Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1138 The God of Winter

"Finally, it worked!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered, looking at the devastated world of God's Tomb, but he could not suppress the joy in his heart.

The power of forty worlds has been mastered by him.

From a life perspective, Enzo is now in the sixth-level endless wizard realm, but this state is not particularly stable.

Level six!

In the multiverse, the realm that countless civilizations dream of is the most powerful existence except for the top seventh-level life forms.

After thousands of years, Enzo has finally reached this point.


Enzo took a deep breath, suppressed his throbbing emotions, and with a flash of thought in his mind, he gathered all the information from the forty worlds under his command with the help of the chip.

The fusion of the power of the Heart of the World made Enzo feel unprecedented power.

After a while, Enzo calmed down.

He did not immediately leave the dilapidated world of God's Tomb, but settled on the spot, looking towards the sky, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The fluctuations caused by advancing to the sixth level cannot be completely concealed.

Therefore, the changes in the world of the Tomb of Gods must have been known to the gods of the source world. Neither the sun god Apollo nor the desert god of death Anubis can be indifferent to this.

Above the sky, blood-red light floats.

The already precarious world of God's Tomb seemed to be torn apart. In the endless void, red figures like giants emerged one after another.

"come yet?"

Enzo's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Although at this moment, he had just been promoted to the sixth level and his condition was not very stable, he was not afraid at all when facing the threat from the source world.

After being promoted to the sixth level of endless wizard realm, Enzo felt great confidence in his heart.

He even felt that as long as his condition stabilized, no one in the entire multiverse might be able to kill him easily.

Including those high-ranking rulers.

"Very good, just in time to test my strength!"

A trace of excitement flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he looked towards the sky, only to see giant-like figures appearing among the endless billowing crimson clouds.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo gave the order in his heart, and as the scanning function of the chip was turned on, the information about the blood-red figures in the sky also appeared in front of his eyes.

Blood God Guard!

Enzo's eyes flashed with thought.

According to the data obtained from the chip search, the so-called Blood God Guard is a war weapon created by the gods in ancient times to deal with the abyss demons. It is an upgraded version of the Titan Soldier and has the combat power of a fifth-level life form. .

According to rumors, if you want to refine the Blood God Guard, you must use the blood of the God King as a medium.

In other words, every Blood God Guard is made with the blood of the God King, and naturally possesses extremely terrifying combat power.

"What a generous act!"

Looking at the ten Blood God Guards appearing in the sky, a slight smile appeared on Enzo's face. He never expected that the Sun God Apollo would dispatch so many Blood God Guards in order to deal with him.

And, that's not all.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the sky. Behind the Blood God Guard, there seemed to be a powerful ancient god controlling him.

"No matter what, let's deal with you first!"

With a thought in his mind, Enzo waved his hand, and the earth was torn apart, and an extremely huge tree rose quickly like a tower.


Amidst the deafening roar, the giant tree seemed to tear the world apart. Like a shadow, Enzo followed the trunk of the giant tree to the sky.

In the distance, ten Blood God Guards attacked simultaneously.

The crimson mist transformed into thousands of troops and rushed toward Enzo. The terrifying offensive seemed to destroy the world.

In mid-air, Enzo remained unmoved.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, a burning light flashed in his eyes, and the extremely hot flame surged away in an instant.

Although he was promoted to the sixth level of endless wizard, Enzo's fighting state still retained the habits of the past.

Using the Heart of the World to fight is the simplest and most effective way, and different Hearts of the World behave in completely different ways.

Flames like ocean waves surged toward the Blood God Guards.

In just an instant, all ten Blood God Guards were swallowed up by the flames. However, the Blood God Guards were not affected at all by the endless fire.

Enzo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"A blessing from the Mother Earth?"

Afterwards, Enzo stroked his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face. The Blood God Guard was made from the blood of the God King, so naturally it was not so easy to be destroyed.

