After saying that, Enzo's eyes were red.

Then the whole body burned with blazing flames, making him seem to turn into a sun in mid-air, emitting an astonishing blazing light.

In an instant, the earth trembled!

Endless light radiated from Enzo's body, and hot air waves rolled in. The surrounding snow mountains melted one after another, and cracks began to appear in the ten thousand-year-old ice.

Blessed by the power of the Thirteen Realms, Enzo's condition has reached its peak.

"Come on, wizard!"

In the distance, the Gluttony Demon God roared angrily, and his open bloody mouth seemed to turn into a whirlpool, swallowing up everything in the world.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered.

The next moment, he seemed to turn into a flying fireball, heading straight towards the Demon God of Gluttony, and in just an instant, he rushed into the mouth of the Demon God of Gluttony.

"Become a part of me!"

The gluttonous demon devoured Enzo, making a deafening roar.


As he spoke, the huge mouth slowly closed, like a disappearing black hole.

At the same time, Enzo's surroundings also turned into nothingness.

Enzo was in the belly of the God of Gluttony, as if he were in a special world without any life in it.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped flowing.

The entire space fell into nothingness. In such a place, even Enzo, who was blessed by the power of the Thirteen Realms, fell into stagnation.


At this time, in the void, black tentacles struck like poisonous snakes. Enzo's eyes flashed, and his eyes returned to clarity.

Then he opened his arms.

The blazing flames burned away the surrounding tentacles in an instant, but more tentacles followed.

"Holy fire burns the sky!"

In mid-air, Enzo took a deep breath, and a fiery light flashed in his eyes. The situation has developed to this point, and he has made a desperate move.

The Demon of Gluttony must be dealt with within a short period of time.

As Enzo whispered the syllables, terrifying magic also burst out at this moment, as if it was a power that could destroy the world.

Endless flames burst out from Enzo's body!

At this moment, it was like a red lotus blooming, or like the sun exploding, with billowing heat waves spreading from Enzo to the surroundings.


Amidst the violent and terrifying explosions, the surrounding void world was filled with flames, and the endless heat wave broke through the world's blockade.

In an instant, the world of nothingness collapsed.

Enzo was bathed in golden flames, like a god from ancient times, appearing in the sky holding a soul bone wand.

Below, the Demon God of Gluttony looked stunned.

"how come……"

The Gluttony Demon God lowered his head and looked at his completely torn abdomen. A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, but he never thought that he would be so hurt by Enzo.

However, Enzo's eyes flashed in mid-air.

Using the state blessed by the power of the Thirteen Realms, he consumed one-third of his own magic power and unleashed the terrifying blow just now. The power caused by it was obviously very good.

"it's over!"

In mid-air, a trace of paleness flashed across Enzo's face, and with all his strength erupting, his state also fell into a brief state of weakness.

However, after the blow just now, the battle was decided.

"Fire burns the sky!"

In mid-air, Enzo waved the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and endless flames suddenly attacked and swallowed up the broken body of the Gluttony Demon God in an instant.

"You did well, wizard!"

The Demon God of Gluttony, who was swallowed by the flames, had a strange light flashing in his eyes, and said faintly, "Things between you and me will never end so soon."

After saying that, the Gluttony Demon God suddenly roared.

The already dilapidated body exploded like a giant whale, and the dirty flesh and blood spattered crazily in all directions.

"not good!"

Enzo secretly said something bad.

Seeing that he had no chance to make a comeback, the Gluttonous Demon God actually planned to directly destroy the ice crystal world and use his own blood to pollute the rules of the entire world.

Immediately, Enzo paused with the wand in his hand.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and crows suddenly flew out of his body, turning into thousands of black shadows and flying away towards the entire world.

Using the power of Phantom Crow Qianling, Enzo sealed all sources of pollution.

Soon, tens of thousands of phantom crows gathered in one direction, eventually converging into a black mark, filled with a terrifying aura, as if it was about to explode.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

This black mark contains all the bloodline pollution sources of the Gluttonous Demon God. If it is allowed to explode in the ice crystal world, it will inevitably lead to the decline of the entire plane.

