Journey to the witch world

Chapter 492 God-Slaying Plan

"Since Fanmo has been severely injured by you, this is naturally an opportunity!"

The blood-killing god did not hide his thoughts, and frankly admitted: "The relationship between me and Brahma has already reached the level of incompatibility. No matter who has the opportunity, they will try their best to get rid of the other party."

"Just like the conditions I put forward before."

"Help me destroy Brahma, and this plane coordinate will belong to you!" The blood-killing god said while raising an arm.

The palm of his hand opened, and a red light flashed.

Enzo narrowed his eyes and looked over. Using the scanning function of the chip, a faint blue appeared in his eyes. Through the red light package in the palm of the blood-killing god, he could clearly see the shape of the coordinates.

It was a coordinate with a strange shape.

The shape is like a crystal container, showing a twisted cylindrical shape, with traces of liquid constantly flowing in the container, like a magic potion.

"what is this?"

Enzo frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that the shape of this coordinate was somewhat familiar, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind, and the long-dusted memory seemed to be opened at this moment.


The picture that came to mind was still the memory of Enzo's previous life. As a scientific researcher during the Aquamarine era, Enzo, in addition to chip research, also participated in an experiment called [T-Virus].

It was a drug originally developed to save cancer patients, but it ended in failure. All experimental materials were sealed. In Enzo's memory, the container used to load the [T virus] was related to the blood killer. The coordinates of the one in the hand of God are almost exactly the same.

"Is it... a coincidence?" Enzo murmured.

After originally traveling to this world, Enzo's memory of his previous life has become increasingly weak. The wizarding civilization has given him a new identity, and he has even forgotten his name before traveling.

"Maybe." Enzo shook his head.

Just the shape of a coordinate, which is similar to the [T-Virus] container, doesn't seem to mean anything. The probability that everything is a coincidence is almost 100%. The memory of Seablue Star in his previous life is like a dream to Enzo .

"How is it? How have you considered it?"

At this time, the blood-killing god suddenly interrupted Enzo's memories and said, "For a wizard, I think you should know the meaning of plane coordinates better than me, right?"

Enzo pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I agree to your request."

Dealing with the God of Disaster, Brahma, is the first step for Enzo to conquer the world of war ghosts. However, it is difficult for him to do this with his own strength. The proposal of the Blood-killing God is just right for Enzo. .

So, he chose to go with the flow.

"Very good, you made the right choice!" The blood-killing god's eyes flashed with light, and he was also very satisfied with Enzo's reaction.

Winning outsiders to deal with the God of Disaster is the plan of the God of Bloodkiller.

Originally, he chose to ally with Enzo just because of the opponent's status as an outsider. He didn't have much expectations for Enzo's strength. However, the opponent was able to kill the carrier of one-tenth of the God of Disaster's power on his own. The blood-killing god was shocked.

While being surprised by Enzo's strength, the blood-killing god was also afraid.

Since Enzo can kill Brahma's carrier, under the same circumstances, if he uses the method of divine descent to fight with his human body, the outcome seems to be difficult to determine.

In other words, Enzo's ability to kill Brahma's body means that he can kill his own body. However, due to the divine wars in ancient times, neither the God of Disaster nor the God of Blood-killing can support their own battles. Unless it's time to fight to the death, the means of fighting are all accomplished through the body.

"The strength of this outsider has exceeded my expectations."

Thoughts flickered in the blood-killing god's mind, and he thought, "It's true that Fanmo is my number one enemy, but outsiders are also untrustworthy, not to mention that they represent the entire wizarding civilization."

"If there really is a wizard behind this guy, then the threat to me may be no less than the God of Disaster..."

The blood-killing god suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now. In any case, I will use this outsider first to deal with Brahma, then I can fully control the world. Then I will find a way to use the power of the world's rules to expel the other party!"

The blood-killing god made up his mind, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Now that we have reached a consensus, it's time to talk about your plan, right?" At this time, Enzo suddenly said.


