Chapter 0121 Qin Jiuge easily killed the bodhisattva, and the descendants exceeded eight hundred in the roots!!

“Your Majesty rest assured, I will definitely treat Tianyang well!”

Qin Jiuge assured.

“Let’s get on the sedan car.”

The Jade Emperor waved his hand gently.

The third princess and the fourth princess helped Tianyang towards the palanquin.

As Princess Tianyang sat on the Flower Bridge, the welcoming procession slowly headed towards Fuling Mountain.

Two hours later, the welcoming procession returned to Fuling Mountain.

“Qin Land actually married the princess!”

“I’ve heard people say that it seems that Qin Land killed the Demon King before marrying the princess.”

“The Demon King is a quasi-saint powerhouse, and he can actually kill the Demon King in ten places?”

“Qin Land is also a quasi-saint!”

“I have a daughter who is eighteen years old, and I just happened to marry her to Qin Land”…”

At this moment, Fuling Mountain was already crowded.

Countless little demons, as well as the demon king, ran out.

Because Qin Jiuge and his concubines are very generous.

There will be a lot of flowing water mats in Fuling Mountain and Black Wind Mountain.

Every year when Qin Jiuge took a concubine, they could eat a good meal.

“King Nanshan, Zhu Bajie has arrived!”

With Princess Tianyang being sent to the Qin Mansion.

Zhu Bajie and the King of Nanshan hurried here.

Every year when Qin Jiuge gets married, the King of Nanshan and Zhu Bajie come very positively: “I have seen Qin Land!” ”

Although Zhu Bajie is very envious of Qin Jiuge being able to marry so many beautiful women.

But he must not be jealous either.

Because now Zhu Bajie has also married a lot of female goblins. Although these female goblins are not as beautiful as those in Qin Jiuge’s mansion.

But is still very satisfied with today’s life.

Even if he was asked to marshal Peng on the day of his return, he was unwilling.

“Sha Wu Jing arrived!”

Not long after Zhu Bajie entered, Sha Wujing brought two children here.

These two children are Sha Wujing’s children. Although Sha Wujing ate the heart of mortal dust.

But Sha Wujing also did not marry a few female goblins.

He has only had two children over the years.

“See Qin Land!”

Sha Wujing was very grateful to Qin Jiuge.

If Qin Jiuge hadn’t gone to the Quicksand River back then, he would still be suffering in the Quicksand River now.

Moreover, those executed heavenly soldiers knew that Sha Wujing knew Qin Jiuge. Each execution was perfunctory, and it did not hurt Sha Wujing at all.

Not long after Sha Wujing arrived, Sun Wukong also came here.

However, Sun Wukong came here secretly.

After all, he had fled from under the Five Elements Mountain.

It would not be good if Buddhists knew about it.

Not long after Sha Wujing entered, Tiger Power Great Immortal, Yang Power Great Immortal, and Lu Li Great Immortal all rushed here.

I don’t know if I was stimulated by Qin Jiuge.

Hu Li Daxian, Yang Li Daxian and Lu Li Daxian all married wives and had children.

Soon night fell.

Qin Jiuge also sent these people away.

Qin Jiuge also took a jug of wine and walked towards the cave room.


Inside the cave room.

The Second Princess of the Heavenly Court, wearing a red robe and a red hood, was sitting on the edge of the bed.

At this moment, Second Princess Tianyang’s face was already blushing.

Second Princess Tianyang had not seen Qin Jiuge several times at all.

The first time was when I met Qin Jiuge, or when Qin Jiuge married the eldest princess.

At that time, the second princess Tianyang still hated Qin Jiuge very much.

It is thought that Qin Jiuge separated their sisters.

But she didn’t expect that less than a hundred years later, she would also marry Qin Jiuge.

However, Second Princess Tianyang did not resist much.

Because she heard others say that Qin Jiuge had killed the Demon King before the Jade Emperor decided to let her marry.

