Journey to the witch world

Chapter 498 Battle of Two Gods

But that was only for a while.

After Enzo left, the God of Disaster regained contact with the wizarding world through certain means. He used his power to confuse mortals and harvest a large number of souls, and he lived a happy life.

However, it didn't take long.

It is common for evil gods from other worlds to cause trouble in the wizarding world. The Northern Council soon discovered the existence of the God of Disaster, and a All-Soul Wizard personally took action to take down the God of Disaster in one fell swoop.

At that time, the God of Disaster did not understand the wizarding world.

Therefore, he foolishly chose to confront the All Souls Wizard. As a result, he was beaten and fled without even being able to survive a round. Not only did he lose all the souls he had harvested for decades, but his own injuries were even more serious. .

The only good thing is that the congressman who attacked the God of Disaster was just a newly promoted All Souls Wizard. By some strange mistake, he did not get the coordinates of the War Ghost World, but he gave the God of Disaster the coordinates. God teaches you enough.

From then on, the God of Disaster never dared to put his hand into the wizarding world.

With the understanding of the multiverse, the God of Disaster gradually understood how terrifying the wizarding world was, so he took the initiative and completely cut off the connection with the wizarding world to seal off the traces of this world.

But unfortunately, the coordinates of this world have already been leaked.

"If we follow the calculation method of the wizarding world, this guy should be called a third-level wizard, right?" The God of Disaster thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "In the multiverse, third-level life forms are also called demigods. , Strictly speaking, it belongs to the same level as the King of Evil Beasts."

"However, this is too much of a difference, right?"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the eyes of the God of Disaster. According to the calculation method of the wizarding world, the third-level wizard corresponds to the third-level life form. In a sense, it should belong to the same level as the King of Evil Beasts.

However, as a third-level wizard, Enzo's combat prowess is enough to rival a hundred evil beast kings. This also shows from the side that the calculation method of wizard civilization is not rigorous, and the power of wizards.

"Forget it, never mind."

Then, the God of Disaster shook his head and said, "No matter what, this guy is only a third-level wizard. In the dark sea of ​​trees, continuing to fight will only exhaust his own strength, and he will eventually be eaten by evil beasts and die!" "

"Sika, North, Blue!"

"You three should go together and kill that wizard. The power contained in his flesh and blood is precious energy even to you."

The God of Disaster issued an order, and not far away, three evil beast kings stood up from the ground at the same time. They were a giant one-horned bull evil beast, a giant turtle evil beast with three heads, and a three-headed evil beast. A half-human, half-spider evil beast.

The three evil beast kings received the order from the God of Disaster and immediately headed in the direction of Enzo. Each evil beast king was equivalent to the demigod level. With the blessing of the rules of the dark tree sea, it was enough to deal with Enzo poses a threat.

"It's no problem now..."

The God of Disaster's one eye flickered, but at this moment, a red cloud suddenly appeared in the sky above the dark sea of ​​trees, and blood-like rainwater poured down like a waterfall.


In an instant, the dark sea of ​​trees was shrouded in a rain of blood, and the crimson divine power collided fiercely with the black mist, causing a strong reaction. However, the God of Disaster suddenly flashed his eyes, and the tentacles all over his body trembled.

"Is it finally here?"

The God of Disaster was furious and murmured, "You really didn't disappoint me, Sayenu. It's time to settle things between us. This world doesn't need two gods. I'm the only one." The master."

The blood rain still fell like a waterfall.

And after a confrontation between the crimson divine power and the black mist, a gap was slowly torn apart in the bloody red cloud in the sky. The blood-killing god, wearing a blood-red ferocious armor and a ghostly mask on his face, descended directly. A sea of ​​dark trees.

"Long time no see, Fanmo!"

On the earth, the blood-killing god stood like a god of war, carrying a giant sword behind him. Crimson divine power filled his body, full of blood-killing aura.

"You're finally here, Sayanu!"

The God of Disaster's single eye flashed with light, shouting: "Since you dare to step into the dark sea of ​​trees today, don't plan to leave alive!"


At the same time, the border of the dark tree sea.

