Journey to the witch world

Chapter 409 Impact on the third level

Netherlight City, the only city in the abandoned land.

There are a large number of humans gathered here, and like Camp Gro, they are all dominated by fallen wizards, and Lord Caesar is a second-level fallen wizard.

"This is it!"

In the distance, on the high slope of the wasteland, Enzo looked at the Netherlight City below, the luster in his eyes flickering slightly.

After arriving at his destination, he did not rush into Netherlight City. Instead, he released some shadow crows and went to the city to investigate. After making sure that no abnormality was found, he walked towards Netherlight City.

“Get in line, don’t crowd!”

At the entrance of Netherlight City, several fallen wizards are guarding here. A large number of humans are coming from different areas towards Netherlight City. The crowded flow of people makes the surroundings somewhat chaotic. Fortunately, the wizards of Netherlight City are maintaining order.

"What's going on?" Hiding behind the crowd, Enzo frowned slightly.

The scene in front of him surprised him. As the only city in the abandoned land, Netherlight City was not accessible to anyone. Except for the fallen wizards who had taken refuge with Lord Caesar, the indigenous humans had to pay a fee to enter the city.

At this moment, the humans in the Abandoned Land seemed to be rushing to Netherlight City as if they were fleeing. At the same time, there was no need to pay any fees to enter the city.

"Ahem, have you finally arrived at Netherlight City?"

At this time, there was a conversation next to them. Two natives were supporting each other, their faces were extremely weak, and their exposed skin was faintly ulcerated.

"Hold on, you can enter Netherlight City soon."

The male native was panting and comforted his companions, saying, "Since Mr. Nishizawa of Netherlight City is willing to let us enter the city, he must have mastered the method of treating the plague, and everyone will be fine."

"Plague?" Enzo's eyes flashed.

Carefully observing the humans who rushed to Netherlight City, most of them were in a weak state, with skin ulcers on their bodies and a foul odor. This seemed to be caused by the plague they said.

"Could it be that a plague broke out in the abandoned land?"

Enzo frowned slightly, thoughts flickering in his mind. Looking at the situation in front of him, during the time he left the abandoned land, a plague seemed to sweep across the wasteland, which caused a large number of humans to rush to Netherlight City at the same time.

This seems to be the reason why the Gro camp became dilapidated.

As the border of the Lost Continent, the Abandoned Land has a large number of dark creatures wandering around. Among them, the walking zombies are the best at spreading viruses. Some alien corpse kings can even infect water sources with their supernatural powers, so it is not surprising that a plague breaks out.

However, what makes Enzo a little strange is why Netherlight City has been spared since the plague has swept through the entire abandoned land.

You know, this is the largest human stronghold in the abandoned land!

"Could it be that the Lord of Netherlight City has the means to cure the plague?"

Thoughts appeared on Enzo's face. As a second-level wizard, even the fallen might have mastery of potions. It seemed that it was not unusual for Netherlight City Lord Xize to be able to cure the plague.

At this time, as the crowd moved forward, Enzo had arrived at the foot of Youguang City.

The urging of fallen wizards came from all around. Enzo shook his head and walked straight into Netherlight City. The plague was a scourge for the indigenous humans, but it was almost impossible to infect wizards.

Unless the alien zombies spreading the plague reach level four or above.

"Let's find a place to stay first!"

Entering Netherlight City, Enzo looked around. The town was not very large, and natives could be seen everywhere on the streets. Due to the plague sweeping through the abandoned land, a large number of refugees fled to Netherlight City.

Ahead is a hotel-like building.

"Please, have mercy on me!"

Outside the hotel, a group of refugees were kneeling and begging. They were all infected with the plague and exuded a foul smell.

"I haven't eaten in days."

"Please give me some food!"

Hearing the pleadings of the refugees, the hotel door was pushed open, and a plump and enchanting woman wearing a long red dress came out, holding a metal pipe in one hand and puffing away at the mouth.

"If you don't plan to stay in the hotel, just get away." The woman in the red dress said lazily.

When the refugees saw the hotel door open, driven by hunger, they rushed inside one after another. But before they could get close to the hotel door, the woman in the red dress had a cold glint in her eyes, and she tapped the metal pipe on the side.


