Chapter 0137 – Chang’e Fairy Gives Birth to Special Roots, Qin Jiuge Kills the Burning Lamp!!


The axe in the giant’s hand slashed towards the burning lamp Buddha.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth shook, and endless spiritual energy washed the heavens and the earth! Bang!

The giant axe slashed directly on the Dinghai God Bead.

The twenty-three Dinghai God Beads did not even insist for a second, and directly fell on the ground on the Dinghai God Beads, and also disappeared without a trace, becoming twenty-three

An ordinary bead.

If you want to restore the Sea God Bead again, you must spend a lot of time to refine.

One move.

Just an axe made the Dinghai God Pearl in the Flood Desolation Tribulation break the sand and sink into the sand.

“No… That’s impossible…… The Twelve Heavenly Gods Array could appear here…”

The body of the Burning Lamp Buddha trembled violently, and he was terrified to the extreme.

What did he see?

The Twelve Heavenly Gods are in a great array!

Under an axe, the heavenly dome is cracking, and the earth is collapsing.

Under the axe, his innate spirit treasure Ding Sea God Bead directly lost the power of the Great Array of Twelve Heavenly Gods, and burst out at this moment.

The Burning Lamp Buddha was in front of him, and there was no way to fight back.

You can’t even run away.

I could only watch as the giant axe slashed at his body.


Only listening to a loud noise, the burning lamp Buddha directly turned into nothingness.

Even the divine soul was split in half.

With a wave of his wave, Qin Jiu Ge collected the twenty-three Dinghai God Beads that had fallen to the ground in his hand.

“This… Burning Lamp Buddha died? ”

“One axe chopped the Burning Lamp Buddha to death?”

“Am I dreaming?”

“The Burning Lamp Buddha is a quasi-saint powerhouse?”

“How can Qin Jiuge have the Twelve Heavenly God Evil Array?”

“Let’s go pray to the Buddha!”


The bodhisattvas who were watching the station also had a confused look on Arhat’s face.

They originally thought that the Burning Lantern Buddha could easily kill Qin Jiuge.

Then get their Buddhist robes back.

In this way, Tang monks and apprentices can also travel to the west safely.

But they never thought that Qin Jiuge would be so powerful. In just a few breaths, he summoned the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Then the burning lamp ancient Buddha was beheaded.

Even the spirit of the burning lamp is extinguished by you.

These bodhisattvas and arhats were just confused for a while, and then they headed towards the Spirit Mountain.

They had to tell the news to Rulai.

Let the Buddha decide.

“It’s actually Xianggong!”

Xuan Xianniang looked at the giant in the 09 sky with a shocked expression.

Many years ago, Xuanxian Niangniang had felt the Twelve Heavenly Gods Array. At that time, Xuanxian Niangniang had also searched for the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

It’s just that there has been no clue.

But she never thought that it would be Qin Jiuge who had the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

At the same time, she is also very curious.

How did Qin Jiuge possess the Twelve Heavenly God Great Array.

Moreover, one person can exert the power of the Twelve Heavenly God Evil Array.

You must know that the power of today’s Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array does not need to be low at all.

Xuanlu Niangniang was silent for a while, and then decided to tell Dijiang and Houshi Niangniang the news.


Spirit Mountain.

Great Leiyin Temple.

“What, you said the lantern died?”

“How is this possible?”

“The Burning Lamp Buddha is a quasi-saint powerhouse, who can kill him so easily?”

“A small land, does it have that much strength?”

“Lingji, are you mistaken?”


Many Buddhist bodhisattvas and arhats are very confused.

They didn’t believe that the Burning Lamp Buddha had died.

After all, Burning Lantern is a quasi-saint powerhouse.

In the Spirit Mountain, except for Buddha Rulai, no one is the opponent of Buddha who burns the lamp.

Now that they heard that the Burning Lamp Buddha had died, how could they not be confused.

“The burning lamp was killed by the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array?”

Buddha’s face was also very bad.

Lantern is the deputy leader of Buddhism.

