Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1159 Enzo’s trump card

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel.

Although he has been sealed in the star realm for countless years, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, does not have any understanding of the outside world.

He knows that in today's multiverse, the wizard civilization is the most powerful existence.

Even the devils in the depths of the abyss are very afraid of the wizarding civilization.

"The giant tree is coming, kill!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, controlling the monster-like giant tree, heading straight ahead, and the branches all over the sky were like whips.

"Sunfire Pluto!"

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, spoke syllables. If it were just an ordinary attack method, he would be fearless. But now, Enzo controls the power of death, but he does not dare to fight easily.

After all, death represents the seventh level of authority, a power once controlled by the God-King of Death.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and when he saw Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, not far away, retreating, he decisively turned into a shadow and fled towards the distance.

"Want to leave?"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flashed, and the black sun behind him released endless black light, as if it had completely swallowed up the surrounding earth.

"Eclipse Realm!"

Terra Hogle opened her arms and turned the surrounding world into a special area to prevent Enzo from escaping.

For the eclipse god Terra Hogl, both Anubis, the desert god of death, and Enzo, the wizard, are his prey.

Now, seeing that this hunt is about to end, he naturally will not give up easily.

In mid-air, Enzo looked around.

Looking at the world around him that was gradually being swallowed by darkness, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes. Judging from this aura, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, still retains a large part of his power.

"Black Sun Magic Wheel!"

As the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel waved his hand, three rounds of black sun whizzed away like fireballs. Enzo's eyes flashed, but there was no fear in his eyes.

In mid-air, Enzo had a thought in his mind.

The ground in front of him was torn apart, and a giant black tree burst out of the ground, waving its branches all over the sky, blocking the attack of Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse.

Then, Enzo raised his hand.

The Night Curse Spirit Blade appeared in his palm, and between Enzo's swings of the blade, the power of death seemed to turn into ripples, spreading forward.


The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, snorted coldly. Although the wizard on the opposite side was at the same level as him, he had very few means of harming him.

The power of death is one of them.

"It's just a desperate struggle!"

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, shook his head. In his opinion, Enzo had no chance to escape from his grasp at this moment.

All of today's actions are just delaying time.

As long as the opponent's magic power is exhausted, everything will develop according to his plan.

"This opportunity!"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flickered, and strong ambition arose in his heart, and he said faintly: "No matter what, I will never give up."

I have been trapped in the star realm for too long.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, never thought about the chance to leave. However, the shackles imposed on him by the gods gave the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, no chance.

In order to fight for a chance of survival, the Eclipse God Terra Hogle has been planning for too long.

This time, he not only has to leave the star realm, but also transforms towards a higher level of life.

"Seventh level!"

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, has a determined look. He has been pursuing this goal since ancient times, but he has never succeeded.

But now, the opportunity is right in front of us.

First of all, the three abyss demon lords are already in the possession of the God of Eclipse, Terrahoger. By devouring their power, Terrahoger will surely grow stronger.

Secondly, there is Anubis, the god of death in the desert, and Enzo, the wizard.

Compared to the three demons of the abyss, these two sixth-level powerhouses are the real deal.

Especially Anubis, the desert god of death.

Even in the years of ancient times, Anubis, the desert god of death, was a powerful man on the same level as Terrahogg, the god of eclipse.

If it can be swallowed, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, will have the opportunity to understand the power of the power of death and step into the seventh level.

Although the success rate is not high, it is enough for the Eclipse God Terra Hogle to work hard for it.

"And, this wizard!"

A ferocious luster flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, and the black sun behind him burst out with even more blazing light.

Not far away, Enzo frowned slightly.

Judging from the current situation, it seems impossible for him to defeat Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse.

Therefore, running away is the only option.

If Anubis, the god of desert death, is given up, Enzo is 100% sure of escaping from the hands of Terra Hogle, the god of eclipse.

However, Enzo was not content with this.

Thinking of the improvement that swallowing Anubis, the desert god of death, would bring to him, Enzo took a deep breath, and a determined light flashed in his eyes.

"That's it anyway, let's give it a try!"

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, and the Soul Bone Wand in his hand turned into a black skeleton, whizzing straight towards the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel.

Above the sky, the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, looked calm.

Facing the attacking black skull, he just waved his hand casually, and darkness surged away, swallowing up the Soul Bone Wand.

The soul bone wand, swallowed by darkness, lost contact like a mud cow drowning in the sea.

Enzo's expression darkened.

"Splitting Blade Sky Chong!"

The next moment, Enzo let out a low shout and swung the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand suddenly, and the power of death burst out as if it turned into a storm.

In the distance, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle.

Facing Enzo, who controlled the power of death, he did not dare to be careless at all, otherwise it would be ridiculous if the boat capsized in the gutter.

"Consume his magic power first. This wizard won't have a chance to escape from the Eclipse Realm anyway!"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flickered slightly as he thought about how to deal with Enzo. As long as he was in the eclipse realm, he was invincible.

Even if Enzo controls the power of death, he cannot harm himself.


Enzo waved the Night Curse Spirit Blade in his hand, and the power of death spread out like ripples, tearing apart the surrounding Eclipse Domain like a blade.

But the next moment, the dark space quickly returned to its original state.

A thoughtful look flashed in Enzo's eyes.

He stood in the air and looked at the black sun behind Terra Hogel, the God of Eclipse, knowing in his heart that it was the source of the eclipse field.

At the same time, he is also the greatest supporter of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle.

If he couldn't penetrate that eclipse sun, it would be impossible for Enzo to defeat Terra Hogle, the god of eclipse, or escape from the Black Sun Realm.

Thinking of this, Enzo's eyes flashed.

The next moment, he slowly raised his hand and merged the power of shadow and death, plus the power of the forest world, the ghost wood world, and the war ghost world, into a black spear.

