24 Gritting his teeth, he wanted to swallow Zhong Xuansheng alive.

However, he can't.

With his hands loose, Zhunti closed his eyes and did not look at Zhong Xuan.

Even, he directly closed all five senses and six senses.

Falling out of sight is pure.

I can't hear I can't see.

Say whatever you want.


Taishang Jie Yin and Yuan Yuan and others all let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he still held back.

Otherwise, they would be wasting their efforts today.

"Fellow Daoist Zhong Xuan, do you give up the ancient stars yourself, or do you let me wait?"

Yuan Yuan looked at Zhong Xuan with a gloomy expression.

This kid, who fell into the hands of their saints, even dared to be arrogant.

Really bold.

"Hey~ You guys deserve it too?"

"Go and ask Tiandao, this ancient starry sky can give you?"

"A group of roosters and thieves, the ancient starry sky is given to you, isn't it still the use of all the innate spiritual energy, and take the opportunity to restrain the prehistoric fate?"

Few of these saints are good things.

When the ancient starry sky Zhong Xuan did not have the merits of luck. ,

No one cares, and they won't think of doing something for these prehistoric beings and the prehistoric world.

Honghuang has already become such a force.

Still thinking about extracting the residual value for their own benefit.

Where would you think of serving all beings in the world?

The ancient starry sky pulled them, and they had to collect all the innate spiritual energy.

Just like the ancient demon clan, the light of the stars will be used to illuminate their demon clan.

Set all beings in the world to nothing.

How can a group of selfish villains master the ancient stars?

Zhong Xuan took the opportunity to throw the last pile of Chaos Spirit Fruits into his mouth.

The nine-turn Xuan Gong in the body is running wildly.

In the ninth turn, after this spiritual energy enters the body, the immeasurable amount of robbery mana required.

It has already been accumulated.

An immortal aura emanated from his body.

Whether physical or native.

At this moment, Zhong Xuan has quietly reached the realm of Luo Jinxian.

"You... well, well, well!"

Primordial laughed angrily, never talking nonsense to Zhong Xuan again.

"I hope you can be so stubborn when you only have Yuanshen left!"

Zhong Xuan sneered and said, "Come on, I will see what you can do to me today!"

How many people count?

Laozi has many magic weapons, and his cultivation is strong.

With immeasurable robbery mana in your body, you are afraid of you puppets who use the way of heaven to become saints?


Zhong Xuan didn't care about Yuan Yuan's threat to him at all.

"Hahaha~~~ Today, I also have to let you puppet saints clearly understand what is the Supreme Dao!"

Zhong Xuan's eyes narrowed.

All of his strength suddenly exploded.

The nine-turn Xuan Gong of the ninth turn is unpredictable.

Unparalleled terror.

Vast, ancient power erupted from him.

The receptionist in front of him looked surprised.

The breath that Zhong Xuan burst out was actually quite different from before.

It is completely incomparable to the previous Zhong Xuan.

"No, this kid's breath, could it be that he has been sanctified?"

Reception paled in shock.

When Zhong Xuan was not sanctified, he was on a par with him.

Even his two Western saints joined hands.

, were beaten to pieces.

Now that his cultivation has broken through, is it worth it?

He was shocked by the introduction, and exclaimed on the spot, "It's not good that this kid's cultivation has broken through!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Xuan's hands erupted with terrifying power.

With the power of the physical body alone, the golden body of the Dharma phase that was brought in was directly shattered.

The body of the sage who was picked up also flew upside down for tens of millions of miles.

He couldn't take care of anything else, Zhong Xuan's strength was too strong.

It actually gave him a feeling of facing the great god Pangu who created the world.

Although it is far from being as terrifying as Pangu, the power that blooms in him is far from what a saint like them can imagine.

After being shaken, how dare you go against Zhong Xuan?

Without saying a word, he just ran away.

He didn't even look back, he was extremely embarrassed. .

Chapter 214

Ying Yin ran away in fear.

But Taishangyuan and others had to face Zhong Xuan directly.

"Hey, I'll talk about you next!"

Zhong Xuan's eyes first fixed on Taishang's body.

This human sect leader is the most ruthless in using the human race.

The luck of the human race was searched so much that the luck of the human race could not be used by the human race itself.

But a first-class thief.


Taishang's heart jumped.

Being stared at by Zhong Xuan's eyes, it actually made him feel a heart-pounding feeling.

"Impossible, how did this kid become sanctified without Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

He didn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

How can one be sanctified without Hongmeng Ziqi?

This is the last stubbornness in Taishang's heart, although he has some doubts about Hongjun Daozu.

But still do not want to believe this fact.

Because once that becomes a fact.

These people who use the purple energy of Hongmeng to become holy.

It was used by Daozu Hongjun and turned into a puppet by Hongjun.

And they can't cut off the Hongmeng Purple Qi like Tongtian.

Once the saint falls, it is difficult to guarantee that Tongtian will not take the opportunity to shoot.

Immediately, the wife gritted her teeth.

He directly took out the Taiji map and shot Zhong Xuan brazenly.

"Death to me!"

The Taiji map is transformed by the Pangu axe, and it is one of the three treasures of opening the sky.

It is the list of innate spiritual treasures.

It can calm the earth, water, fire and wind, and transform the five elements of yin and yang.

In the hands of the Master Taishang, and in the hands of the previous Xuandu.

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