Green Ant's new glutinous rice wine, red clay small stove.

If you want to snow in the evening, can you drink a cup?

Chen Fan's hand-cooked tea and water, all contain great principles.

Long live the fox king has been stunned.

Watching Chen Fan's every move with wide-eyed eyes, I feel the avenue contained therein.

In a short while.

The tea boiled, and misty steam came out.

The fragrance of tea overflowed, and immediately filled the entire Water Curtain Cave.

"Good tea!"

Long live the fox king couldn't help clapping his hands in admiration.

Just smelling the scent of tea, he knew that the tea must be extraordinary.

Enough to call it fairy tea!

"Old Hu overpraised."

Chen Fan laughed.

Hold the handle of the pot with one hand and hold it empty with the other.

The teapot is tilted.

The water flows like a pour, pouring down.

Falling into the jade lamp, ding dong makes a sound, and it has a special charm.

"Let the two of you wait for a long time."

"Yanye rough tea, I hope you don't dislike it."

How can Long Live Fox King dare to dislike it.

Not to mention that he has already seen that the tea is absolutely extraordinary

"many thanks Fellow Daoist."

He quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart, cautiously Pick up the tea cup and appreciate it carefully.

In fact.

Long live the fox king has not lied before, deliberately acted aggressively.

He really likes tea.

And is proficient in tea art.

Therefore, I will be more surprised by Chen Fan's superb tea art.

The Long Live Fox King has lived for so long and has seen countless people making tea.

But no one can compare with Chen Fan.

After seeing Chen Fan’s tea art today, he understood what a real tea art is.

Other people are just drinking water.

Based on his thousands of years of research.

To taste tea, you must first appreciate, then smell, and finally drink tea.

Reward, I have already enjoyed it just now.

Chen Fan’s tea art, Return to the Natural State, contains great principles.


Long live Fox King slightly closed his eyes.

Throw yourself into your nose and sniff gently.

In an instant, the aroma was tangy, soaking the limbs.

"Good tea!"

Long live Fox King couldn't help but exclaimed again, expressing his inner excitement loudly.

This tea is really very good.

He can't wait to taste it.

Take a sip.

In an instant.

Long live the fox king only feels that the entire Divine Soul has been washed inside and out.

He was cultivated for most of his life.

Both the soul and Dao Heart have long been covered with dust and filth.

But I drank that sip of tea.

All the dust and distracting thoughts on Dao Heart are all disappeared.

A brand new look.

Long live the fox king feels that he seems to be reborn as a whole.

Unspeakable comfort all over the body.

It's just a cup of tea, and I have achieved such a great harvest.

It is more powerful than Divine Pill spiritual medicine.

Long live the fox king subconsciously raised his head and looked at Chen Fan.

The shock is beyond words.

He didn't expect, this powerful senior of hidden cultivation is not only so good in painting skills, but also in the tea ceremony!

Long live the fox king couldn't help but admire.

You know he is the Great Demon at the top of the Golden Immortal Realm.

With just a sip of tea, I can see inside and outside, and I can understand my thoughts.

And his own daughter.

The Jade Face Princess is only in the realm of True Immortal Realm. Drinking this cup of tea will benefit even more.

At this point.

Princess Yumian also drank a sip of tea gently.

Close his eyes slightly.

The whole body exudes an extremely mysterious and abstruse breath.

There seems to be some sudden enlightenment.

After a while, Princess Yumian finally came back to his senses.

I don't even think about it.

Stand up quickly and respectfully worship.

"Many thanks Senior Wang, the monkey!"

"Your tea is really good."

Chen Fan smiled and waved.

"It's just a cup of crude tea, don't care."

Long live the fox king and the jade face Princess are still very excited.

For Chen Fan.

Maybe just a cup of tea.

But for them, it is the spirit pill and marvelous medicine that can wash Divine Soul.

I have drunk this cup of tea, although there will be no changes on the surface for the time being.

But, the thoughts are clear, Divine Soul is clear.

In the future, whether it is cultivation or breakthrough realm, it will definitely double the results for half the effort.

This kind of benefit can no longer be explained in a few words.

It is not gratitude that words can express.

"The Sun, Moon and Stars picture that Fellow Daoist gave to Xiaoyu before is really beneficial to Hu."

"So today I am here to thank you very much."

"I didn't expect to drank a cup of fairy tea from Fellow Daoist, I am really ashamed."

Long live the fox king is a little ashamed, sorry bowed his hands in salute.

The two of them, father and daughter, once again received a huge favor from Chen Fan.

Even if I want to repay, I can’t afford it.

Chen Fan is a little surprised.

He gave the picture to Princess Yumian, but he didn't expect it to give it to Long Live Fox King instead.

However, he didn't care.

It's just a painting made casually, which is not that important to him.

"Old Hu is polite."

"That's just a painting. Don't let Old Hu come all the way and thank you personally."

" On the contrary, it is a blessing that the painting can be seen by people who really appreciate it."

There are often Maxima, but Bole does not often have it.

Chen Fan has a Return to the Natural State level of painting skills. Of course, I hope more people can appreciate it.

Long live the fox was deeply moved.

For a hermit like Chen Fan, it's just a trifling painting.

But for them it is the real Supreme Treasure.

At least Long Live Fox King has never seen such a peerless painting in his life.

Only, since the senior did not say clearly.

That is to continue to hide the identity.

Long live the fox king secretly made up his mind.

No matter what Chen Fan asks him to do.

As long as it doesn't damage the interests of Fox Race, as long as it doesn't hurt his daughter, he promises everything.

"Fellow Daoist......cough cough!"

Long live the fox king just wanted to ask himself how to repay.

Suddenly he coughed violently.

"Royal Father, your old problem is happening again!"

"Quickly take medicine pill."

Princess Yumian hurriedly supported the Long Live Fox King .

Help him take out a jade vial from the Spatial Ring.

The father and daughter were in a panic.

Take out a pill and take it with your head up.

That pill Spiritual Qi is full, and on the surface there is one after another Wen Lingyun.

It is a turn of Golden Core.

After turning to Golden Core, it is rumored that the pill concocting was reported by Tai Shang Saint.

The medicine pill is divided into nine turns.

Every time you turn Golden Core, there will be one more Wen Lingyun on the surface.

The people of the cultivation Pill Dao in Three Realms all have the ultimate goal of refining the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill.

But regardless of the monster or the Divine Immortal, they can only refine the low-level Golden Core.

Only the Supreme Saint can refine the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill.

It is rumored that the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill can live human flesh and bones and become immortals on the spot.

Although Golden Core is not so magical, it is also an excellent Immortal Medicine for treating injuries.

Long live the fox king after eating a turn of Golden Core.

The cough finally stopped.

It looks much better.

A turn of Golden Core is precious though.

But the Long Live Fox King is the Monster King of Jilei Mountain, and he was born in the Fox Race of Qingqiu. His identity is indescribable.

For him, it is not too expensive.

Once Golden Core swallowed, Long Live Fox King hurriedly meditated and adjusted.

Finally recovered.

Long live the fox Wang Chang took a sigh of relief and quickly apologized to Chen Fan.

"Fellow Daoist I'm sorry."

"This is my old problem. Didn't expect an attack at this time, which frightened Fellow Daoist."

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