The blood-killing god spread his palms and said in a deep voice: "Brahma, the god of disaster, is one of the only two gods in this world. As beings born at the beginning of the world, we both accepted the world's gifts. Therefore, the strength is almost the same, and no one can kill the other under normal circumstances."

"And now, things have taken a turn for the better!"

"Bhanmo was killed by you before. At this time, his divine power is greatly reduced. If he fights with me, he will be suppressed. If we can make good use of your identity as an outsider, we will have a certain chance of killing the opponent."

"So... what's the plan?" Enzo's eyes flashed.

"It's very simple."

The blood-killing god nodded slightly and said, "I have received reliable information. After losing a clone, Fanmo's divine power was greatly damaged and urgently needs to be restored. Therefore, he is summoning the evil spirits and evil beasts under his command to gather in an area."

"When the right time comes, Fanmo will devour the power of the black mist in the bodies of the evil spirits and evil beasts under his command to make up for the lost divine power. We only need to make preparations in advance to control all the evil spirits and evil beasts under his command. Kill!"

"Under such circumstances, Fanmo will never sit idly by and ignore it!"

"As long as we lure him out, we will have a chance. I will set up a trap and severely injure him to an extremely weak state. As an outsider, you can give him a fatal blow!"

After hearing the blood-killing god's plan, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

"But what if...the God of Disaster didn't fall into a trap?"

The blood-killing god's plan can be said to be very simple. He plans to take advantage of the disaster god's desire to restore his divine power, set up a trap in a certain area, and wait for the opponent to fall into it and give him a fatal blow.

Although the plan is very simple, it seems very feasible!

"Don't worry, it won't happen!"

The blood-killing god smiled confidently and sneered: "Based on my understanding of Fanmo, since his power has been damaged, he will never give up a chance to recover. What's more, even if he really sees through our plan, so If they don’t appear, then we can also kill those evil aliens and evil beasts.”

"This time the divine power was greatly damaged, Fanmo summoned nine out of ten evil monsters and evil beasts under his command, including all the kings of evil monsters and evil beasts! If we can kill all these evil monsters, Then at least within a thousand years, Brahma that guy will be completely suppressed by me."

"Even...even losing the qualifications for the Black Mist Season!"

According to the rules of the war ghost world, the two gods each control part of the season. Among them, the blood-killing god, as the winner of the ancient god war, has an absolute advantage in the recovery season and the harvest season.

The only thing left for the God of Disaster is the Black Mist Season.

It is precisely by relying on the troubles of the Black Mist Season that the God of Disaster maintains the qualification to fight against the God of Bloodkiller. If this time, the God of Disaster does not appear in the God of Bloodkiller's plan, then he will All the evil that has been created for thousands of years will be destroyed.

If those kings of evil aliens and evil beasts are lost, the God of Disaster will be suppressed by the God of Blood Killing for at least a thousand years, and will not even be able to release the fog and bring the Black Mist Season to the world.

And in that case, the blood-killing god will have more and more control over the world.

Under this situation, the consequences to the God of Disaster are tantamount to chronic death, so he must not accept it.

"I understand." Enzo nodded.

The plan of the Blood-killing God is like a conspiracy. No matter what choice the God of Disaster makes, he will fall into passivity. Accepting the Blood-killing God's war will make him bear the risk of falling, and evading the war will lead to Many of the evil beasts and kings under his command were destroyed, and what awaited him was a slow death.

"We don't need you as the main force to deal with Brahma, the God of Disaster."

Immediately afterwards, the blood-killing god spoke again and said in a deep voice: "What I need you to do is to use your identity as an outsider to give Fanmo the most fatal blow at the critical moment. So without my signal, you must not Show up.”

"I understand." Enzo nodded slowly.

The identity of an outsider is like a secret weapon. For Brahma, the god of disaster, no matter whether he fights or loses with the blood-killing god, the other party does not have the ability to completely kill him, so it can be said that he is confident.

But if he feels Enzo's presence, he will inevitably become more cautious, and even give up the kings of evil monsters and evil beasts under his command, hiding and stalling for time, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.

