Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1183 The Wrath of the Sun God

Seeing Enzo's current attitude, Obelisk felt a little complicated in his heart.

He actually felt the shadow of the fallen king Bushura from Enzo, and he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for the wizard civilization.

As everyone knows, Enzo's seemingly crazy choice is actually carefully considered.

In the multiverse, the devil has always been a symbol of cunning and cruelty, but in fact, Enzo knew that in a sense, the devil and the wizard were in love.

Both are a combination of sanity and madness.

Wizards often do whatever it takes to pursue eternity and truth, and conversely, devils do the same in order to achieve their goals.

Bushura, the fallen wizard king, once said this.

If you want to deal with crazy devils, you must be crazier than them. It was this sentence that inspired Enzo.

Since the current situation is not friendly to both parties.

So, in Enzo's opinion, the competition is about the character of both parties. He would rather drag the two devils to death together than take a step back.

"This kid..."

There was a gloomy glint in Devil Crowley's eyes, and he knew very well that Enzo didn't really want to die with him.

I just want to force myself to make a choice in this way.

However, he didn't want to gamble.

Because the devils' attempt to seize the souls of the Star Boundary and Mother Earth is a plan that has been laid out for countless years, and any mistakes may affect the final outcome.

After countless deductions and analyses, they formulated their current plan.

If, in the near future, the sun god Apollo really appears on Sky Sky Island and defeats the eclipse god Terra Hogle, then for the devil, it means that the plan is completely broken.

"Sir Enzo, how about we each take a step back?"

Suddenly, Devil Crowley spoke and said hoarsely, "You leave the sky island now, and everyone will treat it as if nothing happened."

"I'll give you a chance to recuperate and recuperate, so you don't have to fight to the death!"

Hearing Devil Crowley's words, a cold smile appeared on Enzo's face.

It would be ridiculous to want to talk about peace now.

Enzo had no expression on his face, staring at Devil Crowley, and said quietly, "If you say such things to me at this time, do you think I will agree?"

Devil Crowley's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly.

"why not?"

"Given the current situation, peace talks are beneficial to both parties. I know that Sir Enzo is a pure wizard, so please be more sensible."

"Unfortunately, I refuse."

Enzo shook his head, with a very calm expression on his face, and said calmly, "In the history of the multiverse, countless people have been killed by the devil's schemes."

"And these people often have common characteristics."

"That's because they easily believed the devil's lies, which led to eternal disaster. So I will never do such a stupid move!"

After hearing Enzo's words, Devil Crowley's face became more and more gloomy.

"No more nonsense with him, Crowley!"

At this time, the short devil next to him suddenly smiled ferociously and said, "Since this wizard wants to die, why not let us help him!"

"Even though we are devils, it doesn't hurt to be helpful once in a while."

As he spoke, the little devil turned into a towering giant, and his huge palm went straight to grab Enzo.

In mid-air, Enzo remained unmoved.

"The power of death!"

As Enzo thought, the Night Curse Spirit Blade also appeared in his hand. As he waved his hand, the blade carrying the power of death directly chopped off the giant's hand.

Under the damage of the power of death, the giant's palm turned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo didn't waste any time. With a thought in his mind, vines on the ground grew up like crazy poisonous snakes, restraining the devil giant in an instant.


The Night Curse Spirit Blade in Enzo's hand moved, and the dark sword energy spread out like ocean waves, slashing towards the dwarf giant in an instant.

However, at this moment.

The dwarf giant suddenly transformed into the size of a palm, and once again escaped the fatal blow. In the distance, the devil Crowley also twisted his body into a snake and headed straight towards Enzo.

"Since Sir Enzo is not willing to coexist peacefully!"

Devil Crowley let out a hoarse scream and said, "Then let's go to hell together!"

"Ha ha!"

Enzo laughed twice, with a more ferocious look on his face, and said quietly, "We still don't know who will win, but I will make you pay the price even if it means death!"

"The tree world is coming!"

As Enzo whispered the syllables, the ground trembled, and huge trees rose from the ground like a black mountain.

In an instant, the giant branches began to dance wildly.

The twisted giant tree was like a crazy monster, blocking all attacks around it, and even branched out vines to attack the giant snake.

In the distance, a trace of hesitation flashed in Obelisk's eyes.

As a veteran wizard, the main reason why he has been able to live for three eras, in addition to his own strength, is that he is cautious enough.

To be fair, Obelisk didn't want to take the same risk as Enzo.

But considering the current situation, he was unable to stop Enzo. Muharrin, the plague lord who had just been expelled from his body, Obelisk was still in a weak state.

He could neither exert his full fighting power nor change the current situation.

Following Enzo's choice seems to have become his only chance.

"That's it!"

Obelisk sighed in his heart and said faintly, "You saved this life anyway, so let's go crazy with you once!"

As he spoke, Obelisk no longer held back.

But seeing him open his arms, the strong magic power spread like white waves, and the world around him seemed to turn into ice crystals in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Obelisk floated into the air.

"Wind and residual clouds!"

As Obelisk whispered the syllables in his mouth, the strong wind suddenly roared and swept towards the surroundings as if it turned into sharp blades.

In an instant, the sky island seemed to be torn apart.

There were waves of terrifying roars across the island, and Enzo raised his brows, as if he didn't expect that Obelisk would have such amazing power when his power exploded.

Not only Enzo, but the two devils also looked at each other, and both saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Aren't wizards always very sensible?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Devil Crowley's tone. Ever since Obelisk expelled the plague lord Muharlin from his body, the situation has become somewhat out of control.

