, blood birds have the ability to fly and spit out a kind of blood arrows.

The blood arrow itself is not very harmful, but it has a special effect, that is, the pollution of the spiritual world curse in the body of the life attacked by the blood arrow will become more serious.

Therefore, compared to the wolf demon, the blood bird poses a more serious threat to wizards.


On the spot, Enzo snorted coldly. Facing the attacking blood birds, he paused with the soul bone wand in his hand, and the shadow immediately turned into a shield to block the surroundings.

Bang bang bang!

Then, the blood birds rushed one after another, frantically hitting the shadow shield, until each blood bird continued to fall, but there was still no sign of stopping.

"The characteristic of immortality?"

Enzo frowned slightly, but saw that the blood birds that fell to the ground due to hitting the shadow shield quickly took off again.

Obviously, the blood birds, like the wolf demons, possess the characteristics of immortality, so they can hit the shadow shield like moths to a flame.

"Continue like this……"

Next to him, a trace of hesitation appeared on Wizard Hughes's face.

The blood birds have the characteristic of immortality, so they can continue to attack the shadow shield, which means that Enzo and Hughes will be trapped in place if they don't find a way to deal with them.

In the realm of death, bloodbirds are not the only danger.

If the two of them stay here for too long, the noise caused by the battle will inevitably attract the attention of other undead creatures.

If that is the case, the situation will become more and more serious.

In the same place, Enzo also had a look of thinking on his face.

At this moment, in the distant mist, a sound like a howling wolf sounded, and Wizard Hughes's face changed. He was obviously very familiar with this sound.

"It's the wolf demon!"

Wizard Hughes looked solemn, and the voice coming from the mist came from those wolf demons, the most common monsters in the land of nothingness.

Enzo and Hughes looked at each other.

Before the two of them could discuss a countermeasure, they saw wolf demons rushing out from the mist in the distance, and soon surrounded Enzo and Hughes.

"Now we're in trouble!"

Wizard Hughes looked a little ugly. He was surrounded by wolf demons and blood birds, and there were flesh-and-blood spider monsters watching behind him. The situation for the two of them was obviously very unfavorable.

Bang bang bang!

As the blood birds continued to attack the shadow shield, cracks appeared in the shield formed by condensed energy.

"Was it consumed so quickly?"

When Enzo saw this, his heart sank. The cracks in the shadow shield seemed to mean that under the impact of the blood bird, his magic value was also being consumed rapidly.

"It seems like it's a curse from the spiritual world!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. As Wizard O'Callen said before, every wizard who is in the spiritual world cannot avoid the influence of the curse of the spiritual world.

Although he had only entered the spiritual world not long ago, the power of the curse had already formed in Enzo's body, and the contamination continued to expand.

"Sir Enzo, we have to get out of here!"

Next to him, Wizard Hughes looked serious. Seeing that there were more and more undead monsters around him, a solemn glint appeared in his eyes.

"I know."

Enzo nodded slightly, but did not take any action with his hands, but still looked at the monsters in the distance.

"Will there not be a conflict between the blood bird and the wolf demon?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

According to the rules of the multiverse, when different species and life forms appear in the same area, conflicts often arise due to different ethnic groups.

But in the spiritual world, this rule seems to be broken.

In the entire land of nothingness, creatures seem to be divided into two categories. Except for outsiders like Enzo, the rest are the native undead creatures in the spiritual world.

No matter the blood bird or the wolf demon, there seems to be no difference in essence. They seem to be controlled by some kind of power and are full of malice towards any outsider.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

In the distance, the flesh-and-blood spider monster once again let out a burst of harsh laughter, and said faintly, "How are you doing? Do you want to continue struggling to death?"

"it's useless!"

"give up!"

"The land of nothingness is a quagmire. Anyone who steps into it has no chance to escape. Instead of suffering in pain, it is better to accept the reality as soon as possible and become an existence like me!"

Above the flesh-and-blood spider monster, the head of the Sokka wizard kept making bewitching sounds. Strictly speaking, since the birth of an independent will, he no longer belongs to the Sokka wizard, but a brand new life form.

In his place, Enzo turned a deaf ear to the bewitchment of Sokka's head.

He looked around, looking at the wolf demon and blood bird that were constantly attacking the shadow shield, his eyes flashing with thought.

Both the wolf demon and the blood bird have only the third level of life at most. Therefore, even if they are in the spirit world, they still cannot pose much threat to Enzo.

To deal with the wolf demon and blood bird, it's just a matter of spending more magic power.

And the fleshy spider monster, which is made up of the flesh and blood of countless creatures, is Enzo's real threat.

Since the essence of the flesh-and-blood spider monster is the fusion of multiple life forms, his life level is also in a very unstable state.

Moreover, because the flesh-and-blood spider monster was fused with too many wizard bodies, it also gained many wizard spell abilities.

And what's even more terrifying is.

This flesh-and-blood spider monster, due to the influence of the curse of the spiritual world, now possesses the characteristics of a native creature in the spiritual world, and thus becomes immortal.

Even if Enzo wanted to deal with him, it would not be easy.

"Do you still need to use sealing?"

There was a trace of hesitation on Enzo's face. Perhaps the easiest way to deal with the flesh and blood spider monster is to use the sealing technique.

Because the flesh-and-blood spider monster blessed with the characteristics of the spiritual world will heal indefinitely no matter how much damage it receives.

Only the sealing technique is its nemesis.

However, it is not that easy to seal the flesh and blood spider monster. After all, today's flesh and blood spider monster is fused with the heads of many wizards.

This also means that the flesh-and-blood spider monster also possesses the memories of these wizards and is a member of the wizard civilization. How can these wizards not understand the sealing technique?

"Trapped it first!"

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly made a decision. With a click of the soul bone wand in his hand, the magic power spread like a tide.

"Shadow Chain!"

As Enzo mouthed the syllables, the chains formed by the shadows also moved towards the flesh and blood spider monster, instantly binding it in place.

However, the moment Enzo activated his spell, the Wolf Demon and Blood Bird also broke through the energy shield blockade and attacked like bloodthirsty demons.

"Wizard Hughes..."

Enzo frowned slightly and looked to the side. In his current state, he was naturally not afraid of those blood birds and wolf demons.

However, Wizard Hughes could not.

Sorcerer Hughes, who has been trapped in the land of nothingness for thousands of years, now has a spiritual curse in his body that has reached a very serious level.

Therefore, if he is attacked by a suicidal attack like Blood Bird again, the spiritual curse in his body will inevitably break out, causing terrible damage.

"It's okay, Sir Enzo."

Facing the attacking wolf demon and blood bird, Wizard Hughes looked a little pale, but gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry about me, these monsters can't kill me!"

"Now, we must deal with that flesh and blood monster as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the delay is, the worse it will be for us!"

"So... just fight with confidence!"

An extremely determined expression appeared on Wizard Hughes's face. It was obvious that he was ready to fight and fight the Blood Bird Wolf Demon.

"Okay! I understand!"

When Enzo saw this, he didn't say anything more. He and Wizard Hughes were both decisive people, and they knew very well how unfavorable the situation in front of them was for them.

Therefore, solving the flesh-and-blood spider monster is the only way to break the situation.

In place, Enzo took a deep breath.

The next moment, he waved his arm, completely lifting the surrounding shadow shield, and then rushed straight towards the flesh and blood spider monster.

At this time, the flesh and blood spider monster has been bound in place by the shadow chain.


Before Enzo could rush towards the flesh-and-blood spider monster, the surrounding blood birds had already rushed over like crazy. This scene made Enzo firmer in his inner thoughts.

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