Although that ending can be regarded as a victory for the Blood-killing God, as long as the God of Disaster does not completely fall, it will always be a hidden danger, which means that the Blood-killing God cannot fully control the world and become a warrior. The only ruler of the ghost world.

"The plan is clear, so...when is the time?"

After a while, Enzo asked again. The God of Disaster had summoned the evil spirits under his command, but when exactly the ritual of plundering divine power would be carried out, I am afraid only the God of Bloodkiller knew.

"One month later, the dark sea of ​​trees!"

The blood-killing god told the time and place, and said in a deep voice: "The Sea of ​​Dark Trees is the westernmost place in this world. It is filled with black mist all year round, even in the recovery season and harvest season. It is also the first place in Brahma. The place of birth.”

"In the dark sea of ​​​​trees area, Fanmo's strength can be maximized. With the blessing of environmental advantages, he can even reach the strength to fight against my branch, but there is no need to worry, that was in his heyday!"

"Today's Fanmo has lost one-tenth of his divine power. Even if he fights at home in the Dark Sea of ​​Trees, he cannot be my opponent. One month will be the end of the Black Mist Season. Fanmo will definitely end in the Black Mist Season." Before that, perform a ritual to recover the power of the black mist and restore your divine power."

"The dark sea of ​​trees?" Enzo narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

He had heard of this name before. In the Tatar tribe, Wendy had told him that the Sea of ​​Dark Trees was a restricted area of ​​the world, the place where the God of Disaster and Mist was born, and the source of all darkness.

It is normal for the God of Disaster to choose to restore his strength in the Dark Sea of ​​Trees. During the annual harvest season and recovery season, he and the King of Evil Beasts under his command will hide in the Dark Sea of ​​Trees.

"Okay, I won't disturb you any more."

Then, the blood-killing god shook his head and said, "This is the topographic map of the Dark Tree Sea. You should prepare it as soon as possible. In one month, we will meet on time in the Dark Tree Sea!"

Speaking, the blood-killing god waved his hand.

An ancient stone slab was thrown over by him. Enzo raised his hand to catch it, and found that it was engraved with lines one after another, outlining a map. He directly scanned it with a chip and recorded it in his mind. It was the map of the dark sea of ​​trees. .

Immediately afterwards, the blood-killing god was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Enzo suddenly stopped him and said, "My name is Enzo. Since we have reached an alliance, I should know your name, right?"

"Is it a taboo name?"

The blood-killing god murmured to himself, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, and said, ": It's been a long time since I mentioned it. Remember, outsider, my name is Taboo, the blood-killing god Sayenu!"

After saying that, red light appeared all over the blood-killing god.

Immediately afterwards, he turned into a beam of light, thrusting straight into the sky like a sharp sword, and disappeared in a moment, as if he had never been there.


Enzo narrowed his eyes and looked at the place where the blood-killing god left. He suddenly issued an order in his heart, saying: "Chip, use Sayenu and blood-killing god as keywords to search!"


The chip was quickly searched, and a series of data appeared in Enzo's field of vision instantly. The luster in his eyes flashed away, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

"It's true..."

Although the world of War Ghosts is an indigenous plane, due to the war between two indigenous gods in ancient times, cracks appeared in the world, which also allowed the two indigenous gods to see the vastness of the multiverse.

And since the two indigenous gods have both left the world of war ghosts.

This means that they have left some traces in the multiverse. For example, the God of Disaster, Brahma, used his identity as an evil god to confuse people and harvest souls in the wizarding world. Naturally, he was noticed by the wizarding civilization and was classified as a hostile force.

As for the blood-killing god Sayenu, the same is true.

Although the blood-killing god did not set foot in the wizarding world when he broke the shackles of the world, some subsidiary worlds of wizarding civilization appeared, leaving many traces and information, some of which would naturally be conveyed to the wizarding civilization.

It is precisely by relying on this information that Enzo can master more intelligence, which can be used as capital to deal with the blood-killing god in the future. This is one of the advantages of the wizard civilization, controlling a terrifying intelligence network.

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