Zhong Xuan said regretfully, "It's a pity, I still want to see you old cow with a changed body!"

I don't know if this guy has two horns, the fox and Princess Tie Fan in Jilei Mountain will still like him.

Who knew that this stupid cow didn't want to change his body.

Satisfied, he got the soul of the disciple who intercepted the teaching.

Wudang and Jin Hoopian brought a bottle of Kaitian water spirit and a bunch of Kaitian earth spirits from Zhong Xuan from the four seas, and returned to Jin'ao Island satisfied.

After I went back, I didn't say a word, I just took out a congenital peach and a congenital fruit of life.

Each of the two ate one in front of the souls of the fellow apprentices.

"Well, it's really fragrant, as expected of the spiritual fruit planted by the predecessors!"

"It's very, very, very, very, I took a bite, and suddenly felt that the body was crystal clear!"

"This thing has a lot of effects on the primordial spirit and the physical body!"

The two were happy to eat, and immediately threw a group of teachers and brothers behind their heads.

Wen Zhong: . . .

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit: . . . .

Zhao Gongming: . . . .

After the two finished eating, they each burped.

What spewed out was an indigestible terrifying aura. Luo Xuan, who was in front of him, was sprayed into his soul by this spiritual energy.

It was like eating a big tonic pill on the spot.

The real soul is full of energy, and the dim soul body that is about to dissipate has become real and less illusory.

"Sure enough, it seems that all the senior brothers are saved now!"

"Quick, Senior Sister, let's quickly plant spiritual roots and let all the senior brothers come back to life!"

Among the souls of the sect, there are Zhao Gongming and Qiongxiao and Bixiao.

There are also the Virgin of the Golden Spirit Wen Zhong and others.

They were all staring at them.

Spread the Kaitian Earth Spirit on the place where the spiritual energy is most abundant on Jinao Island.

Then plant a peach root.

Jin Hoop Fairy said, "You're going to be the first one to come?"

Countless souls were excited.

However, in the end, everyone pushed the Virgin of the Golden Spirit out.

Who made her the eldest sister?

The soul of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit entered the peach core.

It was buried with soil, and then poured down with a handful of Kaitian Water Spirit.

Immediately, the peach pit grew wildly.

Almost instantly rooted in the Kaitian Earth Spirit, madly absorbing countless good luck.

A bud burst out of the ground, and in a blink of an eye it grew into a towering tree.

The blooming and falling of flowers are completed in an instant, and the whole branch is covered with abundant fruits.

The face of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was revealed on the peach tree.

Surprised and said, "It's done, I feel that my background is countless times stronger than before!"

Compared to her previous foundation.

Now this is called the foundation of enlightenment, and the body before was a fart.

Even the Virgin of the Golden Spirit has a lot of feelings.

She is really grateful for this conferred god calamity, if not for this, how could she have obtained this body made of innate spiritual roots?

"Senior sister, is it okay to have such a party and government?"

The souls of Zhao Gongming and others were extremely curious.

After all, it's a big deal about their return.

· · · Flowers · · ·

"My current state is not too good. Compared with the previous body, I have to thank the Jade Emperor for killing this time!"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was overjoyed. ,

This time I really got lucky.

If he hadn't been on the Conferred God List, he would have been beaten to death by the Jade Emperor.

He has not been able to further his foundation, and his achievements are comparable to his master's general background.

You must know that Sanqing, Zhen Yuanzi and the others have the supreme qualifications of the [-]th rank.

There are only a few people in the entire flood.

All have names.

Sanqing, the two Westerners, Dijun Taiyi, Nuwa Fuxi, and Zhenyuanzi Hongyun Minghe Kunpeng.

Only they can achieve the qualifications of the [-]th rank of Huakai.

Even Xuandu, the disciple of the Supreme Sage, Duobao and the others are just eleventh grade flowers.

.... 0

Now, she is a blessing in disguise and has become a supreme qualification.

Only when the foundation is solid can we have the capital to impact preaching.

"Quick, quick~~ Senior Sister, quickly plant it for me too!"

"Give it to me first, I can't wait!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

A group of disciples who intercepted the teachings strengthened their foundation in a blink of an eye when they saw the Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Suddenly the monkey became anxious.

A group of souls quarreled.

They all compete to go to the peach pit planted by the golden hoop fairy.

"What's the hurry? All line up for me!"

Mother Wudang's face darkened, although she understood the urgency of the brothers and sisters in her heart.

But this is going to make her very upset.

Seeing the eldest sister's anger, everyone immediately persuaded.

They lined up in the order of entry, and lined up in an orderly manner.

Zhao Gongming smiled proudly, and took the lead to step into the peach pit.

Bury the soil and pour some water, and in an instant, a congenital divine appeared on Jinao Island.

"Hahaha~~~ I, Zhao Gongming, are finally divine!"

"Primordial Heavenly Venerate, I think you dare to call me a beast who intercepts the disciples, a beast that is wet and egg-shaped, and criticizes hair and feathers!!!"

When he was in Kunlun Mountain that year, the disciples of Nachan taught the original Tianzun.

But they look down on them intercepting the disciples very much.

Taste the word that hangs on your mouth is that wet eggs are made of hair and feathers.

Now, they intercept and teach their disciples to achieve innate holiness.

The talent for heels is not much lower than your original Heavenly Venerate. I see what face you have to say that my disciples are beasts.Inch.

Chapter 172

Intercept a group of disciples to start planting trees.

The entire Jinao Island was opened up by Saint Tongtian.

The area is similar to that of the prehistoric continent.

As soon as the innate spiritual root was planted here, Zhong Xuan unexpectedly received the system task.

[Ding~~ You have a new task, please pay attention to check it! 】

[Task: Plant the spiritual roots all over Jinao Island, and restore the innate spiritual veins of Jinao Island! 】

[Reward: Array Secret Solution (Basic Array to Chaos Array, all-inclusive, all-inclusive, learned to be a master of all chaotic arrays!)]

Zhong Xuan lay on the pure white lotus and accepted the task calmly.

That Golden Ao Island is boundless.

I don't know when it will be until those disciples are completely planted with innate spiritual roots.

Besides, the Human Race Datang had not been fully planted before.

"These people are too slow to plant trees. It seems that my confidant love will have to be sent out!"

Zhong Xuan glanced at the six Huang Shi brothers who had become a little melancholy because of nothing to do.

Put them in the Huaguo Mountain, there is no more land to plant.

It's a waste of talent too.

It's time for them to go to Datang and help the Tang King to plant trees.

Presumably, with their experience, they will soon be able to plant the innate spiritual roots in the Tang Dynasty.

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