Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1149 Hell Lake

"Let's go separately!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, then turned into a shadow and disappeared directly. Obelisk next to him nodded when he saw this.

The next moment, Obelisk turned into a ball of water and disappeared.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

A coldness flashed in the eyes of Apollo, the sun god. Since he spent so much energy to lead the two wizards to the star gate, he was naturally unwilling to give up easily.

Immediately, the sun god Apollo waved the golden spear in his hand.

Like the scorching sun that never falls, dazzling golden light bursts out in all directions, and Enzo and Obelisk speed up.

A trace of ferocity flashed in the eyes of Apollo, the sun god.

He raised the golden spear in his hand, as if he was going to throw it out at the next moment, but at this moment, the shadow in the sky was getting closer and closer.

The chaotic beast and the Source Realm are already close at hand.

"Damn it!"

A trace of gloom flashed in the eyes of Apollo, the sun god, and he gritted his teeth. Finally, he gave up on the two wizards and pointed the spear in his hand at the chaotic beast.

Compared to the two wizards, the Chaos Beast is the real threat.

If Apollo, the sun god, does not repel it, then the entire star realm may be swallowed by the chaotic beast. That will be the real doomsday crisis.

The appearance of the chaos beast broke the plan of Apollo, the sun god.

Therefore, in order to protect this world, he could only watch Enzo and Obelisk escape.

"Get out of my world, monster!"

The sun god Apollo roared angrily and waved the golden spear in his hand. The dazzling light burst out at this moment and hit the body of the chaos beast.

Suddenly, the chaos beast let out a mournful cry.

Just like the previous three epochs, the chaotic beast felt the burning pain of the sun and turned away unwillingly, and the darkness and shadow gradually disappeared.

Once again, he protected the star realm, but Apollo, the sun god, had a gloomy face.

"How abominable!"

Apollo, the sun god, turned around and looked at the direction where Enzo and Obelisk were escaping, with a unwillingness in his eyes.

This time, he did not hesitate to use the star world as bait just to deal with the two wizards.

Today's star world is already suffering from internal and external troubles. If those wizards are not dealt with, the sun god Apollo cannot even delay until Drogo, the god of war, pulls out the anchor of the star world.

But now, he failed.

Perhaps due to the blessing of fate, Enzo and Obelisk were obviously forced into a desperate situation, but at this time, the chaos beast appeared in time, allowing them to escape.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on the face of Apollo, the sun god.

His plan has failed, and he can only place his hope on Anubis, the desert god of death. If he can lead the gods to crush the plan of the fear devil Nomaros, everything will be acceptable.

The worst they can do is wait until Anubis, the god of death in the desert, returns, and then find a way to deal with the two wizards.

Thinking of this, Apollo, the sun god, regained his composure, and then with a thought, the sun disks floating around him gathered together and turned into a sun carriage.

Then, the sun god Apollo drove the sun chariot away from the place.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

After escaping from the land filled with yellow sand, Enzo came to a forest, surrounded by a hint of silence and filled with gray-white mist.


Enzo let out a sigh of relief and escaped from the hands of the sun god Apollo. It was not an easy task for him.

In place, a trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes.

He pondered for a moment, wanting to get in touch with Obelisk, but then he shook his head. He had just escaped from the pursuit of Apollo, the sun god. If he contacted Obelisk now, he would probably be targeted by the sun god again. superior.

After all, the world Enzo lives in is the Source World.

Even though the Ancient God's ability to control the Source World is no longer as good as three eras ago, when the Mother Goddess of Earth first opened up this world, no matter what, the Sun God Apollo is still the ruler of this world and possesses supreme divine power. .

"Let's recover first."

Enzo pondered for a moment and decided to let his condition recover first, and not to think about what happened next.

Immediately, Enzo sat cross-legged on the ground.

The confrontation with the sun god Apollo did not cause him to suffer too much damage, but he only lost a lot of magic power, and his current state is a bit weak.

And if he wants to restore his magic power, Enzo will need some time.

"Cocoon of Shadows!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and shadow threads were released from his body, covering his whole body like a cocoon.

Using such means, he could prevent all prying eyes.

Otherwise, if the sun god Apollo catches up again, then even if Enzo can escape, he may have to pay a price.

Compared to Enzo, Obelisk's condition is even worse.

Relying on the chaos beast, after escaping from the pursuit of the sun god Apollo, Obelisk came to a plain.

In the distance, there is a huge lake.

The blue sky was like a piece of pure glass, with not a single white cloud visible. Obelisk looked at the lake in the distance, with a glimmer of luster in his eyes.

In order to avoid the sun god Apollo, the power in his body was almost exhausted.

What's more, Obelisk is different from Enzo. He is a guardian wizard. He is suppressed by rules at all times in the star realm, just like a human being living in water for a long time. If he is not careful, he will have difficulty breathing. .

"Let's recover first."

Like Enzo, the pale Obelisk immediately planned to regain his strength after being temporarily safe.

Otherwise, even if he is promoted to a sixth-level wizard, in his current state, he may not be able to escape death if he encounters the Sun God Apollo again.

Thinking of the terrifying power of the sun god Apollo, a trace of solemnity flashed in Obelisk's eyes.


Immediately, Obelisk waved his hand, and the lake in front of him automatically separated, and the water flowed to both sides, creating a channel large enough for one person to move forward.

Obelisk did not hesitate and walked straight forward.

Soon, he entered the lake. As his mind moved, the water on both sides fell down, as if nothing happened.

As a veteran wizard from ancient times, Obelisk holds the power of too many kinds of authority.

Therefore, for him, everything is energy, whether it is fire, water flow, or even the breeze, it can help him restore his magic power.

The lake in front of you contains a lot of energy, and Obelisk will not let it go.

At the same time, in the silent forest.