In a dark and misty land, the sea of ​​green trees stood out. The tree guards fought fiercely with the evil beasts to protect the natural power of the oasis, preventing the black mist from invading the place.


Blood rain suddenly fell from the sky. Enzo's heart moved. He raised his head and looked at the sky. In the huge red cloud, a beam of blood had descended into the dark sea of ​​trees, bursting out with unparalleled momentum.

"Is it finally here?" Enzo breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of the blood-killing god undoubtedly relieved his pressure. Although there were many ways for Enzo to escape from the dark sea of ​​trees, that would undoubtedly make the original plan fail.

"Then it's up to you."

Enzo's eyes flashed. As the only two indigenous gods in the world of war ghosts, the only ones who could compete with the God of Disaster were the Bloodkilling Gods. The confrontation between the two gods was enough to shake the world.

"However, now that the blood-killing god has taken action, I don't have to hide my strength anymore." Then, Enzo shook his head, softly called the crow of disaster, and Zoffi, who was covered in purple, immediately appeared in the air.

"Go ahead and devour it to your heart's content!"

Enzo waved his hand, and the Crow of Disaster immediately flew out. The aura that came from the same source as the God of Disaster caused the evil beasts that were attacking crazily around to stop and tremble like little beasts that were threatened.

This is the oppression from the life class!

All evil beasts are beings created by the God of Disaster. They have the ability to devour each other. At the same time, the hierarchy is extremely strict. The powerful king of evil beasts can devour low-level evil beasts at will.

In a sense, the Crow of Calamity is also the king of evil beasts.

However, this King of Evil Beasts was not created by the God of Disaster, but a special life form formed by integrating the divine power of Disaster, the magical power of the Phantom Crow, and the entire divinity of a fourth-level god.

Although it has not yet broken through the boundaries of third-level life forms, the Crow of Disaster is definitely the most powerful existence among all the kings of evil beasts. His power can even threaten the God of Disaster.

In mid-air, the Disaster Crow spread its wings.

A whirlpool seemed to form in the purple bird's beak, and the trembling evil beasts around them were deprived of their power. The power of the black mist that filled the dark sea of ​​trees also turned into spring water.

Devour talent!

In addition to spreading black mist, the most powerful power of the Disaster Crow is to swallow the black mist. This ability seems to be specifically designed to restrain the existence of the God of Disaster, just like a natural enemy.


Around them, the power of black mist in each evil beast's body was swallowed up by the crow of disaster. Without the support of the power of black mist, their bodies collapsed one after another. At this moment, deep in the dark tree sea, There was a sound of galloping everywhere.


With a loud noise, a huge black tree was directly hit and broken in the middle. The giant bull evil beast rushed out suddenly, with black flames wrapped around its limbs and hooves, as if the black mist was burning.

"King of evil beasts?" Enzo raised his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black spider web fell from the sky in another direction, covered with corrosive mucus. The Emerald Crow spread its wings, and several tree guards immediately surrounded Enzo to block the attack of the giant web.

Swish, swish, swish!

The half-human, half-spider evil beast slowly walked out, and at the same time, the last giant turtle evil beast, which moved extremely slowly, carried a giant carapace, and had three long-necked heads, also appeared in Enzo's field of vision. .

"The king of the three evil beasts?"

Enzo's eyes flickered, but he didn't feel troubled. Instead, the corners of his lips slightly raised. For the Disaster Crow with the power of devouring, no matter how many evil beast kings came, it was just an energy replenishment.

"Although the power of the black mist in your bodies combined is not as good as the God of Disaster, it is not bad to enjoy some snacks before the big meal begins." A sneer appeared on Enzo's face, and his soul The bone wand appeared in the palm of his hand and slammed towards the ground.


In mid-air, flames burned blazingly, and meteorites hit the dark sea of ​​trees like meteors. After the blood-killing god appeared, Enzo no longer had to hide his strength and just exploded with all his strength.

With the God of Blood Killing holding back the God of Disaster, Enzo can let the Crow of Disaster devour the power of the black mist in the dark sea of ​​trees. If the God of Blood Killing really wins in the final battle between gods, Then even the God of Disaster himself will become a meal for the Crow of Disaster.

War Ghost World, Solu Plain.