She also knew that the Demon King was a quasi-Saint powerhouse.

For Qin Jiuge, who is handsome and able to kill quasi-saints.

The second princess Tianyang naturally will not resist.


It was also at this time that the door to the room opened.

Qin Jiuge came to the second princess Tianyang with a jug of wine.

When Qin Jiuge lifted the red hood, he saw the second princess Tianyang with a blushing face.


Qin Jiuge said as he blew out the candles in the room.

Two months later, Qin Jiuge invited Langzhong to Fuzhong.

“Congratulations to the land master, Princess Qiao, this is a joy!”

Lang Zhong’s face was full of smiles.

As long as the woman in the Qin Mansion has a happy vein, he can get a lot of rewards.

“Good, good!”

Qin Jiuge’s face was full of smiles.

The second princess, Tianyang, is the daughter of the Jade Emperor.

Her roots and feet are outstanding.

In the future, he will definitely be able to help him give birth to a high-grade offspring.

Sure enough, ten months later, Second Princess Tianyang helped Qin Jiuge give birth to a five-pin offspring.

After the second princess Tianyang gave birth to the child, Qin Jiuge worked hard in the Qin Mansion while inquiring about the news of Lingshan.

As long as the Buddha leaves the Spirit Mountain.

He went to Lingshan and stole Dijiang’s divine soul.

Eighty years passed quickly.

In the past 80 years, Buddha Rulai has never left the Spirit Mountain.

He also didn’t have a chance to go to Lingshan to steal Dijiang’s divine soul.

Although Qin Jiuge did not steal Dijiang’s divine soul.

But in the past eighty years, Qin Jiuge’s cultivation has also grown a lot.

His descendants are also growing rapidly.

The descendants of the Root Foot have already come to seven hundred and ninety-nine, and only one Qin Jiuge is left to get the reward of eight hundred Root Foot.

“Congratulations, Sir, the Halloween Princess gave birth to a child with nine pins” At this time, a servant ran over excitedly.

“Good, good!”

Qin Jiuge’s face was full of excitement.

Also when Qin Jiuge picked up the descendants of these nine-pin roots, a system prompt sounded in Qin Jiuge’s mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining eight hundred descendants of the root foot. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a cultivation of 10,000 years…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the great improvement of the root and foot…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the innate treasure east dry bell…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Sanguang Divine Water…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 6,000 merit points…]

[Donghuang Bell: One has the power to suppress chaos, reverse time and space, refine the power of yin and yang, and turn things around. ] This treasure is mysterious and infinite, and the creation is infinite. It can confining time and suppressing space. One of the three innate treasures. 】

Look at the system prompts in your head.

Qin Jiuge’s mood was very excited.

He also did not expect that the descendants would actually receive such a good reward if they exceeded eight hundred people.

There are not only the three light divine water, but also the innate treasure donghuang bell.

This innate treasure Donghuang Bell is the companion magic weapon of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi back then.

The power of this magic weapon is very powerful.

It can even be compared with Pangu Fan of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

At that time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi also relied on the Donghuang Bell to tie with the Twelve Ancestors.

After possessing the Innate Supreme Baodong Imperial Bell, Qin Jiuge’s strength will be greatly improved.

After watching the Donghuang Bell, Qin Jiuge set his sights on the first reward

Ten thousand years of cultivation as a reward, directly allowing Qin Jiuge’s cultivation to enter from the quasi-saint triple to the quasi-saint quadruple.

And the drastic improvement of the root foot also improved Qin Jiuge’s cultivation speed

The Sanguang Divine Water is also a rare treasure.

When Nuwa Niangniang created people, she used this kind of treasure.

Moreover, the use of the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Rest can also make people reforge the last reward of the flesh, which is not a one-time reward.

It is Qin Jiuge every additional descendant.

His merit will increase by six thousand points.


It was at this time that Qin Cheng hurriedly ran in from outside.

