Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1188 Sun Flame Spiritual Wheel

"This is?"

Enzo frowned slightly, a trace of gloom appeared on his face, and he stroked the mark that resembled an eyeball, recalling what happened not long ago.

Obviously, this thing also comes from the abyss world.

And, it seems to be a new curse!

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

On the spot, Enzo pondered for a moment, whispered syllables in his mouth, and tried to use the power of the Eyes of Skyfire to remove the curse on the eyes on his arm.

When he was in the evil world, Enzo was extremely suppressed by the rules.

But now, he has returned to the star realm, his strength has recovered to a certain extent, and he is naturally comfortable in using witchcraft.

As the Eyes of Heavenly Fire activated, Enzo's eyes glowed with flames.

Almost instantly, the extremely hot flames had swallowed up Enzo's arms, and the two curse marks that resembled eyeballs gradually disappeared under the swallowing of the flames.

After a moment, Enzo's eyes flashed.

The flesh and blood of the arm burned by the flames had been corroded, leaving only white bones, but Enzo remained expressionless, looking at the arm that had turned into white bones.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood on the arm continued to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Enzo's arm had returned to its original state. However, the marks of the two eyeballs also appeared on the arm, looking at Enzo as if mockingly.

"Can't we get rid of it?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and a trace of thought flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the power of the curse on his arm was more difficult to remove than he imagined.

Conventional means seem to have no meaning for it.

After Enzo pondered for a moment, his face looked thoughtful.

The curse in his body now comes from the ancient existence of Cthulhu in the abyss. The other party has an ability that seems to be able to drag part of his soul to the evil world of the abyss at any time and any place, and give him a new curse. Enzo takes it.

This means that as time goes by, Enzo's soul will become weaker and weaker, and the curses on his body will become more and more.

"Can not be done!"

Enzo frowned slightly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes. Even for him, Cthulhu's curse was a very difficult thing to deal with.

If it is allowed to develop in the body, I am afraid that I will gradually be swallowed by the power of the curse.

"Is this the Curse of Cthulhu?"

Next to him, Obelisk stood there, looking at the traces of eyeballs on Enzo's arm, and a complicated luster flashed in his eyes.

Obelisk has also heard about the legendary Cthulhu for a long time.

Now, the two wizards in the source world have fallen into an abnormal state similar to a curse, but compared to Enzo, Obelisk's situation is much better.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and used the ability of Thousand Illusions Seal again to seal the Cthulhu Curse in his body. Of course, this was only a temporary measure.

Given the terrifying nature of Cthulhu's curse, it won't take long for this seal to become corroded.

By that time, the power of the curse will become even more powerful!

In place, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Judging from the current situation, the Curse of Cthulhu in his body may be difficult to remove with his own ability alone. He can only wait to return to the Wizarding World and seek help from the Supreme Wizard.

With Enzo's current state, it would not be difficult to meet the Supreme Wizard.

"Next, let's find a way to leave the star realm!"

Enzo took a deep breath, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, although he was also very eager for the legacy of the Earth Mother Goddess and the mysterious Earth Mother Yunkong.

However, Enzo knew better that given the current situation, many things were beyond his control.

If he is forced to stay in the star realm, there will definitely be greater danger waiting for him. Therefore, leaving now is the best choice for Enzo.

However, the star realm is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want.

If he and Obelisk want to leave, they must at least find a way to fight for a star gate. Otherwise, it seems impossible to break the star barrier no matter how hard they use it.

You must know that the astral barrier is the concentration of the power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

If it were in the outside world and the law was broken by force, there might still be a slight chance, but it is really difficult to reach the sky in the source world.

A seventh-level life form like the Chaos Behemoth has been trapped in the star world for so many years without a chance to escape.

"If we want to leave, we must first fight for a star gate."

When Obelisk heard Enzo's words, a hint of deep thought appeared on his face, and he said, "We may not have a chance at the star gate of Sky Sky Island."

"The remaining gates to the star realm are all controlled by the ancient gods of the source realm."

"As long as there is any slight abnormality in each star gate, Apollo, the sun god, will rush over as quickly as possible to deal with it!"

Enzo looked thoughtful and nodded slightly.

He is also very clear about the remaining star gates in the source world. Those star gates are the escape routes left by the Mother Goddess for the gods. Therefore, every star gate is protected by the sun god Apollo. It is regarded as a forbidden area, and any demon or outsider who dares to approach will be attacked crazily.

But at this moment, since Enzo and Obelisk have decided to leave the star realm, even the sun god Apollo cannot think too much about it.

In place, Enzo thought.

He waved his hand, and rays of light appeared in front of him, converging in mid-air to form something similar to a map, with the location of each star gate marked on it.

Three of the ten star gates left over from ancient times have now been opened.

The remaining seven star gates are in different areas. Among them, the star gate on Sky Island is no longer within the scope of Enzo and Obelisk's consideration.

As for the remaining star gates, Enzo had a lot of hesitations in his heart.

"How about this one?"

At this moment, Obelisk suddenly spoke, the expression on his face changed, and he said faintly: "Anyway, every star gate has been marked by the sun god Apollo."

"Wherever we choose, we will be targeted by the sun god Apollo."

"The current plan is to use some means to create a time difference and seize the star gate before the sun god Apollo can react!"

Enzo's heart moved and he looked at Obelisk.

"Chaos beast!"

On the opposite side, Obelisk also flashed his eyes and said solemnly, "Since before, the Sun God Apollo and those abyss devils have been using the chaos beasts to deal with us."

"How about we try to use the Chaos Beast?"