"Spear of Shadow Destruction!"

Enzo took a deep breath, poured one-tenth of his magic power into the spear, and then threw it towards the black sun.

Above the sky, the eyes of the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel shrank.

As if sensing the threat posed to him by the Spear of Shadow Destruction, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel raised his hands, and the surging black flames seemed to turn into a wave of waves.

However, the next moment.


In just a moment, the black fire wave was penetrated by the Shadow Destruction Spear.

Above the sky, the expression of Terra Hogle, the God of Eclipse, changed.

The power contained in the Spear of Shadow Destruction seems to be enough to penetrate the Eclipse behind him. If the Eclipse is penetrated, it will definitely be a serious trauma to Terra Hogle.

"Death madness?"

Looking at Enzo below, a sneer flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel, and he said faintly, "I'm sorry, I won't let you get what you want!"

While speaking, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel suddenly stretched out his hand.

"The World-Destroying Devil's Palm!"

As the Eclipse God Terra Hogel let out a low roar, the fire-like power instantly condensed into a huge palm and grabbed the incoming spear.

In order to condense this world-destroying demonic palm, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle has mobilized more than half of his power.

So much so that the black sun in the sky, which represented Terra Hogle, the god of eclipse, trembled.

The next moment, the Demon Palm of World Destruction and the Spear of Shadow Destruction collided with each other. The confrontation between the two powerful forces burst out with terrifying fluctuations.

In an instant, the world around him was distorted.

Countless cracks slowly emerged, but then quickly healed, and the interlacing of energies formed a unique scene.

Enzo groaned and stepped back slightly.

At the same time, in the sky, a trace of paleness appeared on the face of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, who had obviously consumed a lot of power.

"I won!"

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, was condescending, with a trace of mockery in his eyes.

Although the world-destroying devil's palm just consumed a lot of his strength, it still successfully blocked Enzo's most powerful killing move.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, was very sure that in a short period of time, the wizard on the opposite side would never be able to use the offensive just now.

In other words, Enzo no longer has the ability to resist himself.

After all, he won this battle.

"That's not necessarily the case."

On the spot, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Enzo's mouth, but there was a playful glint in his eyes.

The next moment, Enzo yelled.

"It's now!"

As Enzo's voice fell, the space above the sky was torn apart, and a figure covered in brilliant light rushed out, rushing towards the black sun in the sky like a rainbow.


In just an instant, a rainbow-like figure penetrated the black sun, and the expression of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, suddenly changed.

"Damn, how is that possible?"

Looking at the figure appearing in the sky, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, as the sudden strong man broke the balance of the battlefield.

"Haha! After waiting for so long, it's finally my turn to take action!"

Obelisk laughed twice.

As he struck with all his strength, the black sun in the sky had been pierced, and the expression on the face of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, was extremely ugly.

In place, the corners of Enzo's lips were slightly raised.

The Wizard of Obelisk, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, was his hidden trump card. He appeared at the critical moment just now and affected the situation of the battle.

"Everyone must die!!"

Above the sky, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle roared.

Even though the Black Sun, which represents authority, was pierced by the Obelisk wizard, he still had the power to fight, and he was as crazy as ever at this moment.

Then the world around him burned.

Black flames spread around, as if they were going to burn everything in the world.

Enzo and Obelisk looked at each other and turned around to run away without hesitation.

Facing the furious God of Eclipse Terra Hogle, no matter whether they can defeat each other, it is an extremely unwise choice.

After all, being in the star realm, the Eclipse God Terra Hogel is not their biggest enemy. The gods headed by the Sun God Apollo are the real threat.

Therefore, fighting to the death with Anubis, the god of death in the desert, is not a wise choice.


Two cracks were torn open in the sky. Enzo and Obelisk easily broke through the eclipse realm, but the Eclipse God Terra Hogel could only be angry and helpless.

Looking at the disappearing figures of Enzo and Obelisk, the God of Eclipse Terra Hogel looked gloomy.

But it only took a moment for him to regain his senses.

The black sun symbolizing authority behind him was pierced, which meant that the power of the Eclipse God Terra Hogle was seriously damaged.

Even if he wanted to intercept the two wizards, he would probably be powerless.

Moreover, if we take action forcefully and delay for too long, it is likely to attract the attention of the sun god Apollo and other gods.


The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, flickered and he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Then, his thoughts changed.

Even if it is a fact that the two wizards escaped from their pursuit range, there is no point in continuing to struggle. Next, the most important thing for the Eclipse God Terra Hogle to do is to restore his strength.

At the same time, devour the three abyss demons.

Although in the plan of the Eclipse God Terra Hogle, the being that he most wants to devour is undoubtedly the Desert Death God Anubis.

But now that the big fish has escaped, the three small shrimps can be regarded as masturbating.

The God of Eclipse, Terra Hogel, was thinking about it when he suddenly felt something. He raised his head suddenly and looked into the distance.

"time to go!"

The eyes of the God of Eclipse, Terra Hogle, flickered, and a huge black hole appeared behind him, and then disappeared from the place without hesitation.

Not long after, a blazing light appeared in the sky.


The golden sun carriage roared over, and the sun god Apollo appeared in this area. Looking at the battlefield that had turned into a thousand messes, a gloomy look appeared on his face.

"Is it still too late?"

The sun god Apollo murmured to himself, feeling the power of death spreading around him, and immediately understood that Anubis, the desert god of death, was probably seriously injured.

And the initiator is either a wizard or someone from the abyss.

"I hope it's not too late!"

Apollo, the sun god, raised his head and looked around, searching for the aura of Anubis, the desert god of death.

However, after a period of searching, Apollo, the sun god, found nothing.

As time goes by, the auras of both the abyss demon and the wizard gradually disappear.

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