"Got to throw it farther!"

Enzo secretly thought in his mind, he immediately waved his magic wand and opened a portal, intending to send this black mark to a place far away from the ice crystal world.

However, at this moment.

The black mark that was originally sealed suddenly turned into a small black snake and headed straight for Enzo at an extremely weird speed.

"Damn it!"

Enzo was startled and reacted instantly. He waved the wand in his hand and ignited a blazing flame to burn the black mark.

However, the little snake transformed into the black mark penetrated the flames.

call out!

The little black snake penetrated Enzo's body in just a moment, as if a will from a terrifying and powerful man was about to swallow Enzo's will and replace it.


Enzo snorted coldly, naturally he would not sit still and wait for death. He slapped the wand in his hand, and the magic power in his body began to tremble.


The sound of the Phantom Crow's wings vibrating was heard, and soon, a seal formed by the magical power of the Phantom Crow's Thousand Spirits appeared on Enzo's chest.

"Gluttony Mark!"

Enzo looked at the mark on his chest, his eyes flickering slightly. This was the last trace of power left by the Demon God of Gluttony in the ice crystal world.

Now, this power has entered Enzo's body.

Even if he wants to completely devour this power, it is not an easy task. He can only temporarily form the power of a seal.

Moreover, this gluttony mark is not a bad thing for Enzo in a certain sense.

The appearance of the Gluttony Mark gave Enzo some of the authority of the Gluttony Demon.

Using the power of the Gluttony Mark, Enzo can quickly increase his strength. However, the more he becomes addicted to the improvement brought by this mark, the more Enzo will rely on the Gluttony Demon, eventually forming something similar to the Bloodline Shackles and becoming the puppet of the Gluttony Demon. .

"After devouring the Demon God of Greed, the Demon God of Gluttony is stronger than before."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. As one of the Seven Deadly Sins Demon Gods of the Abyss, the Demon God of Gluttony originally only held the power of gluttons, but now, based on the power of Gluttony, he devoured the power of the Demon God of Greed, and thus began to gradually gain The power of the greedy.

In the multiverse, every living being has seven emotions and six desires.

Among them, greed is also the inner desire of all things. Relying on the ability to induce the desire of greed, the Demon God of Greed has bewitched too many lives to perish. Even many civilizations and races have gone from prosperity to decline under the bewitchment of the Demon God of Greed.

Having dealt with the Abyss for many years, the wizarding civilization also knows the Seven Deadly Sins Demon God very well.

But even so, the Demon God of Greed still used his authority and ability to lure many wizards into corruption, and eventually lost everything. Even decades ago, a group of wizards were bewitched by the Demon God of Greed, and eventually lost everything.

Enzo holds thirteen worlds in his hands, and the former owner of one of them was a wizard who died due to the bewitchment of the greedy demon.

However, not long after the wizard died, the Demon God of Greed was devoured by the Glutton.

Nowadays, the Demon God of Gluttony, who has both the powers of gluttony and greed, has improved a lot in strength, and has even begun to learn to use the power of greedy people.

In the confrontation in the ice crystal world, the Demon of Gluttony was finally defeated by Enzo.

However, the moment before he completely disappeared, he left the Gluttony Mark. This was obviously a test for Enzo. If he could not suppress his inner greed and used the Gluttony Mark, the final outcome would be Become a puppet of the Gluttony Demon.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

He is very aware of the dangers of the Mark of Gluttony, but he also knows that no matter how civilized or racial the creature is, there is greed deep in its heart. Although Enzo is a fifth-level holy soul wizard, if faced with an irresistible temptation, But I don’t know what choice I will make.

"You must never use the power of this mark!"

Enzo took a deep breath, with a determined expression on his face, and said to himself: "With my current strength, as long as I have enough time, it is not difficult to advance to the sixth level."

"So...there is no need to use the power of the Gluttony Mark!"

Then, Enzo looked around.

After dealing with the Gluttony Demon, the ice crystal world has been devastated, but it has not reached the point of collapse. This is undoubtedly a fortunate thing for Enzo.

