No one thought that Princess Yumian would win four games first.

Everyone was very surprised.

Six Eared Macaque reacted after a long time.

He gasped sharply.

"How is it possible!"

"How can this be true."

"That little monster, unexpectedly won faster than me!"


Everything is incredible.

Six Eared Macaque couldn't accept the picture before him at all.

He has the ability to snoop divine, and he can't hide any secrets from his ears.

Whether it is the information we inquired before, or just learned from his population.

Jade Face Princess is a stinky chess basket.

The biggest one is just knowing the rules of Go.

To say that he can play chess is considered a promotion.

Don't say surpassing Six Eared Macaque, the overwhelming majority present is better than her.

Six Eared Macaque doesn't know what Princess Yumian did.

But he knew that the opponent's chess skills shouldn't be so good at all!

As a result, the opponent has not only won one victory after another.

Moreover, more than yourself!

He only won three rounds, but the little monster he disdainful won four rounds?

How can Six Eared Macaque accept this!


The facts are very clear.

Whether Six Eared Macaque is willing to accept it or not.

Jade Face Princess has won, and has won the fourth victory.

The 4th notch also appeared on the black jade token!

Everyone was amazed, looking at the jade face Princess again and again in admiration.

"Jade Face Princess is really amazing."

"I remember when she was tested for the first time, she lost in a short while."

"Why is this time so powerful."

"I won four games in one go, and the latecomers came first."

"Not only surpassed Long Live Fox Wang, it has surpassed Six Eared Macaque. It is a miracle!"

Roc Demon King and Yu Yu Wang also looked at Long Live Fox King with weird expressions.

Can't help but complain:

"Fox King, you are not authentic."

"You still said that Princess Yumian can't play chess?"

"She is better than you, and even surpasses Six Eared Macaque."

"If this is not possible, then what are we?"

Long live the fox king also looked dazed and didn't know how to explain it.

He spread his hands, helplessly said:

"I don't know too."

"Xiaoyu's strangeness should not work."

"She used to play against me. I gave her as much as possible, and she couldn't make a few moves."

"How could she have such a good chess skill?"

Long live the fox king raised his daughter so big, it is impossible to understand.

Everything in front of me is incredibly amazing.

At this time.

King Yu Yu suddenly thought of something, looked thoughtful and said:

"Fox King, have you ever thought about it."

"What do you think With Jade Face Princess, in fact the opposite is true."

"Jade Face Princess is actually a chess genius."

"She just wants to be happy with you, but makes you happy. "

Long live the fox king was stunned.

I always feel that this statement of King Yu Yu is extremely absurd, but somehow it is inexplicable.

is it possible that, is your daughter really a chess genius?

My daughter is so filial?

Always letting yourself?

But there is no reason?

Why do you want to do this?

For a time, Long Live Fox King fell into deep self-doubt.

I don’t even know my daughter anymore.

"Fox King, your daughter is really deeply hidden, and she is like a formidable person."

Nodded praised by Roc Demon King.

The King Yu Yan also gave a thumbs up.

"the student surpasses the master."

"Fox Race really has a lot of geniuses."

I heard such praise from the other party.

Long live the fox king can only laughed in embarrassment, and don't know how to respond.

I looked back at my daughter with a complicated look.

Just then.

He suddenly saw a weird situation.

The jade face Princess looks a little strange.

The mind doesn't seem to be on the chessboard, nor does he care about the arguments in the valley.

Moreover, there is a faint fluctuation of Divine Consciousness on her body?

Long live the fox king frowned.

I took a closer look, and soon found a special bead.

Communication Bead!

This thing was given to Princess Yumian by Long Live Fox King.

How could he not know each other!

Communication Beads can be thousands of miles apart and can communicate at any time.

Is it possible that my daughter has found a senior who has excellent chess skills, and tells her to play chess?

This question just came up.

The Long Live Fox King already has the answer in his heart.

Chen Fan, Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King.

The reclusive senior who is powerful.

Except for him, Long Live Fox King couldn't think of anyone with such great abilities.

Or rather.

Only Chen Fan has such a high level of chess skills and can easily solve the test.

The truth is revealed.

Long live the Fox King hesitated, not knowing how to explain it to Roc Demon King and Yu Yu.

Just then.

The chess game has changed again.

On the opposite side of Princess Yumian, a black shadow quickly condensed.

Is another chess slave.

It's just that the imposing manner of the chess slave looks much stronger, and he actively urges Yumian Princess to start a game.

Jade Face Princess was taken aback.

The provocation of the chess slave is not in the slightest.

How can the test of the Demon Lord Yixing be difficult?

She has senior guidance and doesn't put the test in her eyes at all.


Jade face Princess thinks.

Don't say it's just a test.

Even if Mr. Yixing is in the world, he is not a senior's opponent.

Jade Face Princess smiled softly.

I immediately took my mind back from the Communication Bead and took my seat again.

Another chess game begins.

Jade Face Princess cautiously told Chen Fan about each step.

Disdain to disdain.

She didn't want to ruin the reputation of senior because of her own negligence.

Neither the Demon nor the cultivator found the Communication Bead.

Seeing Princess Yumian starting the fifth game again, I was even more amazed.

"Sure enough to be the Princess of Jade Face, I won four games in one go."

"The fifth game will start immediately. It's amazing!"

"Didn't expect, Long Live Fox King's daughter is so capable."


Flower Fruit Mountain.

Noisy sounds came from the Communication Bead.

Chen Fan frowned.

"Weird, there seems to be a lot of people on Princess Yumian?"

"Should not the inheritance of Demon Lord Yixing be very secretive?"

" Why are there so many people who find it and participate in the test?"

It was obviously a mysterious treasure hunt, but it turned into a game conference.

That's not counting.

What Chen Fan cares most about is why so many people have heard the news of the birth of Cave Mansion.

According to Princess Yumian.

The status of Demon Lord Yixing is extraordinary, but not many people know it.

How did so many people know about Cave Mansion when it was born?

How strange I think.

Chen Fan slightly hesitated.

No clue.

He didn't even know the existence of Demon Lord Yixing, and he was not easy to judge.

The only way to help Princess Yumian win.

Chen Fan flicked away the chess pieces.

While listening to the sound transmission of Princess Yumian, he placed the pieces in sequence.

"However, put aside those questions."

"This game test is quite interesting."

"The chess skills of the demon king Yixing It's really extraordinary."

Chen Fan became more and more sexually interested.

To carry out the test, it is much more fun than playing chess with the stinky chess basket of Yumian Princess.

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