Every Blood God Guard has been blessed by the God King when refining it.

Therefore, even Enzo's attack could not easily destroy it. Instead, the lines on the chests of the Blood God Guards flickered, absorbing all Enzo's attacks.

The next moment, a Blood God Guard raised his hand.

But he saw the blazing flame in his hand, as if it had turned into a sword, waving it straight in Enzo's direction.


A slight smile flashed in Enzo's eyes. The abilities of these Blood God Guards made him feel a little interested. With a thought, a wall of fire appeared in front of him.

The impact between the blazing flames quickly offset each other.

The next moment, ten Blood God Guards attacked Enzo at the same time. The crimson energy seemed to be able to destroy all defenses in the world.

"Shadow Incarnate!"

Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, and immediately turned into a shadow and disappeared directly on the spot. The attacks of the ten Blood God Guards failed at the same time.

"Is it here?"

Suddenly, Enzo's figure like black mist emerged in mid-air.

"Damn it!"

The ancient god hiding in the dark suddenly changed his face when he saw Enzo coming out of the blue, and he quickly waved his arms to form a layer of ice crystal defense around him.

Enzo's eyes flashed, and a bolt of thunder struck out with his hand.


The ear-splitting roar sounded in vain, but the ice crystals exploded instantly, and the face of the ancient god hiding inside became as gloomy as water.

In mid-air, Enzo looked around.

It was an ancient god with a chill all over his body. He was wearing a particularly ancient armor, carrying a sea-blue spear behind his back, and a long sword hanging on his waist. He looked like a knight from the ancient times. If it weren't for the weird look in his eyes, It's so shiny that it almost feels like it's a statue.

"A fifth-level life form?"

Enzo looked at the ancient god in the distance. The aura exuding from the other person seemed to be that of a fifth-level life form.

However, the fluctuations of this ancient god are much stronger than those of ordinary fifth-level life forms.

In other words, this is an ancient god who is about to reach the sixth level. His strength cannot be underestimated, and he must not even give in to Enzo.

After all, Enzo has just been promoted to the sixth level.

Even, in a strict sense, he is not a complete sixth-level life form. Although the forty world hearts under his command are integrated, they are like pieces of a puzzle.

This is something Enzo had expected.

In his original state, if he wanted to become a true sixth-level life form, he would need at least fifty world hearts to complete it.

But Enzo is still some distance away from that goal.

Just forty World Hearts allowed Enzo to successfully break through, but there were certain flaws that could only be filled by continuing to capture World Hearts in the future.

"Give up your resistance, heretic!"

In the distance, the ancient god, who was exuding chills all over his body, said in a deep voice, "This is the world of gods. No matter how powerful the wizard is, he can't even think of making waves."

"The same goes for Obelisk, and the same goes for you!"

Hearing the ancient god's words, Enzo's heart moved.


Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The wizard who entered the Source Realm with him at the beginning, Obelisk, was the oldest.

That was a figure from the same period as Osikas, the ancestor of wizards.

Although it is only a fifth-level life form, it is definitely not something to be underestimated. It may be just a hair away from reaching the sixth level.

It is precisely for this reason that Obelisk chooses to step into the star realm.

He has been promoted to the fifth level Holy Soul Wizard and has spent endless years, but he has never been able to get a chance to break through.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope now, Obelisk will never give up.

However, Enzo and Obelisk entered the star realm in the same batch at the beginning, but just as they entered here, several wizards were separated due to an accident.

Now it seems that Obelisk has entered the source world.

"Who are you?"

In mid-air, Enzo raised his head, looked at the cold ancient god, and said in a deep voice, "I don't have time to waste energy with an unknown little character like you."

"Small role?"

Perhaps feeling the insult in Enzo's words, a piercing coldness flashed across the ancient god's eyes, and he faintly said, "My name is Novi, the God of Winter!"

"Remember this name and never forget it!"