On the endless plains, the black mist that should have been diffused everywhere today seemed a little thin. In the Tatar tribe, all the blood warriors were holding spears and were waiting, and the tribal leader Drogo looked serious.

"The black mist...disappeared!"

Standing at the entrance of the tribe, Drogo looked outside. The black mist that should have filled the plains had become thinner and thinner, even to the point where it could not be seen with the naked eye.

However, the emergence of this situation did not reassure Drogo.

On the contrary, he was even more vigilant. The oracle he received not long ago made all the war ghost tribes in the whole world prepare for the war. The god of blood-killing and the god of disaster started a divine war. For all the war ghost tribes, It's a matter of life and death.

For the war ghost clan, the blood-killing god is the guardian.

Only by relying on the power of the Blood-killing God can the War Ghost Tribe survive the invasion of the God of Disaster. Once the Blood-Killing God is defeated in this divine battle, the War Ghost Tribe civilization will also come to an end.

Therefore, it has now come to a time of life and death for the Zhangui clan.

According to the oracle sent down by the God of Blood Slayer not long ago, when the God of Blood Slayer provokes a divine war against the God of Disaster, in order to maintain sufficient power, the God of Disaster will gather all the black mist in the sea of ​​dark trees. , thus causing the Black Mist Season to lose its Black Mist.

But this does not mean that the God of Disaster has lost control of the world.

On the contrary, although the black mist disappeared, the God of Disaster sent all the evil kings under his command to launch a war against the Zhangui tribe, because only in this way could the mortal power of the Blood-killing God be held back.

The war over the direction of the world has always been so brutal.

The war between the two gods has begun, and the believers under their command will also fight fiercely. The blood warriors of the Tatar tribe are ready to sacrifice their lives for the blood-killing god.

"Warriors, are you ready?"

On the spot, Drogo took a deep breath and began to mobilize before the war. He said in a deep voice: "The moment of life and death for all war ghosts has arrived. In order to save the world, the great blood-killing god has decided to surrender to the god of disaster and mist." Start a war!"

"We cannot interfere in the war between gods."

"However, as long as there is one person alive in the Tatar tribe, the minions of the God of Disaster will never be allowed to affect the fairness of the divine war. Although the black mist has disappeared, this is exactly the precursor of war!"

"Let us sacrifice our lives for the great blood-killing god!"

As Drogo gradually shouted louder, the Tatar tribe also burst into roars. On the plain in the distance, a black streak quietly appeared, and then surged like a wave, approaching the Tatar tribe.

"Are you here? The minions of the God of Disaster!"

Drogo took a deep breath, clenched the spear in his hand, and the energy and blood in his body exploded, as if he was enveloped in red mist.

At the same time, the black tide in the distance gradually approached.

Drogo looked carefully and couldn't help but gasp. What was there was black sea water, but a black torrent formed by countless palm-sized black monsters.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Weird laughter came from the insect swarm. A group of insects gathered together to form a humanoid creature. They said with a ferocious smile: "Are you ready to sacrifice your life for your gods?"

"Evil alien!" Drogo's pupils shrank.

Although the evil being who appeared in the Tatar tribe was not the king of evil, he was still very similar. The strange insects he controlled seemed to be part of his body, and the shape was twisted and weird.

call out!

Holding back the throbbing in his heart, Drogo roared angrily and threw the spear in his hand directly, instantly piercing through the body of the monster Xieyi. However, although the damage caused by this attack was healed quickly.

"Great evil..."

Drogo's face was slightly pale, and a trace of bitterness flashed in his eyes. The so-called Great Evil is a second-level life form among the Evil. It is far beyond the ability of the red-striped warriors to face, and it is impossible for him to defeat the opponent.

"Are you desperate? Followers of the God of Blood Killing!"

Wei Chong Xie Yi let out a burst of wild laughter, without concealing his murderous intent, and said: "We bad species are not tolerated by the God of Blood Slayer, but we can obtain the power given by the God of Disaster. This is really interesting." ”

"Since you have chosen the God of Blood Killing, prepare to sacrifice your lives for the God of Blood Killing!" The strange insect Xieyi roared, and then countless strange insects behind him roared out and engulfed the Tatar tribe.

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