Flower Fruit Mountain.

Sing by singing, dancing by dancing.

All the apes are very happy, celebrating the end of the exam lively.

Chen Fan leaned back in his seat lazily.

Looking at Flower Fruit Mountain with so many talents, I am also very happy.

Pick up a pot of Monkey Wine without a cup, just look up and drink.

Suddenly, Chen Fan's expression moved slightly, thinking of something.

"I haven't signed in today."

During this time, Chen Fan signed in with various Return to the Natural State level techniques, or some manufacturing techniques.

Although these things are very useful, they are not true divine ability.

So much so that his sense of expectation has diminished a lot.

I almost forgot to sign in today.

However, mosquito legs are also meat.

Furthermore, techniques also have different uses.

"Sign in!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and gaining the Demon Circle!"

The Demon Circle!

I just saw this name, Chen Fan’s first reaction was to ship it.

No longer a technique, no longer a mundane thing.

But the real magic weapon.

"The monster circle is made of special materials. It can be wrapped around the monster's neck. It only needs a thought to control the target. No one except the owner can remove it."

See the introduction of Fu Yao circle.

Chen Fan is slightly frowned, creating a strong sense of sight.

"Isn't this a pirated coward?"

The master can control the monster circle to inflict damage on the monster through thoughts.

Except for the different position of wearing, it's a tight-knit spell.

Chen Fan is Monkey King. Give him a demon circle, how weird it is.

"What monster is this system let me control?"

"Or do I want to set myself?"

"As long as I set myself a circle first , The curse won't cure me?"

The more Chen Fan thinks about it, the more strange it gets.

turned over the palm, suddenly a black collar was added.

It is a black collar with a novel style, with golden patterns engraved on the surface.

There is also a small crystal clear and near-transparent bead on the front.

It looks quite delicate and beautiful.

It's just that Chen Fan's face is even more weird.

"How does this thing look like a fun collar for later generations."

"Use this thing to control monsters?"

"The system is convulsed!"

I have to say, this collar is very beautiful.

If the Banshee monster wears it, it will definitely be more beautiful.

It's like Princess with jade face.

If you wear a collar on that snow-white neck, there will be a different kind of charm.

It's just a friend.

How can Chen Fan use the Demon Circle to deal with his friends?

"In other words, system wants me to catch a Banshee monster?"

"System, this is because I've been single for a long time. Will you urge marriage?"

In the previous life, I was urged to marry by my parents, didn't expect to pass through, and I was urged to marry by the system.

It’s just that this way is not right.

"Besides, this world is so big."

"Where should I go to catch a beautiful Banshee monster?"


A strange Spiritual Qi fluctuation awakened Chen Fan.

Interrupted his cranky thinking.

Look back.

Water Curtain Cave is flashing multi-colored light.

"Strange? Is anyone breaking into the Water Curtain Cave?"

"Is it possible that what kind of monster..."

Chen Fan is silent NS.

There is a peculiar premonition in my heart.

It may be a Banshee monster who broke into the Water Curtain Cave.

However, whether it is a Banshee monster or a female devil, someone dared to break into the Water Curtain Cave. That is courting death!

Chen Fan steps lightly.

Suddenly turned into a gust of wind, flying towards the Water Curtain Cave.

"Huh? Why not?"

As soon as Chen Fan flew back to the Water Curtain Cave, he frowned.

There is no one in the Water Curtain Cave.

But he was absolutely right just now.

Water Curtain Cave really has a problem.

"The multi-colored light just now should be caused by these calligraphy and paintings."

Chen Fan painted the painting himself, he knows best.

He deliberately put these Supreme Treasure calligraphy and paintings in the Water Curtain Cave.

Once an enemy invades,

will spontaneously counterattack.

Water Curtain Cave looks undefended on the surface, but in fact it is more powerful than any immortal Buddha forbidden place.

There was definitely an enemy invasion and hostility just now.

Only then will calligraphy and painting counterattack.

"I came back very quickly, there is no other person who has escaped."

"The true power is extraordinary, and impossible cannot stop these calligraphy and painting."

"Who the hell is it?"

Chen Fan thought hard, trying to verify his hunch.

Is it a Banshee blame?

At this moment, he suddenly saw a fluffy white mouse on the ground.

I was curled up into a ball and seemed to be in a coma.

"White-haired mouse?"

Flower Fruit Mountain is a mountain range with various flowers, birds, fish, insects.

Of course there are many mice.

Those who dared to break into the Water Curtain Cave, but not.

Not to mention, it's still a weird white mouse.

Chen Fan leaned over and looked at the white mouse carefully.

There was a strange feeling in my heart.

It's obviously just a mouse, but it makes him feel that the other person is very beautiful.

"I've been single for a long time, and I feel so pretty when I see a mouse."

Suddenly, Chen Fan's heart moved.

Two golden rays of light burst out of his eyes, and he re-looked towards the white-haired mouse.

The white-haired mouse has changed.

Become a beautiful woman.

The woman is very beautiful and charming with silver white hair.

Qiong nose and vermilion lips, willow eyebrows are slightly frowning.

She curled up on the ground, seeming to be a little bit painful, and she was in a fascination.

"No, it's really Banshee weird!"

Chen Fan couldn't help twitched his lips.

No wonder he couldn't find the invading monster.

They have all turned into a coma.

Moreover, he was even more speechless.

It is really only the Banshee monster that broke into the Water Curtain Cave, and it is also an extremely beautiful Banshee monster.

This system, sure enough, will not give a fun collar for no reason.

"Golden Immortal Realm's white-haired mouse monster, the tip of the nose is still golden."

"This, is it possible that is Mrs. Earthyong?"

Chen Fan carefully looked at the white-haired Banshee monster.

Combined with the natural phenomenon in the Water Curtain Cave, I have guessed what happened.

He used to kill a great king of consumption, it seems that he was the subordinate of Mrs. Di Yong.

Mrs. Di Yong may have come to avenge her opponent, but she has not seen Chen Fan yet, and she was injured by the calligraphy and painting in the Water Curtain Cave.

So that it changed back to the main body, and fell into a coma.

Can survive so many Supreme Treasure calligraphy and paintings without death on the spot.

I have to say that this woman is a little too lucky.

"Banshee is weird, ill-conceived, and beautiful."

"Completely in line with the goal."

Banshee looked at the beautiful woman.

Chen Fan eyebrows raised.

Some suspect that system gave him the demon circle, which was specially prepared for Mrs. Di Yong.

There is no hesitation.

He immediately picked up the white-haired mouse and trapped Fu Yao.

Then mobilize the mana to transfer a brain power into the white-haired mouse.


Mrs. Di Yong screamed.

I just feel pain all over my body.

She opened her eyes slowly, and then froze.

In front of me is a stalwart and tall silhouette, uncommon military might, and domineering exposed.

I was looking at myself with a smile.

Mrs. Di Yong flushed and lowered her head shyly.

Suddenly, her expression changed drastically, and she reacted immediately.

I am in Water Curtain Cave!

That silhouette is Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King!

I was discovered by the enemy!

Please remember our website: Novel() Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by the monkey and updated the fastest.

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