"Hey~~ I miss Huang Hanhan and the others so much, let me plant that hilltop, doesn't this cost my life!"

The red boy muttered for a while, but planting trees was never his wailing.

However, Zhong Xuan had an order, but he didn't dare to obey.

Resisting the hoe and a group of little monsters, they pulled out all the innate spiritual roots at the foot of the mountain.

"Master, where do these unwanted spiritual roots go?"

The red boy looked left and right, and the densely packed ones were filled with Linggenyun.

The chassis of the innate spiritual root will also be planted with the chaotic spiritual root.

These uprooted innate spiritual roots are naturally useless.

It will take up space to put it in Huaguo Mountain.

"Whatever, throw it where you want!"

Zhong Xuan didn't care how to deal with these innate spiritual roots, anyway, to him.

There are as many spiritual roots as there are.

If there are enough people to plant trees, he can fill the entire prehistoric land with such spiritual roots in one day. .

Chapter 180

Red Boy looked left and right, and still felt like throwing these things out.

Pinch Fa Jue and open a hole in the Earth Vein Great Array.

He threw out Chen Cheng's piles of innate spiritual roots.

Tongtian is squatting on the ground to study the ley lines.

However, after studying for a long time, he could not see through the trajectory of this formation.

Let Tongtian be shocked.

Who is he?

Master Tongtian, one of the saints.

Moreover, he is also the founder of the Prehistoric Formation, if the cultivation of the formation is concerned.

He said the second in the whole flood, no one dared to be the first.

But now, he was stumped.

This Earth Vein Formation made him, the No. [-] formation in the wilderness, helpless.

"It's strange, how is this formation similar to Zhen Yuanzi's book formation, but it is countless times more powerful than that formation!"

Tongtian was digging his head in a hurry.

Damn, he can't handle this thing?

"No, I am the sect master of Tongtian, how can I be stumped by a small formation?"

At this moment, the large formation of ley lines next to it cracked open.

Tongtian was about to look inside when suddenly a bunch of trees were thrown from the crack.

There's still plenty of life on it, and it looks like it's just been chopped off.

"Huh? This...is this the innate spiritual root?"

Tongtian took a closer look, what kind of ordinary tree is this.

It's something special at all.

Moreover, it is still comparable to the innate spiritual roots of the top ten innate spiritual roots.

"Fuck, this... Who threw out the innate spiritual roots so lavishly?"

In the prehistoric times, including Zhen Yuanzi's fruit of life and the queen mother's peach. ,,

, a total of ten innate spiritual roots.

All of them are precious, and there are actually a bunch of innate spiritual roots here.

Moreover, the people in the formation were still throwing them outside.

His face twitched, and the innate spiritual roots piled up in front of Tongtian had already piled up into a mountain.

His jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

"No... no way, there are still life fruits and peach trees here?"

There are even a few bitter bamboos in the hands of Western Buddhist quan-ti.

At this time, Tongtian looked at Huaguo Mountain.

Already in deep horror.

What kind of family is this?

The foundation is so thick that even the innate spiritual roots are thrown out in piles.

Tongtian's eyes moved, it seemed that there was no innate spiritual root on Jinao Island in his own home.

These innate spiritual roots, if you take them all back and plant them. . .


My own Jinao Island might be able to rejuvenate and restore the innate spiritual energy.

"Hahaha~~~ It's great, with these innate spiritual roots, my Jinao Island is the first in the wild... ah no, it's the second paradise!"

I wanted to say number one, but I looked at Huaguo Mountain, which was still throwing its innate spiritual roots out.

Still dismissed the idea.

"Excuse me... don't you want this innate spiritual root?"

Tongtian asked the person in the crack with the bearing of a saint.

The red boy was stunned for a moment, then got out from the inside and looked at Tongtian Sect Master.

"Who are you? Why are you wandering outside my Huaguo Mountain?"

"I'm a communicator... a psychic Taoist, seeing you guys throwing these spiritual roots here, I came to ask if you want these spiritual roots?"

The red boy suddenly realized.

Emotional You is a bum who is attracted by the innate spiritual roots.

"No, no, no, I'll give you everything you want!"

Tongtian's face twitched, and he was looked at again with the eyes of a bumpkin.

I saw his face turn red.

A dignified saint is actually with a little baby. .Wow grass~~ This little brat turned out to be a late-stage quasi-sage cultivation base?

Many years have not been in the prehistoric period, has the prehistoric climate changed so quickly now?

Even a little brat who is less than five hundred years old is actually a late-stage quasi-sage?

Tongtian felt that he himself could not keep up with the times.

"Yes, didn't Mr. Hongjun say that this world will usher in the end of the law and the calamity, the innate aura becomes the acquired aura, and the acquired aura becomes no aura?"

What is going on with this mountain-like innate spiritual root?

And this little brat's cultivation, can you explain it to me too?

"No, just take it away and improve the spiritual energy that was planted in your dojo!"

The red boy threw out all the innate spiritual roots, holding his hands behind his back like a little adult.

Shaking his head, he said, "Poor, I don't even have an innate spiritual energy in my practice!"

Forehead. . .

Tongtian sect master blushed, and was despised by this kid again.

"By the way, brother, let me ask you something!"

Tongtian remembered the purpose of his coming here, "Can all the disciples be here?"

"No, they have been brought back to Jin'ao Island by the uncle Wudang Notre Dame!"

After the red boy finished speaking, he left, and the cracks in the Earth Vessel Array closed.

"Uncle Notre Dame? Could this kid be the one I intercepted?"

Tongtian's face was overjoyed.

The disciples that he intercepted, the three generations of disciples turned out to be all late quasi-sages.

What the hell! ! !

Tongtian brows kept beating.

He came up with an idea, and later he went to see the original Tianzun and Taishang, as well as the two Westerners.

Just bring this kid and give a grand introduction.

This is the grandson of my Tongtian, the late quasi-sage.

Do you have any?

As soon as he thought of the livid faces of the Primitive and the others, Tongtian felt unusually comfortable.

"Quack quack~~Just do it!"

After a strange laugh, Tong Tian took a deep look at the ley lines in front of him.

"What a powerful formation, I didn't even feel how this formation works and how it was opened!"

After Tongtian collected a bunch of innate spiritual roots.

Looking at the leyline array in front of him, he seemed excited.

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