Journey to the witch world

Chapter 417 Flogging

As the green-robed wizard chanted the incantation, the vine covered with burls on the ground also made a sound like the chirping of insects.

Immediately afterwards, the green tree tumors opened one after another, and scorpions with hideous and strange shapes emerged from them.


"Be careful, get out of the way!"

The scorpions crawled towards the Red Snake Brigade, causing the natives to exclaim. The guards' shields could not stop the palm-sized scorpions at all.

"Get away! Ugly bug!"

Katrina waved her long whip to drive away the scorpions around her, but some ugly scorpions that kept approaching the brigade still caused a lot of panic for everyone.

"Isn't this too ridiculous?"

Looking at the people in the brigade who were surrounded by lycanthropes and scorpions, Enzo couldn't help but talk. He looked at Katrina who was already standing on the top of the carriage and shook his head.

Judging from the life level, Katrina has indeed entered the category of second-level life forms, but the opponent relies too much on the power of divine magic and therefore lacks the ability to deal with special situations.

Facing a group of lycanthropes and scorpions, she seemed helpless, which really made Enzo feel speechless.

"It seems that the life level set by the wizarding world cannot represent a person's actual combat effectiveness at all." Enzo thought to himself.

As a believer of the Weeping Goddess, Katrina can master divine arts, which has proven her special status. Her mental power has exceeded twenty points, and according to the calculation methods of the wizarding world, she has reached the second level of life form existence.

However, the combat power she displayed was not as good as even a first-level wizard.


A sound came from the front, and a burly lycanthrope with a bull's head slammed forward violently, and immediately lifted a red snake native, including the man and his shield, into the air.

There were flaws in the shield defense formation, and everyone in the brigade became even more panicked. The lycanthropes rushed into the crowd and wreaked havoc.

Not far away, Enzo couldn't stand it anymore.

"Shadow Realm!"

Standing in front of the carriage, Enzo murmured softly, and the shadows under his feet spread around like a tide, forming a field in a moment.

"...Your Excellency Enzo?" Katrina, who was originally a little flustered, suddenly seemed stunned when she saw the shadows around her.

The next moment, tentacles emerged from the shadows.

Each shadow tentacle pierced the body of a lycanthrope, and then, the lycanthrope controlled by the shadow tentacles began to attack its companions uncontrollably.

Jingle Bell!

The green-robed wizard shook the bell again, but the lycanthropes could not break free from the control, and the ringing gradually became more urgent.

Enzo's eyes turned cold and he looked up to the opposite side.

In an instant, the green-robed wizard felt as if his brain was being pierced by a sharp cone. He couldn't help but let out a scream and fell to the ground.

"Third level! Definitely third level!"

The green-robed wizard roared in his heart, then raised his head and looked at the spreading shadow. He seemed to recognize this witchcraft, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Shadow Realm!"

"He is a wizard! A third-level wizard!"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, the green-robed wizard stood up suddenly, and without hesitation, he transformed into a flash of green light and penetrated deep into the forest.

"We must stop him at any cost!"

Before the green-robed wizard escaped, he gave the last order to the beast-turned-people. At the same time, the evil insects burrowed into the soil and soon disappeared.

"...Escaped?" Katrina was stunned.

Not far away, under the control of the shadow tentacles, the lycanthropes fought fiercely with each other. Within a few minutes, they were all dead. The members of the Red Snake Brigade were stunned, and looked at Enzo with a hint of awe in their eyes.

"It turns out that Lord Enzo is such a powerful Chosen One!"

When everything calmed down, Katrina looked at Enzo with a strange look in her eyes, and then ordered other members of the brigade to clean up the lycanthrope corpses around them.

There were many monsters in the forest, and the smell of blood was likely to attract attention. Everyone in the Red Snake Brigade, under Katrina's order, quickly cleaned up the corpses of the lycanthropes and left the place.

Afterwards, the brigade continued on its way.

The green-robed wizard's interlude only lasted for more than ten minutes. Except for the young native who was knocked down and bitten to death by the lycanthrope at the beginning, everyone else in the brigade only suffered some minor injuries.

