"Even if these two guys are put together, they may not be a match for Anubis, the God of Death in the Desert, right?"

In the shadows, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind. The desert god of death, Anubis, was much more powerful than the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King and the Fear Demon King.

If these two abyssal creatures were in their prime, they might still be able to fight.

But now, they have been trapped in the star realm for too long, and even the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King Solonis is no longer in peak condition.

Therefore, even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to defeat Anubis, the god of death in the desert.

In fact, the chance of hurting the opponent is not high.

"Do you want to take action now?"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Enzo's face. If he took action now and joined forces with the two abyss demons, there might be a chance.

But if he did that, Enzo's idea of ​​reaping the benefits would be in vain. ,

Even the two abyss lords, after seeing Enzo, will choose to backstab, resulting in a three-party melee situation.

After pondering for a moment, Enzo shook his head.

It is not in Enzo's interest to take action now. Even if everything develops in the best direction, it may not make sense.

Thinking of this, Enzo decided to continue hibernating.

As for the outside world, after the desert god of death, Anubis, erupted, all the surrounding soldiers had been completely cleaned up.

The current situation is that Anubis, the desert god of death, leads a group of gods to fight against two demon lords.

"Blood God Guard!"

On the spot, Desert Death God Anubis spoke softly, and dozens of Blood God Guards behind him suddenly stood beside him like the most loyal warriors.

"Leave it to me, Solonis."

Desert Death God Anubis said coldly: "As for Nomaroth, I leave it to you!"

As he spoke, Anubis, the desert god of death, raised the black war hammer in his hand again and charged towards the already very weak Thoronis.

At the same time, dozens of Blood God Guards also besieged the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

"Let's go too!"

At the rear, the ancient gods of the Death God System also followed the Blood God Guards. With their strength, it might be very difficult for them to face the Dread Demon King Norma Ross in his heyday, but now, Norma Ross was in an extremely weak state.

With their numerical advantage, the ancient gods had nothing to fear.

In the shadows, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

If we judge based on the current situation, even if Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King, joins forces with the Dread Demon King Nomaros, he may not have much chance of winning.

Can I really reap the benefits if I continue to stay here?

Looking at the desert god of death who beat up the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King Thoronis, a gloomy look flashed in Enzo's eyes. Even if the opponent's strength is not as strong as the sun god Apollo, I'm afraid he won't give in too much.

"Damn it!"

Suppressed to the extreme by Anubis, the god of death in the desert, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King, finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a scream.

"Modro, why don't you take action!?"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat when he heard Solonis' words.

"Is there any backup plan?"

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, but he saw a roaring sound coming from the distance, and saw a giant slowly emerging.

The opponent's whole body was covered in black armor, holding a huge mace, with skull pendants hanging on his chest. His face was like a burning green flame. Even just standing there, he exuded a cold and terrifying look. breath.

Eternal Night Demon Armor, Modelo!

The same sixth-level life form in the abyss world, Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero, is a special existence. He is not a demon, nor does he belong to any race.

According to legend, the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero was originally just an armor.

The Eternal Night Demon, one of the Abyss Demons, wore it for a long time to fight in all directions. Later, his own power gradually merged with the armor, making it impossible to take it off.

In order to advance to the seventh level, the Evernight Demon is determined to transform his life level.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to pay a heavy price to take off the Eternal Night Demon Armor, but part of his power remained on the armor. In the end, the armor gained self-awareness and did not name himself Eternal Night Demon. Armor Modero.

In ancient times, the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero invaded the world of gods together with the abyss demon army.

But in the end, in this war, he was defeated by the Death God King. The Death God King originally planned to take this armor for his own use, but for some unknown reason, he did not do so in the end, and instead handed it to the Earth Mother Goddess for sealing. stand up.

Since then, Modero, the Eternal Night Demon Armor, has been trapped in the star realm.

"Very well, come on, everyone!"

After Anubis, the god of death in the desert, saw the appearance of the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero, his expression did not change much. Instead, a trace of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

The Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King Thoronis and the Dread Demon King Normaroth are not powerful opponents in his eyes.

The same is true for the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero.

"Sure enough, there is a backup plan!"

In the shadows, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he began to think in his mind. It seemed that the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero was the final back-up man of the Dread Lord Nomaros.

The opponent originally planned to arrange the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero at the end, and then appear at the critical moment to backstab the desert god of death Anubis.

Judging from the current situation, it seems not feasible.

If the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero does not appear again, he and the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King Thoronis will both die at the hands of Anubis, the desert god of death.


After the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero appeared like a huge armor, the ground trembled and a strong momentum spread.

The desert god of death, Anubis, was expressionless, with a dark luster flashing in his eyes.

Compared to the Fear Demon King Nomaros and the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King Thoronis, the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero seems to be more powerful.

But this is also normal.

After all, the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero was once the battle armor of the Eternal Night Demon. Even if it only possesses a trace of the power of the Eternal Night Demon now, it is enough to give him power beyond imagination.

"Come on! Death!"

The voice of Eternal Night Demon Armor Modro was cold, as if there was no trace of warmth. After appearing, he headed straight for Anubis, the god of death in the desert.


The huge mace slammed down, and Anubis, the desert god of death, was not to be outdone, and counterattacked with the war hammer with a wave of his hand.

A violent roar suddenly sounded.

The confrontation between the two giants caused the earth to tremble continuously, and the fear devil Nomaros felt his scalp numb when he saw such a scene.

The desert god of death, Anubis, is actually so powerful.

If it hadn't been for the arrangement of the Eternal Night Demon Armor Modero in advance, I would have been no match for Solonis, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King, on his own.

Even so, in a three-on-one situation, the Dread Lord's chances of winning are still not high.


