With a strange expression on his face, he said, "Is this Tongtian really stupid?"

He couldn't get along with his Buddhism, and he took away a large number of the lowest human race.

What is he going to do?

"¨~ Junior Brother, why are you absent-minded?"

Ying Yin was stunned for a moment, and asked Zhao Zhun a question.

"Senior brother, that Tongtian doesn't know what's going on insane, to actually charge a lot of mortals who believe in my Western Buddhism!"


Jie Yin's face is strange, is this Tongtian crazy?

"Strange, what did he do to accept me as a mortal who was based on Buddhist beliefs after his death?"

What are these mortals for?

It is nothing more than to increase the luck of Buddhism and provide the power of faith.

With his sky-high fortune, can he still withstand the consumption of thousands of human races?

You know, he Buddhism only regards these people as tool people.

It is only used to provide faith for Buddhism.

However, this Tongtian taught him as a disciple of the sect.

This relationship is different.

It is considered a disciple in the income door, but it consumes the luck of intercepting the teaching.

Now that Tongtian has just fallen to the Holy Land, his own luck will not drop much (the king is good).

After taking in so many human races, you think he didn't kill him fast enough?

"Forget it, I'll wait and chase the Hongmeng Purple Qi first, and talk about the rest later!"

Jie Yin glanced at the three saints in front of him, and still felt that the most important thing was the purple qi.

To mention it, it is also the most important thing about Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Immediately add your passing Babel thing to the back of your mind.

Going to chase the Hongmeng Purple Qi again.

the other side.

Tongtian received a lot of Human Race references along the way.

Most of them are collected from the Buddhist site Xiniu Hezhou.

After entering Jinao Island.

Tongtian put these people on Jinao Island.

"Disciples, I brought you juniors and juniors for the master!"


The crowded heads stood directly on Jinao Island.

There are people all over the land.

Even the Virgin of Wudang and others were stunned.

"Master...you...what are you doing?".

Chapter 195

More people means more power.

Countless human races joined the interception, and the first thing Tongtian did was let them directly swear and swear.

Make a vicious oath of heaven.

As long as they sit down and add karma to their bodies, let them get out of the way.

This group of people have changed the world, and now they are in this unfamiliar place.

And these immortals again, how dare they say nothing.

He made an oath on the spot and entered the interception teaching one by one.

After getting started.

These people are looking forward to Tongtian, looking at Tongtian eagerly.

Waiting for Tongtian to teach them the exercises to practice so that they can live forever.

Mother Wudang and others also thought that Tongtian had accepted so many disciples, and they also wanted to teach them the Supreme Purity Immortal Law.

Who knows Tongtian does not.

With a big wave of his hand, he took out the hoes, nails, rakes and other items that had been brought from their respective homes.

It was delivered to each of them with great precision.

"Now, there are countless peach and fairy fruits over there, you can pick them at will!"

"Eat one and live forever!"

Holy crap, this teacher is doing a good job!

It comes up to give Xiantao Xianguo, and if you eat it, you will live forever.

It directly saves them tens of thousands of years of penance.

These mortals were very excited on the spot, and they were grateful to Tongtian.

He knelt down on the ground black and pressed, knocking the ground.

"After eating these fairy fruits, don't throw away the kernels, use the hoe I gave you to plant these kernels!"

"I'll give each of you a bucket to water the tree seeds with the spiritual liquid I distributed!"

It was arranged the same way.

Those mortals swarmed towards the place where the fairy fruit was planted.

The gang of disciples who had been planted had black lines all over their heads.

The fruit of the innate spiritual root that he possessed was actually eaten for these juniors and juniors.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit looked at an elderly lady in front of her.

Said, "Junior sister, don't get excited, it's just the innate spiritual fruit. There are so many on Jinao Island. You can eat as much as you want in the future!"

The old lady was taken aback.

Screaming "Mom, help! There are monsters!"

I. . . .

Our Lady of Jinling was speechless on the spot, where is the old lady a monster?

I am innate spirit root, can I wait with my feet?

Tens of millions of the disciples of the interception ate the fairy fruit, and they became immortals on the spot, directly immortal.

back to youth.

Those babies and children, one by one, became infinitely powerful, waving hoes and nails.

That is more like a finger.

On the entire Jinao Island, most of the congenital spirit fruits were planted in a blink of an eye.

"Hahaha~~~ merit, this is all merit!" 0

Tongtian looked at the disciples who were doing their best.

A smile on his face.

In this way, in less than three days, he can completely plant the innate spiritual roots on the entire Jinao Island of Tongtian.

The restoration of the earth's spiritual veins is only in the past few days.

"Fellow Daoist Zhong Xuan is really amazing. If I meet him, I will never be able to cultivate good fortune in eight lifetimes!"

Tongtian was full of joy.

This time, he has so much merit in his hands, and he is still afraid of what five sages are compared to Hongjun Laoyin.

Lao Tzu has merits and virtues in hand, and I am afraid of you as a bird.

Jinao Island is in full swing.

Not to be outdone on the Longevity Mountain over there, this time Zhen Yuanzi was scolded by Zhong Xuan.

I saw what Tongtian was doing on Jinao Island.

After returning to his home, he realized that he had too few disciples.

Direct income from one city to another.

Moreover, the chassis targeted by Zhen Yuanzi is also the seat of Buddhist beliefs on Hezhou, Xiniu.

After Tathagata went back, that Tongtian had subsided, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, his brows furrowed.

Because the loss of the Buddhist faith has not stopped.

Instead, it became more ferocious.

Looking back, it turned out that Zhen Yuanzi did it.

Worth, are these two people deliberately trying to oppose his Western Buddhism?

Tathagata specially went to see Zhen Yuanzi once, but.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't ignore him at all.

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