Three abyss powerhouses faced off against two endless wizards.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides. Even Enzo and Obelisk are already particularly weak, but for the two devils, it is by no means an easy task to take them down.


The devil, who turned into the size of a palm and looked like an evil spirit, asked tentatively.

"One last try."

Devil Crowley hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice, "If we still can't capture these two wizards, then we will have no choice but to retreat!"

"After all, the battle for the star realm should still focus on the soul of the Earth Mother Goddess."

Hearing Devil Crowley's words, the dwarf devil also nodded in agreement. The most valuable things in the star realm are the Chaos Beast and the Soul of the Earth Mother.

Only those two things are the purpose of the devils coming here.

As for everything else, it's just incidental. Even if they don't get it, it's not a loss to the two devils.

After confirming the key issue, Devil Crowley took a deep breath.

Crowley, who transformed into the form of a black-scaled giant snake, let out a shrill scream, and then, his huge body transformed into countless small snakes and attacked Enzo.

The fangs of those little snakes are full of curses and viruses.

In mid-air, Enzo's face was expressionless.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, paused the soul bone wand in his hand, and the blazing flames spread to the surroundings in an instant.

Suddenly, the flames engulfed everything around him.

The little snakes transformed by the power of the devil Crowley turned into ashes one after another. Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire around him, Enzo's face did not relax at all.

The next moment, in ashes.

Dozens of small snakes shot out like sharp black arrows. Enzo's face was expressionless, but he was already prepared for this.

"The power of death!"

Enzo raised the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand. A strange luster appeared on the black blade, and it seemed as if it cut off everything around him in an instant.

Swish, brush, brush!

Under the threat of the power of death, the little snakes turned into ashes one after another, without even a trace of breath remaining.

Enzo had no expression on his face and looked forward.

The figure of Devil Crowley gradually appeared, his eyes were also cold, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark.

"It seems that Sir Enzo is very determined!"

There was evil in Devil Crowley's tone, and he said faintly: "Since you want to get Sky Island so much, then I will leave it to you."

"However, there is one thing I really want to know."

"If nothing else happens, Apollo, the sun god, will come to this area soon. How will Mr. Enzo make a decision then?"

As he spoke, Devil Crowley's figure twisted.

Immediately afterwards, a hole was torn in the surrounding space, and the devil Crowley stepped directly into it, and then disappeared completely.

Later, another devil and Muharlin also made the same choice.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the demons and demons who had been fighting to the death just now left the Sky Island without hesitation.

"Just... left?"

A trace of astonishment appeared on Obelisk's face, as if he did not expect that the two devils would give up so easily.

Enzo had a thoughtful look on his face.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and somewhat understood that the two devils probably had no intention of dying together.

For the devil, the soul of the Earth Mother is the key to all fights.

This trip to Sky Sky Island was just a plan. It would be good if the two wizards could be killed and their souls taken away.

But if it fails, there seems to be no loss.

Anyway, for the two devils, this operation has been very effective. Enzo was injured by the cursed arrow stained with Cthulhu's blood and is now in a weak state.

As for Obelisk, when he devoured Muharrin, he was already calculated by the devil.

"Sir Enzo, what are we going to do next?"

After confirming that the devils had left, Obelisk's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he looked at the surrounding Sky Island with an inexplicable expression on his face.

If the devils leave, does it mean that this sky island already belongs to two people.

"We should go too!"

However, Enzo was not tempted by the huge benefits in front of him. Instead, he shook his head with a determined expression on his face.

"Just...give up?"

There was a trace of hesitation in Obelisk's eyes, and he seemed to be unwilling to do so. The sky god Belakir had been controlled by the two of them.

If I leave now, all my previous efforts will probably be in vain.

"Yes, give up!"

Enzo said categorically, although the current Sky Island is like a huge treasure to the two of them.

However, Enzo is also very aware of the current situation.

The confrontation between the Sun God Apollo and the Eclipse God Terra Hogle will end soon. If the Sun God Apollo arrives soon, it will be almost a disaster for the two of them.

After all, that is a powerful ancient god who can fight against the chaotic beast.

Even Enzo and Obelisk in their heyday would have found it very difficult to deal with him, not to mention that they were already very weak now.

"I'm really unwilling!"

Obelisk's face was ugly. He looked at the Sky Island under his feet, with a look of struggle on his face. He really didn't want to give up the easy-to-get loot.

However, Obelisk also knew very well that in the current situation, retreat was the best option.

"There is no need to worry, Lord Obelisk."

Enzo's tone was calm and he said softly: "There will be another chance. The competition for the star realm is not over yet. Whoever can get the legacy of the Earth Mother will be the final winner."

While speaking, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

A shadow appeared in the surrounding space, and then, he walked into it without hesitation, and Obelisk followed closely with a slight sigh.

The two went in tandem and soon left Sky Sky Island.

And just as the wizards and devils left Sky Sky Island one after another, a group of blazing flames suddenly appeared in the distant sky.


Apollo, the sun god, was like a falling furnace, roaring and landing on Sky Island.

"Are you late?"

The sun god Apollo, who had just experienced a confrontation, had an extremely gloomy expression on his face. Looking at the messy sky island around him, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Anyone can see that the current Tianzhikong Island has just experienced a fierce battle.

The aura of the devil and the wizard still lingered in the air, but Apollo, the sun god, did not find Belkra, the sky god.

Immediately, the sun god Apollo began to search.

"it's here!"

Just when the anger of the sun god Apollo was almost uncontrollable, he suddenly discovered the sky god Belkra who was sealed in the shadow.

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