Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1171 Twelve Worlds

"That's fine!"

Next to him, Enzo nodded, and then with a thought, he left the area with Obelisk.

In a moment, the two of them had arrived at a barren desert.

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, paused with the Soul Bone wand in his hand, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide, instantly forming a shadow field around him.

Using the power of the shadows, Enzo hid his and Obelisk's aura.

"Next, Your Excellency Obelisk, please focus on refining the authority of the Plague Lord!" Enzo said.


Obelisk nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to Enzo."

As he spoke, Obelisk sat cross-legged, preparing to start refining Muharlin, the plague lord, to seize the opponent's authority.

When Enzo devoured Anubis, the desert god of death, Obelisk was also assisting him.

Today, the situation is reversed.

Meanwhile, curse the Lake of Resentment.

"Muharlin is missing."

In the sky, darkness enveloped the earth. The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, walked out of the crack and whispered in the direction of the Cursed Lake.

Next to him, Devil Crowley had a trace of thought on his face.

"It seems that it was those two wizards who did it."

The corners of Devil Crowley's lips raised, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said faintly, "I wanted to use Muharlin to deal with Apollo."

"Now it seems that those two wizards..."

"It doesn't matter."

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, looked pale, interrupted Crowley, and said coldly, "I didn't expect Muharlin to solve Apollo."

"It's okay to let those two wizards have a taste of the pain."

"But, are you sure those two wizards will act according to our ideas?"

Devil Crowley looked cunning and said with a playful smile: "Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Anyway, the poisonous bait has been eaten by the fish, and our plan has been successful!"

"As for what happens next, it doesn't seem to matter."

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, nodded slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Is there any news from outside?"


A rare trace of seriousness appeared on Devil Crowley's face, and he said in a deep voice, "I just received news that a divine war has broken out in the Lost Continent."

"There will be a conflict between the evil gods headed by Fers, the god of chaos, and the god-kings headed by Drogo, the god of war."

"God of Chaos? God of War?"

Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, raised his eyebrows and sneered, "These little characters from ancient times seem to have grown up now, right?"

"What was the outcome of the war?"

"Drogo should have won, right? Although that guy is arrogant, he is of the bloodline of the Earth Mother Goddess after all, so his combat effectiveness should not be too weak."

"Yes, Drogo, the god of war, is victorious."

Devil Crowley nodded and said, "The God of Chaos, Fiers, has been killed. This time, it should be his true death."

"As for the evil gods under the God of Chaos, most of them should submit to Drogo."

"Furthermore, the opponent seems to have successfully pulled out an astral anchor and is moving forward to the next target."

Hearing Devil Crowley's words, Eclipse God Terra Hogle frowned slightly.

The Anchor of the Star Boundary is the key to the stability of the Star Boundary. When the Earth Mother Goddess opened up the Star Boundary, the reason why she was able to build such a huge space was mainly based on the wizarding world.

In other words, in a sense, the astral world is also part of the wizarding world.

A large part of the existence of the astral realm is dependent on the power of the wizarding world. If all the anchors of the astral realm are pulled out, the relationship between the two will be completely severed.

At that time, the entire star realm will usher in a disaster.

A little carelessness will lead to destruction. It is for this reason that the ancient gods of the source world have not made up their minds.

Until now, the gods of the star world have really had no chance.

If the star realm is allowed to remain attached to the wizarding world, then as more and more demons break through the seal and the chaotic beasts rage, the ancient gods will gradually lose their ability to rule the star realm, leading to real chaos. .

Therefore, the Astral Gods must change.

Perhaps it is a very risky thing to pull out the anchor of the star world and let the star world exist independently, but for the gods, this is no longer an option.

If you don't do this, maybe one day the star realm will be swallowed by the giant beast of chaos.

"How are you collecting information about the Star Gate?"

After a while, the Eclipse God Terra Hogel spoke again. He had set a trap in the Exiled Land before and did not let him kill the Sun God Apollo.

On the contrary, after that battle, the Eclipse God Terrahoger became more clear about the strength of the Sun God Apollo.

The other party is indeed the strongest god in the star realm.

Even the behemoth of chaos would probably be very fearful when facing the sun god Apollo. Even though the god of eclipse, Terra Hogel, had made many arrangements in advance, he still could not kill him.

However, that battle also didn’t sit well with the sun god Apollo.

In order to kill the demons that invaded the star realm, the opponent even used his original power, and now he has lost at least 20% of his combat effectiveness.

"According to the known information, when the Earth Mother Goddess opened up the star realm, she left a total of ten star gates."

A trace of thought appeared on Devil Crowley's face.

"Each Star Boundary Gate represents an opportunity to leave the Star Boundary. Three eras have passed, and three Star Boundary Gates have been opened."

"The open star door will lose its effect soon."

"And according to my investigation, when all ten star gates are opened, the Earth Mother Cloud Palace will also be opened!"

As he spoke, Devil Crowley's eyes flickered.

"Do we have to open all ten star gates?"

The thought flashed in the mind of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, that the so-called Earth Mother Cloud Palace is the most precious treasure left by the Earth Mother Goddess.

According to rumors, it is also the place where the soul of the Earth Mother sleeps.

However, the Earth Mother Cloud Palace will not be opened easily. When the Earth Mother Goddess opened up the star realm, she had already made a layout. Unless all ten gates to the star realm are opened, the Earth Mother Cloud Palace will appear.

Otherwise, even the sun god Apollo would not be able to open the Earth Mother Cloud Palace.

"In the previous three eras, three star gates have been opened."

In mid-air, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, looked thoughtful and said, "In other words, we only need to open the remaining seven star gates to make the Earth Mother Cloud Palace appear."