Therefore, this incident did not cause any serious impact.

In the forest, several Essos giant spiders dragged the carriage forward. Soon, the sky gradually darkened, and the crescent moon quietly rose into the sky.

When traveling in the forest at night, you are likely to encounter monsters in the dark, so Katrina ordered everyone in the brigade to set up camp and prepare to rest.

"Spellcasters who rely on the power of faith to contribute to the gods and control divine magic have serious flaws in their strength!"

In the evening, Enzo was in the carriage, wiping away the voodoo marks in his body while thinking about everything that happened during the day.

As a second-level spellcaster, Katrina was weak and pitiful, which made Enzo think a little bit.

"The strength of a believer may be directly related to the god he believes in!"

Existences that gain power through belief in gods had a unified name in ancient times, and that was the sacrifice of gods.

The strength of the sacrifices is directly related to the gods they worship, because the power they control is entirely given by the gods.

Based on Katrina's strength, Enzo has new ideas about the Weeping Goddess. She is good at spiritual attacks, but her ability seems to be very single.

"As the divinity left by the God of Killing in the Lost Continent is acquired by more and more hosts, the increase in the number of Sons of Killing seems to mean that the Temple of Killing is about to begin!"

In the carriage, Enzo's eyes flickered.

"A dispute is about to begin. As a sixth-level life form, the God of Slaughter is one of the existences second only to the God King even in the First Era!"

"If the temple he left behind opens, even the gods of the Lost Continent will definitely be interested and fight for it!"

"Perhaps the Weeping Goddess will also be involved..."

Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face, then shook his head slightly and said, "However, this is something that is uncertain. If the Weeping Goddess acts like a goddess and avoids any danger, she may not have the courage to participate in the Temple of Killing." Fight for it!”

Just as he was thinking secretly, Enzo suddenly raised his head.

Through the shadows and crows scattered outside, he saw a figure approaching his car, and then heard a knock on the door.


The next moment, the door of the carriage was pushed open, and Katrina, wearing red leather armor, walked in. Without saying a word, she began to take off her shoes, and at the same time peeled off the leather armor on her upper body, revealing her smooth and beautiful back.

Katrina knelt down on her knees, picked up the thorn whip with both hands, raised it above her head, and crawled at Enzo's feet with a humble expression.

"Please Enzo, please whip me!"

Katrina's voice was serious, but she said words that made Enzo unable to hold back his lips.

"What?" Enzo suspected that he heard wrongly.

"According to the teachings of the Temple of the Weeping Goddess, all human beings are born guilty. Only by constantly accepting punishment can we reduce our guilt."

Katrina said seriously, "Accepting the punishment of a strong man is an extremely glorious thing for every believer of the Weeping Goddess. Your Excellency Enzo has already demonstrated his strength, so please whip me as much as you like!"

Hearing Katrina's words, a strange expression appeared on Enzo's face.

"...What a strange god!"

Enzo was unable to complain about the teachings of the Church of the Weeping Goddess. He hesitantly picked up the thorn whip in Katrina's hand and lightly whipped her twice.

"Please use more force, Sir Enzo!"

However, Katrina was dissatisfied and said, "Only more pain can bring me closer to the Weeping Goddess and become a better priest!"

"……All right!"

Enzo shook his head, and with a little more strength, the thorn whip struck Katrina's smooth back, and blood streaks suddenly appeared.

Bang bang bang!

Katrina bit her lip and let out a suppressed and painful murmur. With a round of whip blows, her face was already covered with sweat.

"……thank you very much for your help!"

After a while, Katrina fell down weakly. Her back was covered with bloody whip marks. The pain made her body tremble, but her face showed a very satisfied expression.

Enzo returned the whip to Katrina, somewhat unable to bear to look at her.

Afterwards, Katrina put on her leather armor and boots and left the carriage as if nothing had happened. Enzo used the shadow crow to keep an eye on her as she returned to the tent.

"I just can't complain..." Enzo shook his head, not knowing what to say about this crying goddess, one of the three beautiful gods.

Meanwhile, the plains of Essos.

