Journey to the witch world

Chapter 1125 The Heart of the Spider Demon

"It is indeed the power of the God of Oceans and Storms!"

After Enzo absorbed the power of the two water gods, he integrated the authority in their bodies into the ice crystal world and the dark water world.

From the authority of the two water gods, Enzo felt a trace of the aura of the ocean and storm gods.

This power can be said to be very weak, just like a drop of water in the ocean, but it is a real breath.

In place, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

The river god Tora and the water snake god Tarogela are just small characters. Enzo doesn't pay attention to them at all. The only thing that really interests him is Maui, the god of the heart of the sea.

And the golden fishhook used by the opponent!

Enzo raised his head and looked not far away, only to see the golden fishhook used by the God of the Heart of the Sea being discarded there casually.

With a thought, the golden fishhook fell into Enzo's hand.

The huge golden fishhook floated in mid-air like an anchor, causing a look of thought to appear on Enzo's face.

"A product of ancient times?"

Enzo stroked his chin, and the information about the God of the Heart of the Sea came to his mind.

In ancient times, the God of the Heart of the Sea was a little-known god, but there are also stories about him in the chip database.

This was already the time after the first great flood.

The gods have become the undisputed rulers of the world, and human beings serve the gods humblely. Various gods have begun to develop their own believers, thus strengthening their own divine power. Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, has always wanted to have his own Sects and Believers.

However, the living beings in most places have been divided up by other gods.

Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, wants to snatch faith from other gods. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing. Unless a war is launched, no god is willing to give his faith to an unrelated god.

For this reason, Maui, the god of the sea, was very troubled.

He tried to educate the natives into believers like other gods, but this process was too long. In desperation, Maui, the god of the sea, decided to try his luck in the sea, and met a group of boat people.

The so-called boat people are actually a group of exiled people.

These people once belonged to various major tribes. Because they made mistakes, they were not accepted by the tribe and were expelled. They were not allowed to set foot on the mainland. They could only wander on the sea and rely on boats to live, so they were called boat people.

There are many boat people on the sea.

But these exiled people are not accepted by the gods. Very few gods will choose the boat people as their believers. The reason is very simple. These boat names have no foundation, just like driftwood floating on the waves. It could sink at any time.

Rather than wasting time on boat people, it would be better to develop some better believers.

But for the God of the Heart of the Sea, boat people are a choice. Although the quality of such believers is not high, they are much better than those barbarian and ignorant cannibals.

Immediately, Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, started his own action.

He transformed into a bird to teach the boat people, and asked everyone to go to a sea area, connecting all the boat people's boats together to form a huge space.

Since then, boat people have had a stable place to live on the sea.

But this approach soon attracted the prying eyes of a Neptune-like creature. For Neptune-like creatures, these boat people are the best food.

So, on a stormy night, Neptune-like creatures attacked the boat people's territory.

After learning about it, Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, immediately killed the Neptune-like creatures. After a fierce battle, although the Neptune-like creatures were successfully driven away, the territory of the boat people was also completely destroyed, and the believers who finally gathered suffered heavy casualties.

This incident made Maui realize that the territory formed by locked ships was not secure at all.

Later, Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, made up his mind to open up a territory for his believers. He used his own divine power to fish out a huge island from the depths of the sea on a golden fishhook.

After accomplishing this feat, the boat people became the most loyal followers of the God of the Heart of the Sea.

At the same time, these boat people's belief in the God of the Heart of the Sea has become extremely firm. Since then, the God of the Sea, Maui, has his own sect.

What makes Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, even more delighted is that his deeds of catching pirates actually attracted the attention of the God of Oceans and Storms.

Perhaps in a good mood, the god of oceans and storms gave Maui a touch of divine power.

This allowed the strength of Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, to be essentially improved, and the golden fishhook blessed by divine power also transformed into a real artifact.

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

The story of Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, is full of legend, but in the age of the ancient gods, such deeds were not rare.

However, most gods are not as lucky as the God of the Heart of the Sea.

Being blessed by the God of Oceans and Storms is an extremely honorable thing for water gods.

At the beginning, the water snake god Tagolola only received a drop of blood from the god of oceans and storms, and he transformed from an ordinary water snake into a true god.

What's more, Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, was blessed by the God of Storms.

"Sure enough, it contains the power of the God of Oceans and Storms!"

Looking at the golden fishhook floating in front of him, a smile appeared on Enzo's face. Although this was just an ordinary low-level artifact, it contained the blessing of the God of Oceans and Storms.

Therefore, this artifact is extremely precious.

With a thought in Enzo's mind, the originally huge anchor gradually began to shrink, eventually forming a pendant the size of a palm.

Hanging it on his chest, Enzo seemed to feel the power of the God of Oceans and Storms.

"That's my thing!!!"

In the distance, the frozen sea god Maui saw his own golden fishhook falling into Enzo's hands, and felt extremely angry in his heart.

But Enzo ignored the other party.

After the confrontation just now, the power that allowed Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea, to transform into a fifth-level life form has been exhausted.

Therefore, the current God of the Heart of the Sea is just an ordinary fourth-level god.

Enzo could completely kill it with a wave of his hand. The reason why he didn't do that was not only because he wanted to know about the source world, but also because of the golden fishhook.

After all, this artifact was transformed by the authority of Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea. Therefore, if Enzo wants to completely refine it into a part of himself, he may also need the help of Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea.

"Just stay with me for now."

Enzo waved his hand, and the endless shadows immediately swallowed up Maui, the God of the Heart of the Sea. He had no time to pay attention to him now.


The shadow like black mist swallowed up Maui, the god in the heart of the sea.

Later, Enzo took out the Heart of the Spider Demon. This was the biggest gain of his trip. As long as he imprinted his soul on it, the world of the Spider Demon would also be in Enzo's palm.