“What happened?”

Qin Jiuge asked lightly.

“Father, just now someone under the door came to report, such as Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva will go to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall to discuss the journey to the west with the Jade Emperor!”

Qin Cheng hurriedly prayed.


Qin Jiuge’s face was full of excitement.

He waited for more than eighty years.

Buddha finally left Lingshan.

He also had the opportunity to enter Lingshan and steal the drawings of Dijiang.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiuge walked towards the Spirit Mountain.

Qin Jiuge’s speed was very fast.

It was only more than half an hour before he arrived within the Spirit Mountain. Because of the Buddha and Guanyin and other high-ranking people, they all went to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Therefore, there are no masters within the Spirit Mountain.

Qin Jiuge also came to the forbidden land of Spirit Mountain very easily.

“Dijiang’s divine soul should be within this building!”

Qin Jiuge said as he walked in.

“Be bold…”

“Who dares to break into my Buddhist forbidden land?”

“Come out and die!”

It was at this time that several loud shouts came from the depths of the Spirit Mountain Forbidden Land.

Qin Jiuge also raised his head and looked towards the forbidden land.

I saw four monks with Buddha light on their bodies appear not far away.

These four monks are bodhisattvas who guard the forbidden land.

The Buddha light behind the four of them was already like substance.

“Your Excellency, how daring?”

“Dare to come to my Spirit Mountain to be presumptuous!”

The first bodhisattva looked down at Qin Jiuge below, his eyes full of contempt.

It didn’t seem to put Qin Jiuge in his eyes at all.

The other three bodhisattvas just stood there quietly, but their eyes were also contemptuous.

After all, Qin Jiuge was just wearing a land robe, and it was impossible to be strong.

“In coming down to Lingshan, I just want to borrow a treasure!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly with his hands behind his back.


“How can my Spirit Mountain have the treasure you want!”

The bodhisattva at the head shouted, and the coercion on his body burst out.

The terrifying coercion came directly towards Qin Jiuge.

It seems that he wants to suppress Qin Jiuge here.

It’s just that this terrifying coercion disappeared without a trace before it came close to Qin Jiuge.

“Who is Your Excellency?”

The head bodhisattva’s face showed a solemn expression.

At this moment, they had begun to pay attention to Qin Jiuge.

After all, it is definitely not simple to be able to accept their coercion so easily.

“It doesn’t matter who I am?”

“But if you don’t borrow it, this seat will have to do it yourself!”

Qin Jiuge held his hands behind his back and quietly looked at the four bodhisattvas not far away.

“What a dare!”

“Everyone, let’s suppress this person together!”

The face of the leading bodhisattva was full of anger.

The three bodhisattvas behind him also took a step forward, and their bodies also exuded terrifying coercion.

“Huh, then don’t blame me?”

Qin Jiuge shook his head slightly.

Originally, he just took Di Jiang’s divine soul and left.

But who knows, these Buddhist bodhisattvas actually don’t listen to him.

I also want to kill him here.

As he spoke, Qin Jiuge gently raised his right hand.

A flame appeared above his right hand.

This flame is the three-flavored true fire that carries the law of fire.

Feeling this terrifying law of fire, the four bodhisattvas of Buddhism suddenly felt their scalps explode, and their bodies couldn’t help but tremble.

There was incomparable jealousy in their eyes.


“What a fierce law of fire.”

“Who is Your Excellency?”

“Everyone, quickly use the Angry Vajra,” the faces of the four bodhisattvas suddenly changed drastically.

Originally, the four of them wanted to join forces and kill Qin Jiuge here.

But who knew that Qin Jiuge would take the first step.

And also summoned such a terrifying law of fire.

Now they don’t have the idea of doing it.

They just want to save their lives under this terrifying law of fire.

“Angry King Kong!”

The four bodhisattvas shouted in unison.

Suddenly, endless Buddha light appeared on their bodies.