"Yes, that's right."

Devil Crowley nodded. The devil from the abyss has been in the star realm for so long. Its main target is the Earth Mother Cloud Palace.

In other words, it is for the soul of the Earth Mother in the Earth Mother Cloud Palace.

For those devils, as long as they can get the soul of the Earth Mother, no matter how much the price is paid, it is acceptable.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, also had the same idea.

For a sixth-level life form, devouring the soul of the Mother Goddess of the Earth is undoubtedly the easiest way to advance to the seventh level. Although this method may not be successful, it is an opportunity.

Whether it's an abyss demon lord, an ancient god, or an endless wizard.

Any sixth-level person who obtains the soul of the Earth Mother God will have the opportunity to advance to the seventh level. No one is more eager to advance to the seventh level than the God of Eclipse.

In ancient times, the world was in chaos.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, as one of the first gods born in the world, is already a sixth-level life form god by birth.

However, endless years have passed and he still failed to advance to the seventh level.

Even the God King of Light, who was born later than him, has become the seventh-level supreme god, but the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, failed to take that step. For this, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, paid the price He paid a lot of price and even betrayed the camp of the gods.

However, no matter what method he used, Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, failed to get the chance to advance to the seventh level.

Not even a glimmer of hope can be seen.

During the battle between gods and demons, the god of eclipse Terra Hogel was bewitched by the devil and became the common enemy of the abyss and the gods, and was eventually sealed in the star realm by the Mother Earth.

Now, three eras have passed.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, doesn't mind how much pain he has endured. For him, promotion to the seventh level is his only wish.

In other words, it is also the greatest desire.

"Where are the remaining seven star gates?"

After a moment, the Eclipse God Terra Hogel said that he couldn't wait to open the Earth Mother Cloud Palace to seize the Earth Mother's soul.

"There are still seven star gates today."

A trace of thought appeared on Devil Crowley's face, and he said faintly: "As far as I know, five of the star gates were marked by the sun god Apollo."

"Anyone who comes even slightly close will be sensed by Apollo, the sun god."

"So, there are only two star gates that we have the opportunity to open at present, and one of them has been revealed to the two wizards as a bait."

"As for the remaining one, it is in the Bone Burial Ground!"

A strange expression appeared on the face of Devil Crowley. Opening the door to the star realm is the key to opening the Earth Mother Cloud Palace.

Therefore, Crowley was also very interested.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flickered, and he said solemnly: "Although we failed in the battle in the Exiled Land, the Sun God Apollo will not have an easy time either."

"Now, if we don't take advantage of the opponent's weakness to open the door to the star realm, wouldn't it be difficult to get a chance?"

As he spoke, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, had a look of determination in his eyes, as if he couldn't wait to open the door to the star realm.

"Okay, as you wish."

Devil Crowley nodded, and immediately informed the God of Eclipse about the location of the Bone Burial Ground, and the two began to head towards the astral gate.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Source world, a certain area.

The land swallowed by shadows seemed to be nothingness. Looking at it, one could not see clearly what was in front of them.

In the shadow realm, Enzo stood like a sculpture.

Several months have passed since he and Obelisk defeated the plague lord Muharlin. During this period, Obelisk has been devouring Muharlin's power, while Enzo, as a guard, stood by his side firmly. .

In the distance, a colorful void emerged from the earth.

Enzo looked around and could no longer see Obelisk, but he could clearly feel his presence.

It will take a long time to swallow up the plague master Muharlin.

Even if Obelisk seizes the opponent's authority, he cannot completely digest the opponent. Only through continuous refining can he turn the opponent's power into his own use.

Enzo understands this very well.

Like Obelisk, Enzo also had the experience of devouring Anubis, the desert god of death, but to this day, Enzo still does not fully control the death power of the other party.

In place, Enzo thought.

The magic flute that previously belonged to the plague lord Muharlin appeared in his hands. He had obtained this high-level artifact for a long time.

Through continuous research, Enzo gradually understood the nature of this artifact.

In a sense, this magic flute is like a key, connecting twelve different-dimensional worlds.

In other words, The Magic Flute is made up of the power of twelve worlds.

Through this magic flute, the user can control the power of the twelve worlds at will, and the three-headed giants summoned by the plague lord Muharlin are also part of those twelve worlds.

Although it is unclear, the specific origin of this magic flute.

But according to Enzo's speculation, the plague lord Muharlin should have invaded many other worlds, and every time he invaded another world, he used extremely strong methods.

Enzo once tried to contact the twelve Magic Flute worlds.

However, the result is a bit surprising. Those twelve worlds have been destroyed, and all the living creatures inside have long since died.

If nothing else, this is obviously the method of the plague master Muharlin.

As the demon lord of the abyss world, the opponent is also affected by the chaotic will of the abyss. Every time he invades a plane, he will quickly kill all the creatures inside.

The twelve worlds connected by the Magic Flute are all contaminated by the power of the plague.

All living things were wiped out and turned into death realms. For the plague lord Muharlin, this was the best way to rule.

Demons, unlike wizards, have no way of ruling another world.

The simplest way to prevent resistance is to kill all potential threats. Every world invaded by Muharlin has experienced terrible apocalypse.

Moreover, without exception, these worlds have not been able to withstand the catastrophe of the doomsday.

In Enzo's eyes, Muharlin's act of killing everyone is undoubtedly a waste. The wizard civilization and the abyss demons conquer other worlds in different ways. A flourishing different world is more valuable to the wizards.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that in the multiverse, the indigenous people of other worlds may choose to compromise when facing the wizard's expedition, but when encountering the invasion of demons, they will resist until the last moment and are unwilling to surrender no matter how much they pay. The devil surrenders.

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