Journey to the witch world

Chapter 922 Nightmare

Obviously, he did not expect that Enzo would break the illusion created by the nightmare so quickly.

"Useless things, come again!"

Shutas cursed, raised the black long knife in his hand, and slapped Lingxu Nightmare's body, causing it to scream in pain.

In the distance, Enzo's eyes flashed.

Like a war horse, this spiritual nightmare, under the urging of the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas, could only use its own abilities again and begin to assimilate the surrounding world to create an illusion.


In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly. He was unprepared just now and accidentally fell into the illusion created by Lingxu's nightmare.

Today, nature will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and his eyes burned with flames.

In an instant, Lingxu Nightmare's body was covered and devoured by flames.

However, this level of attack seemed insignificant to Lingxu Nightmare. It just shook its body casually and dispersed all the surrounding flames.

"It's quite capable."

In mid-air, Enzo raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect that Lingxu Nightmare could be immune to his own attacks.

Immediately, Enzo decided to try again.

"The sky is set ablaze!"

Enzo waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and the power derived from the three realms of flame was brought into full play at this moment.

Suddenly, crimson flames rushed away.

In an instant, Lingxu Nightmare was once again surrounded by flames, and the surrounding space seemed to be plunged into an endless sea of ​​fire.


However, Lingxu Nightmare let out a scream, and the surrounding flames dissipated instantly, and then turned into red petals.

Obviously, this is also the ability of Lingxu Nightmare, similar to the illusion controlled by Enzo.


Along with another neighing sound from the spiritual nightmare, the real world around him began to collapse again, and Enzo couldn't help but frown.

The innate ability of Lingxu Nightmare can create unlimited illusions. Although relying on the power of the blood moon, Enzo can break the illusion in a moment.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

Continuous use of the power of Blood Moon will not only have an impact on the Scarlet World, not to mention it will not be of much help to the current situation.

Immediately, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Then, he slowly raised his hand, only to see a metal long bow appear in his hand, and then as he pulled the bow string, golden arrows also appeared.

Since being promoted to the immortal level, Enzo has spent a lot of time and energy to tailor-make a lot of equipment suitable for his own use.

Nowadays, this long bow and arrows have reached the level of top-grade holy objects, and even immortal life forms may not be able to withstand the power they emit when used.

call out!

After bending the bow and aiming the arrow at the target, Enzo shot the arrow without much hesitation. As a golden light flashed, the arrow turned into thousands of strands.


Feeling the arrows heading towards him, Lingxu Nightmare let out an uneasy hissing sound.

However, it doesn't know.

The goal of Enzo's light arrows was not to kill the ghostly nightmare, but to break the cursed chains that bound it.

"not good!"

At this time, Xiutas seemed to be aware of Enzo's intention, and a vigilant expression suddenly appeared on his face. He immediately waved his black sword and tried to smash all the incoming arrows.

However, it was too late.

The arrows turned into thousands of strands and hit the chains on Lingxu Nightmare at an extremely terrifying speed, causing a burst of metal trembling sounds.

The next moment, the chain was instantly broken!

The chains that had restrained Lingxu Nightmare for thousands of years were finally broken at this moment. Xiutasi's expression changed slightly, and Lingxu Nightmare was even more unbelievable.

"Damn it!"

Xiutas secretly thought something bad. He didn't know how much energy he spent on capturing Lingxu Nightmare.

As a creature in the spiritual world, Lingxu Nightmare possesses many incredible abilities.

The chain condensed by the power of the curse was the only means for Shutas to control the nightmare of spiritual void. At this moment, it was broken by Enzo, and he also lost control of the nightmare of spiritual void.

Suddenly, Lingxu Nightmare erupted into a fierce roar.

Just like a trapped beast escaping from its cage, Lingxu Nightmare raised its hooves fiercely, and then, before Shutas could react, a gate to the void appeared in front of him.

The next moment, the spiritual nightmare disappeared.

It escaped from Shutas' control and couldn't wait to use its natural ability to return to the spirit world. As the Void Gate disappeared, it seemed as if it had never appeared.


In the distance, Xiutas gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know how much energy I spent trying to catch that nightmare?"

"You actually let it go!!!"

Xiutasi's voice was filled with incomparable malice.

Obviously, losing control of the spiritual nightmare was something that was difficult for him to accept, even to the point of rage.

However, Enzo didn't care.

Anyway, in the current situation, the feud between himself and Xiutas is already unresolved, so it doesn't matter if the hatred is deepened a little more.

In mid-air, Enzo's face was expressionless.

After losing the spiritual nightmare, Xitas could no longer use illusions to trap himself, so Enzo's power once again exploded with full force.

"Let's fight quickly!"

Enzo made up his mind, and with the blessing of the power of the Fourteen Realms, he planned to end this battle as quickly as possible.

"Scarlet Moon!"

As Enzo thought, a scarlet moon also appeared in the sky. Such frequent use of the power of the scarlet world, strictly speaking, has a huge impact on the world itself.

However, at this time, Enzo was no longer willing to consider so much.

The emotions of being besieged by the demon alliance have long been suppressed to the extreme. If there is an opportunity to vent at this moment, Enzo will naturally not let it go.

Immediately, Enzo roared.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and cracks were torn out in the sky, and black rain poured down.


In a moment, a scene like the end of the world appeared in the 900-layer world of the abyss, which was the power of the dark water world.

"The dark water is overwhelming!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, but saw dark black water above the sky, coming like a wave, impacting the earth.

In an instant, the surroundings turned into a vast ocean.

"Ice Crystal Heart!"

A flash of blue flashed in Enzo's eyes. At the moment when the power of the Heart of Dark Water was activated, he also used the power of the ice crystal world.

