Flower Fruit Mountain.

The cultural test for the literary test has ended.

The skill test also began immediately.

"All candidates pay attention."

"The sculpture is over there, the painting is here..."

Hou Ze and Ji Xiuqi worked hard to maintain order.

As the chief Chief-In-Charge of the exam, the two of them must coordinate everything.

Cultural lessons are for everyone to learn.

Skill is a choice of each person.

Most candidates for the skill test have no cultivation talent, or old and weak apes.

They can't fight for Flower Fruit Mountain, so they try their best to contribute to Flower Fruit Mountain from other aspects.


Everyone knows that Chen Fan has a Return to the Natural State level of painting.

Many apes have devoted themselves to the art of painting.

This category also has the most candidates.

The exam begins.

Skill exams are difficult to cheat.

Even if you look at the copying of other people's works, the technique is not enough for nothing.

The invigilator watched a monkey and drew a chaotic mix-up.

All kinds of messy colors are smeared on the paper.

He once suspected that this one was here to make up the number.

But there are many good paintings.

After all, I admire Chen Fan's peerless paintings every day, and he can also nurture several great painters under the influence of ears and eyes.

Although Yuan Zhong is one of the five Great Commanders, he also came to take the painting art exam.

I saw him lightly dipping the brush and splashing ink.

The color levels are distinct,

the perspective is excellent.

The invigilator stood behind Yuan Zhong.

Nodded appreciated.

The ink faints, and a vivid portrait gradually takes shape.

The Master was stunned, staring straightly at his eyes.

The expression is a little hard to describe.

On the drawing paper, a golden ape is laughing and stand proud in the whole world, sweeping thousands of Demon.

Fight Heaven and Earth, so domineering.

The end is a good painting.

However, the Master knew at a glance who was on the painting.

Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey King.

Chen Fan.

The Master looked complicated and sighed, and looked up in a circle.

The look is more complicated.

Thousands of apes and monkeys took part in the art examination, and there were no one thousand and eight hundred of them on the subject of Chen Fan.

Even the candidate who made up the number, if you look closely, is drawing a monkey.

"Is this a personal portrait exhibition or a painting examination?"

The master was plunged into self-doubt.

Carving the examination room on the other side.

The invigilator did not know whether to cry or laugh.

The ground is full of broken stones.

The statues on the carving platform gradually took shape.

The audience is Chen Fan.

There are sitting, standing, and soar into the clouds and mount the mists, soaring into the sky, suppressing Demon with one hand, or leading a group of monkeys to ascend and look into the distance.

Without exception.

All sculptures are Chen Fan.

Even those who are involved in gardeners and gardeners.

It is also trimmed with plants to look like Chen Fan.

The dressmaker also pierced Chen Fan's embroidery on the clothes.

There are even monkeys who are ingenious and dressed up like Chen Fan.

Treat yourself directly as a work.

In short, as long as it involves the examination of creation, the works are difficult to describe.

After the invigilator reported the matter to Ji Xiuqi.

Ji Xiuqi was also silent for a long time.

Then I found Chen Fan without saying a word.

"Isn't Master Ji proctoring the skill exam?"

"Why would I have free time to come to me?"

Chen Fan was a little strange.

"Did something happen?"

Ji Xiuqi tried to organize the language.

"Major, the skill test is almost done."

"The candidates have made a lot of good works."

"I want to ask the king Rate it together."

Chen Fan has no idea what he is about to see.

Smiling nodded.

"Alright, let me see how your craftsmanship is."

Hou Ze and several other leaders are also interested.

"I will go and I will go too."

"That boy Yuan Zhong went to participate in the art. I really want to see how he painted."

"Don't lose to the younger ones, and shame our brother."

Yuan Yong looked excited, scratching his head, and didn't know if he wanted to see the painting or the excitement.

Chen Fan complexion sank.

"As far as your level of cultural classes is concerned, haven't you already lost all of you?"

Yuan Yong drooped his head in an instant, his head was downcast, and his mood was also depressed.

The entire group quickly came to the skill exam site.

Then he was stunned.

In the eyes, there are all kinds of Chen Fan.

Everyone was silent, and they looked towards Chen Fan and didn't say a word for a long time.

Chen Fan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Although he knew that the Flower Fruit Mountain group of monkeys admired himself very much.

But didn't expect.

A good exam turned into his personal image exhibition.

"Master Ji, don't you take care of it?"

Ji Xiu is shrugged.

"The skill test is based on the individual's skill level. It is best to play freely."

"So there is no limit."

"Major, you still Let’s rate it first."

The whole audience is me.

What kind of points are you making?

Chen Fan really wanted to go back to the time when Ji Xiuqi found him, and refused to come.

However, looking at the countless pairs of eager eyes in the examination room.

He can only shake his head.

"The picture is too bad, and the color matching is not good."

"What is the proportion of the body of this statue, the head is big and the neck is thick, I am not Boy."

"And this, what are you kidding? I grinned, am I that scary?"

Chen Fan frowned unhappy.

As everyone knows, in the outside world, his image is even more terrifying.

"Huh? This is not bad, at least it looks like it, who did it?"

Suddenly, Chen Fan saw a pretty good painting.

Enough to reach the level of Full Mastery.

It seems that Flower Fruit Mountain still has a lot of skill geniuses.

"The king, it's me."

Yuan Zhong stood up and stood up immediately.

"This is how I remember your heroic posture to draw such a painting."

"It's not that I painted well, but you are so handsome!"

Chen Fan is speechless.

If you paint, just paint. What do you do with flattery like this?

Everyone was suffocating a smile, and almost didn't laugh.

Yuan Yong stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

"Didn't expect that you guy with strong features will also betray you!"

"Using this method to shoot the flattery of the king!"

Yuan Hong frowned.

"What flattery, that is monkey fart!"

"How dare you say that the king is a horse!"

Everyone can't help it anymore, one A burst of laughter.

"Okay! Shut me up!"

Chen Fan had a headache.

"You finished a few of your homework, right? Do you want me to make up the exam for you now?"

The words came out.

A group of monkeys hurriedly shrank their heads in anguish.

"No, no."

"My lord, you manage everything, but you don't care about it."

Just kidding, it's not over for a long time, none of them No review.

Isn't it bringing about one's own destruction to make up the exam now?

Chen Fan coldly snorted, continue to move forward.

It’s even harder to say a word when passing through the gardening area.

Trimming the plants into their own appearance is quite novel.

It’s just that it’s green from head to toe, and it’s really a bit responsive.

Although he doesn't even have a woman now, he is uncomfortable to look at.

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