Since Chen Fan killed King Consuming Immortal.

There are only three or two big cats and kittens left in Cool Breeze Mountain.

Not even one party can talk about it.

Long live the fox king did not release any cruel words.

The group of little monsters was already shocked by Divine Soul, and they all knelt down all of a sudden.

"pay respects to the king!"

"We must listen to you in the future."

Even the bosses who call themselves Monster King do not Dare to have the slightest delusion.

Quickly ran out one by one, kneeling on the ground.

In Monster Race.

powerhouse is respected, the winner is king, weak are prey to the strong.

Most of these little demons are Refining Void, Fusing Dao realm, and they don't even have a Demon Immortal. How dare you disobey the Long Live Fox King in the Golden Immortal Realm world?

Immediately one by one creeps on the ground, shiver coldly.

"We will definitely be under your leadership."

"Reinvigorate the reputation of Cool Breeze Mountain!"

In fact, these little monsters still A little excited.

Long live the fox king is much better than the celestial king.

Being able to follow this kind of king, they will be able to follow the food and drink in the future.

Never be bullied again.

The little monsters are looking forward to the Long Live Fox King.

Wait for his order to attack the surrounding Demon and even avenge Flower Fruit Mountain.

"You must clean Cool Breeze Mountain daily to keep the entire mountain clean."


Long live the fox king coldly snorted.

All the monsters quickly got up and tried their best to clean.

Princess Yumian is slightly confused.

"Royal Father, what do you occupy such a small place for?"

"Not worthy of your identity."

So remote and barren place , If it weren't for Long Live Fox King's proposal.

Princess of Yumian will not take it seriously.

But Long Live Fox King actually took this place, and her heart was full of confusion.

"The scenery here is nice, and it is quite aura."

Long live the fox king stroked his beard and smiled around Cool Breeze Mountain.

Then he pointed to the East again.

"More importantly,

this place is not far from Flower Fruit Mountain, and not too close to disturb the senior repairs."

"Even, I can visit often , Listen to the teachings of senior."

"It couldn't be more suitable."

Long live the fox king is satisfied and nodded.

It doesn’t matter if Cool Breeze Mountain Spiritual Qi is not enough, as long as it is close to Flower Fruit Mountain.

That is a great choice.


Princess Yumian was stunned.

I never thought that the Royal Father occupied Cool Breeze Mountain for this purpose.

Want to get close to Chen Fan!

Actually, Princess Yumian didn't have this idea.

She also looks forward to being able to get closer to Chen Fan.

It’s best to be closer.

"Daughter knows, I will come here often to walk around in the future."

Princess Yumian looked into the distance.

I can’t wait to see Chen Fan next time I go to Flower Fruit Mountain.

I saw this picture of my daughter.

How can Long Live Fox King fail to guess the other side's thoughts?

He can only be sighed.

"Daughter, I know what you think."

"I just want to remind you a little."

"Chen Fan senior specially chose Flower Fruit Mountain Qing Xiu, I just don’t want to be disturbed."

"If you disturb the senior or even anger him, we won’t do any good when the time comes."

After guessing his mind, his face turned red.

Lowered her head and murmured:


In fact, she knew it in her heart.

Chen Fan senior is what kind of existence, how can he be attracted to himself?

Even if it wasn't for the purpose of curing the Long Live Fox King, Chen Fan would not pay her attention at all.

However, Princess Yumian did not give up.

Even if you can't come together.

As long as she can see each other frequently, she is also content.

"That's right."

Long live the fox king suddenly thought of something.

Seriously warned:

"Daughter, after returning to Jilei Mountain, absolutely must not tell others that my injuries and poisoning have been cured."

"Must stay silent and be careful."

Someone dared to poison themselves.

The Long Live Fox King is full of anger,

He has made up his mind.

Once you return to Jilei Mountain, you must thoroughly investigate the murderer.

He has to take a good look, who is so bold.

Although Long Live Fox King still doesn't know who the murderer is, he already has a guess in his heart.

It's just about the foundation of Ji Lei Shan.

There is no evidence, and he does not want to do it lightly. .

It's okay to kill a good person by mistake, but let the real murderer see the joke.

That's a big joke.

"I know Royal Father."

Princess nodded, I have guessed what Royal Father thinks.

She also clenched her fists and said angrily:

"When I find the guy who uses three tactics, I must take his skin and twitch him! Let him die!"

Long live the Fox King and Princess Yumian were full of resentment.

The Little Monsters in Manshan didn't know the truth, and thought they were not doing well enough to make the Great Demon King angry.

Quickly clean up one by one carefully.

I just didn't lie on the ground and eat the garbage directly.

Seeing the little monsters cleaning so hard.

Long live the fox king is nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, you continue to clean."

"When I come next time, I must see a clean Cool Breeze Mountain!"

The voice did not fall.

He has set up a retreat and returned to Jilei Mountain with Princess with a jade face.

Only the mountain monsters are left complaining.


Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

Cool Breeze Mountain is not only clean and tidy, but also beautiful.

The monsters have also become extremely polite, bathing and changing clothes every day.

I can't wait to rub the skin apart, so I don't dare to have the slightest dust.

But these.

Chen Fan doesn't even know.

This year, he signed in a lot of treasures, but there is nothing worth checking out.

What's more special is that he has gained a lot of myriad skills.

Such as painting art, chess art, tea art, wine art and so on.

There is no doubt that they are all at the Return to the Natural State level.

This year, Chen Fan has been studying these skills.

There is no deliberate cultivation.

But something magical happened.

His cultivation base has reached the peak of Profound Immortal Realm instead.

With only a slight difference, you will be able to break through and achieve Golden Immortal.

"Sure enough."

"According to that sentence."

"Practicing more is worse than practicing well, and practicing well is worse than practicing fine."

Chen Fan secretly sighed.

This kind of cultivation speed is several times faster than his previous serious cultivation.

That one skill seems ordinary.

But don’t forget, Chen Fan masters the Return to the Natural State level.

In every move, Dao Rhyme shows himself and lingers around.

Chen Fan is surrounded by various Dao Rhyme every day.

The cultivation base is naturally improved.

Like the long live fox king of Golden Immortal Realm.

He has been trapped in bottleneck for thousands of years, but he saw the Sun, Moon and Stars pictures drawn by Chen Fan.

But he has gained countless insights.

Even found an opportunity to breakthrough Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

"Maybe this is the natural way."

Chen Fan slightly nodded.

Grand Dao Reaches The Simple, Return to the Natural State is the real Tao.

On this day, he is preparing to go out to collect the wind.

Ji Xiuqi found him.

"My lord, the level of knowledge of the residents of Flower Fruit Mountain has reached a certain realm."

"I suggest, it is better to take an exam."

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