Journey to the witch world

Chapter 911 The Red Flame of Hell

On the other side, the Demon King laughed again.

That terrifying sound wave was an indiscriminate attack. Wherever it went, soldiers from the Ten World Expeditionary Force and low-level demons fell down one after another.

"Hell of Bones!"

On the city wall, Enzo's face was cold. Naturally, he would not let the King of Demon Spirits kill his soldiers, so he waved the Soul Bone wand in his hand.

In an instant, the ground trembled.

In the black wilderness in front of the Ten Worlds Fortress, countless white bones pierced out, turning into a terrifying bone hell, penetrating the body of Gegla, the King of Demon Spirits.

However, the next moment.

There was an illusion in the sky, and then, the face of the Demon King Gegla disappeared without a trace. Accompanied by a burst of weird laughter, this time, the Demon King Gegla appeared directly above the Ten Worlds Fortress. .


Enzo frowned slightly, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and the flames burned blazingly under his feet, turning into flames reaching into the sky in an instant.


The tornado formed by the gathering of flames directly broke through the demon king Gegra, but this time, it was still just an illusion.

In the distance, the form of Gegra appeared.


Enzo snorted coldly and immediately stopped hesitating. Black crows appeared around him and turned into chains to restrain him.

"Comparing illusions with me?"

Enzo raised the corners of his lips a little, and a hint of sneer appeared on his face. With the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits, he could easily deal with illusions.

The next moment, Enzo waved the wand in his hand again.

However, before Enzo's technique could be completed, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's offensive had already struck violently, turning into monstrous black flames.

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flashed.

Immediately afterwards, black light emerged from his body, turning into a shield to block the attack of the dragon's breath. At this time, Gegla, the king of demon spirits, also broke free from the shackles of the shadow chain.

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas also waved his arms, signaling his army of demons to launch a full-scale attack on the Ten Worlds Fortress.

Immediately, the Ten Realms Fortress was under full martial law.

"Damn it!"

Zoffi, the God of Evil Ghosts, looked at the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas, who was wearing black armor, with a trace of unwillingness flashing in his eyes. With his current strength, he was not qualified to fight against the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas.

At this time, the King of Demon Spirits also let out strange laughter.

The terrifying sonic offensive continues to harvest the lives of the soldiers of the Ten Realms Expeditionary Force.

In place, Enzo's eyes were cold.

The next moment, the soul bone wand in his hand paused, the flames suddenly burned, and then a fire snake emerged from the flames.

Then, the fire snake continued to grow.

The surrounding flames were swallowed up by the fire snake. In a few breaths, the fire snake, which was originally just a small snake, had turned into a huge monster.

The World-Destroying Flame Snake!

The only fifth-level life form under the command of the Fire Demon Tyrant was now used by Enzo since he took control of the Three Realms of Fire.


After the World-Destroying Flame Snake was born from the flames, it immediately spit out a ball of fire, as if it was powerful enough to destroy the world.

The fireball shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, Gegla, the king of demon spirits, let out a shrill scream, and then the illusory body shattered like a bubble.

But soon, the demon king Gegla appeared again.

However, this time it was no longer an illusory form, but the true form of the Demon King. Gegra looked like a giant doll.

Hee hee hee!

The weird laughter was still echoing, but compared to before, there seemed to be a hint of weakness in the voice of the Demon King.


The next moment, Gegla, the king of demon spirits, suddenly opened his mouth like a mechanical whirlpool, and blazing flames were spit out from his mouth, turning into fire dragons.

At the same time, thousands of troops and horses seemed to appear in the flames.

However, facing this attack, the World-Destroying Flame Snake just opened its mouth and swallowed up all the incoming flames.

"Don't use fire, idiot!"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas frowned slightly and cursed.

Jingle Bell!

Upon seeing this, Gegla, the King of Demon Spirits, let out a burst of dissatisfied laughter, but he was obedient and did not continue to use the power of the flames, but released a blast of wind.

