Madam Meng frowned, "Fellow Daoists don't need to worry about this matter, but my witch clan in the ancient starry sky will definitely have a hand in it today!"

"Why are you?"

Taishang asked calmly.

Obviously, he did not take Meng Po in his eyes.

It's just the avatar of a saint.

Dare to negotiate with them?

Moreover, the current back soil is fastened by the oath of heaven, and it is impossible to leave the underworld at all. .

Chapter 211

The sage of Houtu is equivalent to being completely useless.

"Yes, Daoist friend, why are you?"

Zhunti asked the same question.

A look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Did it give you some chance for the Wu clan to survive~?

You still don't know how to cherish, but instead - you want to jump out and make trouble?

"Perhaps, Lao Shen should go to Yinshan for a walk-suffering!"

"Perhaps, there should be some changes in the reincarnation of the Six Paths, and the sects of all of you may not receive people!"

Madam Meng threatened.

Houtu is in charge of the six reincarnations, and the entire underworld is transformed by Houtu's body.

She is equivalent to the existence of heaven in the underworld.

It is a saint as strong as Taishang who has entered the Netherworld.

Can't beat the back ground.

As long as she is ruthless, the Netherworld will stop functioning.

The six paths of reincarnation stagnated for a moment and a half.

In this major event of reincarnation in the Great Desolation, there will be great damage.

Especially Buddhists who want to recruit disciples.

If the Nether passage is given to him, his Buddhist disciples will never think of reincarnation.

This time, I saw the huge merit and luck in the ancient starry sky.

The back soil is also ruthless.

She sent Madam Meng to come out directly to negotiate with the saints.

"You... how dare you do something so contrary to the way of heaven?"

The original look suffocated.

If it really cuts off the six paths of reincarnation.

Their future disciples, unless there will never be casualties.

Otherwise, it is impossible to restore the primordial spirit and true spirit through reincarnation through the six paths of reincarnation.

This time in Houtu, it really paid off.

"Hmph~ My witch clan is already like this, what else is there to dare to do?"

Po Meng sneered and said, "Either give the ancient starry sky a point to my witch clan today, or you don't use the six reincarnations!"


The hearts of the saints sank.

What Mother Meng said was too hard.

If this is the case, their disciples will not have the slightest chance of life in the future.

"Hehe, why do fellow Daoists speak angry words?"

Taishang sighed in his heart, it seems that the ancient starry sky has scored another point today.

This time, though, it's also good for them.

If they really let the Wu clan get out of the underworld, maybe they can find a way to make a stumbling block in the reincarnation in the future.

"Okay, I promise"

When Taishang thought of this, he promised the land.

A few people quasi-mentioned directly exploded their lungs.

The voice said, "Brother Dao, do you want to use your share to give to Houtu?"

It is impossible for them to take out this part of the luck and merit from Buddhism.

Now there are four people assigned.

One more person is absolutely not allowed.

"Brother Dao, why only look at the present moment?"

"Oh? What's the meaning of this?"

Zhunti asked inexplicably, "Once I promise to let the Wu clan take a share of the pie, won't I lose some of the merits of qi luck?"

"It's like this right now, but in the long run, if the Wu clan is out of reincarnation because of this!"

"With the fertility of the witch clan, extinction is impossible to strengthen the ancient starry sky and the six paths of reincarnation!"

"The Wu clan and the back soil discovered the six paths of reincarnation. Wouldn't we also have a chance to touch the merit and luck of the six paths of reincarnation?"

Hearing the words, Zhun Ti suddenly realized.

His eyes lit up, and he said with a voice transmission, "Fellow Daoist, Gao!"

It seems to be temporarily giving up some of the luck merits.

But in the long run.

They also have the opportunity to occupy the six reincarnations.

All forces entered the field and entered the cycle of reincarnation.

At that time, Houtu will lose both the ancient starry sky and the six reincarnations.

"Okay, I agree too!"

Yuanyuan glanced at Zhunti unexpectedly, how did this kid agree in a blink of an eye?

· · · Flowers · · ·

However, seeing Taishang winking wildly at himself. ,

Even if Yuanyuan was puzzled, he nodded, "I agree too!"

In the end, there is still an introduction, and naturally there is no opinion.

"No, my demon clan also has to occupy part of the starry sky!"

Nu Wa was anxious.

Seeing that the witch clan in the back soil has occupied a part of the starry sky.

How can her demon clan fall behind?

If she loses the opportunity in the ancient starry sky again, what future does her demon clan have in the future?

Is it possible that you really want to stay in a cold place full of resentment like Beiju Luzhou for the rest of your life?


"Junior sister, the ancient starry sky has no relationship with your demon clan!"

Taishang has no plans for the demon clan.

Naturally, it is impossible to treat the witch clan the same way.

Rejected directly.

Where did your demon clan come from and go back to.

The ancient starry sky has nothing to do with you.

Nuwa's face was sullen, and her eyebrows stood upright.

She must not miss this opportunity.

Splashed directly and said, "If you don't agree, your forces in the ancient starry sky will never be established!"

"Anyway, the demon clan now looks like this, and I don't care if it gets worse!"

What is she going to do?

Is this the rhythm that is going to break with them?

Yuan Yuan sneered, "Junior sister, you think too much!"

"Even if you want to wait with me to wait for the fish to die and the net to break, I'm afraid that the net will not break if the fish die!"

Of our four saints, you are one.

What are we fighting for?

Moreover, Buddhism and his teaching disciples are much stronger than those of the demon clan's lingering generation.

If the two sides really work together.

Only the demon clan suffers, and he will not lose the slightest bit of teaching and Buddhism.Inch.

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