With the blessing of this Buddha’s light, the four bodhisattvas suddenly turned into tens of thousands of angry Vajra.

This kind of angry Vajra is a unique spell of Buddhism.

Its defense is very strong.

Even the Innate Lingbao can easily defend.

However, when the three-flavored true fire that Qin Jiuge unleashed fell on the angry eye King Kong.

Tear and pull.

The flame easily burned.

In just a few moments, the three flavors of real fire wrapped all four of them.

Just a few breaths in between.

The four bodhisattvas who were guarding the Forbidden Land of Spirit Mountain directly turned into ashes. They didn’t understand who had broken into the forbidden land of Lingshan.

Why could he kill all four of them with one move?

If only he knew that Qin Jiuge was so powerful.

They must take out the treasures that Qin Jiuge asked for as soon as possible.

Qin Jiuge did not look at the bodhisattva of death.

His figure moved, and he walked directly into the building.

As soon as he arrived in the building, Qin Jiuge saw the painting with Zuwu Dijiang.

As soon as Qin Jiu Singer moved, he put away the painting.

“The flames are coming from the forbidden land!”

“Someone has broken into the forbidden land of our Spirit Mountain!”

“Go to the forbidden land and take a look!”

“Go and inform the Burning Lantern Buddha!”


At this time, there was a loud sound of drinking outside.

Many arhats and Buddhas quickly ran towards this side.

It’s just that when these arhats and bodhisattvas entered the ban, they only found that there was a missing portrait of Dijiang.

There are also four bodhisattvas who have already died.


Half a month later.

A special guest came from the Qin Mansion.

This special guest is Houtu Niangniang.

“Qin Land, you brought back the spirit of your eldest brother?”

Houtu Niangniang’s eyes were full of surprise.


As soon as Qin Jiu Singer stretched out, he handed the portrait of Dijiang to Houtu Niangniang.

“This is exactly the spirit of the eldest brother!”

The eyes of the latter 0.9 Tuniang Niang were full of joy.

She also did not expect that Qin Jiuge would really be able to bring out Dijiang’s divine soul.

She glanced at the portrait in her hand, and then quickly typed several spells towards the portrait.

As Houtu Niangniang finished playing the spell, a brilliant golden light appeared on the portrait.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man wearing armor appeared not far away.

The man in armor was Dijiang.

Although Dijiang was just a phantom, his body exuded a terrifying aura.

Even the anger on Houtu Niangniang and Xuanxian Niangniang can’t be compared.

“Big brother…”

Seeing Dijiang appear, Houtu Niangniang said with a look of excitement.

“Big brother…”

Xuan Yu on the side also exclaimed excitedly.

“Sister Houtu, Sister Xuanlu…”

Di Jiang’s eyes were full of confusion.

However, he remembered that after he and the Eastern Emperor died together, the divine soul was sealed by the usher.

How come it is here today?

And what made Di Jiang even more confused was Xuanxi.

Because back then, he had personally seen Xuan Nether being attacked and killed by the Nine Infant Demon King.

“This… What’s going on? ”

Di Jiang looked at Houtu and Xuanxi.

Xuan Yu immediately said what had happened over the years.

At the same time, he also told Dijiang about the current situation of their Wu people.


“I didn’t expect that my Wu clan actually became a rat crossing the street!”

Di Jiang sighed slightly after hearing this.

Back then, their Wu Clan was the top force in the entire Flood Wilderness.

Even the demon clan can’t compare to their witch clan.

But I didn’t expect that today, there were only tens of thousands of people left in their Wu Clan.

If it weren’t for being reforged in the flesh by Xuanxi.

It is estimated that these tens of thousands of people will be killed by Buddhist people.

“Thank you for your help!”

Di Jiang arched his hand at Qin Jiuge.

“Dijiang Daoyou, you’re welcome!”

Qin Jiuge waved his hand.


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