"The next step is to take control of the world!"

Enzo's eyes flashed with excitement. As a conqueror wizard, there seemed to be nothing more exciting than controlling a new world.

Therefore, after defeating the Demon of Gluttony, Enzo could not wait to obtain his fourteenth world.

However, at this moment.


On the ground where ice and snow collapsed, a loud noise exploded in vain. Enzo looked around and saw that the sealing technique he had left before had been completely destroyed.

"The Demon Lord of Ten Thousands, Shutas!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Enzo's eyes. Before the duel with the Demon God of Gluttony, he used the Thousand Illusion Seal Technique in order to avoid being affected by the Ten Thousand Demon Lord Shutas.

The seal that consumes a lot of Enzo's magic power should be difficult to break through even if the Ten Thousand Demon Master Xietas.

However, the other party broke the shackles of the seal in an instant.

"It actually... broke?"

Enzo frowned slightly, looking at Xitas, the demon master who emerged from the seal, with a glimmer of hesitation in his eyes.

After experiencing the previous confrontation with the Demon of Gluttony, Enzo's condition was no longer what it was before.

Therefore, if Enzo were to fight against the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas again, even if Enzo could defeat him, he would probably have to pay some price.

What's more, today's ice crystal world may not be able to withstand a confrontation between two fourth-level life forms.

"Do you really think you can seal me?"

On the ground, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon majored in cultivating Tas, with a strange expression on his face, and said faintly, "Or do you think that I will be bewitched by the Gluttony Demon so easily?"

Hearing Xiutas' words, Enzo's heart moved.

The Ten Thousand Ren Demon majors in cultivating Tas, and is also a fifth-level life form. He is a famous existence in the 900-layer world of the abyss. Such a strong man may not be as good as the Gluttonous Demon God, but if he can't even bear the slightest temptation from the other party, Live, but it’s a little unreasonable.

"I see."

A trace of thoughtfulness appeared on Enzo's face, and he said softly: "So, you pretended to be aroused by the Gluttony Demon God before and your greedy desire was just a disguise?"


Shutas nodded, chuckled and said, "The Demon God of Gluttony, one of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss, is indeed a powerful existence that even I cannot face."

"And, after devouring the Greedy One, he became stronger than before."

"But even so, don't give up. The Demon God of Gluttony has just devoured the greedy ones. How can he completely control the power of greed!"

Seeing Xiuta admit it frankly, thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind.

It turns out that everything that just happened was part of Shutas' plan. He first pretended to be bewitched by the Demon God of Gluttony and launched an attack on Enzo, but then he followed suit and was sealed by Enzo. His purpose was to preserve his own strength. .

"Two dogs fight, play off……"

Enzo murmured to himself, then raised his head, looked directly at Xiutas, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, let's not continue talking nonsense."

"Although you have retained your strength, we still don't know who will win!"

After saying that, Enzo raised the soul bone wand.

After getting rid of the clone of the Gluttonous Demon God, Enzo still has at least average magic power left in his body. If he uses the power of the Thirteen Realms again to support him, he may suffer some damage, but it shouldn't be a problem for the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas.

After chip calculations, Enzo has at least a 60% chance of winning.


However, Shutas on the opposite side just chuckled, shook his head and said, "I don't want to continue fighting, wizard!"

"Now, you have two choices."

"First, let me leave this world. Second, you and I will continue to fight. Although I don't guarantee that I can defeat you, at least destroying this world shouldn't be a problem."

Hearing Xiutas' words, Enzo's heart moved.

"You mean, you want to leave?"

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and said, ": Are you willing to give up the victory that is so easy to get?"

"If you don't give in, what can you do?"

Shutas sighed and said quietly, "To tell the truth, wizard, I am not sure of defeating you now."

"In other words, even if I try my best to take away the ice crystal world from your hands, I will probably be seriously injured. In the 900-layer world of the abyss, there are too many demon lords who want me to die, so I will continue to fight for the ice crystal with you. The world does not meet my interests."

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