In the end, everything was explained to God's will.

But I don't know that the mastermind behind the scenes is the old Yinbi Hongjun.

"Brother Dao, how can I get the protection of heaven?"

Tongtian is a little worried, Hongjun can even calculate the way of heaven.

They have sought the protection of Heavenly Dao, is there any use in the end?

"It's very simple, merit!"

Zhong Xuanyi said simply and horribly, "merit is bestowed by heaven, and those who have merit have continuous luck, and all the opportunities for magic treasures come one after another!"

"Those with low merit and even karma are disgusted by Heaven!"

"When I released the souls of countless human ancestors in the ancient starry sky, I provoked boundless evil spirits to come to the floods, and almost made the calamity come!"

"This invites the Heavenly Dao to descend, so it is said that the Heavenly Dao is very disgusting with karma-ridden people!"

"Brother Zhenyuan saw this with his own eyes!".

Chapter 193

Zhen Yuanzi sounded the scene in the ancient starry sky that day.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen the curse descend.

Involuntarily nodded.

"So, the best way now is to plant trees!"

"A variety of innate spiritual roots, restore the prehistoric landline as soon as possible, and we can also get huge merits!"

"Natural luck continues, don't worry about Na Hongjun and those five dog-legs plotting against us!"

After an explanation, the two finally got the hang of it.

Suddenly realized that he was full of energy.

Zhen Yuanzi rolled up his sleeves and said firmly, "Brother Zhong Xuan is right, if I have boundless merits and virtues, Na Hongjun will definitely not be able to count us!"

"Furthermore, this innate spiritual vein has recovered, and maybe the power of heaven can be strengthened!"

"Na Hongjun's calculations are going to come to nothing!"

"Yes, yes, I should plant a lot of trees when I wait. I will go back to Jinao Island, and try to plant all the innate spiritual roots on Jinao Island as soon as possible!"

As soon as he rolled up his sleeves, Tongtian was ready to fly back to Jinao Island.

Supervise a group of disciples to start planting trees.

Seeing this, Zhong Xuan hurriedly stopped the two of them, "Hold on, you two are too slow!"

These two goods, especially Zhen Yuanzi.

Planting a tree can't be ruthless, and around his Longevity Mountain, even at this moment, the ground is not full of innate spiritual roots.

Not to mention the chaotic root, it is a tree that has never been seen.

Zhong Xuan hated iron and said, "Brother Zhenyuanzi, can you make some snacks?"

"I asked you to recruit more disciples, why are you still so few?"

What, it's been so long.

When Zhen Yuanzi heard the words, he smiled embarrassedly on the spot.

For a long time, his disciples had passed away, except for those who had been collected in that city.

Never took a single person again.

"Fellow Daoist, how can we speed up?"

Tongtian is unknown, and he wants to quickly plant the innate spiritual roots.

So that his merits are more than [-] million points.

"Simple, accept more disciples, more people are more powerful!"

"Although they are not good at fighting, there is definitely no problem in planting trees. If you have enough people on Jinao Island!"

"You can plant them all in one day!"

After speaking, Tongtian's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Will accepting so many disciples damage his luck in intercepting the teaching?

After all, when he intercepted the teaching in the Battle of Conferred God.

It is because the disciples under the sect are mixed, and there is no treasure to suppress Qi Luck.

As a result, the four sages gave him a lot of calculations.

Now Tongtian doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

"Fellow Daoist, there are too many disciples in this sect, will it hurt my luck in intercepting the teaching?"

Tongtian is quite worried about this.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist, Daoist Zhong Xuan has already figured out a solution!"

At the beginning, Zhong Xuan fooled him into opening the mountain gate and telling him the method of collecting disciples.

After Tongtian heard it, he was stunned on the spot.

"Nima, there is such a way? Why didn't I think of it at the beginning?"

This way is good.

As long as the disciples make an oath after entering the door, this detrimental thing can be stopped immediately.

As long as the disciples under the sect do things that are detrimental to the rules of the sect, they violate the oath of heaven.

On the spot, you will be taken out of the mountain gate and stop loss in time.

It won't let his luck to intercept the teaching be lost.

"Great, great~"

Tongtian gave Zhong Xuan a thumbs up.

He was in awe.

Zhong Xuan's face was indifferent, and this forced pretence was perfect.

"Furthermore, the disciples you accepted are just asking them to plant trees. This is a matter of merit and virtue!"

"These disciples only have merit and no karma!"

"Isn't it a great benefit for you to intercept the teaching?"


Zhong Xuan refreshed Zhen Yuanzi and Tongtian with a word.

"Yes, yes~~~ Daoist Zhong Xuan is right, the poor Daoist will go down to the world and recruit disciples from one city to another!"

I have to say that this approach is pretty good.

Tongtian was eager to try.

I can't wait to plant the entire Jinao Island with innate spiritual roots immediately.

"Fellow Daoist, let's say goodbye first, let's go to recruit disciples to plant my innate spiritual roots on Jinao Island, and strive to restore the spiritual veins of the earth as soon as possible!"

Tongtian turned around resolutely and went to those big cities to recruit disciples.

Seeing this, Zhenyuanzi thought that there was an old yin than Hongjun Daozu on his head.

He couldn't sit still, and left again and again.

"Hey~ let you bastards not be active, let's see if you can speed up and plant trees for me!"

There is Hongjun's sharp sword hanging above their heads, and it may be cut off at any time.

How could Tong Tian and Zhen Yuanzi not actively plant trees?

This goes.

Tongtian came directly to the city of the human race.

Without further ado, he immediately began to pretend to be prepared to recruit disciples.

Where have those mortals ever seen such an imposing immortal?

Tongtian has teachings and no distinctions, and no one refuses to come.

No matter if you are young or old, or disabled or mentally handicapped.

Take it straight away.

All involved in Jinao Island.

Not only that, one city is not enough, he also got several cities in a row.

Inside the Western Buddhist Spiritual Mountain.

Tathagata Buddha frowned.

The luck of his Buddhism in the world has disappeared in large quantities.

In a blink of an eye, several countries disappeared.

"Strange, now that my Buddhist sage has returned, who else dares to risk the world to go against my Buddhism?"

The Tathagata frowned and counted, but nothing came out.

"Forget it, let me go for a walk and see, who is the daring person who dares to oppose my Buddhism!"

The Tathagata directly rode the clouds toward those worldly fates that were rapidly disappearing.

When they arrived at a city, the building was already empty.

an entire country.

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