Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that Artifact Spirit could speak, and the first sentence was to ask such a question.

"What is the real game?"

"Isn't it the Princess of Yumian? Who else can there be?"

"No, I thought It’s a little weird."

"The Jade Face Princess looked strange when she played the game, as if she didn’t even want to play chess."

"It’s as if she didn’t play it herself. ."

"Is it possible that someone is really secretly manipulating behind?"

Yixing's chessboard volleys, showing terrifying pressure.

The Demon and cultivators in the audience were so frightened, they could only talk in a low voice.

That is the Life-Source Magical Treasure of the Demon Lord Yixing, and it is also the main messenger of this chess game.

Absolutely impossible.

In other words, the person who cracked the nine-game board was not Princess Yumian at all.

But someone else!

Thousands of thoughts in Princess Yumian turned in an instant.

The scalp is numb.

She can't figure it out at all.

I communicate with divine sense through Communication Bead.

How did this Artifact Spirit know the truth?

Moreover, the truth of the matter has been exposed, should she tell it?

Senior has been living a secluded life, if she is exposed.

Isn’t I sorry senior?

At this time, Princess Yumian suddenly realized that Royal Father was looking at herself.

Long live the fox king did not speak.

Just winked.

Jade Face Princess was taken aback, and immediately reacted.

It turned out that Royal Father had already discovered her secret.

No wonder, Artifact Spirit can also find it.

The jade face Princess is slightly sighed.

Make up my mind.

Immediately converge and communicate with Communication Bead.

"Senior senior, something went wrong."

The divine sense spread out instantly.

However, Princess Yumian waited for a while without any response.

Just like clay ox entering the sea, there is no response.

At this moment, she suddenly reacted.

Before, Chen Fan asked him if the game is over.

Princess Yumian answered truthfully, and the test is over.

is it possible that, senior went to do other things?

Don’t know where to put the Communication Bead?

Princess Yumian guessed the truth directly.

For Chen Fan, the so-called test of the demon king of the stars is just a good chess game.

Since it's okay, it is not convenient for him to ask more questions.

Of course, I won’t keep waiting next to Communication Bead for news.

So that, Princess Yumian did not respond to her call.

Jade Face Princess's complexion suddenly became tangled.

She can't get instructions from senior, so what should she do?

At the same time.

In the Water Curtain Cave.

A little white mouse jumped on the table and climbed into the fruit tray with ease.

Holding the peaches, I gnawed.

"Well, this Monkey King is pretty good."

"Knowing that I like to eat fairy fruit, I have never broken it on the table."

Mrs. Di Yong ate the flat peaches corruptly and watched the paintings on the wall.

I feel extremely happy.

What Trapping Sky Mountain bottomless pit.

Is there any flat peaches there? Is there Dao Rhyme calligraphy and painting to observe?

Nothing, what can I miss?

Mrs. Di Yong has forgotten.

Trapping Sky Mountain bottomless pit There are countless little demons who look forward to her going back.

Sink completely into the happy life of Flower Fruit Mountain.

Suddenly, rays of light light up frequently next to it.


Mrs. Di Yong grabbed the Communication Bead strangely,

"What is this?"

The valley Among.

Jade Face Princess called Chen Fan over and over again.

Some not knowing what to do in my heart.

At this moment, Communication Bead finally got a response.



Jade Face Princess was stunned.

The voice is not Chen Fan senior's, it seems to be a crisp female voice.

The other party seemed to mutter something, then clicked.

There was no movement at all.

Jade Face Princess was stunned for a while.

Countless questions popped up in my heart instantly.

Who is that woman? Being able to contact Communication Bead at will, what is the relationship between the other party and senior?

Senior already has a woman by his side?

For a while, she even forgot the terrifying coercion of Yixing's chessboard.

feel ill at ease.

He lowered his head and said nothing.


Artifact Spirit waited for a long time and got a little impatient.

"What about the expert who pointed behind you!"

Jumian Princess suddenly lifts the head, her face extremely sad and indignant.

"Artifact Spirit senior."

"I did ask a senior expert for help."

"Excuse me, does this violate the rules?"

Artifact Spirit fell silent for a moment.

She really can’t judge whether she violated the rules.

After all, through the test of the chess game, you can get the inheritance of the King of Stars.

There is even Dao Rhyme of Demon God of Yin and Yang.

People with abilities have no reason not to participate.

How can you give such precious treasure to others?

Even when Mr. Yixing was designed for the test, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

Since there are no rules, isn’t it not violated?

However, Princess of Yumian clearly won by cheating.

She is not the winner.

Artifact Spirit is in entanglement, I don't know what to count.

The other side.

In the Water Curtain Cave.

Mrs. Di Yong lay on the table and fiddled with Communication Bead in confusion.

The little paw has just been placed on it.

I was caught off guard, and suddenly heard a voice.

Mrs. Di Yong was taken aback.

Happened the Communication Bead with one claw.

"Damn Chen Fan, he must have put this thing here deliberately."

"Just to scare me."

Madam angry Puffed up his cheeks.

Holding a small paw, angrily.

Just, she frowned again.

"That voice just now?"

"It seems a bit like the little fox-spirit of Jade Face Princess?"

Jade Face Princess sounds a bit eager .

There seems to be something to find Chen Fan.

"Would you like to tell Chen Fan about this?"

Mrs. Di Yong couldn't figure out her position.

Are you a prisoner or a servant, or a pet?

Being thinking about it.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

"You mouse, don't eat so many flat peaches."

Chen Fan pinched the back of Mrs. Diyong's neck and lifted it up, helplessly said.

"Peach is rich in Spiritual Qi. If you eat too much, you can't refining in time, which will cause meridian blockage."

"Be careful of Spiritual Qi spills."

Good things are not the more the better.

Just like Sun Wukong.

I ate so many flat peaches and Golden Core in one go.

If it weren't for Supreme Taoist, use Eight Trigrams Furnace to exercise in time.

Even if Sun Wukong is a Lingming stone monkey, it can't hold it.

Chen Fan subconsciously weighed it twice, then asked again:

"How do I feel that you are heavier than before."

"Are you growing up? Are you fat?"

As soon as he said this, he ignited the explosive barrel directly.


Mrs. Di Yong grinned, waving her little paw to fight Chen Fan.

Where is she gaining weight, she is obviously plump, OK?

Furthermore, every day is either a flat peach or a variety of Spirit Fruit. If you are vegetarian every day, how can you gain weight?

Mrs. Di Yong tried her best to protect her reputation.

At this time, Chen Fan saw the Communication Bead on the ground again.

Pick it up and put it away.

Flicked a brain collapse.

"This is not your toy, don't throw it around."

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