The vast desolate plain originally had no name, but with the arrival of the Night Goddess and the establishment of a kingdom on this land, it became the Essos Plains from then on.

Under the night, the plain was silent.

At this time, a faint green light flickered in vain not far away, and a ghost-like figure staggered to the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it!!"

In the dim wasteland, the green light in the eyes of the Voodoo God was dim, and he seemed to be seriously injured, but the top of his head was burning with green flames, showing his extreme anger.

"Lucy Rice, you bitch..."

The eyes of the Voodoo God shone with malice, but the flame representing the soul flickered like a flickering candle.

Not long ago, the Netherlight City incident ended.

The God of Voodoo discovered the existence of the Night Puppet in that dilapidated city, and therefore concluded that the killing mark he had spent a lot of energy planning was taken away by the goddess of the night.

So the Voodoo God traveled to the plains of Essos.

Originally, he planned to have some communication with the Night Goddess first, and ask the other party to give him an explanation without provoking a divine war, so that the two sides would not completely break up.

However, the Voodoo God did not expect something.

As soon as he stepped into the plains of Essos and the territory of the Kingdom of Night, he was met with malice by the goddess of night and asked him to leave immediately.

Naturally, the Voodoo God cannot accept this.

Although the Goddess of the Night is an ancient deity, the Voodoo God believes that his strength is not necessarily weaker than the other party, so he ignores the requests of the Goddess of the Night.

Then, the goddess of the night came directly to kill him!

The other party was like a lunatic. As soon as he met the God of Voodoo, he unceremoniously provoked a divine battle. The result shocked the God of Voodoo because he was no match for the Goddess of Night.

After only a few rounds of fighting between the two sides, the Voodoo God was seriously injured and could only escape from the Kingdom of Night in panic.

"How can it be so different?"

Even now, the God of Voodoo still cannot accept that he is also a god, but the gap between himself and the goddess of the night has reached an almost despairing level.

"Could it be that...that bitch has become the God of Gods?" The Voodoo God couldn't help but speculate in his mind.

Hierarchy among gods.

The lowest level god among them is called the God of the World, and is also a fourth-level life form, while the subsequent Gods of Gods represent fifth-level life forms.

When a god of the world is successfully promoted to the god of gods, he will be given the ability to follow the gods. Therefore, every god of the gods has at least three servant gods attached to him.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Then, the God of Voodoo shook his head and said, "If Lucy Rice has really become the God of the Gods, then I would have died in her hands in the battle just now, and there is absolutely no chance of me surviving."

"I didn't get Caesar's killing mark and offended this bitch. What a bad luck!"

The God of Voodoo had a gloomy face, turned back and glanced at the Kingdom of Night, a cold luster appeared in his eyes, and then said in a hateful voice.

"Wait, Lucilece!"

"This matter will never end like this. Although I am not your opponent, since you are the first to provoke the war between gods, don't blame me for taking action against your believers!"

"The power of voodoo will spread in the Kingdom of Night. I must make you pay a sufficient price for your actions!"

In the early morning, a ray of sunshine shines on the earth.

In the forest, the morning wind blew the trees, and the dew dropped and splashed everywhere. After briefly cleaning the camp, the natives of the Red Snake Brigade continued towards the Essos Plains.

Katrina sat on the back of the Essos Giant Spider, her expression seemed quite happy. After experiencing the whipping last night, she felt that the distance between herself and the Weeping Goddess seemed to be closer.

Enzo also walked out of the car.

"What's going on?" He was a little surprised.

There were fiery looks all around, most of them were young women from the brigade, but there was also no shortage of male natives.

It is the honor of every believer of the Weeping Goddess to accept the punishment of the strong.

Enzo had already demonstrated his strength when he defeated the green-robed wizard yesterday, so every member of the Red Snake Brigade seemed to be conveying a feeling of longing. Seems to be expecting something.

"Forget it about girls, what the hell are men?"

Feeling the fiery gazes around him, even though he had been promoted to a third-level wizard, Enzo still felt a little overwhelmed. He had no interest in lashing out at those men, so he shook his head and returned to the carriage.

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