Immediately, Enzo no longer had any hesitation.

But he saw that with just a thought, he refined the heart of the spider demon. The whole world seemed to be boiling, and countless spider demons gathered in the direction of Enzo.

Those spider demons were all descendants of the Dark Queen Sivir.

Although Enzo had refined the Heart of the World, it seemed that these spider demons had not yet been subdued and attacked Enzo like a dense swarm of insects.


Enzo chuckled, a hint of joking appeared on his face, and immediately waved his hand, and endless shadows suddenly spread to the surroundings.

Suddenly, darkness swallowed the earth.

Countless spider demons turned into ashes. For this group of abyss demons, only death can scare them.

In just a moment, tens of thousands of spider demons turned into ashes.

Then, Enzo had another thought.

The power belonging to the spider demon's heart was activated and spread like invisible ripples, and all the spider demons seemed to be frozen in an instant.

The next moment, the spider demons all knelt down and surrendered.

Enzo, who possesses the heart of the spider demon, is the ruler of this world. No spider demon can change the rules of the world.

Even if they resist in their hearts, they have to surrender to the power of the world.

After leaving the soul mark on the heart of the world, a slight smile appeared on Enzo's face, and another world expedition came to an end.

Next, there is another thing.

In place, Enzo thought.

Using the power of the Heart of the World, Enzo had a panoramic view of the entire spider demon world, and a familiar aura gradually emerged.

Turning into a shadow, Enzo disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside a cave. The dark and damp cave was filled with the smell of decay and dense white spider silk. It looked so weird that no one dared to step into it easily.

"Is this right here?"

Looking at the cave in front of him, thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind.

Froslai was trapped here. Enzo no longer hesitated and walked straight forward. But before he could enter the cave, he saw spider demons crawling out quickly.

Enzo's face was calm and his body exuded aura.

The spider demons immediately retreated, like loyal guards, kneeling on the ground to express their submission. This is the benefit of the spider demon's heart.

No creature in the entire spider demon world can resist the power of the spider demon's heart.

That's the rule!

Enzo was like an emperor, surrounded by many spider demons, walking towards the depths of the cave, and soon saw Froslai bound into a cocoon.

Deep in the cave, a huge spider web entangled itself there.

In the gray-white cocoon, Froslai seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, with magic turning into crystal to cover it to resist attacks from the outside world.

Enzo waved his hand.

The extremely hot flames roared away, turning the cocoons in front of them into ashes, and Froslai, who was wrapped in crystals, fell down.

Perhaps feeling the aura of the same kind, Froslai's eyelids trembled slightly.

The next moment, fine cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal.


Immediately afterwards, the crystal gradually shattered, and Froslai opened his eyes. After seeing Enzo, a look of relief appeared on his pale face.

"Am I saved?" Froslai smiled bitterly.

"It seems so."

Enzo chuckled, took out a few high-level magic potions, and threw them into Froslai's hands. The other party quickly drank them and restored part of his magic power.

I have been trapped in the spider demon world for a long time.

The magic power in Froslai's body has long been exhausted, and even the original power has been used, so he barely managed to avoid being eaten by the Dark Queen Sivir.

Now, after drinking a few potions, Froslai has regained some strength.

His pale face gradually turned rosy, and Froslai let out a deep breath. After a while, he stood up from the ground.

Looking at the spider demons behind Enzo, a thoughtful look appeared on Froslai's face.

"It seems like this world is already yours?"

There was a hint of complexity on Froslai's face. Although he was a guardian wizard, he was extremely familiar with the path of the conqueror.

At first, Froslai wanted to become a conquering wizard.

But in the end, he failed to do so. Even though he had captured the forest world and was only one step away from being a conqueror wizard, he still accidentally embarked on the path of a guardian wizard.

Nowadays, I can’t help but feel a lot of emotions in my heart.

But soon, Froslai adjusted his mood and told Enzo what he had experienced after entering the star realm.

"...Just like that, I entered this world."

A trace of sigh appeared on Froslai's face, and he said faintly, "The strength of that spider demon queen is really terrifying."

"Facing an existence of that level, I have no hope at all."

Enzo nodded slightly.

Among the fifth-level life forms, the Spider Demon Queen is not weak, not to mention that there is still a level gap between Froslai and her.

Therefore, there will naturally be no suspense when the two confront each other.

"What are you going to do next?" At this time, Froslai suddenly asked.

"Continue the expedition!"

Enzo looked calm and said calmly, "Since there are so many branch worlds in the star realm, I naturally can't let them go easily."

"Although it is uncertain whether these branch worlds can become real planes in the future, such a good opportunity is not easy."

Hearing Enzo's answer, a hint of surprise appeared on Flosser's face.

As a conqueror wizard, the source of Enzo's power is the plane under his command. At the same time, if he wants to set foot on a higher level of life, the only option is to continuously complete plane expeditions.

Nowadays, the star realm is like a huge treasure house to Enzo.

Each branch world will be a rare treasure. Enzo will naturally seize the opportunity to capture as many worlds as possible.

"But have you ever thought about things in the Source Realm?"

Froslai pondered for a moment and then asked, "The star realm is now in danger. If the behemoth of chaos really devours the source realm, then no matter how many worlds you conquer, it will probably be meaningless, right?"

Enzo nodded slightly.

He understood what Froslai meant. Although the star world has many branch worlds, as long as the Babel trees are connected to each other, the star world is an independent entity.

The source world is like the heart of the star world.

If the Source Realm is destroyed, the entire Star Realm will be affected. The threat of the Chaos Behemoth has become increasingly intense. If the Source Realm is really swallowed, the Star Realm will also be destroyed.

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