In an instant, the head of the refugee native who was at the front exploded like a watermelon, with brains and blood splashing everywhere. The others immediately stopped, as if they were poured cold water on their heads.


The woman in the red dress took a drag on her pipe, blew out a cloud of mist, stuck out her tongue seductively, and licked her lips, as if to seduce everyone.

However, after what had just happened, the refugees did not dare to act recklessly anymore and fled away from the hotel.

"Devil?" Enzo frowned slightly.

Enzo felt a familiar aura on the woman in the red dress, as if she came from the abyss. He immediately turned on the chip scanning function and found that the woman in the red dress was indeed no longer human.

"The Lost Continent is indeed a mixed bag."

Enzo shook his head slightly. The woman in the red dress was possessed by the devil, but she did not conceal her aura at all. Obviously her existence was no longer a secret to Netherlight City.

"Yo, a young wizard!"

At this time, the woman in the red dress also noticed Enzo. She looked up and down, and based on the wizard robe on Enzo and the aura emanating from him, she could tell who Enzo was as a wizard.

"I want to stay in a hotel." Enzo said.

"Come in." The woman in the red dress said lazily.

Then, following the footsteps of the woman in the red dress, Enzo entered the hotel. There were two floors here. The first floor was a place similar to a pub. Many people with different identities were drinking and chatting here. The atmosphere seemed very lively.

Compared with the streets of Netherlight City, this place is completely different.

The plague swept through the abandoned land, causing a large number of camps to collapse. Countless refugees fled to Netherlight City. The lack of food made them hungry and cold. Many people died almost every moment, but the tavern was a bustling scene.

"I need a quiet room, maybe for a month or so."

Arriving at the counter, Enzo said to the woman in the red dress that after absorbing the divinity in the mad wizard and the two-headed ogre, the Killing Crow in his body had accumulated enough power.

If this power cannot be properly controlled, it will have a great impact on Enzo, and it is likely that he will be controlled by the will to kill and become a puppet of killing.

But at the same time, this power is also an opportunity for Enzo.

If Enzo can convert this killing power into magic power, then he will use this to break through the second level and become a third level wizard, so Enzo needs a quiet room.

"One hundred souls." The devil in red dress said.

In the Lost Continent, the soul is one of the currencies, just like the magic stone in the wizarding world. This is mainly because the Lost Continent is a restricted area for wizards, and a large number of devils have come here.

To the devils of the abyss, souls are the universal currency.

Without saying a word, Enzo threw a white stone on the counter. There were a hundred souls sealed in it, all of which he had prepared before heading to the Lost Continent.

"Nodding Ang, take him to the room on the second floor!"

The devil in the red dress picked up the white stone, with a glint in her eyes, then stuffed it directly into her plump chest and shouted to the side.

Thump thump thump!

A short dwarf appeared, ugly and hunched, like a wild dog, nodding and bowing to Enzo.

"Please come with me, distinguished guest!" Nordin said.

Then, following the footsteps of the dwarf, Enzo went down the stairs to the second floor of the hotel and came to the innermost room.

"If you need anything, please ask."

Opening the door quickly, Nuodingang said with a smile on his face, ": Nuodingang can meet any request of the guests. Even if you want to relax, there is no problem."

As he spoke, Nuodingang winked, showing an expression that all men would understand.

Coupled with his ugly face, this seemed extremely insignificant. Enzo had no interest in it and casually threw a soul stone as a tip.

"Don't disturb me while I'm staying in the hotel!" Enzo said.

"Understood, guest." Nuodingang caught the soul stone, a chrysanthemum-like smile bloomed on his face, and then turned around and left knowingly.

Enzo entered the room and locked the door.

"Next, get ready to start!"

Enzo took a deep breath and looked around. This room was located in the far corner of the hotel. It was not big, but it was quite quiet.

The killing power in his body is already ready to move. Enzo must convert this power into magic power as soon as possible in order to avoid being swallowed by the will to kill and at the same time be promoted to a third-level wizard.

Compared to being promoted to a formal wizard, and impacting a second-level wizard.

