Jade Face Princess was stunned.

Looking at Artifact Spirit in disbelief, didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

Artifact Spirit nodded.

"Is there any strange place?"

There are so many strange places!

The Divine Consciousness sound transmission at close range was found to be normal.

But this is Communication Bead, a treasure specially created for secret communication, and Artifact Spirit has also discovered it.

Furthermore, she found that it was not counted, but she could find Flower Fruit Mountain far away from Zuzhou in reverse.

Appear accurately at the entrance of Water Curtain Cave.

This is not strange anymore, okay? It's incredible!

Moreover, there is instant transmission.

Even if Long Live Fox King wants to rush from Jilei Mountain to Flower Fruit Mountain, it will take half a day.

That's why Beppu was established in Cool Breeze Mountain.

Convenient communication.

However, Artifact Spirit teleported to Water Curtain Cave in the blink of an eye.

Besides, I was forced to send the jade face Princess together!

These things are simply unheard-of.

A trifling Artifact Spirit has such a powerful ability.

What kind of shocking and stunning should the Demon Lord of the Star of the year be?

Moreover, this is what exists.

But it still fell on Ancient Era, without any reputation at all.

Ancient Era, how many powerful cultivators are there?

It's too terrifying!

Artifact Spirit ignored Princess Yumian’s shock.

each minding their own business looked around.

"This place is elegant and graceful, with green mountains and green waters, which is quite good."

Flower Fruit Mountain is the ancestor of the ten continents and the dragon from the three islands.

The real Heavenly Paradise.

Moreover, it has been carefully managed by Chen Fan for so many years.

Of course it is extremely beautiful.

"Huh? This plaque!"

Artifact Spirit suddenly saw the plaque of Water Curtain Cave and was surprised.

She actually felt a strange Dao Rhyme on those three words!

There is a faint Blade Technique in it.

Just the Cave Mansion plaque, does it contain some profound Blade Technique?

Artifact Spirit was shocked.

Since the opponent can break through nine games, it is not simple.

It is even more extraordinary to use such a Supreme Treasure book as a plaque.

She must be careful.

Artifact Spirit immediately put away the contempt.

With the jade face Princess, cautiously walked into the Water Curtain Cave.

There is no sound in the cave, no one seems to be there.

But Artifact Spirit is not careless.

Carefully discern the last location of the Communication Bead.

She saw the Communication Bead on the table at a glance.

"Strange, Communication Bead is here, where are the people?"

Artifact Spirit subconsciously looked around.

Just stunned!

That stone table, that stone chair!

resembles nature itself, the carving technique is extremely superb.

There is also a very brilliant Blade Technique hidden, which is comparable to the plaque at the door.

Enough to cut mountains and rivers!

This thing is first-class Supreme Treasure outside, and it turned out to be just furniture here.

Even the placement of tables, chairs and benches.

They all seem to contain some special rules, which are in line with Heaven and Earth Dao.

The places where I live are so wonderful and extraordinary.

The way is natural.

What kind of Deity the one who lives here should be!

Although I haven't really seen each other yet.

But the heart of Artifact Spirit has stopped.

Shocked beyond words.

Don't even mention her, even the shocking and stunning Demon Lord of the Star.

None can compare with this person.

After all, Master Yixing is only good at chess, but this person is not only superb chess skills, but also masters the supreme carving skill.

Artifact Spirit couldn't help but put out a long breath, and I didn't dare to look up at the furniture.

For fear of feeling ill at ease.

But she just looked up, and the next second she was confused!

"Dao Rhyme!"

The walls are full of outstanding calligraphy and paintings.

Every painting is a masterpiece, and every word is a calligraphy Supreme Treasure!

Artifact Spirit is even more shocked.

Every calligraphy and painting contains Dao Rhyme!

You must know that the Demon Lord Yixing only got a trace of the Yin and Yang Dao Rhyme from the Yin and Yang Demon God before he entered the path with chess.

Create a powerful star chessboard.

And here.

All kinds of Dao Rhyme are hung on the wall!

There are many Dao Rhyme such as Heaven and Earth's mighty power, creature evolution, time and space circulation, etc.!

Chess, sculpture, painting, calligraphy...

This person has mastered so many techniques to a very high level.

It's simply unheard-of.

Even if it is Heaven and Earth Saint, it may not be able to do it, right?

Artifact Spirit was completely stunned.

At this time, she no longer wants to find someone behind the scenes to question.

Instead, I began to consider what kind of attitude we should use to show respect in my heart.

At the same time.

Outside the Water Curtain Cave, another group came.

"Fox King, how did you bring us to Flower Fruit Mountain?"

Roc Demon King and Yu Yuwang immediately used the excuse of caring about Princess of Jade Face.

Follow the long live fox king to find the jade face Princess.

Artifact Spirit obviously took the Princess with a jade face, and went to the expert point behind.

But Long Live Fox King took them to Flower Fruit Mountain.

The two of them were in a state of uncertainty.

is it possible that?

Yu Yu and Roc Demon King quietly glanced at each other.

It is hard to hide the shock on his face.

An incredible guess came out of their hearts.

Chen Fan, that is the great man!

Long live the fox king cupped the hands, without saying directly.

"You two, please trust me."

"I won't make fun of the little girl's comfort."

"Let’s go down now."


The three of them flew straight to Water Curtain Cave.

I just flew to the entrance of the cave, and immediately noticed the aura of Princess with a jade face.

"Jade face Princess is really here!"

"And the Artifact Spirit! They are all in the Flower Fruit Mountain Water Curtain Cave!"

King Yu Yu couldn't help screaming.

At this time, without the Long Live Fox King explaining, the truth is completely revealed.

Artifact Spirit have been found here.

Iron proof is like a mountain.

The princess who pointed the jade face won nine games and cracked the test of the expert.

It is Chen Fan!

"Didn't expect, it really is him."

The king Yu Yan deeply sighed and looked up at the Water Curtain Cave.

Complicated complexion.

"It is worthy of being an expert to solve the chess game."

"Sure enough, it is a daoist that does not show up, and shows up is not a daoist."

King Yu Yu sighed with emotion.

Last time, they came to Flower Fruit Mountain just to find the Long Live Fox King.

As a result, Chen Fan immediately found the trail.

Deep and unmeasurable strength, Pantao Immortal Wine of unknown origin, instructs the long live fox king breakthrough Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

Everything has already shown that Chen Fan is not an ordinary monkey king at all.

It's a powerful man who hides his identity!

No wonder.

Long live the fox king likes to come to Flower Fruit Mountain so much, and he also specially built Cool Breeze Mountain, Beppu.

Just to please Chen Fan.

See how.

Jade Face Princess invited Chen Fan to help, in one fell swoop to crack the test of Yixing Demon Lord.

If it weren't for the birth of Artifact Spirit.

She will be able to get the inheritance Supreme Treasure of Star Demon Lord!

This Deity, disguised as a monkey king, hiding in Flower Fruit Mountain?

Both Roc Demon King and Yu Yuwang don’t understand.

"Fox King, that one doesn't seem to be there."

"Let’s go in and stop Artifact Spirit. Don’t let her mess around."

Long live Fox King waved his hand, disdainfully said:

"No need."

"This place is the Cave Mansion, how can it be so ordinary?"

"Don't worry."

"There are extremely powerful restrictions in Cave Mansion."

"If the Demon Lord of the Star is in this world, there may be a chance to destroy one or two."

"But, a trifling method Treasure Item spirit, still want to destroy?"

"It is simply bring about one's own destruction!"

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