In the whole of Buddhism, the Buddha who burned the lamp except him had the highest strength.

But now that their Buddhist journey to the west has just begun, the Burning Lantern Buddha has been beheaded

How can this make their Buddhism flourish?


Lingji Bodhisattva and many other bodhisattvas spoke out one after another. Those twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array is really too powerful.

Until now, Lingji Bodhisattva was still a little trembling.


For example, Buddha looked at Avalokiteshvara.

“The disciple is here!”

Guanyin walked out from the side.

“Let the Tang monk continue to travel west!”

“You don’t have to worry about the brocade robe!”

“Qin Jiuge of Fuling Mountain, don’t provoke” At this moment, if the Buddha comes to him, there is nothing he can do. After all, Qin Jiuge’s strength was too strong.

The Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array can easily kill the burning lamp.

It is estimated that even if he goes, he will not be the opponent of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

So Buddha Rulai decided to let the Tang monks continue to travel west.

The hatred of the Burning Lamp Buddha and the killing of the Buddha of the Burning Lamp, after their Buddhism flourished, they were looking for Qin Jiuge to settle the account.


Qin Mansion.

It had been ten months since Qin Jiuge killed the Burning Lantern Buddha.

The good news above the Qin Mansion also came in a steady stream.

First, Xuanxian Niangniang gave birth to a five-rank root offspring to Qin Jiuge.

Immediately after Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao Niangniang gave birth to a descendant of the eight-pin root foot to Qin Jiuge.

Subsequently, the Seven Spiders, the Hundred Flowers Fairy, the Osmanthus Fairy and others gave birth to a descendant of the Nine Pins Root Foot to Qin Jiuge.

This made Qin Jiuge’s descendants increase a lot at once.

It also allowed Qin Jiuge to gain a lot of benefits.

The child of Chang’e fairy was not born.

However, Qin Jiuge was not in a hurry.

He knew the longer he was pregnant.

The better the child’s roots.

Also on the day that the Hundred Flowers Fairy gave birth to the child.

Gao Laozhuang came up with two special guests.

These two special guests are Tang Monk and Sun Wukong.

However, Qin Jiuge did not come forward.

Just let Old Lady Gao entertain Sun Wukong and Tang Monk.

After Sun Wukong and Tang Monk accepted Zhu Bajie, they hurriedly walked towards Huang Fengling.

He didn’t dare to provoke Qin Jiuge in Fuling Mountain at all.

Ten months later.

The child of Chang’e fairy was finally born.

At the moment when the Chang’e fairy child landed, a terrifying aftermath appeared in the Qin Mansion.

Above that golden crow there are also terrifying laws and coercion.

At the moment when the golden crow appeared, all the little demons and demon kings were suppressed on the ground.

Even the Tang monks of Wuzhuang Guan, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing were all suppressed to the ground.

“How can there be such a terrifying golden crow?”

“This seems to be from the Qin Mansion!”

“It should be the birth of Qin Land’s child!”

“Such a terrifying vision, it must be the descendant of Gao Pin’s feet!”

“I really envy Qin Land, and there is actually another descendant of this high-grade root.”


At this moment, all the demon kings knew that this terrifying vision must have been born from the descendants of Qin Land.

“Congratulations sir, Mr. Hexi, Niangniang is born!”

A servant excitedly held the child and came to Qin Jiuge.

“Good, good!”

Qin Jiuge’s face was full of excitement.

As soon as this child was born, he had such a terrifying vision.

This child’s roots and feet must be very extraordinary.

Also at the moment when Qin Jiuge picked up the child, a system prompt sound came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for giving birth to the offspring of the golden crow body…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for increasing cultivation by 10,000 years]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the great improvement of the root and foot]

[Ding, congratulations to Suzhuang for obtaining a nine-day breath filling]

[Ding, congratulations to the host Hongmeng Purple Qi comprehension increased by ten percent]

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a ginseng fruit tree】

[Ding, congratulations on the increase in the probability of root feet in the offspring of the host by one percent]

[Ginseng fruit tree: innate ultimate spirit root, is the ginseng fruit tree of Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Guanzhen, after Sun Wukong pushed it, it was recycled by the system]

Look at the system prompts in your head.