This promotion seemed very hasty, but Enzo also made some preparations. When he was in the Northern Continent, he had already put all the potions and resources needed to attack the third-level wizard in the space ring.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Enzo slowly closed his eyes.

"The Crow of Killing!"

"Emerald Crow!"

Enzo spoke in a low voice, and two beams of light bloomed on his chest. The Emerald Crow and the Killing Crow flew out at the same time. The Killing Crow was indispensable to attack the third-level wizard, but in order to avoid accidents during the process, the Emerald Crow was also needed to assist.

As a third-level life form full of natural and life energy, the Emerald Crow's ability is not only to control plants, but also has certain healing abilities. With this trump card in hand, Enzo's life will not be in danger even if he fails to attack the third level.

At most, the Crow of Killing and the power of divinity will be lost!

After making a decision in his heart, Enzo began to activate the power of killing. The killing crow floated in the air, with a dark luster appearing all over his body.

"Do you want to use me to reach the demigod realm?"

In mid-air, the killing crow Hexi uttered human words and said in a cold voice: "A humble mortal can spy on divine power. He really overestimates his capabilities."

At this time, the Emerald Crow stared at it coldly.

Recalling the humiliating experience and the fear of being dominated in his mind, Killing Crow couldn't help but tremble, and he suddenly didn't dare to say anything else.

".Forget it, let me help you."

Killing Crow avoided Winnie's gaze and whispered: "Anyway, as my servant, if you can be promoted to demigod, you can serve me better."

Having said that, the Killing Crow also began to release its power.

The divinity plundered from the two-headed ogre and the mad wizard has not been completely digested by Killing Crow. Most of the divinity is stored in the body. This power may affect Enzo's existence, but now it will be transformed into magic.

The soul and spirit resonate, and the killing power begins to transform!

Enzo's face was calm, but there was a desire to kill in his mind. Divinity could make him powerful, but there was also a high probability that it would swallow his will, just like the crazy wizard in the corrupt swamp.

A puppet dominated by killing will completely lose its will.

"Kill as much as you like! You will become the master of the world."

In his mind, a deep voice sounded, and a strange scene seemed to appear in front of his eyes. Enzo stood on the tallest building in Netherlight City, killing all life in sight.

As he continued to kill, power gathered into a river and poured into his body. Enzo's momentum increased steadily, as if there was a flame burning in his body, and his life level began to change.

"Kill everyone in Netherlight City and I will become a god!"

Suddenly, such an idea came into Enzo's mind. The desire to evolve to a higher level of life gradually made this idea complete, and even reached the point where it could not be shaken off.

Enzo knew very well in his heart that all this was true!

The killing mark is formed by killing, and it also relies on killing to evolve. As long as you have enough killing power, even if you become a god, it is only a matter of time. As long as Enzo kills all the life in Netherlight City, he will most likely directly become a god. .

Fourth-level life form, god!

Gods with endless life, as long as the divine fire is immortal, can exist forever in a sense. Enzo's heart felt hot, and the desire to kill in his mind became more and more intense.

"If you are swallowed by the will to kill, will you still be you?"

At this moment, a beam of green light suddenly poured into Enzo's body, and the Emerald Crow Sani transformed into a little girl, floating in mid-air and spoke.

Enzo was startled.

Becoming a god is a fatal temptation for anyone, but if the price is to lose yourself, then what's the point.

"If I am swallowed by the will to kill, will my existence still have meaning?"

Enzo had doubts in his heart, and his desire for killing was a little weak. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he accelerated the transformation of the power of killing, originating from the huge power of the gods, and constantly turning it into pure magic power.

"Hmph! You gave up the chance to become a god, how stupid you are!"

In mid-air, Killing Crow Hirsch said angrily, if Enzo was influenced by the will to kill and made a decision, then he would become a killing puppet, and this body would also be dominated by Killing Crow Hirsch.

But alas, the Emerald Crow ruined everything!

"If you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you!" Winnie said coldly. The life created by Enzo also relies on the magical power of the Phantom Crow. The Emerald Crow relies on the host to survive. The same is true for the Killing Crow, but it also The desire to dominate leads to a different character.

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