However, neither the flame offensive nor the violent wind pose much of a threat to the World-Destroying Flame Snake.

The World-Destroying Flame Snake bred from the flames has the ability to be reborn from the fire, and ordinary attack methods are ineffective.

But the World-Destroying Flame Snake is not without its flaws.

As a life form born in a small world, although the World-Destroying Flame Snake broke the restrictions of the world's rules, it was still trapped within many rules.

For example, it cannot leave the world in which it was born.

In the battle with the Balrog Tyrant, the World-Destroying Flame Snake was like this, but as the Three Realms of Flame fell into Enzo's control, the World-Destroying Flame Snake was blessed by the power of the Three Realms, and it has gradually broken this rule.

Today's World-Destroying Flame Snake can leave the Three Realms of Fire, but it cannot last for too long. A few hours at most is the limit.

And if it leaves the Three Realms of Fire for too long, the World-Destroying Flame Snake will fall into a violent state, causing indiscriminate damage to the surroundings until its own energy is completely exhausted and it dies.

If possible, Enzo is not willing to release the World-Destroying Flame Snake, but now, facing three powerful abyss lords at the same time, he does not have many choices.

Letting the World-Destroying Flame Snake deal with the King of Demonic Spirits may not be successful, but at least it can take a lot of pressure off of Enzo.

On the spot, after giving instructions to the World-Destroying Flame Snake, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar hovering in the sky, and paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand.

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shadows under his feet suddenly spread like a tide, and the surrounding area turned into a dark field.

On today's battlefield, the situation is very serious.

Laina drove the Destroyer Mechanical Titan and barely competed with the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton. The Seraphim Gabriel faced the Blood Demon Ancestor. Even if the World-Destroying Flame Serpent could fight against the demon king Gegra, Enzo could not. You need to face the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar and the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Major Shutas at the same time.

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared.

The next moment, he rushed straight towards the Ten Realm Fortress, with a terrifying momentum, really like the king of the Dark Empire.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

On the city wall, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, as if there were two flames burning, and the endless red color suddenly turned into flames.

However, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar shook his wings.

The huge black dragon wings rolled up terrifying air currents, and the incoming flames were instantly dispersed. The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also opened his bloody mouth and breathed out the terrifying dragon breath.


Facing the incoming dragon's breath, the walls of the Ten Worlds Fortress automatically activated their defense function. However, under the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar, they were destroyed like ashes. The indestructible city walls were as if they were made of paper. .

"Shadow Realm!"

On the spot, in order to protect the Ten Realm Fortress, Enzo made a prompt decision to open the shadow realm, and the shadows under his feet turned into floods.

However, above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar laughed ferociously.

Since Enzo used the Shadow Realm to block his offensive, Oren Caesar unleashed his power against the Ten Worlds Fortress.


In the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar suddenly vibrated his wings and turned into a black giant beast hovering on the walls around the Ten Realm Fortress. He opened his mouth and spit out streams of dragon breath, frantically attacking those protected by the shadow realm. Fortress of the Ten Realms.

In an instant, black dragon flames spread everywhere.

The entire Ten Realm Fortress is too huge, and even Enzo's Shadow Domain cannot protect every area.

Therefore, facing the attack of the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar, Enzo's face darkened.

However, Enzo did not give up.

Looking at the Ten Worlds Fortress engulfed in the black sea of ​​fire, Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts, and he should use the power of the Heart of Dark Water.


In an instant, black rain fell from the sky, and the power of the dark water world descended on the 900-layer world of the abyss.

The sky seemed to be torn apart, accompanied by thunder and heavy rain pouring down like a waterfall.

At the same time, Enzo also whispered syllables in his mouth.

"Scarlet Moon!"

A trace of crimson light flashed in Enzo's eyes, and an illusory crimson blood moon slowly appeared in the sky.

That is the power of authority that represents the scarlet world.

Under the suppression of the blood moon, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also fell into a trance, and then fell from the sky.