Qin Jiuge was in a very good mood.

He also did not expect that Chang’e Fairy actually gave birth to a special root offspring for him.

And it’s still the body of the golden crow.

First of all, 10,000 years of cultivation directly allowed Qin Jiuge’s cultivation to enter the early stage of quasi-saint ninefold from quasi-saint eightfold.

The improvement of the root foot made Qin Jiuge’s cultivation speed greatly improved, and the nine heavens rested in the soil.

This is a special treasure.

Even Nuwa Niangniang cares very much about the Nine Heavens Rest.

And as long as Qin Jiuge collected ten Nine Heavens Resting Soil, he would be able to marry the Nine Heavens Xuan Niangniang.

The roots and feet of the Nine Heavenly Xuan Lady are very good.

If she married the Nine Heavenly Xuan Lady, she decided to be able to help Qin Jiuge give birth to a special offspring.

Then Qin Jiuge set his sights on the next reward.

This next reward is a ten-percent increase in Hongmeng Purple Qi comprehension.

Seeing this reward, Qin Jiuge was very excited.

From obtaining Hongmeng Purple Qi to today.

Qin Jiuge only ignored comprehending less than two percent of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

If he wanted to fully comprehend Hongmeng Purple Qi, it would take him tens of thousands of years.

Now the system is rewarded at once, ten percent comprehension.

Let Qin Jiuge suddenly reduce his time by thousands of years.

“Ginseng fruit tree!”

Look at this reward.

Qin Jiuge was very excited.

This ginseng fruit tree is an innate spiritual root.

Within the entire Three Realms, only Zhen Yuanzi’s Five Zhuang Guan is there.

More importantly, this ginseng fruit tree is still a treasure that was recovered by the system after Sun Wukong pushed it.

At this moment, the one in the Wuzhuang Temple will definitely not be a ginseng fruit tree.

After Zhen Yuanzi reacts, he will inevitably find trouble with Buddhism and Sun Wukong.

Then Qin Jiuge set his sights on the last reward.

This last reward is a special reward.

This reward will increase the chance that the descendants of the Qin family will have the ability to enter the pin.

Although one percent is not very large.

But this can’t hold up the many descendants of the Qin family.

A root foot that does not enter or exit the product.

Ten roots and feet that do not enter or exit the product.

But a thousand, ten thousand will definitely go in and out of the descendants of the pinroot feet.

Five Zhuangguan.

Zhen Yuanzi, Sun Wukong, Tang Monk, and Guanyin Bodhisattva came to the backyard of Wuzhuang Guan.

In the middle of this backyard is a collapsed fruit tree of life.

There are also leaves scattered all over the place.

“Zhen Yuanzi Daxian, I don’t know if what you just said counts?”

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Zhen Yuanzi with a smile.

“Nature counts!”

Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly

Nodded, and then said: “As long as this ginseng fruit tree is saved, the poor road will release Sun Wukong, Tang monk master and apprentice, let them go west!” ”


Guanyin’s face was full of smiles.

If it was something else, Guanyin was still a little embarrassed.

But rescuing this ginseng fruit tree is nothing to her.

Decades ago, Guanyin Bodhisattva accidentally obtained half a bottle of Sanguang Divine Water.

Guanyin Bodhisattva believes that these three light divine waters can definitely easily revive ginseng fruit trees.

“Bodhisattva, hurry up and bring this fruit tree back to life!”

Sun Wukong urged.

“Yes, yes, the old pig’s stomach is hungry.”

“Hurry up to save the ginseng fruit tree and let the old pig eat a meal” Zhu Bajie does not like to travel to the west very much.

Not only is it very unfree.

And often hungry.

Not comfortable at all in Gao Laozhuang.

As long as Qin Di took a concubine, he could eat a big meal.

“Guanyin Daoist, please!”

Zhen Yuanzi pointed ahead and said.

Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded slightly, and then came to the deep pit. Guanyin glanced at the big pit, and then dripped three drops of three-light divine water.

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s face was full of confidence.

She believed in these three drops of three-light divine water.

It can definitely easily revive ginseng fruit trees.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Tang Monk also looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with anticipation.

It’s just that what makes everyone confused is that the three-light divine water dripping down by Guanyin Bodhisattva actually has no reaction.

“Guanyin, what’s going on?”

Zhen Yuanzi’s face was very bad.

“This… This! ”

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also confused.

In Guanyin’s calculation, she only needs to drop three drops of three-light divine water, and this ginseng fruit tree will be revived.

But now, she dripped the three-light divine water, but there was no reaction at all.

Guanyin Bodhisattva hesitated and dripped the three-light divine water in his hand again.


It was also at this time that the underground ginseng fruit trees finally reacted.

See a reactive ginseng fruit tree.

Guanyin Bodhisattva breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon Guanyin Bodhisattva was directly stunned.

Because the ginseng fruit tree on the ground was not resurrected, but became a pile of ashes.

“Guanyin… Hello big daring! ”

“Dare to destroy the ginseng fruit tree in the poor road!”

Zhen Motoko drank loudly.

“Zhen Yuanzi Daisen… I…… I didn’t mean to! ”

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also very confused.

She had no idea what was going on.

Why did she drip the Sanguang Divine Water not only useless, but burned the ginseng fruit tree.


“If you Buddhists don’t compensate the poor ginseng fruit tree!”

“These people who learn from the scriptures, the poor road will not be released!”

With a wave of Zhen Yuanzi’s hand, he made a move out of his sleeve.

Immediately after that, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Tang Monk were taken in.

West, Lingshan.

“Venerable Guanyin, did you see with your own eyes that the ginseng fruit tree withered?”

Rulai’s face was very bad.

He never thought that there would be so many calamities on the road to the west, first in Fuling Mountain, their Buddhist Burning Lamp Buddha was killed by Qin Jiuge.

It was Sha Wujing who married a lot of concubines in the Quicksand River.

Now the life fruit tree of Wuzhuang Guan has been directly destroyed.

“Buddha, the ginseng fruit tree is really destroyed!”

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s face was very bad.

Until now, she didn’t understand how the ginseng fruit tree was destroyed.

Moreover, Zhen Yuanzi has already taken down all the people who took the scriptures.

If Buddhism does not compensate him for his loss, then the life of the person who took the sutra will definitely be in danger.

“Impossible, how can Sanguang Divine Water not save the ginseng fruit tree.”

For example, Buddha closed his eyes and calculated.

Soon Buddha came to the conclusion that someone was secretly doing something.

I want to stop them from flourishing in Buddhism.

“Want to stop our Buddha Gate from flourishing?”

Guanyin’s eyes flickered, and he suddenly looked away thirty-three days away.

Now the only ones who can unknowingly kill the ginseng fruit tree are the saints thirty-three days away.

It’s just that the strength of the saints is too strong, and they don’t dare to guess indiscriminately.

“Guanyin, you go to Wuzhuang Guan to negotiate with Zhen Yuanzi.”

“As long as Zhen Yuanzi’s conditions are not excessive!”

“Just promise Zhen Yuanzi!”

If Buddha comes now, there is nothing he can do.

After all, Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

And Zhen Yuanzi also knows a lot of strong people.

Even their Buddhism did not dare to provoke easily.

“However, Buddha, Zhen Yuanzi Daxian is a ginseng fruit tree, and he will definitely not be satisfied with our compensation.”

Guanyin’s face was embarrassed.

That ginseng fruit tree is an innate spiritual root. They Buddhist want to satisfy Zhen Yuanzi.

It is necessary to bleed profusely once.

“Venerable Guanyin, will you quickly go and consult with Zhen Yuanzi?”

Rulai glared at Guanyin Bodhisattva fiercely.


Guanyin had no choice, so he hurriedly walked towards Wuzhuang Guan.

At the same time, I also hope that Zhen Yuanzi will not embarrass them in Buddhism.


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