The fear lord Nomaros roared angrily, exploding like a black mist, and the breath from the abyss was like a burning flame.

In an instant, black mist swallowed everything around.

The ancient gods of the death system retreated towards the rear. No matter how weak the fear devil Nomaros was, they could not easily kill him.

As the ancient gods retreated, the Blood God Guards rushed towards Nomaroth.

These weapons that exist for war have almost no fear. For them, executing orders is the only pursuit in life.

Dozens of Blood God Guards besieged the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

If it were the Dread Lord Nomaros in his heyday, he would naturally not be under much pressure when faced with the attack of this group of Blood God Guards.

But now, the fear lord Normar Ross is almost extremely weak.

Therefore, looking at the attacking Blood God Guards, the Dread Lord Nomaros, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he released black chains with his hands.

On those black chains, there are twisted souls wrapped around them.

The fear lord Nomaros had no expression on his face, but he made a hoarse voice, and the invisible aura of the abyss seemed to envelope the surrounding world.

As the Dreadlord of the Abyss, Nomaroth's authority lies primarily in fear.

He can arouse fear in people's hearts, thereby weakening the enemy's combat effectiveness. However, when facing this group of Blood God Guards, the power of fear has lost its effect.

It is for this reason that Anubis, the Desert God of Death, arranged for the Blood God Guard to besiege the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the Blood God Guards around him were indifferent, a cold expression appeared on the face of the Dread Lord Nomaros.

Then he opened his arms.

"Fire of Fear!"

The next moment, the fear lord Nomaros made a hoarse voice, and a group of green flames burned around him, as if turning into layers of ocean waves.

The Blood God Guards were burned by the flames, and their bodies began to twist uncontrollably.

The fear coming from the abyss can not only arouse people's emotions, but its destructive power is also enough to burn most things in the world.

"Norma Rose, let me help you!"

When Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King Thoronis saw this scene, his vertical pupils flashed with luster. Compared to the powerful Desert God of Death, Anubis, it seemed to be much easier to deal with those Blood God Guards.

Immediately, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King, was about to attack the Blood God Guards.


But at this time, Anubis, the desert god of death, let out a cold snort, and swung his war hammer and hit the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King hard.

With this blow, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King's expression suddenly changed.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the surge of death power, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King, felt a throb in his heart, and his huge body seemed to have been almost knocked away.

Immediately afterwards, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King saw the cold eyes of the Desert God of Death staring at him.

Thoronis has no doubt that if he dares to make any changes again, Anubis, the Desert God of Death, will deal with him as soon as possible even if he bears the risk of injury.

Thinking of this, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King, felt a sense of fear in his heart.

At the same time, the flames released by the fear devil Nomaros had swallowed up a blood god guard. Although it did not burn them all to ashes, it also caused horrific damage.

"As expected, is it still too much?"

In the shadows, Enzo sighed in his heart. Although the Blood God Guard was powerful, it was only a killing weapon at the fifth-level life form level after all.

Even with a large number, it is difficult to deal with an existence of the level of the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

The two sides clashed. Although the Dread Lord Nomaroth could not easily kill the Blood God Guard, it was even more difficult for the Blood God Guard to kill the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

There was a flash of thought in Enzo's eyes.

Even without this group of Blood God Guards, with the strength of Desert Death God Anubis, facing three abyss strongmen at the same time, I am afraid he would not have fallen to the bottom.

After all, being in the star realm, Anubis, the desert god of death, has the home field advantage.

"Kill one first and then talk!"

On the spot, Anubis, the desert god of death, looked around and quickly came up with a plan in his mind. While the fear demon Lord Nomaros was being entangled by the Blood God Guards, he now had to kill an abyss strongman as soon as possible before he could kill him. The situation is completely under control.

Immediately, Anubis, the desert god of death, no longer hesitated.

The strength of his whole body exploded, and the huge war hammer in his hand was raised, but he did not attack in the direction of the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model.


Anubis, the Desert God of Death, roared and charged straight towards Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King.


The huge dark war hammer swung away like a terrifying meteor, and Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King Thoronis felt terrified in his heart.

He did not expect that Anubis, the desert god of death, who was originally fighting against the Eternal Night Demon Armor Model, would suddenly come towards him.

In the crisis, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King, quickly transformed into thousands of little snakes to escape.

However, the next moment, the huge war hammer in the hand of Anubis, the desert god of death, slammed towards the ground.

In an instant, the power of death exploded.

The terrifying aura killed everything around it. Wherever it went, the little snakes carrying the power of the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King Thoronis turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Thousand-eyed Demon Prison!"

At the critical moment, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King let out a scream, and saw eyes emerging one after another in the sky.

Relying on the power of his trump card, Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King, successfully escaped the deadly offensive of Anubis, the God of Death in the Desert.

However, it was only for a moment.

Anubis, the desert god of death, came after him again. This god with the power of death seemed to have made up his mind to kill the Thousand-Eyed Demon Snake King Thoronis first.

"Damn, damn it!"

Thoronis, the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King, was in shock. Seeing the desert god of death attacking again, he quickly wanted to escape to his own territory.

"Come down!"

However, before he could escape, Anubis, the Desert God of Death, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the Thousand-Eyed Demonic Snake King's tail.

Above the sky, those pairs of eyes stared at Anubis, the desert god of death.

In an instant, countless dark rays of light shot out, as if in an instant, thousands of black rays of light, hitting Anubis, the desert god of death.

But Anubis, the Desert God of Death, ignored this level of attack.

He allowed himself to bear the attack of Thousand Eyes, holding the Thousand Eyes Demonic Snake King's tail with one hand, while slowly raising the black war hammer with the other hand.

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