After hearing the words of Novi, the God of Winter, a thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face.

"God of Winter?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, he seemed to have said the wrong thing, the ancient god opposite was not an unknown person.

In ancient times, there was no concept of four seasons throughout the year.

Human beings living in the world of gods only know about dawn and dusk, but they have no understanding of changes in the environment and weather.

The ancestors did not know the four seasons, nor did they know what the years were.

Later, as the world gradually developed, the concept of four seasons gradually emerged, and the four gods born with it were also called the gods of the four seasons.

These four gods are the God of Spring, the God of Summer, the God of Autumn Leaves, and the God of Winter.

In a sense, these four gods belong to a very special concept of gods that cannot be understood in normal ways, but their power cannot be denied.

In the ancient battle between gods and demons, the God of Four Seasons did not make much contribution.

Because he is a special god, the Four Seasons God does not have very strong fighting power and can only rely on his authority to influence the demon army.

"Ha! God of Winter!"

Enzo chuckled and shook his head. Although he already knew the name of the God of Winter, he did not take him seriously.

After all, no matter how powerful the God of Winter is, he is only a fifth-level life form.

As long as it doesn't go beyond the sixth level, it's not an insurmountable existence for Enzo.

"Thunder Dance!"

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head, and then softly uttered syllables in his mouth. There was no doubt that he would talk nonsense. He should deal with the other party first.


Thunders flashed across the sky, and a light like a white dragon was seen heading straight towards the God of Winter in the distance.

On the opposite side, the expression of Novi, the God of Winter, changed.

Although it was not clear what kind of strength the wizard in front of him had, the aura exuding from him already made the God of Winter feel a little bad.

"What is this guy's background?"

Novi, the God of Winter, felt bitter in his heart. When he received the order from Apollo, the God of the Sun, he thought that no matter how strong the other party was, relying on the ten Blood God Guards plus himself, this mission could be easily completed.

But he didn't expect that the wizard opposite was so terrifying.

Novi, the god of winter, even felt in his heart that the enemy's momentum seemed to be comparable to that of Apollo, the sun god.

The suppression of the life level made the God of Winter throb in his heart.

However, as an ancient god, his inner pride did not allow Novi, the God of Winter, to retreat. When he saw Enzo launching an attack, he could only take a deep breath.

"Kill me!"

Novi, the God of Winter, shouted, and ten Blood God Guards behind him attacked Enzo at the same time.

As a war weapon refined with the blood of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, there is no doubt about the strength of the Blood God Guards. With ten Blood God Guards joining forces, even the Sun God Apollo must be careful to face them.

In the wars of ancient times, there were many cases where the Blood God Guards teamed up to surround and kill high-level demons.

Facing the encirclement of ten Blood God Guards, Enzo did not fight back too strongly, but turned into a shadow and disappeared directly.

The next moment, Enzo went straight to Novi, the god of winter.


The expression of Novi, the God of Winter, changed, and he immediately took off the ice spear behind him, then went straight towards Enzo and threw it suddenly.


The endless chill swept over like a storm. Enzo's face was calm, but blazing flames surged around his body.

The battle between ice and fire produced intense steam.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at the incoming ice spear. With a thought in his mind, he immediately understood that it was also a mid-grade artifact.

It has to be said that the ancient gods in the star world have some strength.

Although this God of Winter is a fifth-level life form, he already has the ability to fight against sixth-level gods. No wonder he can control ten blood gods.

"What a pity you met me!"

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face. As he waved, the Soul Bone Wand appeared, and he waved suddenly in the face of the incoming spear.


In an instant, the ice spear had been knocked away. Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and countless shadows around him struck like poisonous snakes.

Soon, countless black poisonous snakes had restrained the God of Winter.

The next moment, Enzo's eyes flickered, and the black poisonous snake turned into blazing flames, swallowing the body of the ice god Novi, causing him to scream in agony.

Even the ancient gods could not bear such pain.

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