The huge body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar fell on the ground and suddenly made a violent roar.

But soon, Oren Caesar got up again.

"The power of the Moon Goddess?"

In the pit, a trace of fear flashed in Oren Caesar's eyes, and he did not dare to act rashly in the face of Ms. Yue's authority.

"Don't be afraid of him, Oren Caesar!"

At this time, the voice of Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas sounded, and said in a deep voice: "This wizard has only a small part of the power of the Scarlet Moon."

"There's nothing to be afraid of if you want to deal with him!"

After saying that, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Xiutas also let out a shout.

In an instant, three cracks appeared in the sky.

As if at this moment, the nine hundred worlds of the abyss were going to be destroyed, countless demon spirits and devils poured out of the cracks.

Those terrifying beings gathered in groups, making people feel numb.

"The world of sharp blades, the world of blood evil, the world of demon spirits!"

On the spot, Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, and he immediately saw that the three cracks that appeared in the sky represented the three planes under the command of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Xiutas.

These are all manifestations of the power of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas.

Now, in order to attack the ten-realm fortress, Wanren Demon's main cultivator, Tas, is obviously planning to do his best to make all the creatures from the three worlds under his command appear in the 900-layer world of the abyss.

On the other side, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also flapped his wings and flew up again.

"Wizard! I will destroy everything for you!"

The eyes of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar shone with unabashed malice. As the two black wings trembled, four portals appeared.

In the first portal, human-like plants emerged.

Just like those children of the forest in the forest world in the past, the creatures coming out of this portal are also natural creatures, but they look full of weird aura and look like cursed demons.

"Ghost Wood World!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw that the first portal opened by Oren Caesar was the ghost wood world that previously belonged to the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

At the same time, the remaining three portals were also opened.

These three portals are the Black Hole World, the Dragon Nest World, and the Starfall World. As the portals were opened, countless dark creatures also poured out.

Especially the world of Dragon's Lair.

That is the largest world under the command of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and it is also his lair, where countless giant dragons are entrenched all year round.

Above the sky, the dragon's nest is wide open!

Evil dragons emerged one after another, and the worst ones were all third-level life forms. As a famous and powerful race in the multiverse, the giant dragons would probably even be afraid of them if their reproductive capabilities were not too low.

Any pure-blood dragon is a third-level life form as long as it reaches adulthood.

They don't even need much practice, and they have a great chance of being promoted to the fourth level of immortality, or even the higher level of the fifth level.

In the entire multiverse, only the Titans can compete with them.

Suddenly, the portal of Dragon Nest World shook.

Enzo looked around and saw an extremely huge bone dragon, its body burning with flames, slowly walking out of the portal.

"Level 5 again?"

Enzo's heart sank. Even without using the chip's scanning function, he could still feel the terrifying aura emanating from the huge bone dragon in front of him.

Obviously, this is also a fifth-level life form.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave the order in his mind, and the chip immediately started scanning.

Soon, Enzo got a series of information.

This huge bone dragon, even bigger than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, should have been an ancient dragon when he was alive, and had the same life level as Oren Caesar.

"Wizard, you should be honored!"

At this time, Oronkaiser suddenly spoke and said in a low voice, "Master Shigra, you are a strong man that even I must fear!"

"Do you know how much resources I spent in order to obtain Lord Higurah's skeleton?"

"It will be your greatest honor to die under the claws of Lord Higurah!"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the Black Dragon Emperor's words.


He vaguely felt that he had heard this name before, and the memories that had been sealed in his mind for countless years were slowly awakened at this moment.

"Could it be...the legendary red flames of hell!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and with the help of the chip's function, he remembered the information about Higra and knew that this was indeed an ancient dragon.

The Red Flame of Hell Hiigara.

In the Second Era, he was a well-known strong man of the Dragon Clan. In the war with the Titan civilization, he made many contributions and was able to not fall behind even in the face of wizards of the same level.

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