Long live the fox king is finally convinced that he is poisoned.

Princess Yumian immediately fell to her knees, begging Chen Fan to heal her Royal Father.

Chen Fan quickly helped him up.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry, since I have discovered the toxin."

"I won't die without saving."

Long live the fox king was shocked.

didn't expect Chen Fan really has a cure.

That's too simple to dissipate life, even the golden silkworm flower Gu, which likes to swallow poison, is poisoned to death.

Chen Fan can also be cured.

But it's a matter of life safety, Long Live Fox King couldn't help asking one more question.

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist, what kind of treatment is used? What kind of medicinal herb do I need?"

"I will immediately launch all forces in Jilei Mountain to find it."

Chen Fan waved his hand.

"The treatment method is very simple, you need Three Illuminations Divine Water to melt into the holy medicine."

"What? Three Illuminations Divine Water!"

Long live fox The king suddenly slumped on the ground, his face like ashes.

"It's over, this can be over."

"Where do I find Three Illuminations Divine Water such as divine objects."

Three Illuminations Divine Water .

That is a treasure that is hard to get even the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, how could he have it.

Don't talk about launching the Thunder Mountain forces, even if you ask Qingqiu Fox Race for help, you may not be able to find it.

In other words, he only has dead end.

"Royal Father, you must be okay, we will think of a way,"

"We will ask for it everywhere."

"We can ask for it."

Go to Three Illuminations Divine Water to save you."

I already know the cure for Long Live Fox King, but there is no Three Illuminations Divine Water.

Princess Yumian cried, heartbroken.

But there is no way.

"Where is the Three Illuminations Divine Water?"

"I have."

Chen Fan turned over the palm, there is an extra in the palm Dripping.

It is Three Illuminations Divine Water.


Long live the fox king and the jade face Princess were shocked and looked towards Three Illuminations Divine Water.

I have mixed feelings.

That is the antidote that can save the Long Live Fox King.

They thought they couldn't find it at all, they didn't expect Chen Fan to have it in their hands!

"Please also senior to give Three Illuminations Divine Water."

"Xiaoyu is willing to give everything, I beg you to save Royal Father."

Princess Yumian Hastily bowed down again and looked at Chen Fan pleadingly.

"Little jade girl hurry up."

"Since I took out Three Illuminations Divine Water, it was to save Old Hu."

There is no explanation. .

Chen Fan directly urges mana to fuse Three Illuminations Divine Water into a holy medicine.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance appeared in the Water Curtain Cave.

Just by smelling the smell, Long Live Fox King felt that the body was too veggie and fate was stagnating.

Three Illuminations Divine Water can really detoxify!

"Old Hu, please take it."

Chen Fan passed the Three Illuminations Divine Water integration of Saint medicine.


Long live the fox king, I can't say anything to move,

Chen Fan not only sees the poison.

It also comes up with the Supreme Treasure of Three Illuminations Divine Water.

great kindness and virtue, he has no repayment.

Long live the fox king took the holy medicine with a complex expression.

Immediately look up and take it.

An extremely rich Life Power suddenly melted away and blended into the limbs.

Long live the fox king only feels unspeakable comfort.

The body is rejuvenated.

"Ah, my poison is relieved!"

Long live the fox king can clearly feel that all the fuss and fate have disappeared.

Even his previous illnesses and injuries have completely recovered.

There is no future trouble!

The tea washes Divine Soul, and the holy medicine heals the body.

Long live the fox king from the inside out, the body and soul are all being reborn!

Since then, life essence has greatly increased.

Cultivation is even more unimpeded!

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist for letting me be reborn, you are my life saving benefactor."

Long live the fox king quickly gave a salute deeply, thanks a lot.

Princess Yumian also knelt on the ground quickly.

"Thanks Senior for saving my Royal Father."

"Your great kindness and virtue, Xiaoyu will always remember it in my heart."

Chen Fan poses Wave your hand.

"No, it's just a casual effort."

He has a lot of Three Illuminations Divine Water, which is generally used to pour the Peach of Immortality Tree.

Just taking out a drop to save people is nothing at all.

And saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda.

Since Chen Fan has discovered that the opponent is very toxic, how can he die?

Long live the fox king slightly hesitated for a while.

Suddenly he took out a jade token and offered it with respectful hands.

"Fellow Daoist, your great kindness and virtue, old man can't repay you."

"Please accept this thing."

That It is a silver white jade token, with a warm texture and brilliant brilliance.

The word'Qingqiu' is also engraved on it.

"That is!"

The first time I saw jade token.

Jade Face Princess couldn't help her pupils shrinking.


That jade token is the jade token representing Qingqiu Fox Race, Qingqiu order!

With this jade token, equivalent to represents the entire Qingqiu Fox Race.

Position equivalent to Fox Race core senior.

Even Long Live Fox King.

It is still tens of thousands of years that I have made a huge contribution to Fox Race before I can get this jade token from Old Ancestor.

The material of jade token itself is extremely precious.

Its true value is even harder to estimate!

This represents the entire Fox Race.

If Chen Fan is in trouble, take out this jade token, the entire Qingqiu Fox Race will definitely help.

This kind of favor is too big.

Directly equivalent to let Chen Fan become the benefactor of Qingqiu Fox Race!

Chen Fan does not understand the reason for this jade token.

He glanced briefly.

That jade token sells very well.

Although it is not a magic weapon, it is also very beautiful as an ornament.

But to him, it doesn't make much sense.

Long live the fox king saw Chen Fan silent.

hurriedly said again:

"Fellow Daoist lives in seclusion here, and I will inevitably be disturbed by Xiao Xiao."

"This jade token is of great significance."

"If you hang this jade token on Cave Mansion, it will save you a lot of trouble."

After speaking, Long Live Fox King offered the jade pendant again.

I look forward to Chen Fan's acceptance.

What he said is grand-sounding, but it actually means something else.

Chen Fan accepts the jade token, and other demons will think Chen Fan has the blessing of Qingqiu Fox Race.

But the other way around.

It also represents the relationship between Qingqiu Fox Race and Chen Fan.

The real intention of Long Live Fox King is to hug Chen Fan's thigh by this.

Let Chen Fan and Qingqiu Fox Race have a karma.

"Many thanks Old Hu."

"I'm disrespectful when I'm down."

Chen Fan didn't think much, nodded gently.

Take the jade token and put it away.

Although he has some strength now.

But compared with those Great Demon who have lived for tens of thousands of years, it is nothing at all.

even more how, there is a potential enemy of Buddhism.

More allies are also a good thing.

At least not the same as the original Sun Wukong.

Flower Fruit Mountain was besieged by Celestial Court, so I worshipped Brother and didn't come to help.

Long live the fox king saw Chen Fan accept the jade token.

An extremely strong glow of joy burst into his eyes.

He grinned.

Chen Fan Fellow Daoist accepted it!

In other words.

From now on, Chen Fan can be regarded as a member of their Qingqiu Fox Race!

The status and status are equal to that of Long Live Fox Wang.

Enjoy the respect of Qingqiu Fox Race.

However, Long Live Fox King dare not be even with Chen Fan.

He knew that this man in front of him was the real monastic power.

With this incense.

Qingqiu Fox Race can get along with Chen Fan.

if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers.

Chen Fan is so powerful.

Long live Fox King doesn’t think Qingqiu Fox Race can help Chen Fan.


Maybe the entire Fox Race will be overshadowed by Chen Fan and revitalized!

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