Jade Face Princess just played against Chen Fan.

I tried my best, but only got 30 hands.

Although the test of the Demon Lord Yixing is also difficult.

But for Chen Fan, it is absolutely nothing.

Jade Face Princess has absolute confidence that Chen Fan will definitely be able to solve the chess game of the King of Stars.

She is not very interested in what inheritance, there are so many Great Demon and Great Cultivator present, it is difficult to get her strength.

However, senior seems to like playing chess.

Otherwise, I won't play against myself for so long.

Now that there is such a special game here, he must be very interested.

"Well, that's it."

Jade face Princess nodded.

She patted her hands and straightened up.

The demons next to her didn't care either, thinking she gave up.

Since the opening of the Cave Mansion of the Demon Lord of the Star.

Many people have been tested and persuaded to leave the valley.

More people learned the news and came from all over to participate in the test.

I don’t know how many people are here.

However, none of them won the game.

Jade Face Princess is nothing more than a monster at the pinnacle of True Immortal Realm.

I have a reputation for being playful and not good at cultivation.

Even if you can play chess, where can your chess skill go?

No one cares.

No one even noticed that,

The direction of Princess Yumian's departure was not Mount Leishan at all.

"King Fox, your daughter has left."

King Yu Yu glanced back.

"The child Xiaoyu learned to play chess with me, but his chess skills are not very good."

"Or go back and play."

Long live Fox King responded casually.

However, he kept his eyes on the chessboard and did not move away.

"This game is too difficult."

"Don't say it's Princess Jade, even me, I can't beat it."

Roc Demon King sighed, rubbing his forehead vigorously.

The chess game in front of him has reached a deadlock.

If you have at most three hands, you will lose.

The situation of King Yu Yu is not very good, and he will not be able to go ten moves next.

In fact, this is not the first time they have lost the game.

This is a test set by Mr. Yixing.

How can it be simple.

For such a long time, it's not just them.

The Demon and cultivator present, don't know how many times they have lost.

But in order to be able to get inheritance.

No one gave up.

However, there are also people who suddenly have a thought and haven't been stuck on it all the time.

After losing, immediately fly to the nearest city.

Temporarily embrace the Buddha's feet and step up time to learn chess.

Some people even moved the game record directly.

Compared with current learning.

But chess is not that simple.

You can learn it not just by embracing the Buddha's feet.

Even if there is a game record, no one can beat the Unreal Silhouette.

Yi Xing Mojun enters the Tao with chess, and the brilliant chess skills can be seen.

"Fox King, it's all up to you this time."

Roc Demon King and Yu Yuwang have no confidence at all to win.

We can only pin our hopes on Long Live Fox King.

At the same time, they were extremely grateful.

Fortunately, they learned that Cave Mansion was on the minefield site.

Instead of forcibly, I went to Flower Fruit Mountain specifically to find Long Live Fox King to join forces.

Otherwise, I can't even cry now.

"Hey, old man can only try his best."

Long live Fox King responded very cautiously.

brows tightly knit.

In fact, he has no bottom in his heart.

Even if he had guessed before, the content of the test may be related to chess skills.

However, he still underestimates the chess skills of Yixing Mojun.

Often, if you can't walk a few steps, you will fall into a dead end.

The test started so long.

Long live the Fox King also reopened several rounds.

However, the best game was only one hundred and seventy-eight hands.

Long live the fox king incomparably sighed.

Sure enough, he deserves to be the Demon Lord of the Stars who enters the Tao with chess.

In one of the moves of chess, he is quite accomplished.

Perhaps, no one can win him at all.

Even if it is just a test, no one will pass.

Just now.

Somewhere in the valley, a white light suddenly lit up and rose to the sky.

Everyone was awakened.

Quickly turned around and looked towards that location.

"Six Eared Macaque!"

The chessboard in front of Six Eared Macaque is shining with a dazzling white light.

The whole person is bathed in white light.

The majestic Spiritual Qi swarmed, forming a Spiritual Qi vortex.

The illusory silhouette opposite him suddenly shattered.

It turns into a black air and blends into the white light.

A black jade token actually condenses into a black jade token, slowly falling.

The sighted person has seen it clearly.

On the jade token, there is a vaguely engraved "Dan"!

It seems to be some kind of special word.

"What's that?"

"Is it possible that Six Eared Macaque has passed the test?"

"It's amazing!"

In the entire valley, there are so many Demons and cultivators, as well as many with superb chess skills.

But it can't beat Unreal Silhouette at all.

But Six Eared Macaque won!

Everyone was shocked.

Six Eared Macaque has a secret whereabouts and an extraordinary identity.

If it weren't for King Yu Yu to break through, everyone wouldn't even know that he was one of the four monkeys in the mixed world.

I don’t know that he has divine ability with six ears.

from the very beginning.

Demons fought when they saw the entrance, but Six Eared Macaque watched indifferently.

When the chess game first appeared, everyone was surprised.

It was also Six Eared Macaque who told the test truth.

He must know something.

Therefore, we can be the first to win.

Everyone looked at Six Eared Macaque.

Full of unwillingness and jealousy.

But no matter how unwilling and jealous they are, the game is over.

Six Eared Macaque won and got the black jade token.

As long as he holds the black jade token, he may be able to enter the Cave Mansion and take away all opportunities.

"It's over, I completely lost."

"I wasted so much energy, but I ran away."

"Don't say Yi The inheritance of the Star Demon Lord, you can't even grab a low-level treasure."

The valley is full of sorrow.

They thought that even if the Cave Mansion of the Demon Lord of Stars is more powerful.

Following fish in troubled waters, there is still a great opportunity to take some things that the big guys don’t want.

How can I think that there will be a test of chess.

How can you pick up rubbish even if you can't even enter the door?

This time it came completely in vain.

Long live the fox king is also very unwilling.

"Hey, the old man disappointed the two."

"This game is too difficult, so Six Eared Macaque is an extraordinary natural talent."

" The old man was one step late in the end."

Six Eared Macaque has passed the test, and if you lose one step, you lose all the games.

Roc Demon King and Yu Tamarin are also very lost.

But I also know.

This matter cannot be blamed on Long Live Fox King.

"The Fox King doesn't need to blame himself, it's because I waited for the test to be too simple."

"I didn't expect that Six Eared Macaque would come here."

The two also participated in the game personally.

Of course I understand the difficulty of the game, but didn't expect Six Eared Macaque to win first.

They have no alternative.

Everyone looked at Six Eared Macaque enviously, waiting for him to take away the inheritance.

But something strange happened.

Six Eared Macaque has clearly obtained the black jade token, but the chessboard in front of him has not disappeared.

"What's the matter?"

Everyone was confused and confused.

Just now.

A new phantom suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the chessboard.

Take a seat cross-legged and invite Six Eared Macaque to sit in.

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