After hearing Obelisk's words, Enzo looked thoughtful.

"What do you plan to do, Mr. Obelisk?"

After a while, Enzo asked. He somewhat guessed what Obelisk was thinking, but he was not sure whether the other party thought the same as him.

Obelisk didn't waste any time and pointed his finger in the direction of the star gate.

"The star gate that you and I regard as the target is currently in this area."

Obelisk said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, the Chaos Behemoth is now in this area, and there is a long distance between the two. If we capture the Star Boundary Gate, the Chaos Behemoth can contain the sun." God Apollo, then our probability of success will be greatly improved!"


Enzo nodded. Obelisk's idea was theoretically very feasible, but there was one thing that made Enzo shake his head and asked, "The key now is how to control the chaos beast and keep it contained." Apollo, the sun god, that monster is beyond our control, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Obelisk's eyes flashed and he said solemnly, "Based on my understanding of the Chaos Beast, although that thing is powerful, its IQ may not be comparable to that of a mortal."

"If some means are used, there may be a chance to provoke a war between it and the sun god Apollo."

While speaking, Obelisk took a deep breath and said, "Leave the matter of the Chaos Beast to me. As for the Star Boundary Gate, how about I leave it to Sir Enzo?"


Enzo naturally had no problem with Obelisk's proposal, but he was not sure whether Obelisk could provoke a confrontation between the Chaos Beast and the Sun God Apollo.

But in the current situation, Enzo didn't have much choice but to trust Obelisk.

"In that case, let's split up!"

Obelisk nodded. After the two endless wizards made a plan, they each headed in one direction without much hesitation.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In a certain valley in the source world, rolling heat waves surged in, as if turning into flames. Nine suns coexisted in the sky, emitting terrifying light and heat.

On the earth, Belkra, the god of the sky, sat cross-legged.

But he saw chains bound around his body, and white rays of light floating in the sky, as if they were embellished with stars, and it looked like a strange scene.

"Sorry, everyone!"

Belkra, the god of the sky, sighed, raised his head, and looked at the clusters of light in the sky, with a complex look flashing in his eyes.

Those clusters of white light represent the souls of the gods in ancient times.

These ancient gods originally fell in the war between gods and demons in ancient times. In order to get a chance to survive, they went to the star realm to recuperate.

The Earth Mother Goddess opened up the star realm for them and gave these fallen ancient gods a chance.

However, endless years have passed, and only a few of those ancient gods who have fallen can regain their strength and resurrect, while more are still in a sleeping state, as if they will never have a chance to wake up.

Now, for the survival of the star world, Apollo, the sun god, makes a difficult choice.

He planned to sacrifice these remnant souls of the ancient gods and focus all his power on Belkra, the God of the Sky, so that he could have a chance to regain his peak strength.

As the guardian of the star realm, the behavior of the sun god Apollo has violated the original intention of the earth mother goddess Gaia to establish the star realm.

However, Apollo, the god of the sun, had no choice.

Today's star realm is in danger. With the disappearance of Anubis, the desert god of death, even the sun god Apollo feels a strong sense of crisis.

With his own strength alone, the sun god Apollo knew that he was no longer able to support the survival of the star world.

Only Belkra, the god of the sky, has returned to his peak state. If the two sixth-level gods join forces, there may be a chance for the star world to survive the crisis and successfully become an independent individual.

"Are you ready? Lord Belkra."

In the sky, Apollo, who transformed into a nine-wheeled sun, made a serious voice. The nine-wheeled sun was like a furnace, releasing endless golden light.

"I've been preparing."

Belkra, the God of the Sky, took a deep breath, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. Although given his character, sacrificing the remnant souls of many ancient gods to restore himself was a very painful decision.

But now, Belkra, the God of the Sky, also knows that he has not had much choice.

Above the sky, seeing that Belkra, the God of the Sky, was ready, Apollo, the God of the Sun, immediately no longer hesitated.


Almost instantly, the nine suns simultaneously released endless light, and the blazing heat and light seemed to turn into billowing heat waves and spread away.

With the sound of the earth, Belkra, the god of the sky, slowly closed his eyes.

The surrounding white rays of light, when burned by the hot flames, turned into purer energy. Along with the mournful screams when the ancient god's remnant soul completely died, the sky god Belkra also continued to absorb energy, bathing his whole body. At the same time as the fire, everything lost was gradually recovered.

"Go on, Lord Apollo!"

Belkra, the god of the sky, had no expression on his face, feeling the blazing heat coming from the nine-round sun above the sky, feeling as if he was falling into a sea of ​​flames.

Great pain continued to come, but there was no change at all on the face of Belkra, the God of the Sky.

Because, for Belkra, the god of the sky, the pain at this moment is simply insignificant compared with everything he suffered in the war between gods and demons in ancient times.

In order to regain his power and become the guardian of the astral world, Belkra, the god of the sky, is willing to endure all this.

The extremely hot golden flame gradually engulfed Belkra, and the white light floating around it also turned into pure power. The countless remnant souls of ancient gods who fell in ancient times have now become part of Belkra, the god of the sky, and are repairing it. His once broken body.

Gradually, traces of golden light emerged from the body of Belkra, the God of the Sky.

Something resembling wings gradually grew from the broken wound behind him. As the god who ruled the sky, the thing Belkra was most proud of was the pair of wings that could fly to everything.

However, in the ancient war, Belkra lost its wings.

This also means that Belkra has lost its power of authority, and its strength has naturally been greatly reduced. Now three eras have passed quietly, but Belkra still has not regained its authority.

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