Suddenly, an endless chill swept over him.

The vast sea was instantly frozen, and the entire world seemed to turn into ice crystals. As far as the eye could see, there were black crystal-like objects everywhere.

"Dark Ice Maze!"

In mid-air, Enzo raised the corners of his lips a few points, combining the power of the ice crystal world and the dark water world to form a unique attack method.

Dark Ice Maze!

Using the power of the two World Hearts, Enzo trapped the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas in the ice maze, and then slowly raised his arms.

The next moment, Enzo's eyes turned red.

"It's time to finish, Shutas!"

Enzo spit out cold syllables, but terrifying flames erupted all over his body, turning into a red tornado in an instant.


In the ice crystal maze, Xiutas roared angrily. Facing Enzo's fatal blow, he suddenly thrust the black sword in his hand into the ground.

In an instant, the power of the curse broke out.

Even the ice crystal labyrinth formed by the condensed power of the two world hearts was destroyed at this moment.

In an instant, the ice crystal labyrinth turned into dust.

A strong curse seemed to erupt in the entire 900-layer world of the abyss. The terrifying curse cast a shadow on the blood moon in the sky.


At the same time, Enzo's attack condensed with the power of the Three Realms of Fire also attacked Xiutasi, and the blazing high temperature caused the earth to burn.

However, at this moment.

A ferocious expression appeared on Xiutasi's face, as if he had made some kind of decision, and he suddenly inserted the black sword into his chest.

Suddenly, the power of the curse condensed into black light and burst out from Shutas' chest.

"This is……"

Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, and a solemn luster flashed in his eyes. Xitas inserted the black sword into his chest, as if he had absorbed all the power of the curse.

It was at this moment that Shutas' power seemed to be blessed like never before.

The terrifying power completely exploded!

In an instant, the endless power of the curse spread completely, as if using Shutas as a medium, so that black mist surged around Shutas.


In the distance, Xiutasi's eyes were filled with extremely malicious luster, and he said faintly, "You forced me to do all this!"


"Even if I can't kill you, I must make you pay a sufficient price!"

After saying that, Xiutas roared angrily.

The curse power released from his body spread across the entire black wilderness, and a strange black mist rose.

Above the sky, dark clouds gathered.

Under the blessing of the power of the curse, Shutas' power seemed to have been improved, and even the chip issued an early warning.

"Is this your final trump card?"

In mid-air, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face, but he was not at all afraid of Xietas's explosion.

On the contrary, Enzo already knew it in his heart.

At this time, the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Master Shutas is truly at the end of his rope. The cursed power of the mid-grade artifact-level long sword blessing itself should be Shutas's last trump card.

However, even so.

Enzo used the function of the chip to perform simulation calculations, and he still had a winning rate of over 80% against Xiutas in his peak state.

Obviously, even in this state, Xietas is no longer Enzo's opponent.


Enzo snorted coldly, looked at Xitas who looked like a madman, and said disdainfully, "It's just the wail of a defeated dog."

"Since you want to die, how can I refuse?"

Having said that, Enzo once again used the power of the Heart of the Fourteen Realms to tangle with the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Xytas, and a battle broke out between the two in the empty wilderness.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The battle between Enzo and Xiutas was so fierce, and the battle between the witch Alice and the Ancestral Mountain troll Bolton was also very shocking.


Above the sky, Alice waved the golden wand, and the power of space exploded, tearing the earth apart, forming terrifying abyss.


In the distance, Bolton, the ancestral mountain troll, waved his fat arms. With his strong defense, he was able to withstand Alice's slip magic attack.

However, even if the existence has the strongest defense ability in the entire 900th layer of the abyss, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton and Alice cannot escape unscathed after several rounds of confrontation. Instead, blood marks have appeared on the chest.

However, just this level of damage is really not worth mentioning compared to the huge body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton.


On the ground, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton opened his mouth, faced Alice's direction, and spit out a ball of mucus, which was like an insoluble substance, which made people feel very sick.

In mid-air, Alice looked cold.

In the confrontation with the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, although she did not suffer any damage for the time being, the opponent's attack methods really made Alice feel sick.


With a thought in her mind, Alice used space magic and disappeared. Then, her figure appeared in another area.

"Got you!"

However, at this moment, the disgusting voice of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton suddenly sounded in his ears, and he saw two huge palms suddenly attacking.

Suddenly, Alice's heart sank.

Even though she possesses space witchcraft, which allows Alice to appear in every area of ​​the battlefield anytime and anywhere, this magical ability is not without limitations.

Alice, who had just used a space jump, her skill was still in the cooling period, so it seemed that she could not use it for the time being.

However, the attack from the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton has already arrived.

"Energy Space!"

At the moment of crisis, Alice whispered a syllable in her mouth, and the surrounding space was distorted, and the energy formed an independent space.

The next moment, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton's attack struck.


The two extremely huge palms smacked together, but Alice was unscathed. Even the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton couldn't destroy the space shield formed by concentrated energy around her.

"Space storm!"

Although the attack of the Zushan Troll Bolton did not cause any harm to Alice, it completely angered her. At this moment, Alice's energy exploded like a crazy little beast.

Suddenly, the wand in Alice's hand flickered.

The intense space energy gathered into a storm and struck towards the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, and this time, Alice's target was his eyes.


The offensive of the space energy storm caused devastating damage to the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, causing bright red blood to flow from his eyes.


Suffering such an injury, even Bolton, the rough-skinned and fleshy Ancestral Mountain Troll, let out a wail of pain and raised his palms to cover his injured eyes.

At this time, Alice also used space magic again to appear in the distance.

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