Enzo, who is in the cocoon of shadows, seems to have entered a special state, and the magic power consumed in his body is constantly recovering.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

In the distance, a giant spider spun silk and fell from the tree. It seemed to have discovered Enzo and slowly crawled towards the cocoon of shadows.

The next moment, the giant spider opened its ferocious mouthparts.

Although he didn't know exactly what was in this cocoon of shadows, it was a biological instinct that made it want to devour it.

However, at this moment.

The moment the giant spider approached the cocoon of shadows, a shadow tentacle suddenly emerged from the cocoon and penetrated the giant spider's body in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, all the energy in the giant spider's body was drained out in an instant.

Enzo slowly opened his eyes. After half a month of recovery, the magic power he had lost before was saturated, and he walked out of the cocoon of shadows.


On the same spot, Enzo let out a long breath, feeling the abundant power in his body, and the look of thinking on his face in the silent forest around him.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave the order in his mind. He didn't know where he was currently, and he had no plan for the next action.

Through the scanning of the chip, Enzo learned that he was in a silent forest.

According to the map of the source world in the database, the Silent Forest is adjacent to Hell Lake, which seems to be the place where the gods sealed the fear demon Lord Nomaroth.

Enzo's eyes flickered, and a trace of thinking appeared on his face.

When he was in the Nerubian World, through the dialogue between the Nerubian Queen and the abyss demon lords, Enzo learned about the existence of the Dread Lord Nomaroth and that the other party might be preparing a conspiracy, but Enzo did not interfere. idea.

Both the gods of the star world and the demons of the abyss are enemies to Enzo.

Even the God of Eclipse Terra Hogle whom he met in the Land of Nothingness, in Enzo's eyes, was just a character seeking skin from a tiger.

In today's star world, only Obelisk, who is also a wizard, can gain some trust from Enzo, but of course it is not 100%.

"Maybe we can go and take a look!"

Enzo's eyes flickered. Now that his condition has recovered, he doesn't have many clear plans for his next actions.

Going to Hell Lake may allow Enzo to get close to the Dreadlord.

And if the fear lord Nomaros really prepared a conspiracy and planned to go to war with the gods of the star world, this would be a good thing for Enzo.

After all, if the situation is chaotic, Enzo can take advantage of this opportunity to make a profit.

Even if the two sides start a war, Enzo will have the opportunity to reap the benefits and become the final winner.

Thinking of this, Enzo immediately turned into a shadow and disappeared.

It didn't take him much time to reach the plain near Hell Lake, but unlike the picture he imagined, the place was already in a mess.


Enzo's eyes flashed, hiding himself in the shadows, looking forward, only to see that Hell Lake had long been reduced to a battlefield.

According to the information in the chip, Hell Lake is the sealed place of the Dread Lord Nomaroth.

If nothing else happened, this place should have been calm, just like an ordinary lake. But now, a large number of demons emerged from the lake, and around the lake, countless knights of the Samurai launched a round of Round charge.

In the shadows, Enzo's heart palpitated.

He also did not expect that the situation would develop to this extent. The fear lord Nomaros had summoned a large number of demon lords to prepare for a war to break the seal.

However, the gods of the source world seemed to have expected this.

The ancient gods around them were like killing weapons, constantly killing the demons emerging from the Hell Lake.

Above the sky, a kobold-like god in black armor looked down.

He felt a strong aura from that god's body. It was most likely Anubis, the desert god of death.

This powerful man of the death god system exudes a strong aura of death.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he was thoughtful. It seemed that the gods in the source world also felt the crisis in this world, so they started various arrangements.

Apollo, the sun god, set a trap around the star gate in order to deal with the two wizards.

As for Anubis, the desert god of death, he came to Hell Lake more directly and led the gods to suppress the fear devil Nomaros.

At this moment, the fear lord Normar Ross is still sealed in the Hell Lake.

At least in the short term, it will be difficult for the opponent to escape, and they can only continue to send demons to fight against the gods to consume their power.

However, under such circumstances, the situation on the devil's side will only become more and more dangerous.


As a roar came from the ground, the toad-like giant swallowing demon roared, opened its mouth and swallowed tens of thousands of knights of the Samurai God.

"Devil, you are seeking death!"

In the distance, an ancient god of death was furious when he saw this. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a terrifying black sickle and headed straight towards the giant swallowing demon.

But then, a ball of flame roared out.

That was Lord Balor's attack. When the Ancient God of Death saw this, he decisively waved his sickle to counterattack, even though he was one-on-one, he still did not lose.

Around Hell Lake, the battle has become very chaotic.

But the fearful demon king Nomaroth has not yet broken through the seal and cannot give much support to the demon side. As for the desert god of death Anubis, he also did not take action.

"What are you waiting for?"

A trace of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes. Desert Death God Anubis, as a powerful sixth-order ancient god, is one of the top existences among the gods in the entire star world.

When the fear lord Nomaroth didn't break the seal, he was fully capable of wiping out all the demon lords around him.

However, Anubis, the god of desert death, did not do that.

He seemed to be waiting for something, with a calm expression on his face, holding a black war hammer, standing in the sky like a statue.

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts.

The reason why Anubis, the desert god of death, did not expend his strength to deal with these ordinary demon lords was obviously to preserve his strength.

I just don’t know who he wants to deal with.

Enzo has no idea whether it is the fear lord Normar Ross who is about to break the seal, or other abyss strongmen who may appear.

"No matter what, just wait and see what happens!"

A slight smile appeared on Enzo's face. Compared to the Sun God Apollo, the Desert Death God Anubis's strength did not seem to be that terrifying.

Therefore, the other party did not find himself hiding in the shadows.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for Enzo. He can reap the benefits as long as the ancient gods and demons are almost fighting each other.

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